function LCGT_LSC() % Construct and simulate length sensing and control of LCGT % % == Usage == % % Before running this function, review and edit the following files. % % (1) paramLCGT.m % % This function returns a structure p, which contains all the parameters % necessary for the LSC simulation. % Read the comments at the beginning of the file for details. % Usually you only have to edit this file and files included herein. % % (2) modelLCGT.m % % This function constructs an Optickle model of LCGT taking the parameter % structure p as an argument. % If you want to modify the optical configuration of LCGT, edit this file. % % (3) determineDemodPhase.m % % This function is used to optimize the demodulation phases for various % probes. It also generates vector sensing matrix for each probe. % Edit this file if you want to change how the demodulation phases are % optimized. % %{{{ ==== Initialization ==== %{{{ Path setup %% Path setup clear all baseDir = pwd; addpath(genpath([baseDir,'/Optickle'])); %addpath(genpath([baseDir,'/Optickle2'])); addpath(genpath([baseDir,'/tools'])); %}}} %{{{ Read parameters %% Read parameters p=paramLCGT(); %}}} %{{{ Flags %% Flags %Whether to generate auxiliary plots osaplots = p.osaplots; sweepplots = p.sweepplots; %}}} %{{{ Units constants %% Units constants nm=1e-9; pm=1e-12; MHz=1e6; ppm=1e-6; c = 299792458; hp = 6.626068e-34; %}}} %{{{ Close all figures %% Close all figures close all %}}} %}}} %{{{ ==== Create result directory ==== %% Create result directory if p.DRSE resultDir = 'DRSE'; else resultDir = 'BRSE'; end %resultDir = [baseDir,'/results/',p.Name,'_',num2str(round(rem(now*86400,100000))),'/']; resultDir = [baseDir,'/results/',p.Name,'/']; if p.useMZI if p.MidOffset == 0 resultDir = [baseDir,'/results/MZI_new/',p.Name,'_',num2str(p.Phi1),'_',num2str(p.Phi3),'_130%f2/']; else if p.MZIM2 resultDir = [baseDir,'/results/MZI_new/',p.Name,'_',num2str(p.Phi1),'_',num2str(p.Phi3),'_', num2str(p.MidOffset),'_Pattern4prime/']; else resultDir = [baseDir,'/results/MZI_new/',p.Name,'_',num2str(p.Phi1),'_',num2str(p.Phi3),'_', num2str(p.MidOffset),'_test/']; end end end if p.RAM resultDir = [baseDir,'/results/BRSE_AM/',num2str(p.g1AM),'_PMRAMIndexModified_SecondOrder/']; if p.ParaRAM resultDir = [baseDir,'/results/BRSE_AM_Parallel/',num2str(p.g1AM),'_f2test/']; end end %}}} %{{{ Load saved results if 0 %{{{ Saved directory savedDir = '/home/aso/exp/LCGT/MIF/ISC/CoreModel/IFOmodel/results/17_45/BRSE_17_45_SDM_BAE_R1_56212/'; %savedDir = '/home/aso/exp/LCGT/MIF/ISC/CoreModel/IFOmodel/results/17_45/DRSE_17_45_SDM_BAE_R2/'; %resultDir = savedDir; %}}} %{{{ Load saved parameters load([savedDir, 'Parameters.mat']); %}}} %{{{ Load the saved tickle results load([savedDir, 'TickleResults.mat']); %load([savedDir, 'TickleResultsSCL.mat']); %}}} %{{{ Load the saved fixed tickle results %load([savedDir, 'TickleResultsFixed.mat']); %}}} %{{{ Rename fixed results to normal results % DC = fDCf; % sigDC = sigDCf; % sigAC = sigACf; % mMech = mMechf; % noiseAC = noiseACf; % noiseMech = noiseMechf; %}}} end %}}} %{{{ Disable SCL injection p.do_SCL = false; %Scattered light amplitudes p.EsETMX = 0; p.EsPR2 = 0; p.EsPRMAR = 0; p.EsSR2 = 0; p.EsSRMAR = 0; p.EsITMtoBS = 0; p.EsITMAR = 0; p.EsREFL = 0; %}}} %{{{ ===== Adjust IFO parameters ===== %{{{ Construct an Optickle model %% Construct an Optickle model [opt,n,l,pr,dr] = modelLCGT(p); % == Extract some useful model information == drvNames=getDriveNames(opt); Ndrive=opt.Ndrive; Nlink=opt.Nlink; lambda=opt.lambda; c=opt.c; %}}} %% ********* Mirror Sweeps ********* %{{{ mkdir mkdir([resultDir,'Sweep']); %% SRCL Sweep fprintf('p.f3EOM %d \n', p.f3EOM); if sweepplots Nstep = 500; %increased # for more presice measurement of p.dTune range=20*nm; dl=linspace(-range,range,Nstep); pos=zeros(Ndrive, Nstep); pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'SRM'),:) = dl; [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); h1=figure(1); plot(dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1DmI,:)),dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1DpI,:)),dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1I,:))... ,dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.POP_1I,:))); xlabel('Displacement [m]','FontSize',16); ylabel('Signal [W]','FontSize',16); title('SRCL Sweep','FontSize',16); grid on YLim = get(gca, 'YLim'); hold on plot([10*nm,10*nm],YLim,'color','r'); legend('REFL_1DmI','REFL_1DpI','REFL_1I','POP_1I','Location','Best'); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'Sweep/', 'SweepSRCL.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'Sweep/', 'SweepSRCL.fig']); if p.useMZI % calculate detune displacement corresponding to phase difference b/w EOMs [M, I] = min(abs(sigDC(pr.POP_1I,:))) p.tmp_dTune = dl(I); p.tmp_detunePhase = 90-(p.tmp_dTune*360/lambda); %{ p.dTune = p.tmp_dTune; p.detunePhase = p.tmp_detunePhase; p.posOffsetSRM = p.posOffsetSRM+ p.dTune; %} fprintf('Phase difference b/w f1 [degree]: %e \n', p.Phi1); fprintf('Displacement of SRM [m]: %e \n', p.dTune); fprintf('Detune Phase [degree]: %e \n', p.detunePhase); %{ % reconstruct the model if p.Phi1 ~= 0 p.DRSE = 1; end %} %[opt,n,l,pr,dr] = modelLCGT(p); fprintf('p.DRSE : %d \n', p.DRSE); fprintf('p.posOffsetSRM : %d \n', p.posOffsetSRM); end close(h1); %Save data M = [dl(:),squeeze(sigDC(pr.POP_1I,:))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'Sweep/SweepSRCL.dat'], M) end %{{{ *********** Check DC fields *************** %{{{ Sweep %% Sweep pos=zeros(Ndrive,1); [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); %}}} %{{{ Scale the input laser power to make the carrier power at the BS constant %% Scale the input laser power to make the carrier power at the BS constant %Carrier power at the BS P_BS = abs(fDC(l.PR3toBS,find(p.vMod==0)))^2; %Scale the input laser power p.Pin = p.Pin * p.Pbs/P_BS; %Reconstruct the Optickle Model [opt,n,l,pr,dr] = modelLCGT(p); %% Check power at each field, each probe %{ [fDC, sigDC] = tickle(opt, [], []); fprintf('DC fields (fDC matrix):\n'); showfDC(opt, fDC); fprintf('|nProbes (sigDC matrix):\n'); showsigDC(opt, sigDC); %} %{ fprintf('p.DRSE : %d \n', p.DRSE); Text1 = 'sigDC at MZI Dark DC' fprintf('sigDC at MZI Dark DC: %d \n',sigDC(pr.MZIDARKDC)); %} %% Check power at each field, each probe [fDC, sigDC] = tickle(opt, [], []); fprintf('Source power: %d \n', p.Pin); if p.useMZI fprintf('sigDC at MZI Dark DC: %d \n',sigDC(pr.MZIDARKDC)); end % Power at detection ports %P_REFL1 = abs(fDC(l.REFL1,:)*fDC(l.REFL1,:)'); %Recalculate the power [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); P_BS = abs(fDC(l.PR3toBS,find(p.vMod==0)))^2; %Arm power Parm = abs(fDC(l.ITMXtoETMX,find(p.vMod==0)))^2; %}}} %{{{ Adjust Homodyne Phase %% Adjust Homodyne Phase %{{{ Measure the AS power by arm mismatch % No offset opt = setPosOffset(opt, n.ETMX, 0); opt = setPosOffset(opt, n.ETMY, 0); pos=zeros(Ndrive,1); [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); % Carrier power leaking out to the AS port by reflectivity mismatch Pmismatch = abs(fDC(l.OMCTR, find(p.vMod==0))).^2; %}}} %{{{ Measure the AS power with arm offset % Add offset testArmOffset = p.armOffsetPolarity*0.5*pm; opt = setPosOffset(opt, n.ETMX, testArmOffset); opt = setPosOffset(opt, n.ETMY, -testArmOffset); pos=zeros(Ndrive,1); [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); % Carrier power leaking out to the AS by the DARM offset Pdc = abs(fDC(l.OMCTR, find(p.vMod==0))).^2 - Pmismatch; %}}} %{{{ Adjust the arm offset % Necessary Pdc to achieve the target HD phase PdcTarget = Pmismatch * tan(p.HDphase*pi/180)^2; % Arm offset necessary to realize the target HD phase p.armOffset = p.armOffsetPolarity * p.DCReadout * sqrt(PdcTarget/(Pdc/(testArmOffset^2))); %}}} %}}} %{{{ Check HD Phase %% Check HD Phase % Add offset opt = setPosOffset(opt, n.ETMX, p.armOffset); opt = setPosOffset(opt, n.ETMY, -p.armOffset); pos=zeros(Ndrive,1); [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); % Carrier power leaking out to the AS by the DARM offset Pdc = abs(fDC(l.OMCTR, find(p.vMod==0))).^2 - Pmismatch; % Homodyne phase HDphase = atan(sqrt(Pdc/Pmismatch))*180/pi; %}}} %{{{ Power at detection ports %% Power at detection ports P_REFL1 = abs(fDC(l.REFL1,:)*fDC(l.REFL1,:)'); P_REFL2 = abs(fDC(l.REFL2,:)*fDC(l.REFL2,:)'); P_REFL3 = abs(fDC(l.REFL3,:)*fDC(l.REFL3,:)'); P_REFL4 = abs(fDC(l.REFL4,:)*fDC(l.REFL4,:)'); P_POP1 = abs(fDC(l.POP1,:)*fDC(l.POP1,:)'); P_POP2 = abs(fDC(l.POP2,:)*fDC(l.POP2,:)'); P_ASPO = abs(fDC(l.ASPO,:)*fDC(l.ASPO,:)'); P_OMCREFL = abs(fDC(l.OMCREFL,:)*fDC(l.OMCREFL,:)'); P_AS = abs(fDC(l.OMCTR,:)*fDC(l.OMCTR,:)'); P_POX = abs(fDC(l.POX,:)*fDC(l.POX,:)'); P_POY = abs(fDC(l.POY,:)*fDC(l.POY,:)'); %}}} %{{{ Adjust attenuators %% Adjust attenuators P_REFL_Max = max([P_REFL1,P_REFL2,P_REFL3,P_REFL4]); if P_REFL_Max > p.PpdMax p.REFL_ATTN = 1 - p.PpdMax/P_REFL_Max; end P_POP_Max = max([P_POP1,P_POP2]); if P_POP_Max > p.PpdMax p.POP_ATTN = 1 - p.PpdMax/P_POP_Max; end %Reconstruct the Optickle Model [opt,n,l,pr,dr] = modelLCGT(p); %}}} %{{{ Check power at detection ports again %% Check power at detection ports again pos=zeros(Ndrive,1); [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); P_REFL1 = abs(fDC(l.REFL1,:)*fDC(l.REFL1,:)'); P_REFL2 = abs(fDC(l.REFL2,:)*fDC(l.REFL2,:)'); P_REFL3 = abs(fDC(l.REFL3,:)*fDC(l.REFL3,:)'); P_REFL4 = abs(fDC(l.REFL4,:)*fDC(l.REFL4,:)'); P_POP1 = abs(fDC(l.POP1,:)*fDC(l.POP1,:)'); P_POP2 = abs(fDC(l.POP2,:)*fDC(l.POP2,:)'); P_ASPO = abs(fDC(l.ASPO,:)*fDC(l.ASPO,:)'); P_OMCREFL = abs(fDC(l.OMCREFL,:)*fDC(l.OMCREFL,:)'); P_AS = abs(fDC(l.OMCTR,:)*fDC(l.OMCTR,:)'); P_POX = abs(fDC(l.POX,:)*fDC(l.POX,:)'); P_POY = abs(fDC(l.POY,:)*fDC(l.POY,:)'); %}}} %{{{ PRG %% PRG PRG=abs(fDC(l.PRMtoPR2, find(p.vMod==0))).^2/(abs(fDC(l.PRMbk, find(p.vMod==0))).^2); Rarm=abs(fDC(l.ITMXtoMICHX_PO, find(p.vMod==0))).^2/(abs(fDC(l.MICHX_POtoITMX, ... find(p.vMod==0))).^2); Rarm=abs(fDC(l.BStoPR3, find(p.vMod==0))).^2/(abs(fDC(l.PR3toBS, find(p.vMod==0))).^2); %}}} %{{{ Light Power in the PRC, SRC, ARMs XARMCarrierPower = abs(fDC(l.ITMXtoETMX, find(p.vMod==0))).^2; XARMf1Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.ITMXtoETMX, find(p.vMod==p.fmod1|p.vMod==-p.fmod1))).^2); XARMf2Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.ITMXtoETMX, find(p.vMod==p.fmod2|p.vMod==-p.fmod2))).^2); YARMCarrierPower = abs(fDC(l.ITMYtoETMY, find(p.vMod==0))).^2; YARMf1Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.ITMYtoETMY, find(p.vMod==p.fmod1|p.vMod==-p.fmod1))).^2); YARMf2Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.ITMYtoETMY, find(p.vMod==p.fmod2|p.vMod==-p.fmod2))).^2); PRCCarrierPower =abs(fDC(l.PRMtoPR2, find(p.vMod==0))).^2; SRCCarrierPower =abs(fDC(l.SR2toSRM, find(p.vMod==0))).^2; AS_CarrierPower =abs(fDC(l.SRMtoASPOM, find(p.vMod==0))).^2; REFLCarrierPower = abs(fDC(l.REFL_ATTN, find(p.vMod==0))).^2; PRCf1Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.PRMtoPR2, find(p.vMod==p.fmod1|p.vMod==- ... p.fmod1))).^2); SRCf1Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.SR2toSRM, find(p.vMod==p.fmod1|p.vMod==- ... p.fmod1))).^2); AS_f1Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.SRMtoASPOM, find(p.vMod==p.fmod1|p.vMod==- ... p.fmod1))).^2); REFL_f1Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.REFL_ATTN, find(p.vMod==p.fmod1|p.vMod==- ... p.fmod1))).^2); PRCf2Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.PRMtoPR2, find(p.vMod==p.fmod2|p.vMod==- ... p.fmod2))).^2); SRCf2Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.SR2toSRM, find(p.vMod==p.fmod2|p.vMod==- ... p.fmod2))).^2); AS_f2Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.SRMtoASPOM, find(p.vMod==p.fmod2|p.vMod==- ... p.fmod2))).^2); REFL_f2Power =sum(abs(fDC(l.REFL_ATTN, find(p.vMod==p.fmod2|p.vMod==- ... p.fmod2))).^2); %}}} %}}} %{{{ ********** OSA Plots ************** %{{{ OSA plot in the PRC %% OSA plot in the PRC mkdir([resultDir,'OSAPlots']); if osaplots h1=figure(1); h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.PRMbk,1,1,'k'); hold(h(1),'on') hold(h(2),'on') h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.PRMtoPR2,1,1,'r'); title(h(1), 'Fields in the PRC', 'FontSize', 16); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OSAPlots/','OSA_Plot_PRC.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OSAPlots/','OSA_Plot_PRC.fig']); %close(h1) end %}}} %{{{ OSA plot in the SRC %% OSA plot in the SRC if osaplots h1=figure(1); h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.PRMbk,1,1,'k'); hold(h(1),'on') hold(h(2),'on') h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.SRMtoSR2,1,1,'r'); title(h(1), 'Fields in the SRC', 'FontSize', 16); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'OSAPlots/', 'OSA_Plot_SRC.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'OSAPlots/', 'OSA_Plot_SRC.fig']); %close(h1) end %}}} %{{{ OSA plot in the X arm %% OSA plot in the X arm if osaplots h1=figure(1); h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.PRMbk,1,1,'k'); hold(h(1),'on') hold(h(2),'on') h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.ITMXtoETMX,1,1,'r'); title(h(1), 'Fields in the X-arm', 'FontSize', 16); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'OSAPlots/', 'OSA_Plot_XARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'OSAPlots/', 'OSA_Plot_XARM.fig']); close(h1) end %}}} %{{{ OSA plot in the Y arm %% OSA plot in the Y arm if osaplots h1=figure(1); h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.PRMbk,1,1,'k'); hold(h(1),'on') hold(h(2),'on') h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.ITMYtoETMY,1,1,'r'); title(h(1), 'Fields in the Y-arm', 'FontSize', 16); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'OSAPlots/', 'OSA_Plot_YARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'OSAPlots/', 'OSA_Plot_YARM.fig']); close(h1) end %}}} %{{{ OSA plot at REFL %% OSA plot at REFL if osaplots h1=figure(1); h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.PRMbk,1,1,'k'); hold(h(1),'on') hold(h(2),'on') h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.REFL_ATTN,1,1,'r'); title(h(1), 'Fields at REFL', 'FontSize', 16); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'OSAPlots/', 'OSA_Plot_REFL.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'OSAPlots/', 'OSA_Plot_REFL.fig']); close(h1) end %}}} %{{{ OSA plot at OMC_TR %% OSA plot at OMC_TR if osaplots h1=figure(1); h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.OMCREFL,1,1,'k'); hold(h(1),'on') hold(h(2),'on') h=osaplot(fDC, p.vMod,l.OMCTR,1,1,'r'); title(h(1), 'Fields at OMCTR', 'FontSize', 16); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'OSAPlots/', 'OSA_Plot_OMCTR.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'OSAPlots/', 'OSA_Plot_OMCTR.fig']); close(h1) end %}}} %{{{ close figures %% close figures close all %}}} %}}} %{{{ ********** Optimize the demodulation phase ********** %{{{ Do optimization %% Do optimization mkdir([resultDir,'VectorSensingMatrices']); determineDemodPhase(p.vectorSensM, [resultDir,'VectorSensingMatrices/'], p); %}}} %{{{ Load the saved demodulation phases %% Load the saved demodulation phases demodPhaseLCGT; %}}} %{{{ Reconstruct the Optickle model %% Reconstruct the Optickle model % % Construct the model with the optimized demodulation phase. [opt,n,l,pr,dr] = modelLCGT(p); % == Extract some useful model information == drvNames=getDriveNames(opt); Ndrive=opt.Ndrive; Nlink=opt.Nlink; lambda=opt.lambda; c=opt.c; opt2dot(opt, [resultDir,'']); %pause %}}} %}}} %{{{ Save simulation parameters %% Save simulation parameters save([resultDir,'Parameters.mat'],'p','opt','l','n','pr','dr'); %}}} %}}} %{{{ === Create Sensing Matrix Plots === %{{{ Plots %% Plots [fDC, sigDC, sigAC, mMech, noiseAC, noiseMech]=tickle(opt,[],p.ftickle); probeNames = {'AS_DC','ASPO_1I','ASPO_1Q','REFL_2I','REFL_2Q','REFL_1I','REFL_1Q','POP_1I','POP_1Q','POP_2I', ... 'POP_2Q','REFL_1DmI','REFL_1DmQ','REFL_2DmI', 'REFL_2DmQ'}; cPrbNames = probeNames; mPrb = eye(length(probeNames)); driveNames = {'ETMX','ETMY','ITMX','ITMY','BS','PRM','SRM'}; cDrvNames = {'DARM','CARM','MICH','PRC','SRC'}; mDrv = [1,-1,0,0,0,0,0; %DARM 1,1,0,0,0,0,0; %CARM 1,-1,-1,1,0,0,0;%MICH 0,0,0,0,0,1,0; %PRC 0,0,0,0,0,0,1]; %SRC if p.MICHBS mDrv = [1,-1,0,0,0,0,0; %DARM 1,1,0,0,0,0,0; %CARM 0,0,0,0,1,-1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2);%MICH 0,0,0,0,0,1,0; %PRC 0,0,0,0,0,0,1]; %SRC end h1=figure(1); plotSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames, noiseAC); h2=figure(2); plotSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); h3=figure(3); plotOffsetMatrix(opt, sigDC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames); h4 = figure(4); plotOffsetMatrixInMeter(opt,sigAC,sigDC,probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, ... driveNames, mDrv, cDrvNames); mkdir([resultDir,'SensingMatrices']); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'SensingMatrices/', 'SensingMatrixNoiseNormalized.