classdef Squeezer < Optic % Squeezer is a type of Optic used in Optickle % % Squeezers are declared as follows: % obj = Squeezer (name, lambda, fRF, pol, sqAng, sqdB, antidB, sqzOption = 0) % obj = Squeezer (name, lambda, fRF, pol, sqAng, x, escEff, sqzOption = 1) % % A Squeezer has 1 input and 1 output. % Input: 1, in, % Output: 1, out, % % The user may specify either the level of squeezing and anti-squeezing % at the squeezer output (sqzOption=0), or the normalized % nonlinear interaction strength and the escape efficiency (sqzOption=1). The % parameters which are not provided will be calculated automatically. % If sqzOption is set to a value other than % 0 or 1, an input of sqdB and antidB is assumed. % % The squeezer only squeezes one polarization of one RF sideband for one % wavelength. Squeezing multiple DC fields requires multiple squeezers. % % ==== Members % Optic - base class members % lambda - wavelength to be squeezed (uses 1064nm by default) % fRF - RF sideband of chosen lambda to be used (Uses 0 by default) % pol - polarization of chosen RF sideband to be squeezed (Uses S by % default % sqAng - squeezing angle (Uses 0 by default---amplitude squeezing) % sqdB - amount of squeezing in dB at OPO output (10 dB by default) % antidB - amount of antisqueezing in dB at OPO output (10 dB by default) % escEff - escape efficiency (1 by default). % x - normalized nonlinear interaction strength % x = sqrt(P_pump/P_thresh) = 1 - 1/sqrt(g) where g is nonlinear gain % sqzOption - select inputs for specifying squeezer. % % Default values [lambda, fRF , pol, sqAng, sqdB, antidB, x, escEff] = % [1064e-9, 0, 1, 0, 10, 10, 0.5195, 1] % ==== Functions, those in Optic properties lambda = []; %Wavelength fRF = []; %RF frequency pol =[]; % polarization sqAng = []; % squeezing angle sqzOption = []; %Bit sets whether squeezing in dB or in x is specified nu = []; %frequency of squeezed component end % The properties which determine the level of squeezing are write % protected. % This prevents the user from modifying one of these variables % without recaclulating the others. % the methods setSqueezing and setNLGain should be used to modify these % values properties(GetAccess = 'public', SetAccess = 'protected') sqdB =[]; % level of squeezing exiting the OPO in dB antidB = []; %level of antisqueezing exiting the OPO in dB x = []; %Normalized nonlinear interaction strength escEff= []; %Escape Efficiency end methods function obj = Squeezer(name, varargin) % obj = Squeezer (name, lambda, fRF, pol, sqAng, sqdB, antidB, sqzOption = 0) % obj = Squeezer (name, lambda, fRF, pol, sqAng, x, escEff, sqzOption = 1) % % Parameters: % % name - object name % lambda - wavelength to be squeezed % fRF - RF sideband of chosen lambda to be used % pol - polarization of chosen RF sideband to be squeezed % sqAng - squeezing angle % sqdB - amount of squeezing in dB at OPO output % antidB - amount of antisqueezing in dB at OPO output % escEff - escape efficiency. % x - normalized nonlinear interaction strength % x = sqrt(P_pump/P_thresh) = 1 - 1/sqrt(g) where g is nonlinear gain % sqzOption - select inputs for specifying squeezer. % % Default parameters are: %[lambda, fRF , pol, sqAng, sqdB, antidB, sqzOption = 0] = % [1064e-9, 0, 1, 0, 10, 10, 0] % deal with no arguments if nargin == 0 name = ''; end % build optic (a Squeezer has no drives) inNames = {'in'} ; outNames = {'out'}; driveNames = {}; obj@Optic(name, inNames, outNames, driveNames); % deal with arguments errstr = 'Don''t know what to do with '; % for argument error messages switch( nargin ) case 0 % default constructor, do nothing case {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8} args = {1064e-9, 0, 1, 0, 10, 10, 0}; args(1:(nargin-1)) = varargin(1:end); if nargin==8 if cell2mat(varargin(end))==1 [obj.lambda, obj.fRF, obj.pol, obj.sqAng, obj.x,... obj.escEff, obj.sqzOption] = deal(args{1:(nargin-1)}); %Calculate the level of squeezing and antisqueezing from x and %escEff % Value error checking if not(obj.x < 1 & obj.x >= 0) error('Not a valid value for x'); elseif not(obj.escEff <=1 & obj.escEff >=0) error('Not a valid value for escape efficiency') end obj.sqdB = -20*log10(1-4*obj.x*obj.escEff/(1+obj.x)^2); obj.antidB = 20*log10(1+4*obj.x*obj.escEff/(1-obj.x)^2); else %The user is inputting the level of squeeizng and antisqueezing [obj.lambda, obj.fRF, obj.pol, obj.sqAng, obj.sqdB,... obj.antidB, obj.sqzOption] = deal(args{1:(nargin-1)}); obj.sqzOption = 0; % guard against bad input value % Value error checking if not(obj.sqdB <= obj.antidB) error('Level of squeezing cannot exceed level of antisqueezing') elseif not(obj.sqdB >= 0 | obj.antidB >=0 ) error('Level of squeezing and antisqueezing must be non negative') end Vs = 10^(-1*obj.sqdB/10); %squeezed quadrature variance Va = 10^(obj.antidB/10); %antisqueezed quadrature variance %Calculate x and escEff from Vs and Va if obj.sqdB==0 && obj.antidB==0 obj.x = 0; obj.escEff = 1; else obj.x = (Va-Vs-2*sqrt(-1+Va+Vs-Va*Vs))/(Va+Vs-2); obj.escEff = (1-Vs)*(1+obj.x)^2/(4*obj.x); end end else % For 5 or fewer user specified inputs % By default sqdB and antidB are set to 10 dB % x and escEff must be calculated [obj.lambda, obj.fRF, obj.pol, obj.sqAng, obj.sqdB, ... obj.antidB, obj.sqzOption] = deal(args{:}); Vs = 10^(-1*obj.sqdB/10); %squeezed quadrature variance Va = 10^(obj.antidB/10); %antisqueezed quadrature variance %Calculate x and escEff from Vs and Va if obj.sqdB==0 && obj.antidB==0 obj.x = 0; obj.escEff=1; else obj.x = (Va-Vs-2*sqrt(-1+Va+Vs-Va*Vs))/(Va+Vs-2); obj.escEff = (1-Vs)*(1+obj.x)^2/(4*obj.x); end end % Calculate squeezed frequency from lambda and fRF = Optickle.c./obj.lambda + obj.fRF; otherwise % wrong number of input args error([errstr '%d input arguments.'], nargin); end end function obj = setSqueezing(obj, sqdB, antidB) % obj = setSqueezing(obj, sqdB, antidB) % This function allows the user to change the level of % Squeezing (sqdB) and anti-squeezing(antidB) specified in dB % These properties are protected and cannot be altered directly. % This function modifies the sqdB and antidB properties of Squeezer % and recalculates x and escEff. obj.sqdB = sqdB; obj.antidB = antidB; obj.sqzOption = 0; Vs = 10^(-1*obj.sqdB/10); %squeezed quadrature variance Va = 10^(obj.antidB/10); %antisqueezed quadrature variance %Calculate x and escEff from Vs and Va if sqdB==0 && antidB==0 obj.x = 0; obj.escEff=1; else obj.x = (Va-Vs-2*sqrt(-1+Va+Vs-Va*Vs))/(Va+Vs-2); obj.escEff = (1-Vs)*(1+obj.x)^2/(4*obj.x); end % Value error checking if not(obj.sqdB <= obj.antidB) error('Level of squeezing cannot exceed level of antisqueezing') elseif not(obj.sqdB >= 0 | obj.antidB >=0 ) error('Level of squeezing and antisqueezing must be non negative') end end function obj = setNLGain(obj, x, escEff) %obj = setNLGain(obj, x, escEff) % This function allows the user to change the level of % the normalized nonlinear interaction strength obj.x % and the escape efficiency obj.escEff. % The level of squeezing (obj.sqdB) and antisqueezing (obj.antidB) % will be recalculated according to the new values of % obj.x and obj.escEff. obj.x = x; obj.escEff = escEff; obj.sqzOption = 1; %Calculate the level of squeezing and antisqueezing from x and %escEff obj.sqdB = -20*log10(1-4*obj.x*obj.escEff/(1+obj.x)^2); obj.antidB = 20*log10(1+4*obj.x*obj.escEff/(1-obj.x)^2); % Value error checking if not(obj.x < 1 & obj.x >= 0) error('Not a valid value for x. X must be 0 <= x < 1'); elseif not(obj.escEff <=1 & obj.escEff >=0) error('Not a valid value for escape efficiency. Must have 0 <= eta <= 1') end end end end