classdef Optic < handle % This is the base class for optics used in Optickle % % An Optic is a general optical component (mirror, lens, etc.). % Each type of optic has a fixed number of inputs and outputs, % and names for each. The details which characterize a given % optic are specified in the derived types. % % ==== Important User Methods % getFieldIn - the index of an input field at some port % getFieldOut - the index of an output field at some port % % getInputPortNum - the number of an input port, given its name % getOutputPortNum - the number of an output port, given its name % % getInputName - display name for some input port % getOutputName - display name for some output port properties (SetAccess = {?Optic, ?Optickle}) sn = 0; % optic serial number name = ''; % optic name string Nin = 0; % number of input fields in = []; % vector of input link serial numbers (Nin x 1) inNames = []; % cell array of input names (Nin x 1) Nout = 0; % number of output fields outNames = {}; % cell array of output names (Nout x 1) out = []; % vector of output link serial numbers (Nout x 1) qxy = []; % vector of output basis parameters (Nout x 2) Ndrive = 0; % number of drive inputs driveNames = {}; % cell array of drive names (Ndrive x 1) drive = []; % vector of drive indices (Ndrive x 1) pos = []; % static drive offset (see setPosOffset) % mechTF - radiation force response rad/(N m) % This is the optic's transfer-funtion from radiation pressure % to drive position. (see setMechTF, getMechTF, getMechResp) mechTF = []; % mechTFpit - radiation torque response rad/(N m) % takes radiation torque around the X axis, and outputs % rotations around the same axis (pitch) with units % of rad/(N m). mechTFpit = []; % mechTFyaw - radiation torque response rad/(N m) % takes radiation torque around the Y axis, and outputs % rotations around the same axis (yaw) with units % of rad/(N m). mechTFyaw = []; end methods function obj = Optic(varargin) % constructor: default, or with 4 arguments % obj = Optic; % obj = Optic(name, inNames, outNames, driveNames); errstr = 'Don''t know what to do with '; % for argument error messages switch( nargin ) case 0 % default constructor, do nothing % case 1 % % copy constructor % arg = varargin{1}; % if( isa(arg, class(obj)) ) % obj = arg; % else % error([errstr 'a %s.'], class(arg)); % end case 4 % sn, name, inNames, outNames, driveNames [, obj.inNames, obj.outNames, obj.driveNames] = ... deal(varargin{:}); obj.Nin = length(obj.inNames); obj.Nout = length(obj.outNames); obj.Ndrive = length(obj.driveNames); = zeros(obj.Nin, 1); obj.out = zeros(obj.Nout, 1); obj.qxy = zeros(obj.Nout, 2); = zeros(obj.Ndrive, 1); obj.pos = zeros(obj.Ndrive, 1); % check name cell array structure, input for n = 1:obj.Nin if ischar(obj.inNames{n}) obj.inNames{n} = cellstr(obj.inNames{n}); elseif ~iscell(obj.inNames{n}) error('Input names must be strings, or cell arrays of strings.') end end % check name cell array structure, output for n = 1:obj.Nout if ischar(obj.outNames{n}) obj.outNames{n} = cellstr(obj.outNames{n}); elseif ~iscell(obj.outNames{n}) error('Output names must be strings, or cell arrays of strings.') end end % check name cell array structure, drive for n = 1:obj.Ndrive if ischar(obj.driveNames{n}) obj.driveNames{n} = cellstr(obj.driveNames{n}); elseif ~iscell(obj.driveNames{n}) error('Drive names must be strings, or cell arrays of strings.') end end otherwise % wrong number of input args error([errstr '%d input arguments.'], nargin); end end % constructor %%%% Matrix Building %%%% function [mOptAC, mGen, mRad, mFrc, vRspAF, mQuant] ... = getMatrices(obj, pos, par) % Get field transfer, reaction, drive