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'SensingMatrices/', 'SensingMatrixNoiseNormalized.fig']); print(h2, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrices/','SensingMatrix.pdf']); saveas(h2, [resultDir, 'SensingMatrices/','SensingMatrix.fig']); print(h3, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrices/','OffsetMatrix.pdf']); saveas(h3, [resultDir, 'SensingMatrices/','OffsetMatrix.fig']); print(h4, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrices/','OffsetMatrixInMeter.pdf']); saveas(h4, [resultDir, 'SensingMatrices/','OffsetMatrixInMeter.fig']); %}}} %{{{ Close figures %% Close figures close all; %}}} %{{{ Sensing Matrix of actually used signal ports %% Sensing Matrix of actually used signal ports probeNames = p.signalPorts; cPrbNames = probeNames; mPrb = eye(length(probeNames)); driveNames = {'ETMX','ETMY','ITMX','ITMY','BS','PRM','SRM'}; cDrvNames = {'DARM','CARM','MICH','PRC','SRC'}; mDrv = [1,-1,0,0,0,0,0; %DARM 1,1,0,0,0,0,0; %CARM 1,-1,-1,1,0,0,0;%MICH 0,0,0,0,0,1,0; %PRC 0,0,0,0,0,0,1]; %SRC if p.MICHBS mDrv = [1,-1,0,0,0,0,0; %DARM 1,1,0,0,0,0,0; %CARM 0,0,0,0,1,-1/sqrt(2),1/sqrt(2);%MICH 0,0,0,0,0,1,0; %PRC 0,0,0,0,0,0,1]; %SRC end [mSens, mSensNorm, mOfs, mOfsMeter] = getSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, sigDC,... probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, mDrv, cDrvNames, noiseAC); plotSensingMatrixWithSign(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, mDrv, cDrvNames); print('-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrices/','SensingMatrixSelected.pdf']); %}}} %}}} %{{{ === RF Power at each PD === %% RF Power at each PD DCsigPower = zeros(9,1); DCsigPower(1) = abs(sigDC(cellfun(@(x)getProbeNum(opt,x),{'AS_DC'}))); v = sigDC(cellfun(@(x)getProbeNum(opt,x),{'REFL_1I','REFL_1Q'})); DCsigPower(2) = sqrt(v'*v); REFL1_RFPower = DCsigPower(2); v = sigDC(cellfun(@(x)getProbeNum(opt,x),{'REFL_2I','REFL_2Q'})); DCsigPower(3) = sqrt(v'*v); REFL2_RFPower = DCsigPower(3); v = sigDC(cellfun(@(x)getProbeNum(opt,x),{'POP_1I','POP_1Q'})); DCsigPower(4) = sqrt(v'*v); POP1_RFPower = DCsigPower(4); v = sigDC(cellfun(@(x)getProbeNum(opt,x),{'POP_2I','POP_2Q'})); DCsigPower(5) = sqrt(v'*v); POP2_RFPower = DCsigPower(5); v = sigDC(cellfun(@(x)getProbeNum(opt,x),{'REFL_1DmI','REFL_1DmQ'})); DCsigPower(6) = sqrt(v'*v); REFL1Dm_RFPower = DCsigPower(6); v = sigDC(cellfun(@(x)getProbeNum(opt,x),{'REFL_1DpI','REFL_1DpQ'})); DCsigPower(7) = sqrt(v'*v); REFL1Dp_RFPower = DCsigPower(7); v = sigDC(cellfun(@(x)getProbeNum(opt,x),{'REFL_2DmI','REFL_2DmQ'})); DCsigPower(8) = sqrt(v'*v); REFL2Dm_RFPower = DCsigPower(8); v = sigDC(cellfun(@(x)getProbeNum(opt,x),{'REFL_2DpI','REFL_2DpQ'})); DCsigPower(9) = sqrt(v'*v); REFL2Dp_RFPower = DCsigPower(9); %}}} %{{{ ********* Mirror Sweeps ********* %% ********* Mirror Sweeps ********* %{{{ mkdir %mkdir([resultDir,'Sweep']); %}}} %{{{ DARM Sweep %% DARM Sweep if sweepplots Nstep = 100; range=0.001*nm; dl=linspace(-range,range,Nstep); pos=zeros(Ndrive, Nstep); pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMX'),:) = dl; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMY'),:) = -dl; [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); h1=figure(1); plot(dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.AS_DC,:)),dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.ASPO_1I,:))); xlabel('Displacement [m]','FontSize',16); ylabel('Signal [W]','FontSize',16); title('DARM Sweep','FontSize',16); grid on legend('AS_DC','ASPO_1I'); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'Sweep/', 'SweepDARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'Sweep/', 'SweepDARM.fig']); %close(h1); end %}}} %{{{ CARM Sweep %% CARM Sweep if sweepplots Nstep = 100; range=1*pm; dl=linspace(-range,range,Nstep); pos=zeros(Ndrive, Nstep); pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMX'),:) = dl; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMY'),:) = dl; [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); h1=figure(1); plot(dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_2I,:)),dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1I,:))); xlabel('Displacement [m]','FontSize',16); ylabel('Signal [W]','FontSize',16); title('CARM Sweep','FontSize',16); grid on legend('REFL_2I','REFL_1I'); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'Sweep/', 'SweepCARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'Sweep/', 'SweepCARM.fig']); close(h1); end %}}} %{{{ MICH Sweep %% MICH Sweep if sweepplots & ~p.MICHBS Nstep = 100; range=1*nm; dl=linspace(-range,range,Nstep); pos=zeros(Ndrive, Nstep); pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMX'),:) = dl; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMY'),:) = -dl; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ITMX'),:) = -dl; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ITMY'),:) = dl; [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); h1=figure(1); plot(dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1DmQ,:)),dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1DpQ,:))... ,dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1Q,:)),... dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.POP_1Q,:))); xlabel('Displacement [m]','FontSize',16); ylabel('Signal [W]','FontSize',16); title('MICH Sweep','FontSize',16); grid on legend('REFL_1DmQ','REFL_1DpQ','REFL_1Q', 'POP_1Q'); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'Sweep/','SweepMICH.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'Sweep/','SweepMICH.fig']); % close(h1); end %}}} %{{{ MICH BS Sweep %% MICH BS Sweep if sweepplots & p.MICHBS Nstep = 100; range=1*nm; dl=linspace(-range,range,Nstep); pos=zeros(Ndrive, Nstep); pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'BS'),:) = dl; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'PRM'),:) = -1*dl/sqrt(2); pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'SRM'),:) = 1*dl/sqrt(2); [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); h1=figure(1); plot(dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1DmQ,:)),dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1DpQ,:))... ,dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1Q,:)),... dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.POP_1Q,:))); xlabel('Displacement [m]','FontSize',16); ylabel('Signal [W]','FontSize',16); title('MICH Sweep','FontSize',16); grid on legend('REFL_1DmQ','REFL_1DpQ','REFL_1Q', 'POP_1Q'); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'Sweep/','SweepMICH.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'Sweep/','SweepMICH.fig']); close(h1); end %}}} %{{{ PRCL Sweep %% PRCL Sweep if sweepplots Nstep = 100; range=1*nm; dl=linspace(-range,range,Nstep); pos=zeros(Ndrive, Nstep); pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'PRM'),:) = dl; [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); h1=figure(1); plot(dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_2DmI,:)),dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_2DpI,:)),dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_2I,:)),... dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.POP_2I,:))); xlabel('Displacement [m]','FontSize',16); ylabel('Signal [W]','FontSize',16); title('PRCL Sweep','FontSize',16); grid on legend('REFL_2DmI','REFL_2DpI','REFL_2I', 'POP_2I'); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'Sweep/','SweepPRCL.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'Sweep/','SweepPRCL.fig']); close(h1); end %}}} %{{{ SRCL Sweep %% SRCL Sweep %{ if sweepplots Nstep = 500; %increased # for more presice measurement of p.dTune range=20*nm; dl=linspace(-range,range,Nstep); pos=zeros(Ndrive, Nstep); pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'SRM'),:) = dl; [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); h1=figure(1); plot(dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1DmI,:)),dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1DpI,:)),dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.REFL_1I,:))... ,dl, squeeze(sigDC(pr.POP_1I,:))); xlabel('Displacement [m]','FontSize',16); ylabel('Signal [W]','FontSize',16); title('SRCL Sweep','FontSize',16); grid on YLim = get(gca, 'YLim'); hold on plot([10*nm,10*nm],YLim,'color','r'); legend('REFL_1DmI','REFL_1DpI','REFL_1I','POP_1I','Location','Best'); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'Sweep/', 'SweepSRCL.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'Sweep/', 'SweepSRCL.fig']); % calculate detune displacement corresponding to phase difference b/w EOMs [M, I] = min(abs(sigDC(pr.POP_1I,:))) p.tmp_dTune = dl(I); p.tmp_detunePhase = 90-(p.tmp_dTune*360/lambda) p.dTune = p.tmp_dTune; p.detunePhase = p.tmp_detunePhase; fprintf('Displacement of SRM [m]: %e \n', p.dTune); fprintf('Detune Phase [degree]: %e \n', p.detunePhase); % reconstruct the model BRSEthreshold = 5e-11; %threshold for decideing p.DRSE=0. later better to get this dependent on Nstep) if p.dTune>BRSEthreshold p.DRSE = 1; end [opt,n,l,pr,dr] = modelLCGT(p); close(h1); %Save data M = [dl(:),squeeze(sigDC(pr.POP_1I,:))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'Sweep/SweepSRCL.dat'], M) end %} %}}} %{{{ Close figures %% Close figures close all; %}}} %}}} %{{{ ******* RF Power at each PD with realistic RMS ****** if p.calc_RFPD_requirements %{{{ Add Probes rfList = p.vMod(p.vMod >=0); idx=1; REFL1_Probes_I = zeros(length(rfList),1); REFL1_Probes_Q = zeros(length(rfList),1); REFL2_Probes_I = zeros(length(rfList),1); REFL2_Probes_Q = zeros(length(rfList),1); POP1_Probes_I = zeros(length(rfList),1); POP1_Probes_Q = zeros(length(rfList),1); POP2_Probes_I = zeros(length(rfList),1); POP2_Probes_Q = zeros(length(rfList),1); ASPO_Probes_I = zeros(length(rfList),1); ASPO_Probes_Q = zeros(length(rfList),1); for fmod = rfList' [opt, REFL1_Probes_I(idx)] = addProbeIn(opt, sprintf('REFL1_%.2eI',fmod), n.REFL1, ... 'in', fmod, 0); [opt, REFL1_Probes_Q(idx)] = addProbeIn(opt, sprintf('REFL1_%.2eI',fmod), n.REFL1, ... 'in', fmod, 90*(fmod ~= 0)); [opt, REFL2_Probes_I(idx)] = addProbeIn(opt, sprintf('REFL2_%.2eI',fmod), n.REFL2, ... 'in', fmod, 0); [opt, REFL2_Probes_Q(idx)] = addProbeIn(opt, sprintf('REFL2_%.2eI',fmod), n.REFL2, ... 'in', fmod, 90*(fmod ~= 0)); [opt, POP1_Probes_I(idx)] = addProbeIn(opt, sprintf('POP1_%.2eI',fmod), n.POP1, ... 'in', fmod, 0); [opt, POP1_Probes_Q(idx)] = addProbeIn(opt, sprintf('POP1_%.2eI',fmod), n.POP1, ... 'in', fmod, 90*(fmod ~= 0)); [opt, POP2_Probes_I(idx)] = addProbeIn(opt, sprintf('POP2_%.2eI',fmod), n.POP2, ... 'in', fmod, 0); [opt, POP2_Probes_Q(idx)] = addProbeIn(opt, sprintf('POP2_%.2eI',fmod), n.POP2, ... 'in', fmod, 90*(fmod ~= 0)); [opt, ASPO_Probes_I(idx)] = addProbeIn(opt, sprintf('ASPO_%.2eI',fmod), n.ASPO, ... 'in', fmod, 0); [opt, ASPO_Probes_Q(idx)] = addProbeIn(opt, sprintf('ASPO_%.2eI',fmod), n.ASPO, ... 'in', fmod, 90*(fmod ~= 0)); idx=idx+1; end %}}} %{{{ Prepare pos pos=zeros(Ndrive, 2^5); nn = 1; for ii = [1,-1] for jj = [1,-1] for kk = [1,-1] for ll = [1,-1] for mm = [1,-1] pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMX'),nn) = ii*p.DARM_RMS; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMY'),nn) = -ii*p.DARM_RMS; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMX'),nn) = ... pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMX'),nn) + jj*p.CARM_RMS; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMY'),nn) = ... pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'ETMY'),nn) + jj*p.CARM_RMS; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'BS'),nn) = sqrt(2)*kk*p.MICH_RMS; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'PRM'),nn) = ll*p.PRCL_RMS; pos(getDriveNumbers(opt,'SRM'),nn) = mm*p.SRCL_RMS; nn = nn + 1; end end end end end %}}} %{{{ Do sweep [fDC, sigDC]=sweep(opt,pos); %}}} %{{{ Get RF Power REFL1_RFPower = zeros(length(rfList),1); REFL2_RFPower = zeros(length(rfList),1); POP1_RFPower = zeros(length(rfList),1); POP2_RFPower = zeros(length(rfList),1); ASPO_RFPower = zeros(length(rfList),1); % ** Important Note ** % The signal amplitude (sigDC), given by Optickle is % the one after the demodulation. Since the demodulation % process reduces the amplitude by a factor of 2, the actual % amplitude of the RF power modulation at the PD surface % is twice the output of Optickle. (Consider, cos(w*t)^2 and % expand it to cos(2*w*t) and cos(0). You get 1/2 in front.) for idx = 1:length(rfList) a = sqrt(sigDC(REFL1_Probes_I(idx), :).^2 ... + sigDC(REFL1_Probes_Q(idx),:).^2); REFL1_RFPower(idx) = 2*max(a); a = sqrt(sigDC(REFL2_Probes_I(idx), :).^2 ... + sigDC(REFL2_Probes_Q(idx),:).^2); REFL2_RFPower(idx) = 2*max(a); a = sqrt(sigDC(POP1_Probes_I(idx), :).^2 ... + sigDC(POP1_Probes_Q(idx),:).^2); POP1_RFPower(idx) = 2*max(a); a = sqrt(sigDC(POP2_Probes_I(idx), :).^2 ... + sigDC(POP2_Probes_Q(idx),:).^2); POP2_RFPower(idx) = 2*max(a); a = sqrt(sigDC(ASPO_Probes_I(idx), :).^2 ... + sigDC(ASPO_Probes_Q(idx),:).^2); ASPO_RFPower(idx) = 2*max(a); end %}}} %{{{ Compute DC Power %REFL1 a = squeeze(fDC(l.REFL1,:,:)); b = a'*a; PdcREFL1 = max(abs(diag(b))); %REFL2 a = squeeze(fDC(l.REFL2,:,:)); b = a'*a; PdcREFL2 = max(abs(diag(b))); %POP1 a = squeeze(fDC(l.POP1,:,:)); b = a'*a; PdcPOP1 = max(abs(diag(b))); %POP2 a = squeeze(fDC(l.POP2,:,:)); b = a'*a; PdcPOP2 = max(abs(diag(b))); %ASPO a = squeeze(fDC(l.ASPO,:,:)); b = a'*a; PdcASPO = max(abs(diag(b))); %}}} %{{{ Save to file File = fopen([resultDir, 'RFPower.txt'],'w'); fprintf(File, '####### RF Power at each PD #######\n\n'); fprintf(File, '--- REFL1 PD: target = %fMHz ---\n', p.fmod1/MHz); Pdc = PdcREFL1; fprintf(File, 'DC = %e W\n', Pdc); fprintf(File, 'Shot noise = %e W/rtHz\n\n', sqrt(2*Pdc*hp*c/p.lambda) ); for idx = 2:length(rfList) fprintf(File, '%fMHz = %e W\n', rfList(idx)/MHz, REFL1_RFPower(idx)); end fprintf(File, '\n--- REFL2 PD: target = %fMHz ---\n', p.fmod2/MHz); Pdc = PdcREFL2; fprintf(File, 'DC = %e W\n', Pdc); fprintf(File, 'Shot noise = %e W/rtHz\n\n', sqrt(2*Pdc*hp*c/p.lambda) ); for idx = 2:length(rfList) fprintf(File, '%fMHz = %e W\n', rfList(idx)/MHz, REFL2_RFPower(idx)); end fprintf(File, '\n--- POP1 PD: target = %fMHz ---\n', p.fmod1/MHz); Pdc = PdcPOP1; fprintf(File, 'DC = %e W\n', Pdc); fprintf(File, 'Shot noise = %e W/rtHz\n\n', sqrt(2*Pdc*hp*c/p.lambda) ); for idx = 2:length(rfList) fprintf(File, '%fMHz = %e W\n', rfList(idx)/MHz, POP1_RFPower(idx)); end fprintf(File, '\n--- POP2 PD: target = %fMHz ---\n', p.fmod2/MHz); Pdc = PdcPOP2; fprintf(File, 'DC = %e W\n', Pdc); fprintf(File, 'Shot noise = %e W/rtHz\n\n', sqrt(2*Pdc*hp*c/p.lambda) ); for idx = 2:length(rfList) fprintf(File, '%fMHz = %e W\n', rfList(idx)/MHz, POP2_RFPower(idx)); end fprintf(File, '\n--- ASPO PD: target = %fMHz ---\n', p.fmod1/MHz); Pdc = PdcASPO; fprintf(File, 'DC = %e W\n', Pdc); fprintf(File, 'Shot noise = %e W/rtHz\n\n', sqrt(2*Pdc*hp*c/p.lambda) ); for idx = 2:length(rfList) fprintf(File, '%fMHz = %e W\n', rfList(idx)/MHz, ASPO_RFPower(idx)); end fclose(File); %}}} %{{{ Reconstruct the Optickle model %% Reconstruct the Optickle model % % Construct the model with the optimized demodulation phase. [opt,n,l,pr,dr] = modelLCGT(p); % == Extract some useful model information == drvNames=getDriveNames(opt); Ndrive=opt.Ndrive; Nlink=opt.Nlink; lambda=opt.lambda; c=opt.c; %}}} end %}}} %{{{ ******** Tickle ************ if p.doTickle %{{{ tickle %% Tickle display('Start Tickling ...') %f=logspace(-1,5,1000); %f=logspace(-3,4,500); f=logspace(0,4,500); tic [fDC, sigDC, sigAC, mMech, noiseAC, noiseMech] = ptickle(opt, [], f); toc display('Finished.') %}}} %{{{ Save the tickle results %% Save the tickle results save([resultDir,'TickleResults.mat'],'fDC','sigDC','sigAC','mMech','noiseAC','noiseMech','f','DCsigPower'); %}}} end %if p.doTickle %}}} %{{{ ******** Fixed Tickle *********** if p.doFixedTickle %{{{ Tickle display('Start Fixed Optics Tickling ...') p.fixedOptics = 1; [opt,n,l,pr,dr] = modelLCGT(p); f=logspace(0,4,500); tic [fDCf, sigDCf, sigACf, mMechf, noiseACf, noiseMechf] = ptickle(opt, [], f); toc display('Finished.') %}}} %{{{ Save the tickle results %% Save the tickle results save([resultDir,'TickleResultsFixed.mat'],'fDCf','sigDCf','sigACf','mMechf','noiseACf','noiseMechf','f'); %}}} end %}}} %{{{ Plot Pure Quantum Sensitivity %% Plot Pure Quantum Sensitivity %Angular freq w = 2*pi*f; sigDARM = [0.5,-0.5]*squeeze(sigAC(pr.AS_DC, getDriveNumbers(opt, {'ETMX','ETMY'}),:)); % for ii = [1:length(w)] % sigDARM = sigAC(pr.AS_DC, getDriveNumbers(opt, {'ETMX','ETMY'}),ii)* ... % [mMech(dr.ETMX,dr.ETMX,ii),-mMech(dr.ETMY,dr.ETMY,ii)]*0.5; % end sigDARM = sigDARM(:); noiseDARM = noiseAC(pr.AS_DC, :); noiseDARM = noiseDARM(:); pureQN = abs(noiseDARM./sigDARM/p.Larm); h1=figure(1); h=loglog(f, abs(noiseDARM./sigDARM/p.Larm)); set(gca,'FontSize',16); grid on title('Pure Quantum Strain Sensitivity','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('1/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'PureQuantumNoise.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'PureQuantumNoise.fig']); close(h1); %Save M = [f(:),abs(noiseDARM./sigDARM/p.Larm)]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'PureQuantumNoise.dat'], M); %}}} if p.doTickle if p.LoopNoise %{{{ ****** Loop Noise Calculation ********** %% ****** Loop Noise Calculation ********** %****************************************** % % Matirces for Loop Noise % % DOF Vector: (DARM, CARM, MICH, PRC, SRC) % % % Probe Vector: Probes for [DARM, CARM, MICH, PRCL, SRCL] % % %{{{ Prepare %Angular freq w = 2*pi*f; %Drive name cell array drvNames = {'ETMX', 'ETMY', 'ITMX', 'ITMY', 'BS', 'PRM', 'SRM', 'PM', ... 'AM', 'Mod1.amp', 'Mod1.phase', 'Mod2.amp', ... 'Mod2.phase', 'Mod3.amp', 'Mod3.phase'}; if p.useMZI if p.MZIM2 if p.f3EOM drvNames = {'ETMX', 'ETMY', 'ITMX', 'ITMY', 'BS', 'PRM', 'SRM', 'PM', ... 