function K = opticalSpringK(Pin, delta, T1, L, f, lambda) % % K = opticalSpringK(Pin, delta, T1, L, f, lambda) % % Optical sping constant - from Corbitt's thesis % % Assumes T2=0 and high finesse % % Pin - cavity input power % delta - cavity detuning in linewidths (+ve for blue detuned % springy side). % L - cavity length [m] % f - frequency [Hz] % lambda - laser wavelength [m] if nargin < 6 lambda = 1064e-9; end delta = -delta; %Differs from Corbitt thesis - want +ve %spring constant for positive detuning c = 299792458; %Speed of light gamma = T1 * c / (4 * L); %Cavity HWHM rad s^ - 1 w0 = 2 * pi * c / lambda; %Angular frequency of light c = f lambda K0 = - (64 * Pin * w0) * delta / (T1^2 * c^2 * (1 + delta^2)); K = K0 ./ (delta^2 + (1 + 2i * pi * f / gamma).^2);