] [
* 所有機器リスト [#g934ee85]
** Lasers [#lasers]
*** B207 [#b207]
|~model (ser. no.)|~type|~wavelength|~max output|~experim...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras AdjustiK E15>AndoLabInstrumentsK...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras BoostiK HPA>AndoLabInstrumentsKo...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras BasiK ???>AndoLabInstrumentsKohe...
|NKT Photonics Koheras AdjustiK C15 (SN: KOH 1269)| fiber...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras BasiK X15 (SN: K172-103-605)>And...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras BasiK Y10 (SN: K102-102-605)>htt...
|NKT Photonics Koheras BasiK Y10 (SN: K0055114)| fiber| 1...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras AdjustiK E15 (SN: K0027203)>Ando...
|[[Thorlabs S3FC1550 >
|[[FITEL FRL15DCWD-A81-19480-C>
|Single Frequency Fiber Laser (Connet)| fiber | 1064nm | ...
|中川レーザー| fiber | tunable | 50mW | DANCE | [[manual>...
|Mephisto 500NE (SN: 1345)| free-space| 1064nm | ??? |TO...
|Mephisto 500 NE (SN: 1177)| free-space| 1064nm | 0.525 W...
|Mephisto 2000 NE (SN: 1557)| free-space| 1064nm | 2W |o...
*** B111 [#b111]
|~model (ser. no.)|~type|~wavelength|~max output|~experim...
|Coherent Mephisto 2000 (GDP.1309420.1887)| free-space| 1...
*** Broken [#p5a27ba4]
|~model (ser. no.)|~type|~wavelength|~max output|~note an...
|Mephisto M200NE (SN: 1226)| free-space| 1064nm | ??? | ...
|Lightwave 120-03A (SN: 504)| free-space| 1064nm | ? mW ...
|Lightwave 120-01A (SN: 402)| free-space| 1064nm | 4 mW ...
|Lightwave 120-01A (SN: 482)| free-space| 1064nm | ? mW ...
|Lightwave electronics 124-1064-050 (SN: 162)| free-space...
|Lightwave electronics 126-1064-50 (SN: 180)| free-space|...
*** ほしい物リスト [#pbc3cc9b]
- %%fiber laser, 1550 nm, which can change the output pow...
- %%free-space laser, 1064 nm, 2 W NPRO (for axion)%%
- fiber/free-space laser, 1064/1550 nm, 2 W or even highe...
- free-space, 1064 nm, low power for easy use
** 特注ミラー [#b64dc93c]
- [[特注ミラー>CustomMirrors]]
** 測定機器 [#cbed904e]
- 磁束計(Bartington): [[Mag649 + PSU1(power supply unit)>...
- 地震計(Sercel): [[Geophone L-4C & L-22E>AndoLabInstrume...
- 地震計(Güralp): [[Seismometer CMG-3ESPC>AndoLabInstrume...
- データロガー(Yokogawa): [[DL850E wiki>InternalDL850E]],...
- [[ファイバー非対称マイケルソン干渉計>AndoLabInstruments...
- [[Moku:Lab, Moku:Go>InternalMokuLab]]
- 分光器(Spectrometer): [[manual>
** アクチュエータ [#z92ecd88]
- [[Picomotor Controller 8752>AndoLabInstrumentsPico8752]]
- PZT driver for AVIT: [[M-2629>AndoLabInstrumentsM2629]]
- PZT driver (PI): [[E-665>AndoLabInstrumentsE665]]
- PZT driver (PI): [[E-610>AndoLabInstrumentsE610]]
- 1ch PZT driver: [[1ch Driver>AndoLabInstruments1chPZTDr...
** 回路 [#l128ceb5]
- [[Resonant RFPD circuit board>RFPD_circuit_board]]
- [[Filter circuit for Lorentz invariance test>Filter_cir...
- [[3rd-order LPF for Lorentz invariance test>3rd-order_L...
- [[Whitening Filter for Mag 649>Whitening_Filter_for_PEM...
- [[Whitening Filter for Mag 13>Whitening_Filter_for_Mag_...
- [[0.1-3Hzの位相補償回路(光学浮上)>0.1-3Hz_phase_compens...
- [[1-30Hzの位相補償回路(光学浮上)>1-30Hz_phase_compensat...
- [[ローパスフィルタ回路(光学浮上)>LPF_circuit]]
-[[Differential Amplifier>Differential Amplifier]]
- [[Photo sensor board (SG-2BC)>AndoLabInstrumentsSG2BC]]
- [[Coil driver board (4CH)>AndoLabInstrumentsCoildriverb...
- [[Offset adjustment and 4x4 matrix operation circuit bo...
