Welcome to Yuta Michimura’s web site!
My research is focused on instrument science and astronomy of gravitational waves. My work also involves various searches for new physics with laser interferometry.


  • 2021-05-25
  • 2021-04-14 (Seminars)
    • I gave a seminar talk on gravitational wave astronomy and physics at Matsumoto Group, Gakushuin University. Slides are here.
  • 2021-03-30 (Papers)
    • We have demonstrated a dual-pass differential Fabry–Perot interferometer for future space gravitational wave detecor such as DECIGO. We have successfully confirmed that necessary functions such as the adjustment of the absolute arm length can be achieved. The joint paper was published in Classical and Quantum Gravity. Class. Quantum Grav. 38, 085018 (2021)
  • 2021-03-19 (Papers)
  • 2021-03-18 (Papers)
    • We have pointed out that the sensitivity of interferometric gravitational wave detectors to ultralight vector dark matter can be drastically improved by considering the finite light-traveling time. We have also applied this for already existing LIGO constraints and updated the constraints by several orders of magnitude. The joint paper was published as a Letter in Physical Review D. Phys. Rev. D 103, L051702 (2021).
  • 2021-03-17 (InternationalConferences)
    • I gave online talks on optical levitation of a mirror (slides are here) and on the status of KAGRA (slides are here) at the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration Meeting.
  • 2021-03-16 (Papers)
    • KAGRA collaboration paper reporting the results from first cryogenic test operation was selected for CQG Highlights of 2019-20. Some of the best Classical and Quantum Gravity articles published in 2019 and the first half of 2020 were selected by the editorial board. I wrote the paper as one of the corresponding authors.
  • 2021-03-05 (Seminars)
    • We have hold an online joint seminar between Peter Wolf’s group in SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris. I gave an talk introducing our activities on laser interferometric searches for ultralight dark matter. Slides are here.
  • 2021-03-04 (JapaneseConferences)
    • I gave an online talk and had a group discussion on my research project “New dark matter search with high precision polarization measurements” at 14th Cross-PRESTO meeting. Slides are here.
  • 2021-02-06 (InternationalConferences)
    • I gave an online talk introducing B01 group on laser interferometers at the Transformative Research Area “Dark Matter” Symposium. Slides are here.
  • 2021-01-29
  • 2021-01-20 (Documents)
  • 2021-01-14 (Seminars)
    • I gave an online seminar talk on the optical levitation of a mirror at the Quantum Machines Seminar, OIST. Slides are here.

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