classdef Mirror < Optic % Mirror is a type of Optic used in Optickle % % The Mirror object can be used for many purposes. Generally % speaking a mirror has 2 inputs and 4 outputs, and can be % used for cavity optics, steering mirrors, 2-beam combiners or % splitters, etc. (For mixing 4 beams, see the BeamSplitter class.) % % The inputs and outputs for a Mirror are: % % Inputs: % 1, fr, HR = front (HR side) % 2, bk, AR = back (AR side) % % Outputs: % 1, fr = front % 2, bk = back % 3, pi = pick-off sampling back input % 4, po = pick-off sampling back output % % Mirror objects are constructed with the following arguments % obj = Mirror(name, aio, Chr, Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, Nmd) % % Optical Paramters: % aio - angle of incidence (in degrees) % Chr - curvature of HR surface (Chr = 1 / radius of curvature) % Thr - power transmission of HR suface % Lhr - power loss on reflection from HR surface % Rar - power reflection of AR surface % Nmd - refractive index of medium (1.45 for fused silica, SiO2) % Lmd - power loss in medium (one pass) % % default optical parameter values are: % [aio, Chr, Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, Nmd] % [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.45] % % Chr is the mirror "curvature" which is the inverse of the radius % of curvature (c = 1/roc = 1/(2 * f), where f is the focal length). % Positive curvatures are used for concave, zero for a flat mirror, % and negative values for convex mirrors. % % Several of these parameters (Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd)may be % specified for each wavelength and polarization. This is % done by giving an Nx2 or Nx3 matrix instead of a scalar % for that parameter, where the first column is the value, % the second is the wavelength, and (optionally) the thrid % is the polarization. For example, % Thr = [0.1, 1064e-9; 0.9, 532e-9]; % could be used to specify a dichroic mirror. A PBS might % specify % Thr = [1e-3, 1064e-9, 1; 0.99, 1064e-9, 0]; % or a dichroic mirror in a simulation with multiple polarzations % Thr = [0.1, 1064e-9, 1 % 0.2, 1064e-9, 0 % 0.9, 532e-9, 1 % 0.5, 532e-9, 0]; % Note that the wavelength must be specified, even if all % wavelengths used in the simulation are the same. % % Any wavelengths/polarizations with unspecified values % will use the first value specified (e.g., Thr(1, 1)). % % Note that the three loss mechanisms (Lhr, Rar and Lmd) have default % values of zero. Non-zero values will result in the entrance of % vacuum fluctuations, with a corresponding increase in quantum noise, % and an increase in time required to compute quantum noise. % % Example: a curved input mirror with 3km radius and 1% transmission % obj = Mirror('ITMX', 0, 1/3e3, 0.01); properties aoi = []; % angle of incidence (in degrees) Chr = []; % curvature of HR surface (Chr = 1 / radius of curvature) Thr = []; % power transmission of HR suface Lhr = []; % power loss on reflection from HR surface Rar = []; % power reflection of AR surface Lmd = []; % refractive index of medium (1.45 for fused silica, SiO2) Nmd = []; % power loss in medium (one pass) dWaist = []; % distance from the front of the mirror to the beam waist end methods function obj = Mirror(name, varargin) % obj = Mirror(name, aio, Chr, Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, Nmd) % % Optical Paramters: % aio - angle of incidence (in degrees) % Chr - curvature of HR surface (Chr = 1 / radius of curvature) % Thr - power transmission of HR suface % Lhr - power loss on reflection from HR surface % Rar - power reflection of AR surface % Lmd - power loss in medium (one pass) % Nmd - refractive index of medium (1.45 for fused silica, SiO2) % % default optical parameter values are: % [aio, Chr, Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, Nmd] % [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.45] % % Several of these parameters (Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd)may be % specified for each wavelength and polarization. This is % done by giving an Nx2 or Nx3 matrix instead of a scalar % for that parameter, where the first column is the value, % the second is the wavelength, and (optionally) the thrid % is the polarization. For example, % Thr = [0.1, 1064e-9; 0.9, 532e-9]; % could be used to specify a dichroic mirror. A PBS might % specify % Thr = [1e-3, 1064e-9, 1; 0.99, 1064e-9, 0]; % or a dichroic mirror in a simulation with multiple polarzations % Thr = [0.1, 1064e-9, 1 % 0.2, 1064e-9, 0 % 0.9, 532e-9, 1 % 0.5, 532e-9, 0]; % Note that the wavelength must be specified, even if all % wavelengths used in the simulation are the same. % % Any wavelengths/polarizations with unspecified values % will use the first value specified (e.g., Thr(1, 1)). % deal with no arguments if nargin == 0 name = ''; end % build optic inNames = {{'fr' 'HR'}, {'bk' 'AR'}}; outNames = {{'fr' 'HR'}, {'bk' 'AR'}, {'pi'}, {'po'}}; driveNames = {'pos'}; obj@Optic(name, inNames, outNames, driveNames); % deal with arguments errstr = 'Don''t know what to do with '; % for argument