function File = GetFullPath(File, Style) % GetFullPath - Get absolute canonical path of a file or folder % Absolute path names are safer than relative paths, when e.g. a GUI or TIMER % callback changes the current directory. Only canonical paths without "." and % ".." can be recognized uniquely. % Long path names (>259 characters) require a magic initial key "\\?\" to be % handled by Windows API functions, e.g. for Matlab's FOPEN, DIR and EXIST. % % FullName = GetFullPath(Name, Style) % INPUT: % Name: String or cell string, absolute or relative name of a file or % folder. The path need not exist. Unicode strings, UNC paths and long % names are supported. % Style: Style of the output as string, optional, default: 'auto'. % 'auto': Add '\\?\' or '\\?\UNC\' for long names on demand. % 'lean': Magic string is not added. % 'fat': Magic string is added for short names also. % The Style is ignored when not running under Windows. % % OUTPUT: % FullName: Absolute canonical path name as string or cell string. % For empty strings the current directory is replied. % '\\?\' or '\\?\UNC' is added on demand. % % NOTE: The M- and the MEX-version create the same results, the faster MEX % function works under Windows only. % Some functions of the Windows-API still do not support long file names. % E.g. the Recycler and the Windows Explorer fail even with the magic '\\?\' % prefix. Some functions of Matlab accept 260 characters (value of MAX_PATH), % some at 259 already. Don't blame me. % The 'fat' style is useful e.g. when Matlab's DIR command is called for a % folder with les than 260 characters, but together with the file name this % limit is exceeded. Then "dir(GetFullPath([folder, '\*.*], 'fat'))" helps. % % EXAMPLES: % cd(tempdir); % Assumed as 'C:\Temp' here % GetFullPath('File.Ext') % 'C:\Temp\File.Ext' % GetFullPath('..\File.Ext') % 'C:\File.Ext' % GetFullPath('..\..\File.Ext') % 'C:\File.Ext' % GetFullPath('.\File.Ext') % 'C:\Temp\File.Ext' % GetFullPath('*.txt') % 'C:\Temp\*.txt' % GetFullPath('..') % 'C:\' % GetFullPath('..\..\..') % 'C:\' % GetFullPath('Folder\') % 'C:\Temp\Folder\' % GetFullPath('D:\A\..\B') % 'D:\B' % GetFullPath('\\Server\Folder\Sub\..\File.ext') % % '\\Server\Folder\File.ext' % GetFullPath({'..', 'new'}) % {'C:\', 'C:\Temp\new'} % GetFullPath('.', 'fat') % '\\?\C:\Temp\File.Ext' % % COMPILE: % Automatic: InstallMex GetFullPath.c uTest_GetFullPath % Manual: mex -O GetFullPath.c % Download: % Run the unit-test uTest_GetFullPath after compiling. % % Tested: Matlab 6.5, 7.7, 7.8, 7.13, WinXP/32, Win7/64 % Compiler: LCC2.4/3.8, BCC5.5, OWC1.8, MSVC2008/2010 % Assumed Compatibility: higher Matlab versions % Author: Jan Simon, Heidelberg, (C) 2009-2013 matlab.THISYEAR(a) % % See also: CD, FULLFILE, FILEPARTS. % $JRev: R-G V:032 Sum:7Xd/JS0+yfax Date:15-Jan-2013 01:06:12 $ % $License: BSD (use/copy/change/redistribute on own risk, mention the author) $ % $UnitTest: uTest_GetFullPath $ % $File: Tools\GLFile\GetFullPath.m $ % History: % 001: 20-Apr-2010 22:28, Successor of Rel2AbsPath. % 010: 27-Jul-2008 21:59, Consider leading separator in M-version also. % 011: 24-Jan-2011 12:11, Cell strings, '~File' under linux. % Check of input types in the M-version. % 015: 31-Mar-2011 10:48, BUGFIX: Accept [] as input as in the Mex version. % Thanks to Jiro Doke, who found this bug by running the test function for % the M-version. % 020: 18-Oct-2011 00:57, BUGFIX: Linux version created bad results. % Thanks to Daniel. % 024: 10-Dec-2011 14:00, Care for long names under Windows in M-version. % Improved the unittest function for Linux. Thanks to Paul Sexton. % 025: 09-Aug-2012 14:00, In MEX: Paths starting with "\\" can be non-UNC. % The former version treated "\\?\C:\\file" as UNC path and % replied "\\?\UNC\?\C:\\file". % 032: 12-Jan-2013 21:16, 'auto', 'lean' and 'fat' style. % Initialize: ================================================================== % Do the work: ================================================================= % ############################################# % ### USE THE MUCH FASTER MEX ON WINDOWS!!! ### % ############################################# % Difference between M- and Mex-version: % - Mex does not work under MacOS/Unix. % - Mex calls Windows API function GetFullPath. % - Mex is much faster. % Magix prefix for long Windows names: if nargin < 2 Style = 'auto'; end % Handle cell strings: % NOTE: It is faster to create a function @cell\GetFullPath.m under Linux, but % under Windows this would shadow the fast C-Mex. if isa(File, 'cell') for iC = 1:numel(File) File{iC} = GetFullPath(File{iC}, Style); end return; end % Check this once only: isWIN = strncmpi(computer, 'PC', 2); MAX_PATH = 260; % Warn once per session (disable this under Linux/MacOS): persistent hasDataRead if isempty(hasDataRead) % Test this once only - there is no relation to the existence of DATAREAD! %if isWIN % Show a warning, if the slower Matlab version is used - commented, because % this is not a problem and it might be even useful when the MEX-folder