* EPD and Spyder on Windows [#ra00d5d3]
** Installation [#tf72e858]

*** EPD [#d58c42fb]
First, download EPD. At the bottom of their [[download>http://www.enthought.com/products/getepd.php]] page, you will find a link to the academic version. You are asked to enter your email address issued by an academic institute. Then you will receive a message with a link to the download page of academic EPD.

Follow the link and download/install the EPD for your platform.

*** PyQT4 [#vaa03035]
To install Spyder, you need to install PyQT4 first.
Go to their [[download page>http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/download]]. Make sure to download the python-2.7 version.

*** Spyder [#l5d698dd]
Download the Windows binary from their [[website>http://code.google.com/p/spyderlib/]]. Currently, you need the beta version (2.1.0) to make it
work with EPD-7.1.

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