and quantum matrices for this optic. % see also getFieldMatrix, getReactMatrix, getDriveMatrix and getNoiseMatrix % % The parameter struct is % par.c = opt.c; % par.lambda = opt.lambda; % par.k = opt.k; % par.Nrf = Nrf; % par.vFrf = vFrf; % par.Naf = Naf; % par.vFaf = f; % par.vDC = mIn{n} * vDC; % DC fields at each optic's inputs % % [mOptAC, mGen, mRad, mFrc, mRsp, mQuant] = getMatrices(obj, pos, par) % optical field transfer matrix mOptAC = getFieldMatrixAC(obj, pos, par); % reaction, drive and noise matrices (only used in AC computation) mGen = getGenMatrix(obj, pos, par); [mRad, mFrc, vRspAF] = getReactMatrix(obj, pos, par); mQuant = getNoiseMatrix(obj, pos, par); end function [mOptAC, mOpt] = getFieldMatrixAC(obj, pos, par) % return default expansion of the drive matrix mOpt = getFieldMatrix(obj, pos, par); mOptAC = Optic.expandFieldMatrixAF(mOpt); end function [mGenAC, mGen] = getGenMatrix(obj, pos, par, varargin) % return default expansion of the field matrix mCplMany = getDriveMatrix(obj, pos, par, varargin{:}); %%% reduce 3D coupling matrix to mGen with vDC % number of outputs and drives NoutRF = obj.Nout * par.Nrf; Ndrv = obj.Ndrive; % fill in the generation matrix mGen = zeros(NoutRF, Ndrv); vDC = par.vDC; for n = 1:Ndrv mGen(:, n) = mCplMany(:, :, n) * vDC; end % expand to upper and lower audio SBs mGenAC = [mGen; conj(mGen)]; end function mCpl = getDriveMatrix(obj, pos, par) % getDriveMatrix method % returns the default drive coupling matrix: an empty matrix % % mCpl = getDriveMatrix(obj, pos, par) mCpl = []; end function [mRad, mFrc, vRspAF] = getReactMatrix(obj, pos, par) % default getReactMatrix method % returns a zero matrix, Ndrive x (Nrf * Nin) x Naf % % [mRad, mFrc, vRsp] = getReactMatrix(obj, pos, par); mRad = zeros(obj.Ndrive, 2 * par.Nrf * obj.Nin); mFrc = zeros(obj.Ndrive, obj.Ndrive); vRspAF = zeros(par.Naf, obj.Ndrive); end function mQuant = getNoiseMatrix(obj, pos, par) % mQuant = getNoiseMatrix(obj, pos, par) % mQuant is (Nrf * Nout) x Nnoise % % returns a matrix of noise vectors which correspond to % the quantum noises which enter the Optickle system. % % In this, the default implementation, Nnoise = 0. mQuant = zeros(2 * par.Nrf * obj.Nout, 0); end function qm = getBasisMatrix(obj) % qm = getBasisMatrix(obj) % % default basis matrix: no basis change qm = repmat(OpHG, obj.Nin, obj.Nout); end %%%% Protected Properties %%%% function obj = setPosOffset(obj, pos) % set the position offset for an optic % % obj = setPosOffset(obj, pos) if length(pos) ~= obj.Ndrive error('%s: drive positions not equal to number of drives (%d ~= %d)', ..., length(pos), obj.Ndrive); end obj.pos = pos(:); end function obj = addPosOffset(obj, pos) % add to the position offset for an optic % % obj = addPosOffset(obj, pos) if length(pos) ~= obj.Ndrive error('%s: drive positions not equal to number of drives (%d ~= %d)', ..., length(pos), obj.Ndrive); end obj.pos = obj.pos + pos; end function pos = getPosOffset(obj) % get the position offset for an optic % % pos = getPosOffset(obj) pos = obj.pos; end function obj = setMechTF(obj, mechTF, nDOF) % obj = setMechTF(obj, mechTF) % % set the mechanical transfer functions of an optic % % nDOF = 1 is for position % nDOF = 2 is for pitch % nDOF = 3 is for yaw if nargin < 3 nDOF = Optickle.tfPos; end % switch on DOF switch nDOF case Optickle.tfPos obj.mechTF = mechTF; case Optickle.tfPit obj.mechTFpit = mechTF; case Optickle.tfYaw obj.mechTFyaw = mechTF; otherwise error('nDOF must be %d (pos), %d (pit) or %d (yaw), got %d', ... Optickle.tfPos, Optickle.tfPit, Optickle.tfYaw, nDOF) end end %%%% Input and Output Indexing %%%% function [n, np] = getFieldOut(obj, outName) % returns the index of an output field % % n = getFieldOut(obj, outName) % outName - output name or port number % n - output field index (0 means not connected) % np - port number for this output (see getOutputPortNum) % % Example: % [n, np] = getFieldOut(optic, 'fr'); np = getOutputPortNum(obj, outName); % port number n = obj.out(np); % link number end function [n, np] = getFieldIn(obj, inName) % returns the index of an input field % % n = getFieldIn(obj, inName) % inName - input name or port number % n - input field index (0 means not connected) % np - port number for this input (see getInputPortNum) % % Example: % [n, np] = getFieldIn(optic, 'fr'); np = getInputPortNum(obj, inName); % port number n =; % link number end function n = getDriveNum(obj, name) % returns an input drive number, given the drives's name or number % % n = getDriveNum(obj, portName) % % Example: % n = getDriveNum(optic, 'fr') if ischar(name) % ==== name is a string, try to match it m = []; for n = 1:obj.Ndrive m = strmatch(name, obj.driveNames{n}, 'exact'); if ~isempty(m) break end end if isempty(m) error('Invalid drive name "%s" for optic "%s".', name, end elseif isnumeric(name) % ==== name is an index, check it n = name; if n < 1 error('Drive out of range (%d < 1) for optic "%s".', n, end if n > obj.Ndrive error('Drive out of range (%d > %d) for optic "%s".', ... n, obj.Ndrive, end else % ==== name is not a number or a string... error('Invalid argument of type %s', class(name)); end end function n = getInputPortNum(obj, name) % returns an input port number, given the port's name or number % % n = getInputPortNum(obj, portName) % % Example: % n = getInputPortNum(optic, 'fr') if ischar(name) % ==== name is a string, try to match it isMatch = false; for n = 1:obj.Nin isMatch = any(strcmp(obj.inNames{n}, name)); if isMatch break end end if ~isMatch error('Invalid input name "%s" for optic "%s".', name, end elseif isnumeric(name) % ==== name is an index, check it n = name; if n < 1 error('Input out of range (%d < 1) for optic "%s".', n, end if n > obj.Nin error('Input out of range (%d > %d) for optic "%s".', n, obj.Nin, end else % ==== name is not a number or a string... error('Invalid argument of type %s', class(name)); end end function n = getOutputPortNum(obj, name) % returns an output port number, given the port's name or number % % n = getOutputPortNum(obj, portName) % % Example: % n = getOutputPortNum(optic, 'fr') if ischar(name) % ==== name is a string, try to match it isMatch = false; for n = 1:obj.Nout % each output has more than one name... check them all isMatch = any(strcmp(obj.outNames{n}, name)); if isMatch break end end if ~isMatch error('Invalid output name "%s" for optic "%s".', name, end elseif isnumeric(name) % ==== name is an index, check it n = name; if n < 1 error('Output out of range (%d < 1) for optic "%s".', n, end if n > obj.Nout error('Output out of range (%d > %d) for optic "%s".', n, obj.Nout, end else % ==== name is not a number or a string... error('Invalid argument of type %s', class(name)); end end %%%% Display %%%% function display(obj) str = getDispStr(obj, class(obj)); disp(str) end function name = getInputName(obj, inNum) % Get the full name for this input port for display purposes. % The name returned is in the format optic_name<-port_name % % name = getInputName(obj, inNum) name = [ '<-' obj.inNames{inNum}{1}]; end function name = getOutputName(obj, outNum) % Get the full name for this output port for display purposes. % The name returned is in the format optic_name->port_name % % name = getOutputName(obj, outNum) name = [ '->' obj.outNames{outNum}{1}]; end