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Echoes from the Abyss: Evidence for Planck-scale structure at black hole horizons
2016-12-13 (火) 11:55:28
Resonator with ultra-high length stability as a probe for Equivalence-Principle-violating physics
2016-12-13 (火) 13:19:57
Advanced LIGO: length sensing and control in a dual recycled interferometric gravitational wave antenna
2016-12-19 (月) 08:56:44
Geometric control theory for quantum back-action evasion
2016-12-20 (火) 10:49:30
Measurable signatures of quantum mechanics in a classical spacetime
2016-12-26 (月) 14:32:15
Nonlinear Dynamics and Strong Cavity Cooling of Levitated Nanoparticles
2016-12-26 (月) 14:50:35
Limiting the effects of earthquakes on gravitational-wave interferometers
2016-12-26 (月) 15:32:04
Quantum enhanced feedback cooling of a mechanical oscillator using nonclassical light
2016-12-26 (月) 15:34:43
Probing Spontaneous Wave-Function Collapse with Entangled Levitating Nanospheres
2016-12-26 (月) 15:36:05
Sound of Dark Matter: Searching for Light Scalars with Resonant-Mass Detectors
2016-12-30 (金) 12:50:40
Evidence for vacuum birefringence from the first optical-polarimetry measurement of the isolated neutron star RX J1856.5−3754
2016-12-30 (金) 12:53:36
Measurement-Induced Macroscopic Superposition States in Cavity Optomechanics
2016-12-30 (金) 12:57:28
Observation of Optomechanical Quantum Correlations at Room Temperature
2017-01-30 (月) 18:38:06
Laser Interferometers as Dark Matter Detectors
2017-02-03 (金) 09:28:03
Cosmic Bell Test: Measurement Settings from Milky Way Stars
2017-02-08 (水) 03:57:01
Experimental Realization of a Thermal Squeezed State of Levitated Optomechanics
2017-02-08 (水) 04:07:33
An intermediate-mass black hole in the centre of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae
2017-02-10 (金) 11:59:29
Beating the standard sensitivity-bandwidth limit of cavity-enhanced interferometers with internal squeezed-light generation
2017-02-11 (土) 15:56:04
Proposal for an Optomechanical Bell Test
2017-02-11 (土) 15:59:02
LISA pathfinder appreciably constrains collapse models
2017-02-11 (土) 16:02:44
Experimental bounds on collapse models from gravitational wave detectors
2017-02-11 (土) 16:05:32
Is Quantum Mechanics An Island In Theoryspace?
2017-02-14 (火) 10:52:28
Quantum correlation measurements in interferometric gravitational wave detectors
2017-02-21 (火) 10:00:40
Collapse-induced Orientational Localization of Rigid Rotors
2017-02-21 (火) 14:00:38
Sub-Doppler cooling of neutral atoms in a grating magneto-optical trap
2017-02-28 (火) 20:36:19
Laser cooling with a single laser beam and a planar diffractor
2017-02-28 (火) 20:36:53
Optomechanical devices based on traveling-wave microresonators
2017-03-01 (水) 22:12:54
Laser-Frequency Stabilization via a Quasimonolithic Mach-Zehnder Interferometer with Arms of Unequal Length and Balanced dc Readout
2017-03-01 (水) 22:18:27
Constraining the generalized uncertainty principle with the gravitational wave event GW150914
2017-03-01 (水) 22:21:53
Pico-Kelvin thermometry and temperature stabilization using a resonant optical cavity
2017-03-01 (水) 22:26:37
Higher-order Laguerre–Gauss modes in (non-) planar four-mirror cavities for future gravitational wave detectors
2017-03-01 (水) 22:28:43
Beating the standard sensitivity-bandwidth limit of cavity-enhanced interferometers with internal squeezed-light generation
2017-03-01 (水) 22:35:00
Experimental Realization of a Thermal Squeezed State of Levitated Optomechanics
2017-03-02 (木) 10:34:13
Models of wave-function collapse, underlying theories, and experimental tests
2017-03-02 (木) 10:37:37
A proposal for the experimental detection of CSL induced random walk
2017-03-02 (木) 10:39:45
Proposal for a Noninterferometric Test of Collapse Models in Optomechanical Systems
2017-03-02 (木) 10:53:37
Direct detection of classically undetectable dark matter through quantum decoherence
2017-03-02 (木) 11:12:15
Nanogravity gradiometer based on a sharp optical nonlinearity in a levitated particle optomechanical system
2017-03-02 (木) 21:35:09
Testing the Speed of Gravitational Waves over Cosmological Distances with Strong Gravitational Lensing
2017-03-08 (水) 09:49:58
Cryogenically cooled ultra low vibration silicon mirrors for gravitational wave observatories
2017-03-08 (水) 11:56:33
Free Nano-Object Ramsey Interferometry for Large Quantum Superpositions
2017-03-21 (火) 02:26:40
The ALP miracle: unified inflaton and dark matter
2017-04-19 (水) 17:10:41
Preparing for advanced LIGO: A Star-Galaxy Separation Catalog for the Palomar Transient Factory
2017-04-21 (金) 09:54:03
Alignment sensing for optical cavities using radio frequency jitter modulation
2017-04-21 (金) 09:59:05
