function [SER,poles,rmserr,fit]=vectfit2(f,s,poles,weight,VF); % %function [SER,poles,rmserr,fit]=vectfit2(f,s,poles,weight,VF) % % =========================================================== % = Vector Fitting = % = Version 2.1 = % = Last revised: 27.10.2005 = % = Bjorn Gustavsen = % = SINTEF Energy Research, N-7465 Trondheim, NORWAY = % = = % = = % =========================================================== % % PURPOSE : Approximate f(s) with a state-space model % % f(s)=C*(s*I-A)^(-1)*B +D +s*E % % where f(s) is a singe element or a vector of elements. % When f(s) is a vector, all elements become fitted with a common % pole set. % % INPUT : % % f(s) : function (vector) to be fitted. % dimension : (Nc,Ns) % Nc : number of elements in vector % Ns : number of frequency samples % % s : vector of frequency points [rad/sec] % dimension : (1,Ns) % % poles : vector of initial poles [rad/sec] % dimension : (1,N) % % weight: the rows in the system matrix are weighted using this array. Can be used % for achieving higher accuracy at desired frequency samples. % If no weighting is desired, use: weight=ones(1,Ns). % % Two dimensions are allowed: % dimension : (1,Ns) --> Common weighting for all vector elements. % dimension : (Nc,Ns)--> Individual weighting for vector elements. % % VF.relax==1 --> Use relaxed nontriviality constraint % VF.relax==0 --> Use nontriviality constraint of "standard" vector fitting % % VF.kill=0 --> unstable poles are kept unchanged % VF.kill=1 --> unstable poles are deleted % VF.kill=2 --> unstable poles are 'flipped' into the left half plane % (kill=2 is the recommended choice) % % VF.asymp=1 --> Fitting with D=0, E=0 % VF.asymp=2 --> Fitting with D~=0, E=0 % VF.asymp=3 --> Fitting with D~=0, E~=0 % % VF.spy1=1 --> Plotting, after pole identification (A) % figure(3): magnitude functions % cyan trace : (sigma*f)fit % red trace : (sigma)fit % green trace : f*(sigma)fit - (sigma*f)fit % % VF.spy2=1 --> Plotting, after residue identification (C,D,E) % figure(1): magnitude functions % figure(2): phase angles % % VF.logx=1 --> Plotting using logarithmic absissa axis % % VF.logy=1 --> Plotting using logarithmic ordinate axis % % VF.errplot=1 --> Include deviation in magnitude plot % % VF.phaseplot=1 -->Show plot also for phase angle % % % VF.skip_pole=1 --> The pole identification part is skipped, i.e (C,D,E) % are identified using the initial poles (A) as final poles. % % VF.skip_res =1 --> The residue identification part is skipped, i.e. only the % poles (A) are identified while C,D,E are returned as zero. % % VF.use_normal=1 -->Solving Least Squares (LS) systems using the Normal Equations. % =0 -->Solving LS systems using QR decomposition % % VF.use_sparse=1 -->Sparsity is used for formulating and solving LS system of the % pole identification problem. % =0 -->Full arithmetic is used (not very useful). % % VF.cmplx_ss =1 -->The returned state-space model has real and complex conjugate % parameters. Output variable A is diagonal (and sparse). % =0 -->The returned state-space model has real parameters only. % Output variable A is square with 2x2 blocks (and sparse). % % OUTPUT : % % fit(s) = C*(s*I-(A)^(-1)*B +D +s.*E % % SER.A(N,N) : A-matrix (sparse). If cmplx_ss==1: Diagonal and complex. % Otherwise, square and real with 2x2 blocks. % % SER.B(N,1) : B-matrix. If cmplx_ss=1: Column of 1's. % If cmplx_ss=0: contains 0's, 1's and 2's) % SER.C(Nc,N) : C-matrix. If cmplx_ss=1: complex % If cmplx_ss=0: real-only % SERD.D(Nc,1) : constant term (real). Is non-zero if asymp=2 or 3. % SERE.E(Nc,1) : proportional term (real). Is non-zero if asymp=3. % % poles(1,N) : new poles % % rmserr(1) : root-mean-square error of approximation for f(s). % (0 is returned if skip_res==1) % fit(Nc,Ns): Rational approximation at samples. (0 is returned if % skip_res==1). % % % APPROACH: The identification is calculated using Vector Fitting, see % reference in text box below. A modification has been introduced in v2.0 which % makes convergence substantially faster and more reliable than in v1.0, see % B. Gustavsen, "Improving