%% LCGT model parameters %BRSE, MZ, use REFL_2I for CARM, with BAE %% Name %This string is appended to the result folder name p.Name = '11_45_MZBAER1'; %% Flags % Set this to 1 to include imperfections (like arm asymmetry) p.notperfect = 1; % Set this to 1 to have AR reflections p.ARreflective = 1; % Set this to 1 to put arm offset for DC readout p.DCReadout = 1; % Set this to 1 to fix all optics (to remove optical spring effects) p.fixedOptics = 0; % Set this to 1 for DRSE p.DRSE = 1; % Whether to use MZ or not p.useMZ = 1; % Whether to generate OSA like plots p.osaplots = 0; % Whether to generate mirror sweep plots p.sweepplots = 1; % Whether to generate vector sensing matrix p.vectorSensM = 1; %% Load common parameters % First load the common parameters % Some of the parameters defined in the file will be overwritten below COMMON_PARAMS; %% Tickle setting p.ftickle = 1e2; %% DC Readout Setting %Homodyne phase [deg] %Arm offset is automatically adjusted to achieve this HD phase. p.HDphase = 58.2; % = -(121.8-180) %% SRC Detuning % Detuning of SRC % 86.5 deg in Buonanno & Chen convention (i.e. 90deg for non detune) p.detunePhase = 86.5; p.dTune = lambda * (90-p.detunePhase)/360; if p.DRSE p.posOffsetSRM = p.posOffsetSRM + p.dTune; end %% Signal extraction ports % % Signal ports used for {DARM, CARM, MICH, PRCL, SRCL} p.signalPorts = {'AS_DC', 'REFL_1I', 'REFL_1DmQ', 'REFL_2DmI', 'REFL_1DmI'}; % REFL port % | % ATTN % | % v % | % PD4 <--/----/----/ % | | | % v v v % PD3 PD2 PD1 % % PDs are assigned to the following frequencies. % PD1 -> REFL_1, PD2 -> REFL_2, PD3 -> REFL_1D, PD4 -> REFL_2D p.REFLBS1_R = 2.5/3; p.REFLBS2_R = 0; p.REFLBS3_R = 1.5/2; %% Control UGFs p.DARMUGF = 200; p.CARMUGF = 10e3; p.MICHUGF = 10; p.PRCLUGF = 50; p.SRCLUGF = 50; %% Feed forward % Error in the feed forward transfer function p.FeedForwardError = 1*percent; %% Displacement Noise Requeirements % Contributions of mirror displacement noises (seismic and thermal) should % be smaller than the DARM quantum noise by this factor. p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor = 10; %% Laser Parameters p.Pin=82; %Laser Power % Power at BS % The input laser power will be adjusted to achieve this power. p.Pbs = 780; %MC FSR fMC=round(11255822.4434/2); % RF Sideband frequencies p.fmod1=fMC*2; %First modulation Frequency p.fmod2=fMC*8; %Second modulaiton p.fmod3=fMC*7; %Modulation Depth (imaginary number for phase modulation) p.g1=i*0.15; %f1 p.g2=i*0.1; %f2 p.g3=0.1; %f3 % Number of higher oreder sidebands to be computed p.sbOrder=4; % Generate RF vector p.vMod = generateRFFrequencyVector([p.fmod1,p.fmod2,p.fmod3],p.sbOrder,1); % RC Lengths p.Lprc = 73.2483836291; p.Lsrc = 73.2483836291; p.Lsrc = p.Lsrc - 12e5/p.fmod1; %Adjustment to compensate for the DARM offset. p.Las = 3.32930422797; %% Load common parameters 2 COMMON_PARAMS2;