
2024大島由佳Torsion Pendulum with Interferometric Readout for Low-Frequency Gravity Gradient Observation
2024高野哲Cryogenic Monolithic Interferometer for Low-frequency Gravitational Wave Observation
2021川﨑拓也Milligram-Scale Optomechanical Systems for Macroscopic Quantum Experiments
2020武田紘樹Tests of Alternative Theories of Gravity through Gravitational-Wave Polarizations
2020有冨尚紀Frequency-Dependent Squeezed Vacuum Source with Filter Cavity Control using Coherent Control Sidebands for Gravitational-Wave Detectors
2019榎本雄太郎Interferometer Locking Scheme for Advanced Gravitational-Wave Detectors and Beyond
2019下田智文Cryogenic Torsion Pendulum for Observing Low-frequency Gravity Gradient Fluctuation
2019長野晃士Control scheme for a Fabry-Perot type interferometric space gravitational wave antenna
2018小森健太郎Optomechanical Torsion Pendulum for Measurement of Quantum Radiation Pressure Fluctuation
2015牛場崇文Laser Frequency Stabilization with a Cryogenic Optical Cavity
2014道村唯太Tests of Lorentz Invariance with an Optical Ring Cavity (Springer)
2014正田亜八香Development of a High-Angular-Resolution Antenna for Low-Frequency Gravitational-Wave Observation
2013松本伸之Direct Measurement of Quantum Back-Action in a Macroscopic System (Springer)
2012穀山渉Spaceborne Rotating Torsion-Bar Antenna for Low-Frequency Gravitational-Wave Observations
2009石徹白晃治Search for low-frequency gravitational waves using a superconducting magnetically-levitated torsion antenna
2005麻生洋一Active Vibration Isolation for a Laser Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detector using a Suspension Point Interferometer
2002高森昭光Low Frequency Seismic Isolation for Gravitational Wave Detectors
2002沼田健司Direct measurement of mirror thermal noise
2001新井宏二Robust extraction of control signals for power-recycled interferometric gravitational-wave detectors
2000山元一広Study of the thermal noise caused by inhomogeneously distributed loss
1999栃久保邦治Development of 300-m Fabry-Perot cavity with automatic alignment control
1998安東正樹Power recycling for an interferometric gravitational wave detector
1998河邊径太Development of a 3-meter Fabry-Perot-Michelson Interferometer for Gravitational Wave Detection
1997近藤尚人Disk-type resonant antenna with a laser transducer for monitoring gravitational waves
1994新谷昌人Optical Mode Cleaner for the Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detector

※ 2012年度以前のものは坪野研時代の博士論文です。

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