'AM', 'Mod1.amp', 'Mod1.phase', 'Mod2.amp', ... 'Mod2.phase', 'Mod3.amp', 'Mod3.phase',... 'Mod1A.amp', 'Mod1A.phase', 'Mod3A.amp',... 'Mod3A.phase', 'MZIM1', 'MZIM2', 'MZIM4'}; else drvNames = {'ETMX', 'ETMY', 'ITMX', 'ITMY', 'BS', 'PRM', 'SRM', 'PM', ... 'AM', 'Mod1.amp', 'Mod1.phase', 'Mod2.amp', ... 'Mod2.phase','Mod3.amp', 'Mod3.phase',... 'Mod1A.amp','Mod1A.phase', ... 'MZIM1', 'MZIM2', 'MZIM4'}; end else if p.f3EOM drvNames = {'ETMX', 'ETMY', 'ITMX', 'ITMY', 'BS', 'PRM', 'SRM', 'PM', ... 'AM', 'Mod1.amp', 'Mod1.phase', 'Mod2.amp', ... 'Mod2.phase', 'Mod3.amp', 'Mod3.phase',... 'Mod1A.amp', 'Mod1A.phase', 'Mod3A.amp',... 'Mod3A.phase', 'MZIM1', 'MZIM4'}; else drvNames = {'ETMX', 'ETMY', 'ITMX', 'ITMY', 'BS', 'PRM', 'SRM', 'PM', ... 'AM', 'Mod1.amp', 'Mod1.phase', 'Mod2.amp', ... 'Mod2.phase', 'Mod3.amp', 'Mod3.phase',... 'Mod1A.amp', 'Mod1A.phase', ... 'MZIM1', 'MZIM4'}; end end end if p.RAM drvNames = {'ETMX', 'ETMY', 'ITMX', 'ITMY', 'BS', 'PRM', 'SRM', 'PM', ... 'AM', 'Mod1.amp', 'Mod1.phase', 'Mod2.amp', ... 'Mod2.phase', 'Mod3.amp', 'Mod3.phase', ... 'Mod1AM1.amp', 'Mod1AM1.phase','Mod2AM1.amp', 'Mod2AM1.phase'}; end %Map object to return a drive index given a drive name actMap = containers.Map(drvNames, [1:length(drvNames)]); %Drive indices array iDrv = getDriveNumbers(opt, drvNames); % DOF to Actuator conversion matrix Mconv = zeros(length(iDrv),5); %DARM Mconv(1,1)=1/2; Mconv(2,1)=-1/2; %CARM Mconv(1,2)=0; Mconv(2,2)=0; Mconv(8,2)=1; %MICH if p.MICHBS Mconv(5,3)=1; Mconv(6,3)=-1/sqrt(2);Mconv(7,3)=1/sqrt(2); else Mconv(1,3)=1; Mconv(2,3)=-1;Mconv(3,3)=-1; Mconv(4,3)=1; end %PRCL Mconv(6,4)=1; %SRCL Mconv(7,5)=1; %CARM ETM Mconv2 = Mconv; Mconv2(1,2)=1/2; Mconv2(2,2)=1/2; Mconv2(8,2)=0; %Actuator vector for individual mirror vActETMX = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActETMX(actMap('ETMX')) = 1; vActETMY = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActETMY(actMap('ETMY')) = 1; vActITMX = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActITMX(actMap('ITMX')) = 1; vActITMY = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActITMY(actMap('ITMY')) = 1; vActBS = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActBS(actMap('BS')) = 1; vActPRM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActPRM(actMap('PRM')) = 1; vActSRM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActSRM(actMap('SRM')) = 1; vActPM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActPM(actMap('PM')) = 1; vActAM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActAM(actMap('AM')) = 1; vActf1AM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf1AM(actMap('Mod1.amp')) = 1; vActf1PM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf1PM(actMap('Mod1.phase')) = 1; vActf2AM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf2AM(actMap('Mod2.amp')) = 1; vActf2PM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf2PM(actMap('Mod2.phase')) = 1; vActf3AM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf3AM(actMap('Mod3.amp')) = 1; vActf3PM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf3PM(actMap('Mod3.phase')) = 1; if p.useMZI vActf1APM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf1APM(actMap('Mod1A.phase')) = 1; vActf1AAM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf1AAM(actMap('Mod1A.amp')) = 1; if p.f3EOM vActf3APM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf3APM(actMap('Mod3A.phase')) = 1; vActf3AAM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf3AAM(actMap('Mod3A.amp')) = 1; end vActMZIM1 = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActMZIM1(actMap('MZIM1')) = 1; vActMZIM4 = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActMZIM4(actMap('MZIM4')) = 1; if p.MZIM2 vActMZIM2 = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActMZIM2(actMap('MZIM2')) = 1; end end if p.RAM vActf1AM1AM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf1AM1AM(actMap('Mod1AM1.amp')) = 1; vActf1AM1PM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf1AM1PM(actMap('Mod1AM1.phase')) = 1; vActf2AM1AM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf2AM1AM(actMap('Mod2AM1.amp')) = 1; vActf2AM1PM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf2AM1PM(actMap('Mod2AM1.phase')) = 1; end %Probe indices iPrb = [getProbeNum(opt,p.signalPorts{1}), getProbeNum(opt,p.signalPorts{2}),... getProbeNum(opt,p.signalPorts{3}), getProbeNum(opt,p.signalPorts{4}),... getProbeNum(opt,p.signalPorts{5})]; %}}} %{{{ Actuation Matrix (DOF to Mirrors) A %% Actuation Matrix (DOF to Mirrors) A % Mechanical TF matrix Mtf = repmat(eye(length(iDrv), length(iDrv)),[1,1,length(w)]); Mtf(1,1,:) = freqresp(p.tfTM,w); Mtf(2,2,:) = freqresp(p.tfTM,w); Mtf(3,3,:) = freqresp(p.tfTM,w); Mtf(4,4,:) = freqresp(p.tfTM,w); Mtf(5,5,:) = freqresp(p.tfBS,w); Mtf(6,6,:) = freqresp(p.tfPRM,w); Mtf(7,7,:) = freqresp(p.tfSRM,w); % Mtf(8,8,:) is the transfer function from laser frequency feedback % signal to the phase modulation. % It is 1/(2*pi*f) because f = d phi/dt Mtf(8,8,:) = 1./(i*w); % Mtf(9,9,:) is the transfer function from the laser power actuation % to the power variation of the laser. It is 1/2 because this actuator % is actually an amplitude modulator. Note that dP/P = 2*dE/E. Mtf(9,9,:) = 1/2; A = zeros(length(iDrv),5,length(w)); %Loop for the frequency points for ii=[1:length(w)] %Mmod = diag(diag(mMech(iDrv, iDrv,ii))); %Mmod = mMech(iDrv, iDrv,ii); Mmod=eye(length(iDrv), length(iDrv)); A(:,:,ii) = Mmod*Mtf(:,:,ii)*Mconv; end %CARM ETM A2 = zeros(length(iDrv),5,length(w)); %Loop for the frequency points for ii=[1:length(w)] %Mmod = diag(diag(mMech(iDrv, iDrv,ii))); %Mmod = mMech(iDrv, iDrv,ii); Mmod=eye(length(iDrv), length(iDrv)); A2(:,:,ii) = Mmod*Mtf(:,:,ii)*Mconv2; end %}}} %{{{ Detector Matrix D %% Detector Matrix D D=sigAC(iPrb, iDrv, :); %}}} %{{{ Sensing Matrix S %% Sensing Matrix S S = eye(5); %}}} %{{{ Check the optical gain %% Check the raw loop gain mkdir([resultDir,'OptGains']); OPTG = zeros(5,5,length(w)); CARM_ETM_OPTG = zeros([1, length(w)]); for ii=[1:length(w)] OPTG(:,:,ii) = S*D(:,:,ii)*Mconv; v1 = S*D(:,:,ii)*(vActETMX-vActETMY); CARM_ETM_OPTG(ii) = v1(2); end close all; % DARM h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(OPTG(1,1,:))))); title('DARM Optical Gain','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(OPTG(1,1,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OptGains/', 'OptGainDARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OptGains/', 'OptGainDARM.fig']); close(h1); %Save data Resp = squeeze(OPTG(1,1,:)); filename = [resultDir, 'OptGains/', 'OptGainDARM.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % CARM Resp = squeeze(OPTG(2,2,:))./(i*w(:)); %Resp = squeeze(OPTG(2,2,:)); h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(Resp))); title('CARM Optical Gain','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,angle(Resp)*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OptGains/','OptGainCARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OptGains/','OptGainCARM.fig']); close(h1); %Save data filename = [resultDir, 'OptGains/', 'OptGainCARM.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % CARM ETM Resp = CARM_ETM_OPTG; h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(Resp))); title('CARM ETM Optical Gain','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,angle(Resp)*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OptGains/','OptGainCARM_ETM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OptGains/','OptGainCARM_ETM.fig']); close(h1); %Save data filename = [resultDir, 'OptGains/', 'OptGainCARM_ETM.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % MICH h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(OPTG(3,3,:))))); title('MICH Optical Gain','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(OPTG(3,3,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OptGains/','OptGainMICH.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OptGains/','OptGainMICH.fig']); close(h1); %Save data Resp = squeeze(OPTG(3,3,:)); filename = [resultDir, 'OptGains/', 'OptGainMICH.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % PRCL h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(OPTG(4,4,:))))); title('PRCL Optical Gain','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(OPTG(4,4,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]'); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OptGains/','OptGainPRCL.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OptGains/','OptGainPRCL.fig']); close(h1); %Save data Resp = squeeze(OPTG(4,4,:)); filename = [resultDir, 'OptGains/', 'OptGainPRCL.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % SRCL h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(OPTG(5,5,:))))); title('SRCL Optical Gain','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(OPTG(5,5,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OptGains/','OptGainSRCL.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OptGains/','OptGainSRCL.fig']); close(h1); %Save data Resp = squeeze(OPTG(5,5,:)); filename = [resultDir, 'OptGains/', 'OptGainSRCL.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ Check the raw loop gain %% Check the raw loop gain mkdir([resultDir,'RawGains']); G = zeros(5,5,length(w)); for ii=[1:length(w)] G(:,:,ii) = S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii); end close all; % DARM h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(G(1,1,:))))); title('DARM Raw Gain (without feedback filter)','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(G(1,1,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'RawGains/', 'RawGainDARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'RawGains/', 'RawGainDARM.fig']); close(h1); %Save data Resp = squeeze(G(1,1,:)); filename = [resultDir, 'RawGains/', 'RawGainDARM.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % CARM h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(G(2,2,:))))); title('CARM Raw Gain (without feedback filter)','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(G(2,2,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'RawGains/','RawGainCARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'RawGains/','RawGainCARM.fig']); close(h1); %Save data Resp = squeeze(G(2,2,:)); filename = [resultDir, 'RawGains/', 'RawGainCARM.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % MICH h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(G(3,3,:))))); title('MICH Raw Gain (without feedback filter)','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(G(3,3,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'RawGains/','RawGainMICH.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'RawGains/','RawGainMICH.fig']); close(h1); %Save data Resp = squeeze(G(3,3,:)); filename = [resultDir, 'RawGains/', 'RawGainMICH.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % PRCL h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(G(4,4,:))))); title('PRCL Raw Gain (without feedback filter)','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(G(4,4,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'RawGains/','RawGainPRCL.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'RawGains/','RawGainPRCL.fig']); close(h1); %Save data Resp = squeeze(G(4,4,:)); filename = [resultDir, 'RawGains/', 'RawGainPRCL.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % SRCL h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(G(5,5,:))))); title('SRCL Raw Gain (without feedback filter)','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(G(5,5,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'RawGains/','RawGainSRCL.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'RawGains/','RawGainSRCL.fig']); close(h1); %Save data Resp = squeeze(G(5,5,:)); filename = [resultDir, 'RawGains/', 'RawGainSRCL.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ Cross Couplings %{{{ Coupling Matrix Dcn = zeros(5,5,length(w)); for ii=[1:length(w)] Dcn(:,:,ii) = D(:,:,ii)*Mconv; end %}}} %{{{ MICH/ DARM % MICH to DARM h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(Dcn(1,3,:))./abs(Dcn(1,1,:))))); title('MICH to DARM Coupling','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(Dcn(1,3,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on %}}} %{{{ MICH to DARM % MICH to DARM h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(Dcn(1,3,:))))); title('MICH to DARM Coupling','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(Dcn(1,3,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on %}}} %{{{ DARM to DARM % MICH to DARM h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(Dcn(1,1,:))))); title('MICH to DARM Coupling','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(Dcn(1,3,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on %}}} %{{{ MICH to MICH % MICH to DARM h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(squeeze(abs(Dcn(3,3,:))))); title('MICH to DARM Coupling','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(Dcn(3,3,:)))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on %}}} close all %}}} %{{{ ====== Feedback Matrix F ======== %{{{ mkdir mkdir([resultDir,'OpenLoopGains']); %}}} %{{{ DARM %% DARM %Fdarm = zpk([-2*pi*20,-2*pi*100, -2*pi*100],[-2*pi*1,-2*pi*800, -2*pi*800, -2*pi*1500],1); z0 = -2*pi*20; z1 = -2*pi*p.DARMUGF/2; p0 = -2*pi*1; p1 = -2*pi*4*p.DARMUGF; p2 = -2*pi*8*p.DARMUGF; Fdarm = zpk([z0,z1,z1],[p0,p1,p1,p2],1); % h = bodeplot(Fdarm); % p1 = getoptions(h); % p1.FreqUnits = 'Hz'; % p1.Grid = 'on'; % setoptions(h,p1); % Set dc gain ii = find(f >= p.DARMUGF, 1); G0 = -sign(angle(G(1,1,ii)))/abs(G(1,1,ii)*freqresp(Fdarm,w(ii))); set(Fdarm, 'k', G0); % Open Loop Gain OPLG = squeeze(G(1,1,:)).*squeeze(freqresp(Fdarm,w)); %OPLG=squeeze(G(1,1,:)); % Plot h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(OPLG))); title('DARM Open Loop Gain','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(OPLG))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','OpenLoopGainDARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','OpenLoopGainDARM.fig']); close(h1); %Save OPLG data filename = [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/', 'OpenLoopGainDARM.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(OPLG(:)), imag(OPLG(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % Plot Fdarm Resp = squeeze(freqresp(Fdarm,w)); h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(Resp))); title('DARM Filter','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(Resp))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','FilterTF_DARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','FilterTF_DARM.fig']); close(h1); %Save filter response data filename = [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/', 'FilterTF_DARM.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ CARM %% CARM %Fcarm = zpk([-2*pi*2e3, -2*pi*100],[-2*pi*150e5, -2*pi*200e3, -2*pi*1], 1); Fcarm = zpk([-2*pi*2e3],[-2*pi*500e3, -2*pi*200e3, ... -2*pi*0.1, -2*pi*0.1],1); % h = bodeplot(Fcarm); % p1 = getoptions(h); % p1.FreqUnits = 'Hz'; % p1.Grid = 'on'; % setoptions(h,p1); % Set dc gain UGF = 10000; ii = find(f >= UGF, 1); G0 = -sign(angle(G(2,2,ii)))/abs(G(2,2,ii)*freqresp(Fcarm,w(ii))); set(Fcarm, 'k', G0); % Open Loop Gain OPLG = squeeze(G(2,2,:)).*squeeze(freqresp(Fcarm,w)); % Plot h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(OPLG))); title('CARM Open Loop Gain','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(OPLG))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','OpenLoopGainCARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','OpenLoopGainCARM.fig']); close(h1); %Save OPLG data filename = [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/', 'OpenLoopGainCARM.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(OPLG(:)), imag(OPLG(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % Plot Fcarm Resp = squeeze(freqresp(Fcarm,w)); h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(Resp))); title('CARM Filter','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(Resp))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','FilterTF_CARM.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','FilterTF_CARM.fig']); close(h1); %Save filter response data filename = [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/', 'FilterTF_CARM.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ MICH %% MICH z1 = -2*pi*p.MICHUGF/2; p1 = -2*pi*4*p.MICHUGF; p2 = -2*pi*8*p.MICHUGF; if p.DRSE Fmich = zpk([z1],[p1,p2],-1); else Fmich = zpk([z1,z1],[p1,p1,p2],-1); end % h = bodeplot(Fmich); % p1 = getoptions(h); % p1.FreqUnits = 'Hz'; % p1.Grid = 'on'; % setoptions(h,p1); % Set dc gain ii = find(f >= p.MICHUGF, 1); G0 = -sign(angle(G(3,3,ii)))/abs(G(3,3,ii)*freqresp(Fmich,w(ii))); set(Fmich, 'k', G0); % Open Loop Gain OPLG = squeeze(G(3,3,:)).*squeeze(freqresp(Fmich,w)); % Plot h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(OPLG))); title('MICH Open Loop Gain','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(OPLG))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'OpenLoopGains/', 'OpenLoopGainMICH.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'OpenLoopGains/', 'OpenLoopGainMICH.fig']); close(h1); %Save OPLG data filename = [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/', 'OpenLoopGainMICH.