classdef Optickle < handle % Optickle Model % % opt = Optickle(vFrf, lambda) % vFrf - RF frequency components % lambda - carrier wave length (default 1064 nm) % or base wavelengths for each RF component % pol - polarization for each RF component (default is S) % this is a vector of the same length as vFrf % its values can be 1 for S or 0 for P. % --> S == 1, P == 0 <-- % % Class fields are: % % optic - a cell array of optics % Noptic - number of optics % Ndrive - number of drives (inputs to optics) % link - an array of links % Nlink - number of links % probe - an array of probes % Nprobe - number of probes % lambda - carrier wave length % vFrf - RF frequency components % h - Plank constant % c - speed of light % k - carrier wave-number % minQuant - minimum loss considered for quantum noise (default = 1e-3) % debug - debugging level (default = 1, set to 0 for no tickle info) % % Of these, only some can be reference directly. They are: % Noptic, Ndrive, Nlink, Nprobe, lambda, k, c, h, and debug % for others, use access functions. % % ======== Optics % An optic is a general optical component (mirror, lens, etc.). % Each type of optic has a fixed number of inputs and outputs % and a set of parameters which characterize a given instance. % Optics provide names, coupling coefficients, and basis % parameters for their input linkts. % % Types of optics some common are listed below: % Source - a field source (0 inputs, 1 output) % Sink - a field sink, used for detectors (1 inputs, 0 output) % % Modulator - audio frequency phase and amplitude modulation (1 in, 1 out) % RFModulator - RF frequency phase and amplitude modulation (1 in, 1 out) % % Mirror - a general curved mirror (2 inputs, 4 outputs) % BeamSplitter - a beam-splitter (4 inputs, 8 outputs) % % Telescope - a lense or set of lenses (1 input, 1 output) % % ======== Links % Links are connections between optics. % % sn = serial number of this link % snSource, portSource = serial number and port number of source optic % snSink, portSink = serial number and port number of sink (destination) % len - the length of the link % % ======== Probes % Probes convert fields to signals. % % name, sn = name and serial number of this probe % nField = index of the sampled field % freq = demodulation frequency % phase = demodulation phase offset (degrees) % % % Example, initialize a model with 9MHz RF sidebands % opt = Optickle([-9e6, 0, 9e6]); % % see optFP for a more complete example properties (SetAccess = protected) Noptic = 0; % number of optics Ndrive = 0; % number of drives (inputs to optics) Nlink = 0; % number of links Nprobe = 0; % number of probes optic = {}; % a cell array of optics link = []; % an array of links probe = []; % an array of probes snSource = []; % serial numbers of the sources lambda = []; % carrier wave lengths pol = []; % polarization of each field component vFrf = []; % RF frequency offsets k = []; % wave-number of each field component (lambda and RF) nu = []; % nu = c / lambda + fRF = c * k / (2 * pi) end % user adjustable parameters properties (SetAccess = public) minQuant = 1e-3; % minimum loss considered for quantum noise debug = 1; % debugging level (set to 0 for no tickle info) sigACunits = 0; % units of response matrix (see above) % probe to output matrix (Nout x Nprobe) % This matrix can be used to reduce the number of outputs, % or to make outputs which are linear combinations of probes % (e.g., a homodyne detector). % % the default empty matrix indicates an % Nprobe x Nprobe identity matrix (i.e., no mapping) mProbeOut = []; % input to drive matrix (Ndrive x Nin) % This matrix can be used to reduce the number of inputs, % or to make inputs which are linear combinations of drives % (e.g., common and differential mirror motion). % % NOTE: Since this matrix may not be square, pinv is used to % compute its inverse for mMech and noiseMech. % % the default empty matrix indicates an % Ndrive x Ndrive identity matrix (i.e., no mapping) mInDrive = []; end properties (Constant) % fundamental constants h = 6.62606891e-34; % Plank constant [J*s] c = 299792458; % speed of light [m/s] % polarization types polP = 0; polS = 1; % drive types tfPos = 1; tfPit = 2; tfYaw = 3; % drive types, with different names tf00 = 1; tf01 = 2; tf10 = 3; end methods function opt = Optickle(varargin) newLink = struct('sn', 0, 'len', 0, 'phase', 0, ... 'snSource', 0, 'portSource', 0, ... 'snSink', 0, 'portSink', 0); newProbe = struct('sn', 0, 'name', [], 'nField', 0, ... 