function str = getDispStr(obj, typeStr) % for use by derived classes for standard display % make input string if isempty(find(, 1)) inStr = 'in: none'; else inStr = 'in:'; for m = 1:obj.Nin if inStr = [inStr, sprintf(' %s=%d', obj.inNames{m}{1}, ...]; end end end % make output string if isempty(find(obj.out, 1)) outStr = 'out: none'; else outStr = 'out:'; for m = 1:obj.Nout if obj.out(m) outStr = [outStr, sprintf(' %s=%d', obj.outNames{m}{1}, ... obj.out(m))]; end end end % make complete string str = sprintf('%d) %s is a %s (%s, %s)', ...,, typeStr, inStr, outStr); end end % methods % methods used for model construction methods (Access = {?Optic, ?Optickle}) function obj = setSN(obj, sn, Ndrive) % set the serial number of this optic % This function should only be called from @Optickle/addOptic. % % obj = setSN(obj, Noptic, Ndrive) = sn; = Ndrive + (1:obj.Ndrive)'; end end methods (Abstract) % input to output field matrix (Nout*Nrf x Nin*Nrf) mOpt = getFieldMatrix(obj, pos, par); end methods (Static) function mOptAC = expandFieldMatrix(mOpt, Nrf) % expand a Nout x Nin field matrix % to all RF components and audio SBs % make room for upper and lower audio SBs NinRF = Nrf * size(mOpt, 2); NoutRF = Nrf * size(mOpt, 1); mOptAC = sparse(2 * NoutRF, 2 * NinRF); % expand to all RF components mOptRF = blkdiagN(mOpt, Nrf); % fill in block diagonal matrix mOptAC(1:NoutRF, 1:NinRF) = mOptRF; mOptAC(NoutRF + (1:NoutRF), NinRF + (1:NinRF)) = conj(mOptRF); end function mOptAC = expandFieldMatrixRF(mOpt, Nrf) % expand a (2 * Nout) x (2 * Nin) field matrix % (i.e., one with upper and lower audio SBs) % to all RF components % make room for upper and lower audio SBs Nin = size(mOpt, 2) / 2; Nout = size(mOpt, 1) / 2; NinRF = Nrf * Nin; NoutRF = Nrf * Nout; NinAC = 2 * NinRF; NoutAC = 2 * NoutRF; mOptAC = sparse(NoutAC, NinAC); %%% fill in block diagonal matrices into each AF quadrant % upper left quadrant mOptAC(1:NoutRF, 1:NinRF) = ... blkdiagN(mOpt(1:Nout, 1:Nin), Nrf); % upper right quadrant (only for non-linear optics) mOptAC(NoutRF + (1:NoutRF), (1:NinRF)) = ... blkdiagN(mOpt(Nout + (1:Nout), 1:Nin), Nrf); % lower left quadrant (only for non-linear optics) mOptAC(1:NoutRF, NinRF + (1:NinRF)) = ... blkdiagN(mOpt(1:Nout, Nin + (1:Nin)), Nrf); % lower right quadrant mOptAC(NoutRF + (1:NoutRF), NinRF + (1:NinRF)) = ... blkdiagN(mOpt(Nout + (1:Nout), Nin + (1:Nin)), Nrf); end function mOptAC = expandFieldMatrixAF(mOpt) % expand a Nout x Nin field matrix, % or a (Nrf * Nout) x (Nrf * Nin) field matrix % (i.e., one with RF components, but not audio SBs) % to both audio SBs % make room for upper and lower audio SBs NinRF = size(mOpt, 2); NoutRF = size(mOpt, 1); mOptAC = sparse(2 * NoutRF, 2 * NinRF); % fill in block diagonal matrix mOptAC(1:NoutRF, 1:NinRF) = mOpt; mOptAC(NoutRF + (1:NoutRF), NinRF + (1:NinRF)) = conj(mOpt); end function mGenAC = buildGenMatrix(varargin) % builds the audio SB generation matrix from % multiple coupling matrices and the input DC fields % % last argument is vDC, others are coupling matrices % coupling matrices should be NoutRF x NinRF % returned mGen is (2 * NoutRF) x Ndrv % % Example: % mGenAC = buildGenMatrix(mCpl1, mCpl2, vDC) % convert arguments if nargin < 2 error('Need at least one coupling matrix and vDC') else mCplList = varargin(1:(end - 1)); vDC = varargin{end}; end % number of outputs and drives NoutRF = size(mCplList{1}, 1); Ndrv = numel(mCplList); % fill in the generation matrix mGen = zeros(NoutRF, Ndrv); for n = 1:Ndrv mGen(:, n) = mCplList{n} * vDC; end % expand to upper and lower audio SBs mGenAC = [mGen; conj(mGen)]; end end % methods (Static) end % Optic