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(OPLG(:)), imag(OPLG(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % Plot Fmich Resp = squeeze(freqresp(Fmich,w)); h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(Resp))); title('MICH Filter','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(Resp))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','FilterTF_MICH.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','FilterTF_MICH.fig']); close(h1); %Save filter response data filename = [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/', 'FilterTF_MICH.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ PRCL %% PRCL z1 = -2*pi*p.PRCLUGF/2; p1 = -2*pi*4*p.PRCLUGF; p2 = -2*pi*8*p.PRCLUGF; Fprc = zpk([z1,z1],[p1,p1,p2],1); % h = bodeplot(Fprc); % p1 = getoptions(h); % p1.FreqUnits = 'Hz'; % p1.Grid = 'on'; % setoptions(h,p1); % Set dc gain ii = find(f >= p.PRCLUGF, 1); G0 = -sign(angle(G(4,4,ii)))/abs(G(4,4,ii)*freqresp(Fprc,w(ii))); set(Fprc, 'k', G0); % Open Loop Gain OPLG = squeeze(G(4,4,:)).*squeeze(freqresp(Fprc,w)); % Plot h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(OPLG))); title('PRC Open Loop Gain','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(OPLG))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'OpenLoopGains/', 'OpenLoopGainPRC.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'OpenLoopGains/', 'OpenLoopGainPRC.fig']); close(h1); %Save OPLG data filename = [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/', 'OpenLoopGainPRC.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(OPLG(:)), imag(OPLG(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % Plot Fprc Resp = squeeze(freqresp(Fprc,w)); h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(Resp))); title('PRC Filter','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(Resp))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','FilterTF_PRC.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','FilterTF_PRC.fig']); close(h1); %Save filter response data filename = [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/', 'FilterTF_PRC.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ SRCL %% SRCL z1 = -2*pi*p.SRCLUGF/2; p1 = -2*pi*4*p.SRCLUGF; p2 = -2*pi*8*p.SRCLUGF; Fsrc = zpk([z1,z1],[p1,p1,p2],-1); h = bodeplot(Fsrc); p1 = getoptions(h); p1.FreqUnits = 'Hz'; p1.Grid = 'on'; setoptions(h,p1); % Set dc gain ii = find(f >= p.SRCLUGF, 1); G0 = -sign(angle(G(5,5,ii)))/abs(G(5,5,ii)*freqresp(Fsrc,w(ii))); set(Fsrc, 'k', G0); % Open Loop Gain OPLG = squeeze(G(5,5,:)).*squeeze(freqresp(Fsrc,w)); % Plot h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(OPLG))); title('SRC Open Loop Gain','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(OPLG))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir,'OpenLoopGains/', 'OpenLoopGainSRC.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir,'OpenLoopGains/', 'OpenLoopGainSRC.fig']); close(h1); %Save OPLG data filename = [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/', 'OpenLoopGainSRC.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(OPLG(:)), imag(OPLG(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); % Plot Fprc Resp = squeeze(freqresp(Fsrc,w)); h1=figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(abs(Resp))); title('SRC Filter','FontSize',12); ylabel('Gain [dB]') grid on subplot(2,1,2); semilogx(f,squeeze(angle(Resp))*180/pi); ylabel('Phase [deg.]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','FilterTF_SRC.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/','FilterTF_SRC.fig']); close(h1); %Save filter response data filename = [resultDir, 'OpenLoopGains/', 'FilterTF_SRC.dat']; fid = fopen(filename,'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, real, imag\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), real(Resp(:)), imag(Resp(:))]; dlmwrite(filename, M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ F matrix %% F matrix F = zeros(5,5,length(w)); F(1,1,:) = squeeze(freqresp(Fdarm, w)); F(2,2,:) = squeeze(freqresp(Fcarm, w)); F(3,3,:) = squeeze(freqresp(Fmich, w)); F(4,4,:) = squeeze(freqresp(Fprc, w)); F(5,5,:) = squeeze(freqresp(Fsrc, w)); %}}} %}}} %{{{ Shot Noise Plot %% Shot Noise Plot mkdir([resultDir,'LoopNoise']); % Shot noise vector NSall = noiseAC(iPrb, :); NSdarm = zeros(5, length(w)); NSdarm(1,:) = NSall(1,:); NScarm = zeros(5, length(w)); NScarm(2,:) = NSall(2,:); NSmich = zeros(5, length(w)); NSmich(3,:) = NSall(3,:); NSprc = zeros(5, length(w)); NSprc(4,:) = NSall(4,:); NSsrc = zeros(5, length(w)); NSsrc(5,:) = NSall(5,:); h1 = figure(1); loglog(f,NSall(1,:), f,NSall(2,:),f,NSall(3,:),f,NSall(4,:),f,NSall(5,:)); legend('DARM','CARM','MICH','PRC','SRC'); title('Shot Noise at each signal port','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('W/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'ShotNoises.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'ShotNoises.fig']); close(h1); %}}} %{{{ ===== Displacement Equivalent Quantum Noises ==== %% ===== Displacement Equivalent Quantum Noises ==== XqnDARM=zeros(length(w),1); OptgDARM=zeros(length(w),1); XqnCARM=zeros(length(w),1); OptgCARM=zeros(length(w),1); XqnMICH=zeros(length(w),1); OptgMICH=zeros(length(w),1); XqnPRCL=zeros(length(w),1); OptgPRCL=zeros(length(w),1); XqnSRCL=zeros(length(w),1); OptgSRCL=zeros(length(w),1); for ii = 1:length(w) OptgDARM(ii) = D(1,:,ii)*Mconv2*[1;0;0;0;0]; XqnDARM(ii) = NSall(1,ii)./OptgDARM(ii); OptgCARM(ii) = D(2,:,ii)*Mconv2*[0;1;0;0;0]; XqnCARM(ii) = NSall(2,ii)./OptgCARM(ii); OptgMICH(ii) = D(3,:,ii)*Mconv2*[0;0;1;0;0]; XqnMICH(ii) = NSall(3,ii)./OptgMICH(ii); OptgPRCL(ii) = D(4,:,ii)*Mconv2*[0;0;0;1;0]; XqnPRCL(ii) = NSall(4,ii)./OptgPRCL(ii); OptgSRCL(ii) = D(5,:,ii)*Mconv2*[0;0;0;0;1]; XqnSRCL(ii) = NSall(5,ii)./OptgSRCL(ii); end %Plot h1 = figure(1); loglog(f,abs(XqnDARM),f,abs(XqnCARM),f,abs(XqnMICH),f,abs(XqnPRCL),f,abs(XqnSRCL)); legend('DARM','CARM','MICH','PRC','SRC'); title('Displacement Equivalent Shot Noise','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('m/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'DisplacementEquivalentQuantumNoises.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'DisplacementEquivalentQuantumNoises.fig']); close(h1); %Save fid = fopen([resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'DisplacementEquivalentQuantumNoises.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, DARM, CARM, MICH, PRC, SRC\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f', XqnDARM, XqnCARM, XqnMICH, XqnPRCL, XqnSRCL]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'DisplacementEquivalentQuantumNoises.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ === Shot noise coupling === %% === Shot noise coupling === % Loop for w Eall = zeros(5,length(w)); Edarm = zeros(5,length(w)); Ecarm = zeros(5,length(w)); Emich = zeros(5,length(w)); Eprc = zeros(5,length(w)); Esrc = zeros(5,length(w)); calib = zeros(1,length(w)); Hnf = zeros(5,5,length(w)); Gnf = zeros(5,5,length(w)); for ii = [1:length(w)] H = inv(eye(5)+S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F(:,:,ii)); Hnf(:,:,ii) = H; Gnf(:,:,ii) = eye(5)+S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F(:,:,ii); Edarm(:,ii) = H*S*NSdarm(:,ii); Ecarm(:,ii) = H*S*NScarm(:,ii); Emich(:,ii) = H*S*NSmich(:,ii); Eprc(:,ii) = H*S*NSprc(:,ii); Esrc(:,ii) = H*S*NSsrc(:,ii); Eall(:,ii) = sqrt(abs(Edarm(:,ii)).^2+abs(Ecarm(:,ii)).^2+abs(Emich(:,ii)).^2+... abs(Eprc(:,ii)).^2+abs(Esrc(:,ii)).^2); calib(ii) = 3000*[1,0,0,0,0]*H*S*D(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]; end h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, abs(Eall(1,:))./abs(calib), f, abs(Edarm(1,:))./abs(calib),... f, abs(Ecarm(1,:))./abs(calib), f, abs(Emich(1,:))./abs(calib),... f, abs(Eprc(1,:))./abs(calib),f, abs(Esrc(1,:))./abs(calib)); legend('Total','DARM','CARM','MICH','PRC','SRC'); title('Shot Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('1/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'ShotNoiseCoupling.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'ShotNoiseCoupling.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'ShotNoiseCoupling.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f,Total, DARM, CARM, MICH, PRC, SRC\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (abs(Eall(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Edarm(1,:))./abs(calib))',... (abs(Ecarm(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Emich(1,:))./abs(calib))',... (abs(Eprc(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Esrc(1,:))./abs(calib))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'ShotNoiseCoupling.dat'],M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ ==== PD noise === %% ==== PD noise === % 1. ASDC, 2. REFL1, 3. REFL2, 4. POP1, 5. POP2 % 6. REFL1Dm, 7. REFL1Dp, 8. REFL2Dm, 9. REFL2Dp PDNdarm = zeros(5, length(w)); [name,idx] = sigPortToPD(p.signalPorts{1}); PDNdarm(1,:) = DCsigPower(idx)/p.DCPDDrange * ones(length(w),1); % in W PDNcarm = zeros(5, length(w)); [name,idx] = sigPortToPD(p.signalPorts{2}); PDNcarm(2,:) = DCsigPower(idx)/p.RFPDDrange * ones(length(w),1); % in W PDNmich = zeros(5, length(w)); [name,idx] = sigPortToPD(p.signalPorts{3}); PDNmich(3,:) = DCsigPower(idx)/p.RFPDDrange * ones(length(w),1); % in W PDNprc = zeros(5, length(w)); [name,idx] = sigPortToPD(p.signalPorts{4}); PDNprc(4,:) = DCsigPower(idx)/p.RFPDDrange * ones(length(w),1); % in W PDNsrc = zeros(5, length(w)); [name,idx] = sigPortToPD(p.signalPorts{5}); PDNsrc(5,:) = DCsigPower(idx)/p.RFPDDrange * ones(length(w),1); % in W %}}} %{{{ ==== PD Noise Coupling === %% ==== PD Noise Coupling === % Loop for w Eall = zeros(5,length(w)); Edarm = zeros(5,length(w)); Ecarm = zeros(5,length(w)); Emich = zeros(5,length(w)); Eprc = zeros(5,length(w)); Esrc = zeros(5,length(w)); calib = zeros(1,length(w)); for ii = [1:length(w)] H = inv(eye(5)+S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F(:,:,ii)); Edarm(:,ii) = H*S*PDNdarm(:,ii); Ecarm(:,ii) = H*S*PDNcarm(:,ii); Emich(:,ii) = H*S*PDNmich(:,ii); Eprc(:,ii) = H*S*PDNprc(:,ii); Esrc(:,ii) = H*S*PDNsrc(:,ii); Eall(:,ii) = sqrt(abs(Edarm(:,ii)).^2+abs(Ecarm(:,ii)).^2+abs(Emich(:,ii)).^2+... abs(Eprc(:,ii)).^2+abs(Esrc(:,ii)).^2); calib(ii) = 3000*[1,0,0,0,0]*H*S*D(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]; end h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, pureQN, f, abs(Eall(1,:))./abs(calib), f, abs(Edarm(1,:))./abs(calib),... f, abs(Ecarm(1,:))./abs(calib), f, abs(Emich(1,:))./abs(calib),... f, abs(Eprc(1,:))./abs(calib),f, abs(Esrc(1,:))./abs(calib)); legend('Target QN','Total','DARM','CARM','MICH','PRC','SRC'); title('PD Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('1/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'PDNoiseCoupling.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'PDNoiseCoupling.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'PDNoiseCoupling.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f,Total, DARM, CARM, MICH, PRC, SRC\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (abs(Eall(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Edarm(1,:))./abs(calib))',... (abs(Ecarm(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Emich(1,:))./abs(calib))',... (abs(Eprc(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Esrc(1,:))./abs(calib))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'PDNoiseCoupling.dat'],M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ Feed forward %% Feed forward F2 = zeros(5,5,length(w)); %Measure the TFs H = zeros(5,5,length(w)); for ii = [1:length(w)] G = S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F(:,:,ii); H(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+G); %TF from MICH error to DARM error Vtmp = G*[0;0;1;0;0]; TFmich = Vtmp(1); Vtmp = G*[0;0;0;1;0]; TFprc = Vtmp(1); Vtmp = G*[0;0;0;0;1]; TFsrc = Vtmp(1); %TF from DARM fb to DARM error Vtmp = S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*[1;0;0;0;0]; TFdarm = Vtmp(1); %Feed forward matrix FF = zeros(5,5); FF(1,3) = -TFmich/TFdarm; FF(1,4) = -TFprc/TFdarm; FF(1,5) = -TFsrc/TFdarm; % Update the filter matrix F a=p.FeedForwardError;%*(2*rand-1); b=0*p.FeedForwardError;%*(2*rand-1); F2(:,:,ii) = F(:,:,ii) + FF*(1+a+i*b); end %}}} %{{{ Loop Noise with FF %% Loop Noise with FF % Calculate the loop noise again % Loop for w Eall = zeros(5,length(w)); Edarm = zeros(5,length(w)); Ecarm = zeros(5,length(w)); Emich = zeros(5,length(w)); Eprc = zeros(5,length(w)); Esrc = zeros(5,length(w)); calib = zeros(1,length(w)); for ii = [1:length(w)] H(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F2(:,:,ii)); Edarm(:,ii) = H(:,:,ii)*S*NSdarm(:,ii); Ecarm(:,ii) = H(:,:,ii)*S*NScarm(:,ii); Emich(:,ii) = H(:,:,ii)*S*NSmich(:,ii); Eprc(:,ii) = H(:,:,ii)*S*NSprc(:,ii); Esrc(:,ii) = H(:,:,ii)*S*NSsrc(:,ii); Eall(:,ii) = sqrt(abs(Edarm(:,ii)).^2+abs(Ecarm(:,ii)).^2+abs(Emich(:,ii)).^2+... abs(Eprc(:,ii)).^2+abs(Esrc(:,ii)).^2); calib(ii) = 3000*[1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]; end % h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, abs(Eall(1,:))./abs(calib), f, abs(Edarm(1,:))./abs(calib),... f, abs(Ecarm(1,:))./abs(calib), f, abs(Emich(1,:))./abs(calib),... f, abs(Eprc(1,:))./abs(calib),f, abs(Esrc(1,:))./abs(calib)); legend('Total','DARM','CARM','MICH','PRC','SRC'); title('Shot Noise Coupling with Feed Forward','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('1/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'ShotNoiseCouplingWithFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'ShotNoiseCouplingWithFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'ShotNoiseCouplingWithFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#Total, DARM, CARM, MICH, PRC, SRC\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (abs(Eall(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Edarm(1,:))./abs(calib))',... (abs(Ecarm(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Emich(1,:))./abs(calib))',... (abs(Eprc(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Esrc(1,:))./abs(calib))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'ShotNoiseCouplingWithFF.dat'],M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ PD Noise with FF %% PD Noise with FF % Calculate the loop noise again % Loop for w QNdarm = zeros(5,length(w)); Eall = zeros(5,length(w)); Edarm = zeros(5,length(w)); Ecarm = zeros(5,length(w)); Emich = zeros(5,length(w)); Eprc = zeros(5,length(w)); Esrc = zeros(5,length(w)); calib = zeros(1,length(w)); for ii = [1:length(w)] H(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F2(:,:,ii)); QNdarm(:,ii) = H(:,:,ii)*S*NSdarm(:,ii); Edarm(:,ii) = H(:,:,ii)*S*PDNdarm(:,ii); Ecarm(:,ii) = H(:,:,ii)*S*PDNcarm(:,ii); Emich(:,ii) = H(:,:,ii)*S*PDNmich(:,ii); Eprc(:,ii) = H(:,:,ii)*S*PDNprc(:,ii); Esrc(:,ii) = H(:,:,ii)*S*PDNsrc(:,ii); Eall(:,ii) = sqrt(abs(Edarm(:,ii)).^2+abs(Ecarm(:,ii)).^2+abs(Emich(:,ii)).^2+... abs(Eprc(:,ii)).^2+abs(Esrc(:,ii)).^2+abs(QNdarm(:,ii)).^2); calib(ii) = 3000*[1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]; end h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, pureQN, f, abs(Eall(1,:))./abs(calib), f, abs(Edarm(1,:))./abs(calib),... f, abs(Ecarm(1,:))./abs(calib), f, abs(Emich(1,:))./abs(calib),... f, abs(Eprc(1,:))./abs(calib),f, abs(Esrc(1,:))./abs(calib)); legend('Target QN','Total','DARM','CARM','MICH','PRC','SRC'); title('PD Noise Coupling with Feed Forward','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('1/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on set(gca, 'YLim',[1e-30,1e-21]) print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'PDNoiseCouplingWithFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'PDNoiseCouplingWithFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'PDNoiseCouplingWithFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#Total, DARM, CARM, MICH, PRC, SRC\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (abs(Eall(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Edarm(1,:))./abs(calib))',... (abs(Ecarm(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Emich(1,:))./abs(calib))',... (abs(Eprc(1,:))./abs(calib))', (abs(Esrc(1,:))./abs(calib))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'LoopNoise/', 'PDNoiseCouplingWithFF.dat'],M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ CARM Response with FF Ecarm = zeros(5,length(w)); EcarmETM = zeros(5,length(w)); Ecarmnfb = zeros(5,length(w)); EcarmnfbETM = zeros(5,length(w)); TEMP = zeros(15,length(w)); F3 = F2; F3(2,2,:) = 0; calib = zeros(length(w),1); for ii = [1:length(w)] H = inv(eye(5)+S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F3(:,:,ii)); H2 = inv(eye(5)+S*D(:,:,ii)*A2(:,:,ii)*F3(:,:,ii)); Ecarm(:,ii) = H*S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*[0,1,0,0,0]'; EcarmETM(:,ii) = H2*S*D(:,:,ii)*A2(:,:,ii)*[0,1,0,0,0]'; Ecarmnfb(:,ii) = S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*[0,1,0,0,0]'; EcarmnfbETM(:,ii) = S*D(:,:,ii)*A2(:,:,ii)*[0,1,0,0,0]'; TEMP(:,ii) = D(1,1,ii); calib(ii) = 3000*[1,0,0,0,0]*H*S*D(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]; end TSUSP = squeeze(Mtf(1,1,:)); save(['CARM-Resp.mat'],'f','w','Ecarm','Ecarmnfb', 'EcarmETM', 'EcarmnfbETM', ... 