- [[General filter circuit board>GeneralBoard]]
- [[DCQPD trans impedance circuit>DCQPD]]
- [[QPD Yaw/Pitch/Sum board>QPD_YPS]]
- [[Switchable filter curcuit (ST560)>ST560]]
- [[Offset-Sum circuit>Offset_Sum]]
- [[Offset-Sum-Monitor>AndoLabInstrumentsOffsetSumMonitor]]
- [[Offset+Lowpass circuit>AndoLabInstrumentsOffsetLowpas...
- [[TAMA300回路リスト>
** フォトダイオード [#c6d91b71]
** 光ファイバー部品 [#c97a1050]
** ビームプロファイラー [#c6d3aa1c]
|~model |~ser. no.|~wavelength|~note and options|
|CINOGY CMOS-1202|1202-U2-2121-0542|1064nm||
|CINOGY CMOS-1201|1201-U2-3317-0596|1064nm|三尾研からもら...
|CINOGY CMOS-1202 IR|1202-U2-0423-0659|1550nm||
|Thorlabs BP209IR1/M||1064nm, 1550nm||
** 真空槽 [#i7d793b6]
- [[大真空槽(E-1)>AndoLabInstrumentsVacChamE1]]
** 真空計 [#d2a01fc9]
- [[クリスタルイオンゲージ M-336MX>AndoLabInstrumentsM336...
- [[真空計コントローラ M-601GC>AndoLabInstrumentsM601GC]]
** Red Pitaya [#j396100f]
- [[Red Pitaya>InternalRedPitaya]]
** オペアンプIC [#ifa1519a]
|AD586|5V電圧リファレンス|[[Analog Devices>http://www.ana...
|AD587|10V電圧リファレンス|[[Analog Devices>
|AD698|LVDT用アンプ|[[Analog Devices>
|AD797|超低歪み,超低ノイズのすごいオペアンプ|[[Analog De...
|AD811|電流帰還型の広帯域オペアンプ|[[Analog Devices>http...
|AD829|高速オペアンプ|[[Analog Devices>http://www.analog....
|BUF634|電流バッファ|[[Texas Instruments>http://www.tij.c...
|LF356|JFET入力オペアンプ|[[Texas Instruments (旧National...
|LM319|コンパレータ,デュアル|[[Texas Instruments>http://...
|LT1028|超低ノイズの高速オペアンプ|[[Analog Devices (旧Li...
|MPY634|乗算器|[[Texas Instruments>
|OP07|汎用オペアンプ|[[Analog Devices>http://www.analog.c...
|OP27|汎用オペアンプ.OP07の高速・低雑音版|[[Analog Devic...
* 所有機器リスト [#g934ee85]
** Lasers [#lasers]
*** B207 [#b207]
|~model (ser. no.)|~type|~wavelength|~max output|~experim...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras AdjustiK E15>AndoLabInstrumentsK...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras BoostiK HPA>AndoLabInstrumentsKo...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras BasiK ???>AndoLabInstrumentsKohe...
|NKT Photonics Koheras AdjustiK C15 (SN: KOH 1269)| fiber...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras BasiK X15 (SN: K172-103-605)>And...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras BasiK Y10 (SN: K102-102-605)>htt...
|NKT Photonics Koheras BasiK Y10 (SN: K0055114)| fiber| 1...
|[[NKT Photonics Koheras AdjustiK E15 (SN: K0027203)>Ando...
|[[Thorlabs S3FC1550 >
|[[FITEL FRL15DCWD-A81-19480-C>
|Single Frequency Fiber Laser (Connet)| fiber | 1064nm | ...
|中川レーザー| fiber | tunable | 50mW | DANCE | [[manual>...
|Mephisto 500NE (SN: 1345)| free-space| 1064nm | ??? |TO...
|Mephisto 500 NE (SN: 1177)| free-space| 1064nm | 0.525 W...
|Mephisto 2000 NE (SN: 1557)| free-space| 1064nm | 2W |o...
*** B111 [#b111]
|~model (ser. no.)|~type|~wavelength|~max output|~experim...
|Coherent Mephisto 2000 (GDP.1309420.1887)| free-space| 1...
*** Broken [#p5a27ba4]
|~model (ser. no.)|~type|~wavelength|~max output|~note an...
|Mephisto M200NE (SN: 1226)| free-space| 1064nm | ??? | ...
|Lightwave 120-03A (SN: 504)| free-space| 1064nm | ? mW ...
|Lightwave 120-01A (SN: 402)| free-space| 1064nm | 4 mW ...
|Lightwave 120-01A (SN: 482)| free-space| 1064nm | ? mW ...
|Lightwave electronics 124-1064-050 (SN: 162)| free-space...
|Lightwave electronics 126-1064-50 (SN: 180)| free-space|...
*** ほしい物リスト [#pbc3cc9b]
- %%fiber laser, 1550 nm, which can change the output pow...
- %%free-space laser, 1064 nm, 2 W NPRO (for axion)%%
- fiber/free-space laser, 1064/1550 nm, 2 W or even highe...
