% [R, w] = beamRW(z0, z, lambda) % % lambda - laser wavelength % z0 - Rayleigh Range of the beam % z - distance past the waist of this beam cross-section % R - wave front radius of curvature % w - beam radius at a beam cross-section (1/e^2 in power) % % Some trivia... Given the following: % [R0, w0] = beamRW(z0, 0, lambda); % [R1, w1] = beamRW(z0, z0, lambda); % We know that: % R0 == Inf % w0 == sqrt(z0 * lambda / pi) % R1 == 2 * z0 % w1 == sqrt(2) * w0 % % As a side note, the divergence angle of a TEM00 beam is % theta0 = lambda / (pi * w0) = 2 / (k * w0) % = sqrt(lambda / (pi * z0)) = sqrt(2 / (k * z0)) % % And a further distraction, the FWHM of the intensity profile is % dIntensity = sqrt(2 * log(2)) * w % ~ 1.2 * w % % see also beamZ0 and cavHG function [R, w] = beamRW(z0, z, lambda) zb = z ./ z0; wb = z0 .* (1 + zb.^2); R = wb ./ zb; w = sqrt(wb * lambda / pi); end