'TSUSP', 'calib'); %save(['CARM-Resp-Simple-Low.mat'],'f','w','Ecarmnfb', 'EcarmnfbETM') %}}} %{{{ plot figure(1) loglog(f, abs(Ecarmnfb(2,:))) figure(2) semilogx(f, 180/pi*angle(Ecarmnfb(2,:))) %}}} %}}} %{{{ ===== Noise Coupling ===== %{{{ Mirror Displacement Noise mkdir([resultDir,'DisplacementNoise']); Getmx = zeros(length(w), 1); Getmy = zeros(length(w), 1); Gitmx = zeros(length(w), 1); Gitmy = zeros(length(w), 1); Gbs = zeros(length(w), 1); Gprm = zeros(length(w), 1); Gsrm = zeros(length(w), 1); for ii = [1:length(w)] H(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F2(:,:,ii)); C = 3000*[1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]; Getmx(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActETMX/C); Getmy(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActETMY/C); Gitmx(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActITMX/C); Gitmy(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActITMY/C); Gbs(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActBS/C); Gprm(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActPRM/C); Gsrm(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActSRM/C); end % h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Getmx, f, Getmy, f, Gitmx, f, Gitmy, f, Gbs, f, Gprm, f, Gsrm); legend('ETMX','ETMY','ITMX','ITMY','BS','PRM','SRM'); title('Displacement Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('G [1/m]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'DisplacementNoise/', 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'DisplacementNoise/', 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'DisplacementNoise/', ... 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Displacement noise coupling G: Multiply G with the displacement ' ... 'noise spectrum of each mirror in m/sqrt(Hz) to get the ' ... 'strain equivalent DARM noise.\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq,ETMX,ETMY,ITMX,ITMY,BS,PRM,SRM\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Getmx, Getmy, Gitmx, Gitmy, Gbs, Gprm, Gsrm]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'DisplacementNoise/', 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); if p.useMZI if p.MZIM2 mkdir([resultDir,'MZI']); Gmzim1 = zeros(length(w), 1); Gmzim2 = zeros(length(w), 1); Gmzim4 = zeros(length(w), 1); for ii = [1:length(w)] Gmzim1(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActMZIM1/C); Gmzim2(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActMZIM2/C); Gmzim4(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActMZIM4/C); end h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Gmzim1, f, Gmzim2, f, Gmzim4); legend('MZIM1(mid-fringe)', 'MZIM2(mid-fringe)', 'MZIM4(dark-fringe)'); title('MZI-Displacement Noise Coupling', 'FontSize', 16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('G [1/m]', 'FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', ... 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Displacement noise coupling G: Multiply G with the displacement ' ... 'noise spectrum of each mirror in m/sqrt(Hz) to get the ' ... 'strain equivalent DARM noise.\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq,MZIM1(mid),MZIM2(mid), MZIM4(dark)\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Gmzim1, Gmzim2, Gmzim4]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); else mkdir([resultDir,'MZI']); Gmzim1 = zeros(length(w), 1); Gmzim4 = zeros(length(w), 1); for ii = [1:length(w)] Gmzim1(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActMZIM1/C); Gmzim4(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActMZIM4/C); end h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Gmzim1, f, Gmzim4); legend('MZIM1(mid-fringe)', 'MZIM4(dark-fringe)'); title('MZI-Displacement Noise Coupling', 'FontSize', 16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('G [1/m]', 'FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', ... 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Displacement noise coupling G: Multiply G with the displacement ' ... 'noise spectrum of each mirror in m/sqrt(Hz) to get the ' ... 'strain equivalent DARM noise.\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq,MZIM1(mid),MZIM4(dark)\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Gmzim1, Gmzim4]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); end end %}}} %{{{ Laser Noise Couplings mkdir([resultDir,'LaserNoise']); Gfreq = zeros(length(w),1); Grin = zeros(length(w),1); for ii = [1:length(w)] H(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+1*S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F2(:,:,ii)); C = 3000*[1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]; Gfreq(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActPM/f(ii)/C); Grin(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActAM/2/C); end % h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Gfreq); title('Laser Frequency Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| [1/Hz]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'LaserFreqNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'LaserFreqNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Grin); title('Laser Intensity Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G|','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'LaserIntNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'LaserIntNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'LaserNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Laser noise coupling G: Multiply G with the noise spectra ' ... 'of laser noises to get the equivalent DARM strain noise in 1/sqrt(Hz).\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, Freq. Noise [1/Hz], RIN\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Gfreq, Grin]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'LaserNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ Oscillator Noise mkdir([resultDir,'OscillatorNoise']); Gf1PM = zeros(length(w),1); Gf1AM = zeros(length(w),1); Gf2PM = zeros(length(w),1); Gf2AM = zeros(length(w),1); Gf3PM = zeros(length(w),1); Gf3AM = zeros(length(w),1); if and(~p.useMZI,~p.RAM) for ii = [1:length(w)] H(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+1*S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F2(:,:,ii)); C = 3000*[1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]; Gf1PM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf1PM/C); Gf1AM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf1AM/C); Gf2PM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf2PM/C); Gf2AM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf2AM/C); Gf3PM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf3PM/C); Gf3AM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf3AM/C); end % %{{{ Phase noise h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Gf1PM,f, Gf2PM,f, Gf3PM); legend('f1','f2', 'f3'); title('Oscillator Phase Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| 1/rad','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', ... 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Oscillator phase noise coupling G: Multiply G with the ' ... 'phase noise of the RF oscillators in rad/sqrt(Hz) to get the ' ... 'strain equivalent DARM noise\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, f1 [1/rad], f2 [1/rad], f3 [1/rad]\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Gf1PM, Gf2PM,Gf3PM ]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ Amplitude noise h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Gf1AM,f, Gf2AM,f, Gf3AM); legend('f1','f2', 'f3'); title('Oscillator Amplitude Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| ','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', ... 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Oscillator amplitude noise coupling G: Multiply G with the ' ... 'relative amplitude noise of the RF oscillators to get the ' ... 'strain equivalent DARM noise\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, f1, f2, f3\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Gf1AM, Gf2AM, Gf3AM ]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); end if p.useMZI Gf1APM = zeros(length(w),1); Gf1AAM = zeros(length(w),1); if p.f3EOM Gf3APM = zeros(length(w),1); Gf3AAM = zeros(length(w),1); end for ii = [1:length(w)] H(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+1*S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F2(:,:,ii)); Gf1APM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf1APM/C); Gf1AAM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf1AAM/C); Gf2PM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf2PM/C); Gf2AM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf2AM/C); if p.f3EOM Gf3APM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf3APM/C); Gf3AAM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf3AAM/C); end end if p.f3EOM %Phase noise h1 = figure(1); loglog(f,Gf1APM,f,Gf2PM,f,Gf3APM); legend('f1A','f2','f3A'); title('Oscillator Phase Noise Coupling(only typeA for f1&f3)','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| ','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', ... 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Oscillator phase noise coupling G: Multiply G with the ' ... 'relative phase noise of the RF oscillators to get the ' ... 'strain equivalent DARM noise\n'... '# results of f1&f3 correspond to phase difference b/w EOMs\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, f1, f2, f3\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Gf1APM, Gf2PM, Gf3APM]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); %Amplitude noise h1 = figure(1); loglog(f,Gf1AAM,f,Gf2AM,f,Gf3AAM); legend('f1A','f2','f3A'); title('Oscillator Amplitude Noise Coupling(only typeA for f1&f3)','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| ','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', ... 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Oscillator Amplitude noise coupling G: Multiply G with the ' ... 'relative amplitude noise of the RF oscillators to get the ' ... 'strain equivalent DARM noise\n'... '# results of f1&f3 correspond to difference in converwsion rate b/w EOMs\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, f1, f2, f3\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Gf1APM, Gf2PM, Gf3APM]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); else %Phase noise h1 = figure(1); loglog(f,Gf1APM,f,Gf2PM); legend('f1A','f2'); title('Oscillator Phase Noise Coupling(only typeA for f1)','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| ','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', ... 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Oscillator phase noise coupling G: Multiply G with the ' ... 'relative phase noise of the RF oscillators to get the ' ... 'strain equivalent DARM noise\n'... '# results of f1 correspond to phase difference b/w EOMs\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, f1, f2\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Gf1APM, Gf2PM]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); %Amplitude noise h1 = figure(1); loglog(f,Gf1AAM,f,Gf2AM); legend('f1A','f2'); title('Oscillator Amplitude Noise Coupling(only typeA for f1)','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| ','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', ... 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Oscillator Amplitude noise coupling G: Multiply G with the ' ... 'relative amplitude noise of the RF oscillators to get the ' ... 'strain equivalent DARM noise\n'... '# results of f1 correspond to difference in converwsion rate b/w EOMs\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, f1, f2\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Gf1APM, Gf2PM]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); end end if p.RAM Gf1AM1PM = zeros(length(w),1); Gf1AM1AM = zeros(length(w),1); Gf2AM1PM = zeros(length(w),1); Gf2AM1AM = zeros(length(w),1); for ii = [1:length(w)] H(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+1*S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F2(:,:,ii)); C = 3000*[1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]; Gf1PM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf1PM/C); Gf1AM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf1AM/C); Gf2PM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf2PM/C); Gf2AM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf2AM/C); Gf1AM1PM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf1AM1PM/C); Gf1AM1AM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf1AM1AM/C); Gf2AM1PM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf2AM1PM/C); Gf2AM1AM(ii) = abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*vActf2AM1AM/C); end % %{{{ Phase noise h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Gf1PM,f, Gf2PM,f, Gf1AM1PM,f, Gf2AM1PM); legend('f1','f2', 'f1_RAM','f2_RAM'); title('Oscillator Phase Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| 1/rad','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', ... 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Oscillator phase noise coupling G: Multiply G with the ' ... 'phase noise of the RF oscillators in rad/sqrt(Hz) to get the ' ... 'strain equivalent DARM noise\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, f1 [1/rad], f2 [1/rad], f1_RAM [1/rad], f2_RAM [1/rad]\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Gf1PM, Gf2PM,Gf1AM1PM,Gf2AM1PM ]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorPhaseNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ Amplitude noise h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Gf1AM,f, Gf2AM,f, Gf1AM1AM,f, Gf2AM1AM); legend('f1','f2', 'f1_RAM', 'f2_RAM'); title('Oscillator Amplitude Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| ','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', ... 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Oscillator amplitude noise coupling G: Multiply G with the ' ... 'relative amplitude noise of the RF oscillators to get the ' ... 'strain equivalent DARM noise\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, f1, f2, f1_RAM, f2_RAM\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Gf1AM, Gf2AM, Gf1AM1AM, Gf2AM1AM ]; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'OscillatorAmplitudeNoiseCouplingFF.dat'],M, '-append'); end %}}} %}}} %}}} %{{{ === Noise Requirements === %{{{ Load TM Displacement Noises %% X = dlmread('TMDisp.dat', ','); %loglog(X(:,1),X(:,2)); %% xseis = interp1(X(:,1),X(:,2),f); %}}} %{{{ Compute Xreq Xreq = zeros(length(iDrv),length(w)); TotalNoise = zeros(length(w),1); for ii = [1:length(w)] H(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+S*D(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F2(:,:,ii)); C = 3000*[1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]; QN = [1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*NSdarm(:,ii)/C; DN = xseis(ii); %displacement noise in DARM with strain unit(i.e. error signal) TotalNoise(ii) = sqrt(QN^2+DN^2); T = [1,0,0,0,0]*H(:,:,ii)*S*D(:,:,ii)/C; %L.1439 D=sigAC(iPrb, iDrv, :)->T=T(iDrv, freq) Xreq(:,ii) = abs((TotalNoise(ii)./T/p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor))'; end %}}} %{{{ Mirror Displacement Requirements h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, xseis, f, Xreq(actMap('ETMX'),:),f, Xreq(actMap('ETMY'),:),f, ... Xreq(actMap('ITMX'),:), f, Xreq(actMap('ITMY'),:), f, ... Xreq(actMap('BS'),:), f, Xreq(actMap('PRM'),:),f, Xreq(actMap('SRM'),:)); legend('SAS Noise','ETMX','ETMY','ITMX','ITMY','BS','PRM','SRM'); title(['Displacement Requirement (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('m/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'DisplacementNoise/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'DisplacementNoise/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'DisplacementNoise/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Mirror displacement noise requirements in [m/sqrt(Hz). The ' ... 'mirror vibration levels have to be below these values in ' ... 'order to keep the contribution of these noises to DARM below ' ... 'the target sensitivity by the safety factor ' ... num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor) '.\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, SAS Noise,ETMX,ETMY,ITMX,ITMY,BS,PRM,SRM\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), xseis(:), Xreq(actMap('ETMX'),:)', Xreq(actMap('ETMY'),:)', ... Xreq(actMap('ITMX'),:)', Xreq(actMap('ITMY'),:)', ... Xreq(actMap('BS'),:)', Xreq(actMap('PRM'),:)', Xreq(actMap('SRM'),:)']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'DisplacementNoise/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); if p.useMZI if p.MZIM2 h1 = figure(1); loglog(f,Xreq(actMap('MZIM1'),:),f, Xreq(actMap('MZIM2'),:),f,Xreq(actMap('MZIM4'),:)); legend('MZIM1(mid)','MZIM2(mid)','MZIM4(dark)'); title(['MZI-Displacement Requirement (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('m/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Mirror displacement noise requirements in [m/sqrt(Hz). The ' ... 'mirror vibration levels have to be below these values in ' ... 'order to keep the contribution of these noises to DARM below ' ... 'the target sensitivity by the safety factor ' ... num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor) '.\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, MZIM1(mid), MZIM2(mid),MZIM4(dark)\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Xreq(actMap('MZIM1'),:)', Xreq(actMap('MZIM2'),:)', Xreq(actMap('MZIM4'),:)']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); else h1 = figure(1); loglog(f,Xreq(actMap('MZIM1'),:),f,Xreq(actMap('MZIM4'),:)); legend('MZIM1(mid)','MZIM4(dark)'); title(['MZI-Displacement Requirement (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('m/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Mirror displacement noise requirements in [m/sqrt(Hz). The ' ... 