This directory contains a Simulink-based noise budget toolkit, and an example based on the DARM Simulink model from the aligocalibration SVN repository. ============================== Getting started: example model ============================== To run the example, go to the example/ subdirectory and use the run_DARM_NB script. You'll need Matlab R2010a or newer, and a recent checkout of the SUS and aligocalibration repositories. (The SUS SVN is vast and not all of it is needed, but make sure to include at least the paths listed at the top of darmParams.m. Also, edit the paths there, and at the top of run_DARM_NB, if your SVN directories are in a different location.) SVN repository URLs: SUS -- aligocalibration -- The script should conclude by popping up a series of noise budget and sub-budget plots. The following noise terms are modeled: * ADC Noise * ASPD Dark Noise * BOSEM L Noise * Laser Frequency Noise * Laser Intensity Noise * MICH Coupling Noise * Oscillator Amplitude Noise * Oscillator Phase Noise * QUAD Actuator Noise * Quantum Noise * Scattered Light Ring Noise * Squeezed Film Damping Noise Note: not all of these terms are broken out in the plots. Only the leading contributors are shown. Also note: the example is supplied only as a demo to illustrate how the various tools can be used. The DARM model included here has not been gone over with a fine toothed comb, and is certainly not correct in all particulars. Most of the input spectra are just placeholders. There is absolutely no warranty on the output of this example. =============================== Getting started: your own model =============================== To substitute frequency response data for a Simulink block in your model: 1. Right-click the block and open its Properties. 2. Type a FlexTf configuration line at the top of the block description field in the General tab of the Block Properties window. This is similar to how certain CDS parts are configured in the aLIGO RCG. The FlexTf line should start with the identifier string "FlexTf:". After the ":", type a Matlab expression (variable name or function call). This expression, when evaluated, should yield a frd object containing frequency response data to substitute for the block. 3. To make the substitution more obvious, it's helpful to display the block's description as an annotation under its name. To do this, go the Block Annotation tab, choose the % token from the list, and add it to the displayed annotations. 4. Use the linFlexTf function (in place of linmod or linmod2) to linearize the model. Note that linFlexTf has two outputs, a linearized system with extra I/O ports for the FlexTf blocks, and a cell array of frd objects describing the FlexTf blocks. 5. Use the linFlexTfFold function to combine the two outputs of linFlexTf. The output is a frd object containing the frequency response of the linearized system. To graphically configure a noise budget for your model: 1. Open NbLibrary.mdl and copy in a NbNoiseSink block. Connect it in series with the signal that you actually measure (for example, digitized photodetector output). Double-click the block to set the name of the DOF you are measuring (a string). 2. Copy in a NbNoiseCal block. Sum it in to the signal that you "want" to measure and budget the noise of (for example, test mass displacement calibrated in meters). Double-click the block and set the DOF name string (which must correspond with the Sink block) and the unit string (for example, 'displacement [m/rtHz]'). 3. Copy in one or more NbNoiseSource blocks. Sum them in throughout the model wherever noise couples. Double-click each block and set the ASD of the noise source (which can be a constant or a vector). If desired, set one or more group strings, to name the noise source and/or form sub-budgets. 4. Use the nbFromSimulink function to obtain the individual noise terms and calibration TFs. 5. Use the nbGroupNoises function to organize the noise terms into a hierarchical noise budget (NoiseModel object). 6. A NoiseModel object can be plotted using a function such as matlabNoisePlot or fragNoisePlot from the NoiseModel distribution. ============= File overview ============= * linFlexTf.m, linFlexTfFold.m linFlexTf and linFlexTfFold are functions for incorporating frequency response data into Simulink linearizations. These functions take the place of linmod or linmod2, and should prove to be more robust and accurate when frequency response data are available. They're really just wrappers around Matlab's linlft and linlftfold functions. See the help for more details. * nbFromSimulink.m, nbGroupNoises.m, NbLibrary.mdl These are tools for processing Simulink-based noise budgets, to automatically identify, calibrate, and organize all the noise terms they contain. See the help for more details. * lisoFrd.m, optickleFrd.m, scb.m lisoFrd imports LISO transfer functions for use with linFlexTf. optickleFrd is a full-fledged Optickle interface for SimulinkNB, developed by Nicolas Smith-Lefebvre. It automatically hooks up the drives and probes of an Optickle object to a FlexTf block, and calls tickle to compute the frequency response data if needed. scb is a helper function used by linFlexTf and nbFromSimulink when they process a block: it lets clever extension functions such as optickleFrd figure out which block called them, and act accordingly. * example/run_DARM_NB.m Main script used for the example. * example/DARM.mdl, example/darmParams.m, example/darmNbParams.m Demo Simulink model for DARM, and functions to define its parameters (adapted from Jeff Kissel's DARM model). Examples of how to configure FlexTf and NbNoiseSource blocks can be seen in the Simulink model by drilling down into the subsystems, such as: DARM.mdl/Actuation Function/ETMX/Hierarchy Loops/Driver Electronics * example/DarmLentickle.mat Lentickle model results used to supply the cavity response as a FlexTf, and to add various noise couplings to the model.