% opt = addReadoutTelescope(opt, name, f, df, ts, ds, da, db) % add a generic readout telescope and 2 sinks % % The arrangement constructed is a telescope, splitter mirror, % and two sinks. The idea is that the distances can be set to % provide different Gouy phases for the probes set at each sink. % (see also addReadout) % % name - base name for optics in the readout % f, df - telescope parameters (see addTelescope) % ts - splitter transmission (goes to sink B) % ds - distance from telescope to splitter % da - distance from splitter to sink A % db - distance from splitter to sink B function opt = addReadoutTelescope(opt, name, f, df, ts, ds, da, db) % names tele = [name '_TELE']; smir = [name '_SMIR']; snkA = [name 'a']; snkB = [name 'b']; % add optics opt = addTelescope(opt, tele, f, df); opt = addMirror(opt, smir, 45, 0, ts); opt = addSink(opt, snkA); opt = addSink(opt, snkB); % add links opt = addLink(opt, tele, 'out', smir, 'fr', ds); opt = addLink(opt, smir, 'fr', snkA, 'in', da); opt = addLink(opt, smir, 'bk', snkB, 'in', db);