% [opt, sn] = addBeamSplitter(opt, name, aio, Chr, Thr, Lhr, Rar, Lmd, Nmd) % % ===> Do not waste time with BeamSplitters <=== % A BeamSplitter is a 4 input, 8 output object designed to be used % where fields propagating in opposite directions overlap on the same % optic (e.g., in an interferometer). If you are simply splitting a % beam among detectors you need only one input and 2 outputs, so a % Mirror object is sufficient, will reduce complexity as it does not % have A and B sides, and will save computation time. Typically, an % interferometer simulation, including readout, requires only ONE % BeamSplitter object. % % aio - angle of incidence (in degrees) % Chr - curvature of HR surface (Chr = 1 / radius of curvature) % Thr - power transmission of HR surface % Lhr - power loss on reflection from HR surface % Rar - power reflection of AR surface % Nmd - refractive index of medium (1.45 for fused silica, SiO2) % Lmd - power loss in medium (one pass) % % see BeamSplitter and Mirror for more information function [opt, sn] = addBeamSplitter(opt, name, varargin) obj = BeamSplitter(name, varargin{:}); [opt, sn] = addOptic(opt, obj);