'mirror vibration levels have to be below these values in ' ... 'order to keep the contribution of these noises to DARM below ' ... 'the target sensitivity by the safety factor ' ... num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor) '.\n']); fprintf(fid,'#freq, MZIM1(mid), MZIM4(dark)\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Xreq(actMap('MZIM1'),:)', Xreq(actMap('MZIM4'),:)']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'DisplacementNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); end end %}}} %{{{ Laser Noise Requirements %{{{ Frequency noise requirements h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, f.*Xreq(actMap('PM'),:)); legend('Free run frequency noise'); title(['Frequency Noise Requirement (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Hz/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'MCFrequencyNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'MCFrequencyNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'MCFrequencyNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, Hz/sqrt(Hz)\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (f.*Xreq(actMap('PM'),:))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'MCFrequencyNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ MC displacement requirement h1 = figure(1); Lmc = 26.6; dLmc = Lmc*f.*Xreq(actMap('PM'),:)/(opt.c/opt.lambda); loglog(f,dLmc) title(['Frequency Noise Requirement (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('m/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'MCDisplacementNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'MCDisplacementNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'MCDisplacementNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, m/sqrt(Hz)\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), dLmc']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'MCDisplacementNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ Inensity noise requirements h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, 2*Xreq(actMap('AM'),:)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['Intensity Noise Requirement (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('dP/P/sqrt(Hz)','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'IntensityNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'IntensityNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'IntensityNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (2*Xreq(actMap('AM'),:))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'LaserNoise/', 'IntensityNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); %}}} %}}} %{{{ Oscillator Noise Requirements %{{{ f1 Phase Noise % The SSB phase noise (Nssb) and the phase noise amplitude (Npn) % is related by the following formulae. % exp(-i*(Omega*t + Npn*sin(w*t))) ~ J0(Npn) + J1(Npn) % Nssb = |J1(Npn)/J0(Npn)|^2 ~ (Npn/2)^2. % It is a convension to show Nssb in dB (10*log10(Nssb)). % The safety factor 10 is for the phase noise amplitude. % Since the SSB PN is the power ratio, the safety factor is 100, i.e. 20dBc. if ~p.useMZI h1 = figure(1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(Xreq(actMap('Mod1.phase'),:)/2)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f1 SSB Phase Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(20* ... log10(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor)),' dBc)'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('SSB Phase Noise [dBc]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), ((Xreq(actMap('Mod1.phase'),:)/2).^2)']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); end %}}} %{{{ f2 Phase Noise % The SSB phase noise (Nssb) and the phase noise amplitude (Npn) % is related by the following formulae. % exp(-i*(Omega*t + Npn*sin(w*t))) ~ J0(Npn) + J1(Npn) % Nssb = |J1(Npn)/J0(Npn)|^2 ~ (Npn/2)^2. % It is a convension to show Nssb in dB (10*log10(Nssb)). % The safety factor 10 is for the phase noise amplitude. % Since the SSB PN is the power ratio, the safety factor is 100, i.e. 20dBc. h1 = figure(1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(Xreq(actMap('Mod2.phase'),:)/2)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f2 SSB Phase Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(20* ... log10(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor)),' dBc)'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('SSB Phase Noise [dBc]','FontSize',16); grid on if p.useMZI print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f2SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f2SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.fig']); else print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.fig']); end close(h1); if p.useMZI fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f2SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); else fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); end fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), ((Xreq(actMap('Mod2.phase'),:)/2).^2)']; if p.useMZI dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f2SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); else dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); end %}}} %{{{ f3 Phase Noise % The SSB phase noise (Nssb) and the phase noise amplitude (Npn) % is related by the following formulae. % exp(-i*(Omega*t + Npn*sin(w*t))) ~ J0(Npn) + J1(Npn) % Nssb = |J1(Npn)/J0(Npn)|^2 ~ (Npn/2)^2. % It is a convension to show Nssb in dB (10*log10(Nssb)). % The safety factor 10 is for the phase noise amplitude. % Since the SSB PN is the power ratio, the safety factor is 100, i.e. 20dBc. if and(~p.useMZI,~p.RAM) h1 = figure(1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(Xreq(actMap('Mod3.phase'),:)/2)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f3 SSB Phase Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(20* ... log10(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor)),' dBc)'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('SSB Phase Noise [dBc]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f3SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f3SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f3SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), ((Xreq(actMap('Mod3.phase'),:)/2).^2)']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f3SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); end %fprintf('p.DRSE : %d \n', p.DRSE); %disp(p.DRSE); %}}} % f1&f3 typeA phase noise corresponding to phase difference b/w EOMs if p.useMZI %f1 typeA h1 = figure(1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(Xreq(actMap('Mod1A.phase'),:)/2)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f1 typeA SSB Phase Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(20* ... log10(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor)),' dBc)'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('SSB Phase Noise [dBc]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f1A_SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f1A_SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f1A_SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), ((Xreq(actMap('Mod1A.phase'),:)/2).^2)']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f1A_SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); if p.f3EOM %f3 typeA h1 = figure(1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(Xreq(actMap('Mod3A.phase'),:)/2)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f3 typeA SSB Phase Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(20* ... log10(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor)),' dBc)'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('SSB Phase Noise [dBc]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f3A_SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f3A_SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f3A_SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), ((Xreq(actMap('Mod3A.phase'),:)/2).^2)']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f3SSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); end end % f1&f2 for RAM phase noise if p.RAM %f1 h1 = figure(1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(Xreq(actMap('Mod1AM1.phase'),:)/2)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f1_RAM SSB Phase Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(20* ... log10(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor)),' dBc)'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('SSB Phase Noise [dBc]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1RAMSSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1RAMSSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1RAMSSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), ((Xreq(actMap('Mod1AM1.phase'),:)/2).^2)']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1RAMSSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); %f2 h1 = figure(1); semilogx(f, 20*log10(Xreq(actMap('Mod2AM1.phase'),:)/2)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f2_RAM SSB Phase Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(20* ... log10(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor)),' dBc)'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('SSB Phase Noise [dBc]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2RAMSSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2RAMSSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2RAMSSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), ((Xreq(actMap('Mod2AM1.phase'),:)/2).^2)']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2RAMSSBPhaseNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); end %{{{ f1 Amplitude Noise if ~p.useMZI h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Xreq(actMap('Mod1.amp'),:)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f1 Amplitude Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Relative Amplitude Noise [1/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (Xreq(actMap('Mod1.amp'),:))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); end %}}} %{{{ f2 Amplitude Noise h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Xreq(actMap('Mod2.amp'),:)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f2 Amplitude Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Relative Amplitude Noise [1/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on if p.useMZI print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f2AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f2AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.fig']); else print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.fig']); end close(h1); if p.useMZI fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f2AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); else fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); end fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (Xreq(actMap('Mod2.amp'),:))']; if p.useMZI dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f2AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); else dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); end %}}} %{{{ f3 Amplitude Noise if and(~p.useMZI,~p.RAM) h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Xreq(actMap('Mod3.amp'),:)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f3 Amplitude Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Relative Amplitude Noise [1/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f3AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f3AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f3AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (Xreq(actMap('Mod3.amp'),:))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f3AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); end %}}} % f1&f3 typeA amplitude noise corresponding to difference in conversion rate b/w EOMs if p.useMZI %f1 typeA h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Xreq(actMap('Mod1A.amp'),:)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f1 typeA Amplitude Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Relative Amplitude Noise [1/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f1A_AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f1A_AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f1A_AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (Xreq(actMap('Mod1A.amp'),:))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f1A_AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); if p.f3EOM %f3 typeA h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Xreq(actMap('Mod3A.amp'),:)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f3 typeA Amplitude Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Relative Amplitude Noise [1/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f3A_AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f3A_AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f3A_AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (Xreq(actMap('Mod3A.amp'),:))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'MZI/', 'f3A_AmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); end end %}}} %}}} % f1%f2 for RAM amplitude noise if p.RAM %f1 h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Xreq(actMap('Mod1AM1.amp'),:)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f1_RAM Amplitude Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Relative Amplitude Noise [1/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1RAMAmplitudeNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1RAMAmplitudeNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1RAMAmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (Xreq(actMap('Mod1AM1.amp'),:))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f1RAMAmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); %f2 h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Xreq(actMap('Mod2AM1.amp'),:)); legend('Intensity noise'); title(['f2_RAM Amplitude Noise Requirement (Safety Factor ',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Relative Amplitude Noise [1/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2RAMAmplitudeNoiseRequirement.pdf']); saveas(h1, [resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2RAMAmplitudeNoiseRequirement.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2RAMAmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, FreeRunLaser\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), (Xreq(actMap('Mod2AM1.amp'),:))']; dlmwrite([resultDir, 'OscillatorNoise/', 'f2RAMAmplitudeNoiseRequirement.dat'],M, '-append'); end %}}} %{{{ === Scattered Light Noise === %this part is skipped for MZI if p.IncludeSCL f=logspace(-1,5,1000); %Enable SCL injection p.do_SCL = true; mkdir([resultDir,'ScatteredLightNoise']); %{{{ SCL amplitude %Scattered light amplitudes p.EsETMX = p.IncludeSCL*sqrt(1e-7); p.EsPR2 = p.IncludeSCL*sqrt(1e-7); p.EsPRMAR = p.IncludeSCL*sqrt(1e-7); p.EsSR2 = p.IncludeSCL*sqrt(1e-7); p.EsSRMAR = p.IncludeSCL*sqrt(1e-7); p.EsITMtoBS = p.IncludeSCL*sqrt(1e-7); p.EsITMAR = p.IncludeSCL*sqrt(1e-7); p.EsREFL = p.IncludeSCL*sqrt(1e-7); %}}} %{{{ Set steering mirror position offset to zero p.SCL_ETMX_OFS = 0; p.SCL_PR2_OFS = 0; p.SCL_PRMAR_OFS = 0; p.SCL_SR2_OFS = 0; p.SCL_SRMAR_OFS = 0; p.SCL_ITMtoBS_OFS = 0; p.SCL_ITMAR_OFS = 0; p.SCL_REFL_OFS = 0; %}}} %{{{ Reduce the SB order % Number of higher oreder sidebands to be computed p.sbOrder=1; % Generate RF vector p.vMod = generateRFFrequencyVector([p.fmod1,p.fmod2,p.fmod3],p.sbOrder,1); %}}} %Loop for Carrier and RF SBs FieldNames = {'Carrier', 'f1', 'f2'}; for jj = [1:3] %{{{ RF vector for SCL injection switch jj case 1 %Carrier p.SCL_vRF = (p.vMod == 0); case 2 %f1 p.SCL_vRF = (p.vMod == p.fmod1 | p.vMod == - p.fmod1)./sqrt(2); case 3 %f2 p.SCL_vRF = (p.vMod == p.fmod2 | p.vMod == - p.fmod2)./sqrt(2); end %}}} %{{{ Reconstruct the Optickle model %% Reconstruct the Optickle model % % Construct the model with the optimized demodulation phase. [opts1,ns1,ls1,prs1,drs1] = modelLCGT(p); %}}} %{{{ tickle 1 %% Tickle display('Start Tickling for SCL, 1st round ...') tic [fDCs1, sigDCs1, sigACs1, mMechs1, noiseACs1, noiseMechs1] = ptickle(opts1, [], f); toc display('Finished.') %}}} %{{{ Set steering mirror position offset to lambda/8 p.SCL_ETMX_OFS = opt.lambda/8; p.SCL_PR2_OFS = opt.lambda/8; p.SCL_PRMAR_OFS = opt.lambda/8; p.SCL_SR2_OFS = opt.lambda/8; p.SCL_SRMAR_OFS = opt.lambda/8; p.SCL_ITMtoBS_OFS = opt.lambda/8; p.SCL_ITMAR_OFS = opt.lambda/8; p.SCL_REFL_OFS = opt.lambda/8; %}}} %{{{ Reconstruct the Optickle model %% Reconstruct the Optickle model % % Construct the model with the optimized demodulation phase. [opts2,ns2,ls2,prs2,drs2] = modelLCGT(p); %}}} %{{{ tickle 2 %% Tickle display('Start Tickling for SCL, 2nd round ...') tic [fDCs2, sigDCs2, sigACs2, mMechs2, noiseACs2, noiseMechs2] = ptickle(opts2, [], f); toc display('Finished.') %}}} %{{{ Save the tickle results %% Save the tickle results save([resultDir,'TickleResultsSCL-',FieldNames{jj},'.mat'],'fDCs1','sigDCs1','sigACs1','mMechs1','noiseACs1','noiseMechs1','fDCs2','sigDCs2','sigACs2','mMechs2','noiseACs2','noiseMechs2'); %}}} %{{{ Prepare %Angular freq w = 2*pi*f; %Drive name cell array drvNames = {'ETMX', 'ETMY', 'ITMX', 'ITMY', 'BS', 'PRM', 'SRM', 'PM', ... 