Detecting Casimir torque with an optically levitated nanorod
2017-05-17 (水) 12:37:00
Axion Detection with Cavity Arrays
2017-05-17 (水) 12:45:36
Bistability and squeezing the librational mode of an optically trapped nanoparticle
2017-05-17 (水) 12:45:49
Multi-spatial-mode effects in squeezed-light-enhanced interferometric gravitational wave detectors
2017-05-17 (水) 16:05:15
Speedmeter scheme for gravitational-wave detectors based on EPR quantum entanglement
2017-05-17 (水) 16:05:36
Audio-band coating thermal noise measurement for Advanced LIGO with a multimode optical resonator
2017-05-17 (水) 16:07:25
Low thermal fluctuations in a system heated out of equilibrium
2017-05-17 (水) 16:08:21
Force-induced transparency and conversion between slow and fast lights in optomechanics
2017-05-26 (金) 16:25:12
Cavity optomechanics with surface acoustic waves
2017-05-26 (金) 16:33:35
Deeper Cooling of Micromechanical Motion by Quadrature Squeezing Beyond the Resolved Sideband Limit
2017-05-26 (金) 16:37:36
Optical levitation of a microdroplet containing a single quantum dot
2017-05-26 (金) 16:49:16
Improving Broadband Displacement Detection with Quantum Correlations
2017-05-26 (金) 16:55:52
Straightforward method to measure optomechanically induced transparency
2017-06-01 (木) 09:34:22
An axion-like scalar field environment effect on binary black hole merger
2017-06-12 (月) 13:12:38
Mechanical characterisation of the TorPeDO: a low frequency gravitational force sensor
2017-06-12 (月) 13:13:02
A New Test of Lorentz Invariance Violation: The Spectral Lag Transition of GRB 160625B
2017-06-12 (月) 13:15:23
Bounds on Collapse Models from Matter-Wave Interferometry
2017-06-21 (水) 15:18:41
Ultra-low dissipation resonators for improving the sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors
2017-07-11 (火) 11:53:53
Levitated optomechanics with a fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer
2017-07-11 (火) 11:55:56
Low-frequency terrestrial tensor gravitational-wave detector
2017-07-12 (水) 15:31:31
Limits on Lorentz violation in gravity from worldwide superconducting gravimeters
2017-07-18 (火) 15:40:45
Deep Transfer Learning: A new deep learning glitch classification method for advanced LIGO
2017-07-18 (火) 15:47:12
Control strategy to limit duty cycle impact of earthquakes on the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors
2017-07-19 (水) 14:05:45
Engineering the optical spring via intra-cavity optical-parametric amplification
2017-08-17 (木) 11:34:49
Gravitational Quantum Hall Effect
2017-08-17 (木) 11:41:05
Quantum calculation of feedback cooling a laser levitated nanoparticle in the shot-noise-dominant regime
2017-08-17 (木) 13:33:04
Detecting continuous gravitational waves with superfluid 4He
2017-09-23 (土) 09:23:30
Towards the Fundamental Quantum Limit of Linear Measurements of Classical Signals
2017-10-09 (月) 20:54:01
Decoherence as a way to measure extremely soft collisions with dark matter
2017-10-10 (火) 12:19:27
Revealing Nonclassicality of Inaccessible Objects
2017-10-11 (水) 12:18:44
Constraining Formation Models of Binary Black Holes with Gravitational-wave Observations
2017-10-12 (木) 12:40:30
Decoherence of black hole superpositions
2017-10-12 (木) 12:47:39
Frequency-dependent responses in third generation gravitational-wave detectors
2017-10-12 (木) 12:52:47
Limits on Lorentz violation in gravity from worldwide superconducting gravimeters
2017-10-13 (金) 13:53:32
Measurement of Hubble constant with stellar-mass binary black holes
2017-10-17 (火) 20:55:44
Stochastic and Resolvable Gravitational Waves from Ultralight Bosons
2017-11-04 (土) 15:17:58
A robust single-beam optical trap for a gram-scale mechanical oscillator
2017-11-15 (水) 12:35:37
Deep Learning for Real-time Gravitational Wave Detection and Parameter Estimation: Results with Advanced LIGO Data
2017-11-15 (水) 12:40:13
Coherent inflation for large quantum superpositions of levitated microspheres
2017-11-15 (水) 12:43:18
Polarization-Based Tests of Gravity with the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background
2017-12-13 (水) 10:14:14
Particle Physics with Gravitational Wave Detector Technology
2017-12-22 (金) 16:37:18
Estimation of the gravitational wave polarizations from a non template search
2017-12-25 (月) 14:07:22
Optimizing signal recycling for detecting a stochastic gravitational-wave background
2018-01-17 (水) 10:22:47
Towards the Design of Gravitational-Wave Detectors for Probing Neutron-Star Physics
2018-01-17 (水) 10:33:27
A 6D interferometric inertial isolation system
2018-01-17 (水) 10:37:08
Is the squeezing of relic gravitational waves produced by inflation detectable?
2018-09-03 (月) 13:02:48
Last-modified: 2018-09-03 (月) 13:02:48