- free-space, 1064 nm, low power for easy use
** 特注ミラー [#b64dc93c]
- [[特注ミラー>CustomMirrors]]
** 測定機器 [#cbed904e]
- 磁束計(Bartington): [[Mag649 + PSU1(power supply unit)>...
- 地震計(Sercel): [[Geophone L-4C & L-22E>AndoLabInstrume...
- 地震計(Güralp): [[Seismometer CMG-3ESPC>AndoLabInstrume...
- データロガー(Yokogawa): [[DL850E wiki>InternalDL850E]],...
- [[ファイバー非対称マイケルソン干渉計>AndoLabInstruments...
- [[Moku:Lab, Moku:Go>InternalMokuLab]]
- 分光器(Spectrometer): [[manual>
** アクチュエータ [#z92ecd88]
- [[Picomotor Controller 8752>AndoLabInstrumentsPico8752]]
- PZT driver for AVIT: [[M-2629>AndoLabInstrumentsM2629]]
- PZT driver (PI): [[E-665>AndoLabInstrumentsE665]]
- PZT driver (PI): [[E-610>AndoLabInstrumentsE610]]
- 1ch PZT driver: [[1ch Driver>AndoLabInstruments1chPZTDr...
** 回路 [#l128ceb5]
- [[Resonant RFPD circuit board>RFPD_circuit_board]]
- [[Filter circuit for Lorentz invariance test>Filter_cir...
- [[3rd-order LPF for Lorentz invariance test>3rd-order_L...
- [[Whitening Filter for Mag 649>Whitening_Filter_for_PEM...
- [[Whitening Filter for Mag 13>Whitening_Filter_for_Mag_...
- [[0.1-3Hzの位相補償回路(光学浮上)>0.1-3Hz_phase_compens...
- [[1-30Hzの位相補償回路(光学浮上)>1-30Hz_phase_compensat...
- [[ローパスフィルタ回路(光学浮上)>LPF_circuit]]
-[[Differential Amplifier>Differential Amplifier]]
- [[Photo sensor board (SG-2BC)>AndoLabInstrumentsSG2BC]]
- [[Coil driver board (4CH)>AndoLabInstrumentsCoildriverb...
- [[Offset adjustment and 4x4 matrix operation circuit bo...
- [[General filter circuit board>GeneralBoard]]
- [[DCQPD trans impedance circuit>DCQPD]]
- [[QPD Yaw/Pitch/Sum board>QPD_YPS]]
- [[Switchable filter curcuit (ST560)>ST560]]
- [[Offset-Sum circuit>Offset_Sum]]
- [[Offset-Sum-Monitor>AndoLabInstrumentsOffsetSumMonitor]]
- [[Offset+Lowpass circuit>AndoLabInstrumentsOffsetLowpas...
- [[TAMA300回路リスト>
** フォトダイオード [#c6d91b71]
** 光ファイバー部品 [#c97a1050]
** ビームプロファイラー [#c6d3aa1c]
|~model |~ser. no.|~wavelength|~note and options|
|CINOGY CMOS-1202|1202-U2-2121-0542|1064nm||
|CINOGY CMOS-1201|1201-U2-3317-0596|1064nm|三尾研からもら...
|CINOGY CMOS-1202 IR|1202-U2-0423-0659|1550nm||
|Thorlabs BP209IR1/M||1064nm, 1550nm||
** 真空槽 [#i7d793b6]
- [[大真空槽(E-1)>AndoLabInstrumentsVacChamE1]]
** 真空計 [#d2a01fc9]
- [[クリスタルイオンゲージ M-336MX>AndoLabInstrumentsM336...
- [[真空計コントローラ M-601GC>AndoLabInstrumentsM601GC]]
** Red Pitaya [#j396100f]
- [[Red Pitaya>InternalRedPitaya]]
** オペアンプIC [#ifa1519a]
|AD586|5V電圧リファレンス|[[Analog Devices>http://www.ana...
|AD587|10V電圧リファレンス|[[Analog Devices>
|AD698|LVDT用アンプ|[[Analog Devices>
|AD797|超低歪み,超低ノイズのすごいオペアンプ|[[Analog De...
|AD811|電流帰還型の広帯域オペアンプ|[[Analog Devices>http...
|AD829|高速オペアンプ|[[Analog Devices>http://www.analog....
|BUF634|電流バッファ|[[Texas Instruments>http://www.tij.c...
|LF356|JFET入力オペアンプ|[[Texas Instruments (旧National...
|LM319|コンパレータ,デュアル|[[Texas Instruments>http://...
|LT1028|超低ノイズの高速オペアンプ|[[Analog Devices (旧Li...
|MPY634|乗算器|[[Texas Instruments>
|OP07|汎用オペアンプ|[[Analog Devices>http://www.analog.c...
|OP27|汎用オペアンプ.OP07の高速・低雑音版|[[Analog Devic...