'AM', 'PM_SCL_ETMX', 'PM_SCL_PR2', 'PM_SCL_PRMAR', ... 'PM_SCL_REFL', 'PM_SCL_SR2', 'PM_SCL_SRMAR', 'PM_SCL_ITMtoBS', ... 'PM_SCL_ITMAR', 'Mod1.amp', 'Mod1.phase', 'Mod2.amp', ... 'Mod2.phase', 'Mod3.amp', 'Mod3.phase'}; %Map object to return a drive index given a drive name actMap = containers.Map(drvNames, [1:length(drvNames)]); %Drive indices array iDrv = getDriveNumbers(opts1, drvNames); % DOF to Actuator conversion matrix Mconv = zeros(length(iDrv),5); %DARM Mconv(1,1)=1/2; Mconv(2,1)=-1/2; %CARM Mconv(1,2)=0; Mconv(2,2)=0; Mconv(8,2)=1; %MICH if p.MICHBS Mconv(5,3)=1; Mconv(6,3)=-1/sqrt(2);Mconv(7,3)=1/sqrt(2); else Mconv(1,3)=1; Mconv(2,3)=-1;Mconv(3,3)=-1; Mconv(4,3)=1; end %PRCL Mconv(6,4)=1; %SRCL Mconv(7,5)=1; %Actuator vector for individual mirror vActETMX = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActETMX(actMap('ETMX')) = 1; vActETMY = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActETMY(actMap('ETMY')) = 1; vActITMX = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActITMX(actMap('ITMX')) = 1; vActITMY = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActITMY(actMap('ITMY')) = 1; vActBS = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActBS(actMap('BS')) = 1; vActPRM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActPRM(actMap('PRM')) = 1; vActSRM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActSRM(actMap('SRM')) = 1; vActPM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActPM(actMap('PM')) = 1; vActAM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActAM(actMap('AM')) = 1; vActSCLETMX = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActSCLETMX(actMap('PM_SCL_ETMX')) = 1; vActSCLPR2 = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActSCLPR2(actMap('PM_SCL_PR2')) = 1; vActSCLPRMAR = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActSCLPRMAR(actMap('PM_SCL_PRMAR')) = 1; vActSCLREFL = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActSCLREFL(actMap('PM_SCL_REFL')) = 1; vActSCLSR2 = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActSCLSR2(actMap('PM_SCL_SR2')) = 1; vActSCLSRMAR = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActSCLSRMAR(actMap('PM_SCL_SRMAR')) = 1; vActSCLITMtoBS = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActSCLITMtoBS(actMap('PM_SCL_ITMtoBS')) = 1; vActSCLITMAR = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActSCLITMAR(actMap('PM_SCL_ITMAR')) = 1; vActf1AM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf1AM(actMap('Mod1.amp')) = 1; vActf1PM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf1PM(actMap('Mod1.phase')) = 1; vActf2AM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf2AM(actMap('Mod2.amp')) = 1; vActf2PM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf2PM(actMap('Mod2.phase')) = 1; vActf3AM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf3AM(actMap('Mod3.amp')) = 1; vActf3PM = zeros(length(iDrv),1); vActf3PM(actMap('Mod3.phase')) = 1; %Probe indices iPrb = [getProbeNum(opts1,p.signalPorts{1}), getProbeNum(opts1,p.signalPorts{2}),... getProbeNum(opts1,p.signalPorts{3}), getProbeNum(opts1,p.signalPorts{4}),... getProbeNum(opts1,p.signalPorts{5})]; %}}} %{{{ Detector Matrix D %% Detector Matrix D D1=sigACs1(iPrb, iDrv, :); D2=sigACs2(iPrb, iDrv, :); %}}} %{{{ Actuation Matrix (DOF to Mirrors) A %% Actuation Matrix (DOF to Mirrors) A % Mechanical TF matrix Mtf = repmat(eye(length(iDrv), length(iDrv)),[1,1,length(w)]); Mtf(1,1,:) = freqresp(p.tfTM,w); Mtf(2,2,:) = freqresp(p.tfTM,w); Mtf(3,3,:) = freqresp(p.tfTM,w); Mtf(4,4,:) = freqresp(p.tfTM,w); Mtf(5,5,:) = freqresp(p.tfBS,w); Mtf(6,6,:) = freqresp(p.tfPRM,w); Mtf(7,7,:) = freqresp(p.tfSRM,w); % Mtf(8,8,:) is the transfer function from laser frequency feedback % signal to the phase modulation. % It is 1/(2*pi*f) because f = d phi/dt Mtf(8,8,:) = 1./(i*w); % Mtf(9,9,:) is the transfer function from the laser power actuation % to the power variation of the laser. It is 1/2 because this actuator % is actually an amplitude modulator. Note that dP/P = 2*dE/E. Mtf(9,9,:) = 1/2; A = zeros(length(iDrv),5,length(w)); %Loop for the frequency points for ii=[1:length(w)] %Mmod = diag(diag(mMech(iDrv, iDrv,ii))); %Mmod = mMech(iDrv, iDrv,ii); Mmod=eye(length(iDrv), length(iDrv)); A(:,:,ii) = Mmod*Mtf(:,:,ii)*Mconv; end %}}} %{{{ Sensing Matrix S %% Sensing Matrix S S = eye(5); %}}} %{{{ Raw loop gain G1 = zeros(5,5,length(w)); G2 = zeros(5,5,length(w)); for ii=[1:length(w)] G1(:,:,ii) = S*D1(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii); G2(:,:,ii) = S*D2(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii); end %}}} %{{{ Feedback Matrix F %{{{ DARM %% DARM %Fdarm = zpk([-2*pi*20,-2*pi*100, -2*pi*100],[-2*pi*1,-2*pi*800, -2*pi*800, -2*pi*1500],1); z0 = -2*pi*20; z1 = -2*pi*p.DARMUGF/2; p0 = -2*pi*1; p1 = -2*pi*4*p.DARMUGF; p2 = -2*pi*8*p.DARMUGF; Fdarm = zpk([z0,z1,z1],[p0,p1,p1,p2],1); % h = bodeplot(Fdarm); % p1 = getoptions(h); % p1.FreqUnits = 'Hz'; % p1.Grid = 'on'; % setoptions(h,p1); % Set dc gain ii = find(f >= p.DARMUGF, 1); G0 = -sign(angle(G1(1,1,ii)))/abs(G1(1,1,ii)*freqresp(Fdarm,w(ii))); set(Fdarm, 'k', G0); %}}} %{{{ CARM %% CARM %Fcarm = zpk([-2*pi*2e3, -2*pi*100],[-2*pi*150e5, -2*pi*200e3, -2*pi*1], 1); Fcarm = zpk([-2*pi*2e3],[-2*pi*500e3, -2*pi*200e3, ... -2*pi*0.1, -2*pi*0.1],1); % Set dc gain UGF = 10000; ii = find(f >= UGF, 1); G0 = -sign(angle(G1(2,2,ii)))/abs(G1(2,2,ii)*freqresp(Fcarm,w(ii))); set(Fcarm, 'k', G0); %}}} %{{{ MICH %% MICH z1 = -2*pi*p.MICHUGF/2; p1 = -2*pi*4*p.MICHUGF; p2 = -2*pi*8*p.MICHUGF; if p.DRSE Fmich = zpk([z1],[p1,p2],-1); else Fmich = zpk([z1,z1],[p1,p1,p2],-1); end % Set dc gain ii = find(f >= p.MICHUGF, 1); G0 = -sign(angle(G1(3,3,ii)))/abs(G1(3,3,ii)*freqresp(Fmich,w(ii))); set(Fmich, 'k', G0); %}}} %{{{ PRCL %% PRCL z1 = -2*pi*p.PRCLUGF/2; p1 = -2*pi*4*p.PRCLUGF; p2 = -2*pi*8*p.PRCLUGF; Fprc = zpk([z1,z1],[p1,p1,p2],1); % Set dc gain ii = find(f >= p.PRCLUGF, 1); G0 = -sign(angle(G1(4,4,ii)))/abs(G1(4,4,ii)*freqresp(Fprc,w(ii))); set(Fprc, 'k', G0); %}}} %{{{ SRCL %% SRCL z1 = -2*pi*p.SRCLUGF/2; p1 = -2*pi*4*p.SRCLUGF; p2 = -2*pi*8*p.SRCLUGF; Fsrc = zpk([z1,z1],[p1,p1,p2],-1); % Set dc gain ii = find(f >= p.SRCLUGF, 1); G0 = -sign(angle(G1(5,5,ii)))/abs(G1(5,5,ii)*freqresp(Fsrc,w(ii))); set(Fsrc, 'k', G0); %}}} %{{{ F matrix %% F matrix F = zeros(5,5,length(w)); F(1,1,:) = squeeze(freqresp(Fdarm, w)); F(2,2,:) = squeeze(freqresp(Fcarm, w)); F(3,3,:) = squeeze(freqresp(Fmich, w)); F(4,4,:) = squeeze(freqresp(Fprc, w)); F(5,5,:) = squeeze(freqresp(Fsrc, w)); %}}} %}}} %{{{ Recalculate Feed forward TF F2s = zeros(5,5,length(w)); %Measure the TFs H = zeros(5,5,length(w)); for ii = [1:length(w)] G = S*D1(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F(:,:,ii); H(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+G); %TF from MICH error to DARM error Vtmp = G*[0;0;1;0;0]; TFmich = Vtmp(1); Vtmp = G*[0;0;0;1;0]; TFprc = Vtmp(1); Vtmp = G*[0;0;0;0;1]; TFsrc = Vtmp(1); %TF from DARM fb to DARM error Vtmp = S*D1(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*[1;0;0;0;0]; TFdarm = Vtmp(1); %Feed forward matrix FF = zeros(5,5); FF(1,3) = -TFmich/TFdarm; FF(1,4) = -TFprc/TFdarm; FF(1,5) = -TFsrc/TFdarm; % Update the filter matrix F a=p.FeedForwardError;%*(2*rand-1); b=0*p.FeedForwardError;%*(2*rand-1); F2s(:,:,ii) = F(:,:,ii) + FF*(1+a+i*b); end %}}} %{{{ Couplings without FF k = 2*pi/opt.lambda; Getm = zeros(length(w),1); Gpr2 = zeros(length(w),1); Gprmar = zeros(length(w),1); Grefl = zeros(length(w),1); Gsr2 = zeros(length(w),1); Gsrmar = zeros(length(w),1); Gitmtobs = zeros(length(w),1); Gitmar = zeros(length(w),1); for ii = [1:length(w)] H1(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+1*S*D1(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F(:,:,ii)); H2(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+1*S*D2(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F(:,:,ii)); Gdarm = [1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]/sqrt(p.Pin); Getm(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLETMX)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLETMX)^2)/p.EsETMX/Gdarm); Gpr2(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPR2)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPR2)^2)/p.EsPR2/Gdarm); Gprmar(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPRMAR)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPRMAR)^2)/p.EsPRMAR/Gdarm); Grefl(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLREFL)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLREFL)^2)/p.EsREFL/Gdarm); Gsr2(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSR2)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSR2)^2)/p.EsSR2/Gdarm); Gsrmar(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSRMAR)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSRMAR)^2)/p.EsSRMAR/Gdarm); Gitmtobs(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMtoBS)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMtoBS)^2)/p.EsITMtoBS/Gdarm); Gitmar(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMAR)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMAR)^2)/p.EsITMAR/Gdarm); end % h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Getm, f, Gpr2, f, Gprmar, f, Grefl, f, Gsr2, f, Gsrmar, f, ... Gitmtobs, f, Gitmar); legend('ETMX HR','PRMtoBS','PRM AR', 'REFL', 'SRMtoBS','SRM AR', 'ITMXtoBS', 'BStoITMX'); title('Scattered Light Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| [m/rad]','FontSize',16); grid on baseFileName = [resultDir, 'ScatteredLightNoise/', ... 'ScatteredLightNoiseCouplingNoFF-',FieldNames{jj}]; print(h1, '-dpdf', [baseFileName, '.pdf']); saveas(h1, [baseFileName, '.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([baseFileName,'.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Scattering light noise coupling G: G is in the unit of ' ... 'm/rad. This is the ratio of SNXXX over DARM in the LIGO ' ... 'report T060073. \n']); fprintf(fid, ['#In order to get the strain equivalent DARM noise from the ' ... 'scattered light, calculate G*Es*dphi/(L*sqrt(Pin)).\n']); fprintf(fid, ['#Es is the field amplitude of scattered light coupled back ' ... 'to the interferometer. dphi is the phase noise of this ' ... 'field. L is the arm length, Pin is the input laser power.\n']); fprintf(fid,['#freq, ETMX HR, ETMX AR, PRMtoBS , PRM AR, SRMtoBS, ' ... 'SRM AR, ITMtoBS, BStoITM\n']); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Getm, Getm*sqrt(p.ETMXThr), Gpr2, Gprmar, Grefl, ... Gsr2, Gsrmar, Gitmtobs, Gitmar]; dlmwrite([baseFileName, '.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ Couplings without FB k = 2*pi/opt.lambda; Getm = zeros(length(w),1); Gpr2 = zeros(length(w),1); Gprmar = zeros(length(w),1); Grefl = zeros(length(w),1); Gsr2 = zeros(length(w),1); Gsrmar = zeros(length(w),1); Gitmtobs = zeros(length(w),1); Gitmar = zeros(length(w),1); for ii = [1:length(w)] H1(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+0*S*D1(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F(:,:,ii)); H2(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+0*S*D2(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F(:,:,ii)); Gdarm = [1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]/sqrt(p.Pin); Getm(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLETMX)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLETMX)^2)/p.EsETMX/Gdarm); Gpr2(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPR2)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPR2)^2)/p.EsPR2/Gdarm); Gprmar(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPRMAR)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPRMAR)^2)/p.EsPRMAR/Gdarm); Grefl(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLREFL)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLREFL)^2)/p.EsREFL/Gdarm); Gsr2(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSR2)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSR2)^2)/p.EsSR2/Gdarm); Gsrmar(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSRMAR)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSRMAR)^2)/p.EsSRMAR/Gdarm); Gitmtobs(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMtoBS)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMtoBS)^2)/p.EsITMtoBS/Gdarm); Gitmar(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMAR)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMAR)^2)/p.EsITMAR/Gdarm); end % h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Getm, f, Gpr2, f, Gprmar, f, Grefl, f, Gsr2, f, Gsrmar, f, ... Gitmtobs, f, Gitmar); legend('ETMX HR','PRMtoBS','PRM AR', 'REFL', 'SRMtoBS','SRM AR', 'ITMXtoBS', 'BStoITMX'); title('Scattered Light Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| [m/rad]','FontSize',16); grid on baseFileName = [resultDir, 'ScatteredLightNoise/', ... 'ScatteredLightNoiseCouplingNoFB-',FieldNames{jj}]; print(h1, '-dpdf', [baseFileName, '.pdf']); saveas(h1, [baseFileName, '.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([baseFileName,'.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Scattering light noise coupling G: G is in the unit of ' ... 'm/rad. This is the ratio of SNXXX over DARM in the LIGO ' ... 'report T060073. \n']); fprintf(fid, ['#In order to get the strain equivalent DARM noise from the ' ... 'scattered light, calculate G*Es*dphi/(L*sqrt(Pin)).\n']); fprintf(fid, ['#Es is the field amplitude of scattered light coupled back ' ... 'to the interferometer. dphi is the phase noise of this ' ... 'field. L is the arm length, Pin is the input laser power.\n']); fprintf(fid,['#freq, ETMX HR, ETMX AR, PRMtoBS , PRM AR, SRMtoBS, ' ... 'SRM AR, ITMtoBS, BStoITM\n']); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Getm, Getm*sqrt(p.ETMXThr), Gpr2, Gprmar, Grefl, ... Gsr2, Gsrmar, Gitmtobs, Gitmar]; dlmwrite([baseFileName, '.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ Couplings k = 2*pi/opt.lambda; Getm = zeros(length(w),1); Gpr2 = zeros(length(w),1); Gprmar = zeros(length(w),1); Grefl = zeros(length(w),1); Gsr2 = zeros(length(w),1); Gsrmar = zeros(length(w),1); Gitmtobs = zeros(length(w),1); Gitmar = zeros(length(w),1); for ii = [1:length(w)] H1(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+1*S*D1(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F2s(:,:,ii)); H2(:,:,ii) = inv(eye(5)+1*S*D2(:,:,ii)*A(:,:,ii)*F2s(:,:,ii)); Gdarm = [1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*Mconv*[1;0;0;0;0]/sqrt(p.Pin); Getm(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLETMX)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLETMX)^2)/p.EsETMX/Gdarm); Gpr2(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPR2)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPR2)^2)/p.EsPR2/Gdarm); Gprmar(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPRMAR)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLPRMAR)^2)/p.EsPRMAR/Gdarm); Grefl(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLREFL)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLREFL)^2)/p.EsREFL/Gdarm); Gsr2(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSR2)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSR2)^2)/p.EsSR2/Gdarm); Gsrmar(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSRMAR)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLSRMAR)^2)/p.EsSRMAR/Gdarm); Gitmtobs(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMtoBS)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMtoBS)^2)/p.EsITMtoBS/Gdarm); Gitmar(ii) = abs(sqrt(abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H1(:,:,ii)*S*D1(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMAR)^2+ ... abs([1,0,0,0,0]*H2(:,:,ii)*S*D2(:,:,ii)*vActSCLITMAR)^2)/p.EsITMAR/Gdarm); end % h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, Getm, f, Gpr2, f, Gprmar, f, Grefl, f, Gsr2, f, Gsrmar, f, Gitmtobs, f, Gitmar); legend('ETMX HR','PRMtoBS','PRM AR', 'REFL', 'SRMtoBS','SRM AR', 'ITMXtoBS', 'BStoITMX'); title('Scattered Light Noise Coupling','FontSize',16); xlabel('Hz', 'FontSize', 16); h=ylabel('|G| [m/rad]','FontSize',16); grid on baseFileName = [resultDir, 'ScatteredLightNoise/', 'ScatteredLightNoiseCouplingFF-',FieldNames{jj}]; print(h1, '-dpdf', [baseFileName, '.pdf']); saveas(h1, [baseFileName, '.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([baseFileName,'.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,['#Scattering light noise coupling G: G is in the unit of ' ... 'm/rad. This is the ratio of SNXXX over DARM in the LIGO ' ... 'report T060073. \n']); fprintf(fid, ['#In order to get the strain equivalent DARM noise from the ' ... 'scattered light, calculate G*Es*dphi/(L*sqrt(Pin)).\n']); fprintf(fid, ['#Es is the field amplitude of scattered light coupled back ' ... 'to the interferometer. dphi is the phase noise of this ' ... 'field. L is the arm length, Pin is the input laser power.\n']); fprintf(fid,['#freq, ETMX HR, ETMX AR, PRMtoBS , PRM AR, REFL, SRMtoBS, ' ... 'SRM AR, ITMtoBS, BStoITM\n']); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), Getm, Getm*sqrt(p.ETMXThr), Gpr2, Gprmar, Grefl, ... Gsr2, Gsrmar, Gitmtobs, Gitmar]; dlmwrite([baseFileName, '.