is % not inlcuded in the path yet. % warning('JSimon:GetFullPath:NoMex', ... % ['GetFullPath: Using slow Matlab-version instead of fast Mex.', ... % char(10), 'Compile: InstallMex GetFullPath.c']); %end % DATAREAD is deprecated in 2011b, but still available. In Matlab 6.5, REGEXP % does not know the 'split' command, therefore DATAREAD is preferred: hasDataRead = ~isempty(which('dataread')); end if isempty(File) % Accept empty matrix as input: if ischar(File) || isnumeric(File) File = cd; return; else error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadTypeInput1'], ... ['*** ', mfilename, ': Input must be a string or cell string']); end end if ischar(File) == 0 % Non-empty inputs must be strings error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadTypeInput1'], ... ['*** ', mfilename, ': Input must be a string or cell string']); end if isWIN % Windows: -------------------------------------------------------- FSep = '\'; File = strrep(File, '/', FSep); % Remove the magic key on demand, it is appended finally again: if strncmp(File, '\\?\', 4) if strncmpi(File, '\\?\UNC\', 8) File = ['\', File(7:length(File))]; % Two leading backslashes! else File = File(5:length(File)); end end isUNC = strncmp(File, '\\', 2); FileLen = length(File); if isUNC == 0 % File is not a UNC path % Leading file separator means relative to current drive or base folder: ThePath = cd; if File(1) == FSep if strncmp(ThePath, '\\', 2) % Current directory is a UNC path sepInd = strfind(ThePath, '\'); ThePath = ThePath(1:sepInd(4)); else ThePath = ThePath(1:3); % Drive letter only end end if FileLen < 2 || File(2) ~= ':' % Does not start with drive letter if ThePath(length(ThePath)) ~= FSep if File(1) ~= FSep File = [ThePath, FSep, File]; else % File starts with separator: File = [ThePath, File]; end else % Current path ends with separator: if File(1) ~= FSep File = [ThePath, File]; else % File starts with separator: ThePath(length(ThePath)) = []; File = [ThePath, File]; end end elseif FileLen == 2 && File(2) == ':' % "C:" current directory on C! % "C:" is the current directory on the C-disk, even if the current % directory is on another disk! This was ignored in Matlab 6.5, but % modern versions considers this strange behaviour. if strncmpi(ThePath, File, 2) File = ThePath; else try File = cd(cd(File)); catch % No MException to support Matlab6.5... if exist(File, 'dir') % No idea what could cause an error then! rethrow(lasterror); else % Reply "K:\" for not existing disk: File = [File, FSep]; end end end end end else % Linux, MacOS: --------------------------------------------------- FSep = '/'; File = strrep(File, '\', FSep); if strcmp(File, '~') || strncmp(File, '~/', 2) % Home directory: HomeDir = getenv('HOME'); if ~isempty(HomeDir) File(1) = []; File = [HomeDir, File]; end elseif strncmpi(File, FSep, 1) == 0 % Append relative path to current folder: ThePath = cd; if ThePath(length(ThePath)) == FSep File = [ThePath, File]; else File = [ThePath, FSep, File]; end end end % Care for "\." and "\.." - no efficient algorithm, but the fast Mex is % recommended at all! if ~isempty(strfind(File, [FSep, '.'])) if isWIN if strncmp(File, '\\', 2) % UNC path index = strfind(File, '\'); if length(index) < 4 % UNC path without separator after the folder: return; end Drive = File(1:index(4)); File(1:index(4)) = []; else Drive = File(1:3); File(1:3) = []; end else % Unix, MacOS: isUNC = false; Drive = FSep; File(1) = []; end hasTrailFSep = (File(length(File)) == FSep); if hasTrailFSep File(length(File)) = []; end if hasDataRead if isWIN % Need "\\" as separator: C = dataread('string', File, '%s', 'delimiter', '\\'); %#ok else C = dataread('string', File, '%s', 'delimiter', FSep); %#ok end else % Use the slower REGEXP, when DATAREAD is not available anymore: C = regexp(File, FSep, 'split'); end % Remove '\.\' directly without side effects: C(strcmp(C, '.')) = []; % Remove '\..' with the parent recursively: R = 1:length(C); for dd = reshape(find(strcmp(C, '..')), 1, []) index = find(R == dd); R(index) = []; if index > 1 R(index - 1) = []; end end if isempty(R) File = Drive; if isUNC && ~hasTrailFSep File(length(File)) = []; end elseif isWIN % If you have CStr2String, use the faster: % File = CStr2String(C(R), FSep, hasTrailFSep); File = sprintf('%s\\', C{R}); if hasTrailFSep File = [Drive, File]; else File = [Drive, File(1:length(File) - 1)]; end else % Unix: File = [Drive, sprintf('%s/', C{R})]; if ~hasTrailFSep File(length(File)) = []; end end end % "Very" long names under Windows: if isWIN if ~ischar(Style) error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadTypeInput2'], ... ['*** ', mfilename, ': Input must be a string or cell string']); end if (strncmpi(Style, 'a', 1) && length(File) >= MAX_PATH) || ... strncmpi(Style, 'f', 1) % Do not use [isUNC] here, because this concerns the input, which can % '.\File', while the current directory is an UNC path. if strncmp(File, '\\', 2) % UNC path File = ['\\?\UNC', File(2:end)]; else File = ['\\?\', File]; end end end % return;