'freq', 0, 'phase', 0); errstr = 'Don''t know what to do with '; % for argument error messages switch( nargin ) case 0 % default constructor case 1 arg = varargin{1}; % copy constructor if( isa(arg, class(opt)) ) opt = arg; elseif( isnumeric(arg) ) % modulation vector % vFrf, lambda = 1064e-9 [opt.vFrf, opt.lambda, opt.pol] = ... Optickle.makeRFvector(arg, 1064e-9, 1); else error([errstr 'an argument of type %s.'], class(arg)); end case 2 % vFrf, lambda [opt.vFrf, opt.lambda, opt.pol] = ... Optickle.makeRFvector(varargin{:}, 1); case 3 % vFrf, lambda, pol [opt.vFrf, opt.lambda, opt.pol] = ... Optickle.makeRFvector(varargin{:}); otherwise % wrong number of input args error([errstr '%d input arguments.'], nargin); end % structs? = newLink; opt.probe = newProbe; % wave number [1/m] opt.k = 2 * pi * (1 ./ opt.lambda + opt.vFrf / Optickle.c); = Optickle.c ./ opt.lambda + opt.vFrf; end %%%% Add Optics %%%% function [opt, sn] = addBeamSplitter(opt, name, varargin) % [opt, sn] = addBeamSplitter(opt, name, aio, Chr, Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, Nmd) % % ===> Do not waste time with BeamSplitters <=== % A BeamSplitter is a 4 input, 8 output object designed to be used % where fields propagating in opposite directions overlap on the same % optic (e.g., in an interferometer). If you are simply splitting a % beam among detectors you need only one input and 2 outputs, so a % Mirror object is sufficient, will reduce complexity as it does not % have A and B sides, and will save computation time. Typically, an % interferometer simulation requires only a few BeamSplitter objects % (e.g., 1), and none of them are in the readout! % % aio - angle of incidence (in degrees) % Chr - curvature of HR surface (Chr = 1 / radius of curvature) % Thr - power transmission of HR surface % Lhr - power loss on reflection from HR surface % Rar - power reflection of AR surface % Nmd - refractive index of medium (1.45 for fused silica, SiO2) % Lmd - power loss in medium (one pass) % % see BeamSplitter and Mirror for more information obj = BeamSplitter(name, varargin{:}); [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj); end function [opt, sn] = addGouyPhase(opt, name, varargin) % [opt, sn] = addGouyPhase(opt, name, phi) % Add a Gouy phase adjuster to the model. % % phi - Gouy phase in radians % % see also GouyPhase and setGouyPhase obj = GouyPhase(name, varargin{:}); [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj); end function [opt, sn] = addMirror(opt, name, varargin) % [opt, sn] = addMirror(opt, name, aio, Chr, Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, Nmd) % Add a mirror to the model. % % aio - angle of incidence (in degrees) % Chr - curvature of HR surface (Chr = 1 / radius of curvature) % Thr - power transmission of HR suface % Lhr - power loss on reflection from HR surface % Rar - power reflection of AR surface % Nmd - refractive index of medium (1.45 for fused silica, SiO2) % Lmd - power loss in medium (one pass) % % see Mirror for more information obj = Mirror(name, varargin{:}); [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj); end function [opt, sn] = addModulator(opt, name, varargin) % [opt, sn] = addModulator(opt, name, cMod) % Add a modulator to the model. % % name - name of this optic % cMod - modulation coefficient (1 for amplitude, i for phase) % this must be either a scalar, which is applied to all RF % field components, or a vector giving coefficients for each % RF field component. % % Modulators can be used to modulate a beam. These are not for % continuous modulation (i.e., for making RF sidebands), but rather % for measuring transfer functions (e.g., for frequency or intensity % noise couplings). % % see Modulator for more information obj = Modulator(name, varargin{:}); [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj); end function [opt, sn] = addRFmodulator(opt, name, fMod, aMod) % [opt, sn] = addRFmodulator(opt, name, fMod, aMod) % Add an RF modulator to the model. % % name - name of this optic % fMod - modulation frequency % aMod - modulation index (imaginary for phase, real for amplitude) % % see RFModulator for more information obj = RFmodulator(name, fMod, aMod); [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj); end function [opt, sn] = addSink(opt, name, varargin) % [opt, sn] = addSink(opt, name, loss) % Add a sink to the model. % % loss - power loss from input to output (default = 1) % % Sinks can be used as place holders for probes, or as % beam attenuators when loss < 1. See optFP for examples. obj = Sink(name, varargin{:}); [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj); end function [opt, sn] = addSqueezer( opt, name, varargin ) % [opt, sn] = addSqueezer(opt, name, lambda, fRF, pol,... % sqAng, sqdB, antidB, sqzOption = 0) % [opt, sn] = addSqueezer(opt, name, lambda, fRF, pol,... % sqAng, x, escEff, sqzOption = 1) % Add a squeezer to the model % % Parameters: % % name - object name % lambda - wavelength to be squeezed % fRF - RF sideband of chosen lambda to be used % pol - polarization of chosen RF sideband to be squeezed % sqAng - squeezing angle (in radians) % sqdB - amount