1ch PZT Driver †
How to use †
- Connect DC power. Default connector is HIROSE 4pin male (as usual) on the back panel. 6-30V DC power is acceptable (15V is desired).
- Connect PZT to "OUT" port and apply the control voltage to "IN" port.
- Offset is variable by adjusting a potentiometer "OFFSET".
- Output voltage is [IN+OFFSET] x 10
- "MON" port is a mirror of "OUT" port given by OUT / 100
Picture †
Transfer Function †
- Measured by S. Takano on 10/11/2021
- Gain is 20dB for OUT, -20dB for MON
- 2 poles at 9.8kHz
Output Noise †
- Measured by S. Takano on 10/11/2021
Notes †
- I found there are glitches around 60MHz. If you don't like them, you should add some filter.
Last-modified: 2021-11-15 (月) 23:16:01