* This is a matlab code that gives you the fundamental-noise spectrum of bLCGT. The code is originally written in Mathe- matica and translated into matlab. * One may modify and distribute the code with adding a note after the version number in the first line of the script. * In this SVN folder, one may upgrade the code by changing bLCGT.m. After the change, save a copied file with the date of the change included in the file name; eg. bLCGTyymmdd.m so that others can compare the new and old versions on SVN without risking to lose the old version. * hSQL.dat is used to set the frequency. One can replace the file to any data file and rewrite the following line: dataSQL = load('hSQL.dat'); f = dataSQL(:,1); with the new data file. * @double package is necessary to use error function with a complex variable. This was donwloaded from the website of Dr.Leutenegger.