function liveParts(mdl, start, duration, freq) %% Form channel list load_system(mdl); liveParts = findInSystemOrRefs(mdl, 'RegExp', 'on', 'Tag', '(LiveConstant|LiveMatrix|LiveFilter)'); disp([num2str(numel(liveParts)) ' LiveParts found']); for n = 1:numel(liveParts) % The set_param is a workaround for blocks that fail to initialize % their mask workspace % try set_param(liveParts{n}, 'Mask', 'on'); catch err % Ignore set_param failures that occur for blocks inside libraries % that aren't designated as modifiable (they seem to initialize ok) if ~strcmp(err.identifier, 'Simulink:Libraries:RefViolation') rethrow(err); end end chans{n} = liveChans(liveParts{n}); %#ok disp([' ' liveParts{n} ' :: ' num2str(numel(chans{n}(:))) ' channels']); end %% Get data and store it in a containers.Map chanList = {}; for n = 1:numel(chans) chanList = [chanList chans{n}(:)']; %#ok end chanList = sort(unique(chanList)); % Break the channel list into digestible pieces for the NDS server maxChans = 100; lastChanIdx = 0; data = []; while (numel(chanList) - lastChanIdx) > 0 chansToFetch = min(numel(chanList) - lastChanIdx, maxChans); disp(['Requesting ' num2str(duration) ' sec of data for ' num2str(chansToFetch) ... ' channels, starting at GPS time ' num2str(start)]); firstChanIdx = lastChanIdx + 1; lastChanIdx = lastChanIdx + chansToFetch; % for n = 1:chansToFetch % disp(chanList(firstChanIdx+n-1)); % get_data(chanList(firstChanIdx+n-1), 'raw', start, duration); % end %%%%%%%% Modified to change the function from get_data to getGWData % data = [data cacheFunction(@get_data, chanList(firstChanIdx:lastChanIdx),... % 'raw',start, duration)]; %#ok data = [data cacheFunction(@getGWData, chanList(firstChanIdx:lastChanIdx),... start, duration)]; %#ok end dataByChan = containers.Map(); for n = 1:numel(data) if any(diff(data(n).data) ~= 0) warning([data(n).name ' is not constant during the segment']); end dataByChan(data(n).name) = double(mode(data(n).data)); end % Validate the results for n = 1:numel(chanList) if ~isKey(dataByChan, chanList{n}) error(['No data found for channel ' chanList{n}]); elseif isnan(dataByChan(chanList{n})) error(['NaN value returned for channel ' chanList{n}]); end end %% Apply params filterCache = containers.Map(); for n = 1:numel(liveParts) filterCache = liveParams(liveParts{n}, chans{n}, dataByChan, start, duration, freq, filterCache); end end function chans = liveChans(blk) blkType = get_param(blk, 'Tag'); blkVars = get_param(blk, 'MaskWSVariables'); switch blkType case 'LiveConstant' chans = {blkVars(strcmp({blkVars.Name}, 'chan')).Value}; if ~numel(chans{1}) error(['Channel not set for blk ' blk]); end case 'LiveMatrix' prefix = blkVars(strcmp({blkVars.Name}, 'prefix')).Value; if ~numel(prefix) error(['Prefix not set for blk ' blk]); end firstRow = blkVars(strcmp({blkVars.Name}, 'firstRow')).Value; firstCol = blkVars(strcmp({blkVars.Name}, 'firstCol')).Value; lastRow = blkVars(strcmp({blkVars.Name}, 'lastRow')).Value; lastCol = blkVars(strcmp({blkVars.Name}, 'lastCol')).Value; rows = firstRow:lastRow; cols = firstCol:lastCol; chans = cell(numel(rows), numel(cols)); for row = 1:numel(rows) for col = 1:numel(cols) chans{row, col} = [prefix '_' num2str(rows(row)) '_' num2str(cols(col))]; end end case 'LiveFilter' prefix = blkVars(strcmp({blkVars.Name}, 'prefix')).Value; if ~numel(prefix) error(['Prefix not set for blk ' blk]); end % note: the liveParams function below depends on the ordering of these suffixes fmChanSuffixes = {'_SWSTAT', '_OFFSET', '_GAIN', '_LIMIT'}; chans = cell(size(fmChanSuffixes)); for n = 1:numel(fmChanSuffixes) chans{n} = [prefix fmChanSuffixes{n}]; end end end function filterCache = liveParams(blk, chans, dataByChan, start, duration, freq, filterCache) blkType = get_param(blk, 'Tag'); blkVars = get_param(blk, 'MaskWSVariables'); switch blkType case 'LiveConstant' K = dataByChan(chans{1}); kVar = get_param(blk, 'K'); setInBase(kVar, K, blk); case 'LiveMatrix' [rows, cols] = size(chans); M = zeros(rows, cols); for row = 1:rows for col = 1:cols M(row, col) = dataByChan(chans{row, col}); end end mVar = get_param(blk, 'M'); setInBase(mVar, M, blk); case 'LiveFilter' site = blkVars(strcmp({blkVars.Name}, 'site')).Value; model = blkVars(strcmp({blkVars.Name}, 'feModel')).Value; fmName = blkVars(strcmp({blkVars.Name}, 'fmName')).Value; flexTf = blkVars(strcmp({blkVars.Name}, 'flexTf')).Value; par.swstat = dataByChan(chans{1}); par.offset = dataByChan(chans{2}); par.gain = dataByChan(chans{3}); par.limit = dataByChan(chans{4}); if ~isKey(filterCache, model) % Cache all filters from each file. This speeds up subsequent % reads of other filters from the same file. ff = find_FilterFile(site, model(1:2), model, start); ff2 = find_FilterFile(site, model(1:2), model, start + duration); if ~strcmp(ff, ff2) warning([model '.txt is not constant during the segment']); end filters = readFilterFile(ff); filterCache(model) = filters; else filters = filterCache(model); end = filters.(fmName); for n = 1:10 [z, p, k] = sos2zp(; par.(['fm' num2str(n)]) = d2c(zpk(z, p, k, 1/, 'tustin'); if flexTf par.(['fm' num2str(n) 'frd']) = frd(par.(['fm' num2str(n)]), freq, 'Units', 'Hz'); end end parVar = get_param(blk, 'par'); setInBase(parVar, par, blk); end end function setInBase(var, val, blk) % This function is a kludge to allow things like setting fields of % structures (not possible with assignin alone) % If var is inside a library block, then its name probably refers to a % library parameter (mask variable), which has to be resolved before % evaluating var = resolveLibraryParam(var, blk); assignin('base', 'zzz_assignin_kludge_tmp', val); evalin('base', [var ' = zzz_assignin_kludge_tmp; clear zzz_assignin_kludge_tmp']); end