error messages switch( nargin ) case 0 % default constructor, do nothing case {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} % copy constructor %if isa(name, class(obj)) % obj = name; % return %end % aoi, Chr, Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, Nmd args = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.45}; args(1:(nargin - 1)) = varargin(1:end); % store stuff in class [obj.aoi, obj.Chr, obj.Thr, obj.Lhr, ... obj.Rar, obj.Lmd, obj.Nmd] = deal(args{:}); otherwise % wrong number of input args error([errstr '%d input arguments.'], nargin); end end function [vThr, vLhr, vRar, vLmd] = getVecProperties(obj, lambda, pol) % optic parametes as vectors for each field component % % [vThr, vLhr, vRar, vLmd] = getVecProperties(obj, lambda, pol) vThr = Optickle.mapByLambda(obj.Thr, lambda, pol); vLhr = Optickle.mapByLambda(obj.Lhr, lambda, pol); vRar = Optickle.mapByLambda(obj.Rar, lambda, pol); vLmd = Optickle.mapByLambda(obj.Lmd, lambda, pol); end function [mOptAC, mOpt] = getFieldMatrixAC(obj, pos, par) % return default expansion of the drive matrix mOpt = getFieldMatrix(obj, pos, par, par.tfType); mOptAC = Optic.expandFieldMatrixAF(mOpt); end %%%% Hermite Gauss Basis %%%% function qm = getBasisMatrix(obj) % Compute basis transform matrix % % qm = getBasisMatrix(obj) qm = planeConvex(OpHG, obj.aoi, obj.Chr, obj.Nmd); end function qxy = getFrontBasis(obj) % qxy = getFrontBasis(obj) % % Return the complex basis x-y pair for the front input. % see also @Mirror/setFrontBasis and @OpHG/apply if isempty(obj.dWaist) || ~isfinite(obj.dWaist) % basis not determined qxy = []; elseif obj.Chr == 0 % flat mirror if obj.dWaist ~= 0 error('%s: distance to waist specified for a flat mirror', ...; end % not wrong, but not helpful either qxy = []; elseif obj.aoi ~= 0 % mirror not a normal to beam... too hard, and not very useful error('%s: distance to waist specified for angled mirror', ...; else % curved mirror with distance specified ROC = 1 / obj.Chr; z = obj.dWaist; z02 = (ROC - z) * z; if z02 <= 0 error(['%s: Unable to match beam waist at distance %g ' ... 'to mirror with curvature %g.'],, z, obj.Chr); end z0 = sqrt(z02); q = z + 1i * z0; % CHECK qxy = [q q]; end end function obj = setFrontBasis(obj, dWaist) % obj = setFrontBasis(obj, dWaist) % % Set the distance from the beam waist to the front % input of this mirror. For non-flat mirrors, % the Rayleigh Range of the input beam is given by % z0 = sqrt(dWaist * (1/Chr - dWaist)) % The argument of the sqrt must be positive. % % This information need not be set for all mirrors, may not % be set for mirrors with an angle of incidence not equal % to zero (aoi ~= 0), and is generally only set for a few % cavity mirrors. Setting this for a flat mirror (Chr == 0) % will result in an error for any value other than 0, and is % not used in any case (as the beam is not constrained by % this information). % % for general info about beam specification see beamRW, beamZ0, and cavHG % for applications in Optickle, see @Optickle/setCavityBasis obj.dWaist = dWaist; end end % methods methods (Static) function mNP = getNoiseAmp(Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, phi, in, minQuant) % mNP = getNoiseAmp(Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, in, out) % % This function returns the quantum noise power matrix for % a mirror. % zero small losses if Lhr < minQuant Lhr = 0; end if Lmd < minQuant Lmd = 0; end if Rar < minQuant Rar = 0; end % ==== From getFieldMatrix % reflection phases frp = exp(1i * phi); brp = conj(frp); % amplitude reflectivities, transmissivities and phases hr = -sqrt(1 - Thr - Lhr); % HR refl ht = sqrt(Thr); % HR trans ar = -sqrt(Rar); % AR refl at = sqrt(1 - Rar); % AR trans bt = sqrt(1 - Lmd); % bulk trans hrf = hr * frp; hrb = -hr * brp; arf = ar * frp; arb = -ar * brp; % transmission combinations hrbt = hrb * bt; arbt = arb * bt; htbt = ht * bt; atbt = at * bt; tbo = atbt * hrbt; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Build noise amplitude matrix mNP = zeros(4, 0); if Lhr ~= 0 % loss at HR surface, front and back side mNP1 = zeros(4, 2); aNoise = sqrt(Lhr); mNP1(1, 1) = aNoise; mNP1(:, 2) = [0; atbt; 0; tbo * arbt] * aNoise; mNP = [mNP, mNP1]; end if Lmd ~= 0 % loss in medium, from back to front and front to back mNP1 = zeros(4, 2); aNoise = sqrt(Lmd); mNP1(:, 1) = [ht; atbt * hrb; 0; tbo * arbt * hrb] * aNoise; mNP1(:, 2) = [0; at; 0; tbo * arb] * aNoise; mNP = [mNP, mNP1]; end if Rar ~= 0 % N1 - vacuum input on back of PI (back input pick-off) % N2 - vacuum input on back of BK (back output) % N3 - vacuum and losses leading to PO (back output pick-off) mNP1 = zeros(4, 3); mNP1(:, 1) = [htbt * arb; tbo * arb; at; tbo * arbt * hrbt * arb]; mNP1(:, 2) = [0; arb; 0; tbo * at]; % this one is a bit messy... Rhr = 1 - Thr - Lhr; Tar = 1 - Rar; Tmd = 1 - Lmd; mNP1(4, 3) = sqrt(Rar + Tar * (Lmd + Tmd * (Lhr + Thr + Rhr * Lmd))); mNP = [mNP, mNP1]; else % N1 - vacuum for PI % N2 - vacuum for PO mNP1 = [0; 0; 1; 0]; mNP2 = [0; 0; 0; 1]; mNP = [mNP, mNP1, mNP2]; end end end % methods (Static) end