of squeezing in dB at OPO output % antidB - amount of antisqueezing in dB at OPO output % escEff - escape efficiency. % x - normalized nonlinear interaction strength % x = sqrt(P_pump/P_thresh) = 1 - 1/sqrt(g) where g is nonlinear gain % sqzOption - select inputs for specifying squeezer. % % Default parameters are: % [lambda, fRF , pol, sqAng, sqdB, antidB, sqzOption] = % [1064e-9, 0, 0, 1, 10, 10, 0] % See Squeezer for more options obj = Squeezer(name, varargin{:}); [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj); end function [opt, sn] = addTelescope(opt, name, varargin) % [opt, sn] = addTelescope(opt, name, f) % [opt, sn] = addTelescope(opt, name, f, df) % Add a Telescope to the model. % % name - name of this optic % f - focal length of first lens % df - distances from previous lens and lens focal length % for lenses after the first % % see Telescope for more information obj = Telescope(name, varargin{:}); [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj); end function [opt, sn] = addWaveplate(opt, name, lfw, theta) % [opt, sn] = addWaveplate(opt, name, lfw, theta) % Add an waveplate to the model. % % name - name of this optic % lfw - fraction of wave % theta - rotation angle % % see Waveplate for more information obj = Waveplate(name, lfw, theta); [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj); end function [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj) % Add a general optic to the model. % % [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj) % % This function is generally not used directly. Use the add functions % for specific types of optics instead (e.g., addMirror). % % see also addBeamSplitter, addMirror, addModulator, addSink, addSource, etc. % increment optic serial number sn = opt.Noptic + 1; opt.Noptic = sn; % add optic with new serial number and drive indices opt.optic{sn, 1} = setSN(obj, sn, opt.Ndrive); % update drive counter opt.Ndrive = opt.Ndrive + obj.Ndrive; end function obj = getOptic(opt, name) % obj = getOptic(opt, name) % Get an optic by name % % Optics are handles, so you can use this to modify the optic. sn = getSerialNum(opt, name); obj = opt.optic{sn}; end end % methods methods (Static) function [vFrf, lambda, pol] = makeRFvector(vFrf, lambda, pol) % make column vectors vFrf = vFrf(:); lambda = lambda(:); pol = pol(:); % expand single lambda if numel(lambda) == 1 lambda = ones(size(vFrf)) * lambda; end % expand single polarization if numel(pol) == 1 pol = ones(size(vFrf)) * pol; end % check sizes if numel(vFrf) ~= numel(lambda) error('RF frequency vector and lambda vector size mismatch.') end % check sizes if numel(vFrf) ~= numel(pol) error('RF frequency vector and polarization vector size mismatch.') end end function vecVal = mapByLambda(valByLambda, lambda, pol) % map values specified as [value, lambda] pairs % to one value for each lambda % % vecVal = mapByLambda(valByLambda, lambda) % start with default value vecVal = ones(size(lambda)) * valByLambda(1); % number of pairs and field components Npair = size(valByLambda, 1); % decide how to map these... with pol or without? if size(valByLambda, 2) == 2 % loop over pairs looking for wavelength matches for n = 1:Npair isMatch = valByLambda(n, 2) == lambda; vecVal(isMatch) = valByLambda(n, 1); end elseif size(valByLambda, 2) == 3 % loop over pairs looking for wavelength and polarization matches for n = 1:Npair isMatch = valByLambda(n, 2) == lambda & ... valByLambda(n, 3) == pol; vecVal(isMatch) = valByLambda(n, 1); end end end function [isMatch, isClose] = matchFreqPol(par, nu, pol) % look for frequency and polarization match % par should contain vectors nu and pol (e.g., % % [isMatch, isClose] = matchFreqPol(par, nu, pol) [isMatch, isClose] = Optickle.isSameFreq(, nu); isMatch = isMatch & (pol == par.pol); isClose = isClose & (pol == par.pol); end function [isMatch, isClose] = isSameFreq(f1, f2) % frequency differences for match and close matchFreqDiff = 0.1; closeFreqDiff = 100; isMatch = abs(f1 - f2) < matchFreqDiff; isClose = abs(f1 - f2) < closeFreqDiff; end function mPhi = getPhaseMatrix(vLen, vFreq, vPhiLinks, mPhiFrf) % phase matrix for tickle and sweep % % mPhi = getPhaseMatrix(vLen, vFreq, [vPhiLinks], [mPhiFrf]) % vPhiLinks is an additional (positive) phase for each link at all frequencies (Nlink x 1) % mPhiFrf is an additional (positive) phase for each RF frequency (Nlink x Nrf) % % mPhi = getPhaseMatrix(vLen, vFreq, vPhiLinks, mPhiFrf) Nlink = numel(vLen); Nrf = numel(vFreq); if nargin < 3 || isempty(vPhiLinks) vPhiLinks = zeros(Nlink,1); end if nargin < 4 || isempty(mPhiFrf) mPhiFrf = zeros(Nlink,Nrf); end v = exp(1i * (vLen(:) * vFreq(:).'... + repmat(vPhiLinks, 1, Nrf)... + mPhiFrf... )... % close phases ); % close exp N = numel(v(:)); mPhi = sparse(1:N, 1:N, v(:), N, N); end end end % classdef