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ Noise Requirements %{{{ SCL Requirement for ETM % The phase noise induced by the reflection on a vibrating object is % dphi = 2*k*a, where a is the vibration amplitude of the scattering % object. k is the wavenumber. % The requirement is also scaled lineary by the amplitude Es % of the scattered light k = 2*pi/opt.lambda; aEsReq = abs(3000*TotalNoise*sqrt(p.Pin)./(2*k*Getm)/p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor); h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, aEsReq); %legend('Intensity noise'); title(['Scattered Light Requirement in ArmCavity (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Vibration x Field Amplitude [m*sqrt(W)/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on baseFileName = [resultDir, 'ScatteredLightNoise/', 'ETMXSCLRequirement-', FieldNames{jj}]; print(h1, '-dpdf', [baseFileName, '.pdf']); saveas(h1, [baseFileName, '.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([baseFileName,'.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, a*Es\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), aEsReq]; dlmwrite([baseFileName, '.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ SCL Requirement for PRC % dphi = 2*k*a, where a is the vibration amplitude of the scattering % object. % The requirement is also scaled lineary by the amplitude Es % of the scattered light k = 2*pi/opt.lambda; aEsReq = abs(3000*TotalNoise*sqrt(p.Pin)./(2*k*Gpr2)/p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor); h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, aEsReq); %legend('Intensity noise'); title(['Scattered Light Requirement in PRC (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Vibration x Field Amplitude [m*sqrt(W)/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on baseFileName = [resultDir, 'ScatteredLightNoise/', 'PR2SCLRequirement-', FieldNames{jj}]; print(h1, '-dpdf', [baseFileName, '.pdf']); saveas(h1, [baseFileName, '.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([baseFileName,'.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, a*Es\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), aEsReq]; dlmwrite([baseFileName, '.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ SCL Requirement for PRM AR k = 2*pi/opt.lambda; aEsReq = abs(3000*TotalNoise*sqrt(p.Pin)./(2*k*Gprmar)/p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor); h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, aEsReq); %legend('Intensity noise'); title(['Scattered Light Requirement PRM AR (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Vibration x Field Amplitude [m*sqrt(W)/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on baseFileName = [resultDir, 'ScatteredLightNoise/', 'PRMARSCLRequirement-', FieldNames{jj}]; print(h1, '-dpdf', [baseFileName, '.pdf']); saveas(h1, [baseFileName, '.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([baseFileName,'.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, a*Es\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), aEsReq]; dlmwrite([baseFileName, '.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ SCL Requirement for REFL k = 2*pi/opt.lambda; aEsReq = abs(3000*TotalNoise*sqrt(p.Pin)./(2*k*Grefl)/p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor); h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, aEsReq); %legend('Intensity noise'); title(['Scattered Light Requirement REFL (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Vibration x Field Amplitude [m*sqrt(W)/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on baseFileName = [resultDir, 'ScatteredLightNoise/', 'REFLSCLRequirement-', FieldNames{jj}]; print(h1, '-dpdf', [baseFileName, '.pdf']); saveas(h1, [baseFileName, '.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([baseFileName,'.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, a*Es\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), aEsReq]; dlmwrite([baseFileName, '.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ SCL Requirement for SRC %The requirement Xreq(12,:) is for the phase dphi. % dphi = 2*k*a, where a is the vibration amplitude of the scattering % object. % The requirement is also scaled lineary by the amplitude Es % of the scattered light k = 2*pi/opt.lambda; aEsReq = abs(3000*TotalNoise*sqrt(p.Pin)./(2*k*Gsr2)/p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor); h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, aEsReq); %legend('Intensity noise'); title(['Scattered Light Requirement in SRC (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Vibration x Field Amplitude [m*sqrt(W)/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on baseFileName = [resultDir, 'ScatteredLightNoise/', 'SR2SCLRequirement-', FieldNames{jj}]; print(h1, '-dpdf', [baseFileName, '.pdf']); saveas(h1, [baseFileName, '.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([baseFileName,'.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, a*Es\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), aEsReq]; dlmwrite([baseFileName, '.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ SCL Requirement for SRM AR k = 2*pi/opt.lambda; aEsReq = abs(3000*TotalNoise*sqrt(p.Pin)./(2*k*Gsrmar)/p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor); h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, aEsReq); %legend('Intensity noise'); title(['Scattered Light Requirement SRM AR (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Vibration x Field Amplitude [m*sqrt(W)/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on baseFileName = [resultDir, 'ScatteredLightNoise/', 'SRMARSCLRequirement-', FieldNames{jj}]; print(h1, '-dpdf', [baseFileName, '.pdf']); saveas(h1, [baseFileName, '.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([baseFileName,'.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, a*Es\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), aEsReq]; dlmwrite([baseFileName, '.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ SCL Requirement for ITMtoBS % dphi = 2*k*a, where a is the vibration amplitude of the scattering % object. % The requirement is also scaled lineary by the amplitude Es % of the scattered light k = 2*pi/opt.lambda; aEsReq = abs(3000*TotalNoise*sqrt(p.Pin)./(2*k*Gitmtobs)/p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor); h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, aEsReq); %legend('Intensity noise'); title(['Scattered Light Requirement in ITMtoBS (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Vibration x Field Amplitude [m*sqrt(W)/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on baseFileName = [resultDir, 'ScatteredLightNoise/', 'ITMtoBSSCLRequirement-', FieldNames{jj}]; print(h1, '-dpdf', [baseFileName, '.pdf']); saveas(h1, [baseFileName, '.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([baseFileName,'.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, a*Es\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), aEsReq]; dlmwrite([baseFileName, '.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %{{{ SCL Requirement for ITMAR k = 2*pi/opt.lambda; aEsReq = abs(3000*TotalNoise*sqrt(p.Pin)./(2*k*Gitmar)/p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor); h1 = figure(1); loglog(f, aEsReq); %legend('Intensity noise'); title(['Scattered Light Requirement in ITM AR (Safety Factor',num2str(p.DispNoiseSafetyFactor),')'],'FontSize',16); xlabel('Frequency [Hz]','FontSize',16); h=ylabel('Vibration x Field Amplitude [m*sqrt(W)/sqrt(Hz)]','FontSize',16); grid on baseFileName = [resultDir, 'ScatteredLightNoise/', 'ITMARSCLRequirement-', FieldNames{jj}]; print(h1, '-dpdf', [baseFileName, '.pdf']); saveas(h1, [baseFileName, '.fig']); close(h1); fid = fopen([baseFileName,'.dat'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'#f, a*Es\n'); fclose(fid); M = [f(:), aEsReq]; dlmwrite([baseFileName, '.dat'], M, '-append'); %}}} %}}} end % for ii = 1:3 end %if p.IncludeSCL %}}} end %if p.LoopNoise end %if p.doTickle %{{{ ****** Save Notes *********** %% ********* Notes *********** % Open file NoteFile = fopen([resultDir, 'Notes.txt'],'w'); %Header fprintf(NoteFile, '#### Optickle Simulation for LCGT LSC ####\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, '----- IFO Configuration -----\n'); if p.DRSE fprintf(NoteFile, 'IFO Configuration: DRSE\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Detune phase = %g [deg]\n', p.detunePhase); else fprintf(NoteFile, 'IFO Configuration: BRSE\n'); end if p.useMZ fprintf(NoteFile, 'Use Mach Zehnder for RF Modulation: Yes\n'); else fprintf(NoteFile, 'Use Mach Zehnder for RF Modulation: No\n'); end if p.useMZI fprintf(NoteFile, 'Use delay-line Mach Zehnder for RF Modulation: Yes\n'); else fprintf(NoteFile, 'Use delay-line Mach Zehnder for RF Modulation: No\n'); end if p.fixedOptics fprintf(NoteFile, 'Fixed Optics: Yes\n'); else fprintf(NoteFile, 'Fixed Optics: No\n'); end fprintf(NoteFile, '\n---------- DC Readout ----------\n\n'); if p.DCReadout fprintf(NoteFile, 'DC Readout: Yes\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Arm Offset for DC Readout: +/- %g [pm]\n', p.armOffset/pm); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Pmismatch=%.3g [mW]\nPdc=%.3g [mW]\n',Pmismatch/1e-3, Pdc/1e-3); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Homodyne angle = %.3g [deg]\n', HDphase); else fprintf(NoteFile, 'DC Readout: No\n'); end fprintf(NoteFile, '\n---------- Scattered Light Injection ----------\n\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'ETMX Es = %g\n', p.EsETMX); fprintf(NoteFile, 'PR2 Es = %g\n', p.EsPR2); fprintf(NoteFile, 'PRM AR Es = %g\n', p.EsPRMAR); fprintf(NoteFile, 'SR2 Es = %g\n', p.EsSR2); fprintf(NoteFile, 'SRM AR Es = %g\n', p.EsSRMAR); fprintf(NoteFile, 'ITMXtoBS Es = %g\n', p.EsITMtoBS); fprintf(NoteFile, 'ITM AR Es = %g\n', p.EsITMAR); fprintf(NoteFile, 'MICHX PO Reflectivity = %g [ppm]\n', (1- ... p.MICHX_POThr)/ppm); fprintf(NoteFile, 'REFL PO Reflectivity = %g [ppm]\n', (1- ... p.REFL_POThr)/ppm); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n---------- Asymmetry ----------\n\n'); if p.notperfect fprintf(NoteFile, 'Arm Asymmetry: Yes\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Mirror reflectivity mismatch = %g%%\n', p.armAsym*100); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Arm loss mismatch = %g [ppm]\n', p.ArmLossAsym/ppm); else fprintf(NoteFile, 'Arm Asymmetry: No\n'); end fprintf(NoteFile, '\n---------- Input Optics ----------\n\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Input Power before modulators = %g [W]\n',p.Pin); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Modulation frequencies: f1 = %g, f2 = %g, f3 = %g [MHz]\n',p.fmod1/MHz,... p.fmod2/MHz, p.fmod3/MHz); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Modulation index: f1 = %g, f2 = %g, f3 = %g\n',abs(p.g1),... abs(p.g2), abs(p.g3)); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Sideband order = %g\n',p.sbOrder); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n-------- Power Recycling -------\n\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'PRG=%g\nRarm=%g\n',PRG,Rarm); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n-------- Power in various parts -------\n\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Carrier Power in XARM=%g, YARM=%g\n',XARMCarrierPower,YARMCarrierPower); fprintf(NoteFile, 'f1 Power in XARM=%g, YARM=%g\n',XARMf1Power,YARMf1Power); fprintf(NoteFile, 'f2 Power in XARM=%g, YARM=%g\n',XARMf2Power,YARMf2Power); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Carrier Power in PRC=%g, SRC=%g\n', ... PRCCarrierPower, SRCCarrierPower); fprintf(NoteFile, 'f1 Power in PRC=%g, SRC=%g\n', ... PRCf1Power, SRCf1Power); fprintf(NoteFile, 'f2 Power in PRC=%g, SRC=%g\n', ... PRCf2Power, SRCf2Power); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Carrier Power at REFL=%g, AS=%g\n', ... REFLCarrierPower,AS_CarrierPower); fprintf(NoteFile, 'f1 Power at REFL=%g, AS=%g\n', ... REFL_f1Power, AS_f1Power); fprintf(NoteFile, 'f2 Power at REFL=%g, AS=%g\n', ... REFL_f2Power, AS_f2Power); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n-------- Signal Extraction -------\n\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Tickling frequency = %g Hz\n\n',p.ftickle); fprintf(NoteFile, 'DARM: %s\n',p.signalPorts{1}); fprintf(NoteFile, 'DARM UGF: %g [Hz]\n',p.DARMUGF); fprintf(NoteFile, 'CARM: %s\n',p.signalPorts{2}); fprintf(NoteFile, 'CARM UGF: %g [Hz]\n',p.CARMUGF); fprintf(NoteFile, 'MICH: %s\n',p.signalPorts{3}); fprintf(NoteFile, 'MICH UGF: %g [Hz]\n',p.MICHUGF); fprintf(NoteFile, 'PRCL: %s\n',p.signalPorts{4}); fprintf(NoteFile, 'PRCL UGF: %g [Hz]\n',p.PRCLUGF); fprintf(NoteFile, 'SRCL: %s\n',p.signalPorts{5}); fprintf(NoteFile, 'SRCL UGF: %g [Hz]\n',p.SRCLUGF); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n-------- Sensing Matrix -------\n\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, '====== Signal Matrix [W/m] ======\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, ' DARM, CARM, MICH, PRCL, SRCL\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{1},... abs(mSens(1,1)),abs(mSens(1,2)),abs(mSens(1,3)),abs(mSens(1,4)),abs(mSens(1,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{2},... abs(mSens(2,1)),abs(mSens(2,2)),abs(mSens(2,3)),abs(mSens(2,4)),abs(mSens(2,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{3},... abs(mSens(3,1)),abs(mSens(3,2)),abs(mSens(3,3)),abs(mSens(3,4)),abs(mSens(3,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{4},... abs(mSens(4,1)),abs(mSens(4,2)),abs(mSens(4,3)),abs(mSens(4,4)),abs(mSens(4,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{5},... abs(mSens(5,1)),abs(mSens(5,2)),abs(mSens(5,3)),abs(mSens(5,4)),abs(mSens(5,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n====== Noise Normalized Signal Matrix [1/m/sqrt(Hz)] ======\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, ' DARM, CARM, MICH, PRCL, SRCL\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{1},... abs(mSensNorm(1,1)),abs(mSensNorm(1,2)),abs(mSensNorm(1,3)),abs(mSensNorm(1,4)),abs(mSensNorm(1,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{2},... abs(mSensNorm(2,1)),abs(mSensNorm(2,2)),abs(mSensNorm(2,3)),abs(mSensNorm(2,4)),abs(mSensNorm(2,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{3},... abs(mSensNorm(3,1)),abs(mSensNorm(3,2)),abs(mSensNorm(3,3)),abs(mSensNorm(3,4)),abs(mSensNorm(3,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{4},... abs(mSensNorm(4,1)),abs(mSensNorm(4,2)),abs(mSensNorm(4,3)),abs(mSensNorm(4,4)),abs(mSensNorm(4,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{5},... abs(mSensNorm(5,1)),abs(mSensNorm(5,2)),abs(mSensNorm(5,3)),abs(mSensNorm(5,4)),abs(mSensNorm(5,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n====== Offset Matrix [W] ======\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{1}, abs(mOfs(1))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{2}, abs(mOfs(2))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{3}, abs(mOfs(3))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{4}, abs(mOfs(4))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{5}, abs(mOfs(5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n====== Offset Matrix in meter [m] ======\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, ' DARM, CARM, MICH, PRCL, SRCL\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{1},... abs(mOfsMeter(1,1)),abs(mOfsMeter(1,2)),abs(mOfsMeter(1,3)),abs(mOfsMeter(1,4)),abs(mOfsMeter(1,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{2},... abs(mOfsMeter(2,1)),abs(mOfsMeter(2,2)),abs(mOfsMeter(2,3)),abs(mOfsMeter(2,4)),abs(mOfsMeter(2,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{3},... abs(mOfsMeter(3,1)),abs(mOfsMeter(3,2)),abs(mOfsMeter(3,3)),abs(mOfsMeter(3,4)),abs(mOfsMeter(3,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{4},... abs(mOfsMeter(4,1)),abs(mOfsMeter(4,2)),abs(mOfsMeter(4,3)),abs(mOfsMeter(4,4)),abs(mOfsMeter(4,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '%s: %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g\n',p.signalPorts{5},... abs(mOfsMeter(5,1)),abs(mOfsMeter(5,2)),abs(mOfsMeter(5,3)),abs(mOfsMeter(5,4)),abs(mOfsMeter(5,5))); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n====== RF Power at each PD [W] ======\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'REFL1: %.3g\n', abs(REFL1_RFPower)); fprintf(NoteFile, 'REFL2: %.3g\n',abs(REFL2_RFPower)); fprintf(NoteFile, 'POP1: %.3g\n',abs(POP1_RFPower)); fprintf(NoteFile, 'POP2: %.3g\n',abs(POP2_RFPower)); fprintf(NoteFile, 'REFL_1Dm: %.3g\n',abs(REFL1Dm_RFPower)); fprintf(NoteFile, 'REFL_1Dp: %.3g\n',abs(REFL1Dp_RFPower)); fprintf(NoteFile, 'REFL_2Dm: %.3g\n',abs(REFL2Dm_RFPower)); fprintf(NoteFile, 'REFL_2Dp: %.3g\n',abs(REFL2Dp_RFPower)); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n-------- Feed Forward -------\n\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'Feed forward error: %.2g%%\n',p.FeedForwardError*100); fprintf(NoteFile, '\n-------- DC Power at detection ports -------\n\n'); fprintf(NoteFile, 'REFL1: %.3g [mW]\n',P_REFL1*1e3); fprintf(NoteFile, 'REFL2: %.3g [mW]\n',P_REFL2*1e3); fprintf(NoteFile, 'REFL3: %.3g [mW]\n',P_REFL3*1e3); fprintf(NoteFile, 'REFL4: %.3g [mW]\n',P_REFL4*1e3); fprintf(NoteFile, 'POP1: %.3g [mW]\n',P_POP1*1e3); fprintf(NoteFile, 'POP2: %.3g [mW]\n',P_POP2*1e3); fprintf(NoteFile, 'AS_DC: %.3g [mW]\n',P_AS*1e3); fprintf(NoteFile, 'AS_PO: %.3g [mW]\n',P_ASPO*1e3); fprintf(NoteFile, 'OMC_REFL: %g [mW]\n',P_OMCREFL*1e3); fprintf(NoteFile, 'POX: %.3g [mW]\n',P_POX*1e3); fprintf(NoteFile, 'POY: %.3g [mW]\n',P_POY*1e3); % Close file fclose(NoteFile); %}}}