classdef BeamSplitter < Optic % BeamSplitter is a type of Optic used in Optickle % % A beam splitter is essentially 2 mirrors which share a common % position. The two sets of 4x2 transfer matrices, each identical % to that of a mirror, produce an 8x4 matrix with no cross-terms. % These two sets are simiply called A and B, as there is no % distinguishing feature to differentiate them with. % % A beam splitter has 4 inputs and 8 outputs. % Inputs: % 1, frA = front A % 2, bkA = back A % 3, frB = front B % 4, bkB = back B % % Outputs: % 1, frA = front % 2, bkA = back % 3, piA = pick-off sampling back input % 4, poA = pick-off sampling back output % 5, frB = front % 6, bkB = back % 7, piB = pick-off sampling back input % 8, poB = pick-off sampling back output % % Example: a beam splitter 49.5% transmission % obj = BeamSplitter('BS', 45, 0, 0.495); properties (SetAccess = protected) aoi = []; % angle of incidence (in degrees) Chr = []; % curvature of HR surface (Chr = 1 / radius of curvature) Thr = []; % power transmission of HR suface Lhr = []; % power loss on reflection from HR surface Rar = []; % power reflection of AR surface Lmd = []; % refractive index of medium (1.45 for fused silica, SiO2) Nmd = []; % power loss in medium (one pass) dWaist = []; % distance from the front of the mirror to the beam waist % a mirror contained here to do calculations % most methods of BS rely on Mirror methods, combining the results % for side A and side B. mir = []; end properties (Constant) % map from side-A and B inputs to mirror inputs mInA = [eye(2), zeros(2)]; mInB = [zeros(2), eye(2)]; % map from mirror outputs to side-A and B outputs mOutA = [eye(4); zeros(4)]; mOutB = [zeros(4); eye(4)]; end methods function obj = BeamSplitter(name, varargin) % obj = BeamSplitter(name, aio, Chr, Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, Nmd) % % Optical Paramters, Members, Functions, etc. % These are the same as for the Mirror class. % % default optical parameter values are: % [aio, Chr, Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, Nmd] % [ 45, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1.45] % % deal with no arguments if nargin == 0 name = ''; end % build optic inNames = {{'frA'}, {'bkA'}, {'frB'}, {'bkB'}}; outNames = {{'frA'}, {'bkA'}, {'piA'}, {'poA'}, ... {'frB'}, {'bkB'}, {'piB'}, {'poB'}}; driveNames = {'pos'}; obj@Optic(name, inNames, outNames, driveNames); % deal with arguments errstr = 'Don''t know what to do with '; % for argument error messages switch( nargin ) case 0 % default constructor, do nothing case {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} % copy constructor %if( isa(arg, class(obj)) ) % obj = arg; % return %end %aoi, Chr, Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, Nmd args = {45, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1.45}; args(1:(nargin-1)) = varargin(1:end); % store stuff in class [obj.aoi, obj.Chr, obj.Thr, obj.Lhr, ... obj.Rar, obj.Lmd, obj.Nmd] = deal(args{:}); otherwise % wrong number of input args error([errstr '%d input arguments.'], nargin); end % set internal mirrors to match obj.mir = Mirror('mir', obj.aoi, obj.Chr, obj.Thr, obj.Lhr, ... obj.Rar, obj.Lmd, obj.Nmd); end function [vThr, vLhr, vRar, vLmd] = getVecProperties(obj, lambda, pol) % optic parametes as vectors for each field component % % [vThr, vLhr, vRar, vLmd] = getVecProperties(obj, lambda, pol) [vThr, vLhr, vRar, vLmd] = obj.mir.getVecProperties(lambda, pol); end %%%% Protected Properties %%%% function obj = setPosOffset(obj, pos) % set the position offset for an optic % % obj = setPosOffset(obj, pos) if length(pos) ~= obj.Ndrive error('%s: drive positions not equal to number of drives (%d ~= %d)', ..., length(pos), obj.Ndrive); end %obj.pos = pos(:); %fix this for BS mir object obj.mir = setPosOffset(obj.mir,pos); obj = setPosOffset@Optic(obj,pos); end function obj = setMechTF(obj, mechTF, nDOF) % sets the mechTF property for the BS and internal mirror object if nargin < 3 nDOF = Optickle.tfPos; end % set mechTF of sub-mirror obj.mir = setMechTF(obj.mir,mechTF,nDOF); % finally call the superclass method obj = setMechTF@Optic(obj,mechTF,nDOF); end %%%% Hermite Gauss Basis %%%% function qm = getBasisMatrix(obj) % Compute basis transform matrix % % qm = getBasisMatrix(obj) qm = obj.mir.getBasisMatrix(); mop = repmat(OpHG(NaN), 4, 2); qm = [qm,mop;mop,qm]; % block diagonal end end methods (Static) function [mInArf, mInBrf, mOutArf, mOutBrf] = getMirrorIO(Nrf) % map from side-A and B inputs to mirror inputs mInArf = blkdiagN(BeamSplitter.mInA, Nrf); mInBrf = blkdiagN(BeamSplitter.mInB, Nrf); % map from mirror outputs to side-A and B outputs mOutArf = blkdiagN(BeamSplitter.mOutA, Nrf); mOutBrf = blkdiagN(BeamSplitter.mOutB, Nrf); end end end