0. Install MATLAB. 1. Install SVN client. For Windows: TortoiseSVN https://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html For Mac: SmartSVN http://www.smartsvn.com/download 2. Checkout the repository below. https://granite.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/svn/LCGT/trunk/mif/KAGRAOptickle/ ID: FirstnameLastname, PW: ********* 3. Open MATLAB and go to the KAGRAOptickle directory on your local machine. 4. Run /KAGRAOptickle/startup.m to add paths. 5. Run /KAGRAOptickle/Examples/runMI.m by steps. Select area separated with %%, and Ctrl(Command)+Enter to run the selected area 6. To run opt2dot function, you will need to install GraphViz. opt2dot makes a graph for Optickle model http://www.graphviz.org/Download.php For Windows: you have to add below to Path of system environment variables C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin For Mac: you might get into trouble depending on your OS version http://www.graphviz.org/Download_macos.php 7. Run /KAGRAOptickle/Examples/runFP.m by steps. 8. Enjoy! Yuta Michimura (July 1, 2016)