the pole relocating properties of Vector % Fitting", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, accepted. % % %******************************************************************************** % NOTE: This program is in the public domain and may be used by anyone. If the * % program code (or a modified version) is used in a scientific work, or * % in a commercial program, then reference should be made to the following:* % B. Gustavsen and A. Semlyen, "Rational approximation of frequency * % domain responses by Vector Fitting", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, * % vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1052-1061, July 1999. * %******************************************************************************** %Tolerances used by relaxed version of vector fitting TOLlow=1e-8; TOLhigh=1e8; [a,b]=size(poles); if s(1)==0 && a==1 if poles(1)==0 && poles(2)~=0 poles(1)=-1; elseif poles(2)==0 && poles(1)~=0 poles(2)=-1; elseif poles(1)==0 && poles(2)==0 poles(1)=-1+i*10; poles(2)=-1-i*10; end end if (VF.relax~=0) && (VF.relax)~=1 disp([' ERROR in vectfit2.m: ==> Illegal value for VF.relax: ' num2str(VF.asymp)]),return end if (VF.asymp~=1) && (VF.asymp)~=2 && (VF.asymp)~=3 disp([' ERROR in vectfit2.m: ==> Illegal value for VF.asymp: ' num2str(VF.asymp)]),return end if (VF.kill~=0) && (VF.kill~=1) && (VF.kill~=2) disp([' ERROR in vectfit2.m: ==> Illegal value for VF.kill: ' num2str(VF.kill)]),return end if (VF.skip_pole~=0) && (VF.skip_pole)~=1 disp([' ERROR in vectfit2.m: ==> Illegal value for VF.skip_pole: ' num2str(VF.skip_pole)]),return end if (VF.skip_res~=0) && (VF.skip_res)~=1 disp([' ERROR in vectfit2.m: ==> Illegal value for VF.skip_res: ' num2str(VF.skip_res)]),return end if (VF.use_normal~=0) && (VF.use_normal)~=1 disp([' ERROR in vectfit2.m: ==> Illegal value for VF.use_normal: ' num2str(VF.use_normal)]),return end if (VF.use_sparse~=0) && (VF.use_sparse)~=1 disp([' ERROR in vectfit2.m: ==> Illegal value for VF.use_sparse: ' num2str(VF.use_sparse)]),return end if (VF.cmplx_ss~=0) && (VF.cmplx_ss)~=1 disp([' ERROR in vectfit2.m: ==> Illegal value for VF.cmplx_ss: ' num2str(VF.cmplx_ss)]),return end rmserr=[];%SERC=[]; [a,b]=size(s); if a Second dimension of f does not match length of s.'); return; end if length(s)~=length(weight(1,:)) disp('Error in vectfit2.m!!! ==> Second dimension of weight does not match length of s.'); return; end if length(weight(:,1))~=1 if length(weight(:,1))~=length(f(:,1)) disp('Error in vectfit2.m!!! ==> First dimension of weight is neither 1 nor matches first dimension of f.'); return; end end %set(0,'DefaultLineLineWidth',0.5) ; set(0,'DefaultLineMarkerSize',4) ; %clear b; clear C; LAMBD=diag(poles); Ns=length(s); N=length(LAMBD); Nc=length(f(:,1)); B=ones(N,1); %I=diag(ones(1,N)); SERA=poles;SERC=zeros(Nc,N);SERD=zeros(Nc,1);SERE=zeros(Nc,1); roetter=poles; fit=zeros(Nc,Ns); weight=weight.'; if length(weight(1,:))==1 common_weight=1; elseif length(weight(1,:))==Nc common_weight=0; else disp('ERROR in vectfit_new_sigma7.m: Invalid size of array weight') return end if VF.asymp==1 offs=0; elseif VF.asymp==2 offs=1; else offs=2; end %========================================================================= %========================================================================= % POLE IDENTIFICATION: %========================================================================= %========================================================================= if VF.skip_pole~=1 if VF.use_sparse==1 SS=zeros(Nc*Ns*(N+offs) + Nc*Ns*(N+1) +(N+1),1); II=SS; JJ=SS; Escale=sparse(zeros(1,Nc*(N+offs)+N+1)); else A=zeros(Ns*Nc+1,(N+offs)*Nc+N+1); %b=zeros(Ns*Nc+1,1); Escale=zeros(1,Nc*(N+offs)+N+1); end %if use_sparse==1 %======================================================= % Finding out which starting poles are complex : %======================================================= cindex=zeros(1,N); for m=1:N if imag(LAMBD(m,m))~=0 if m==1 cindex(m)=1; else if cindex(m-1)==0 || cindex(m-1)==2 cindex(m)=1; cindex(m+1)=2; else cindex(m)=2; end end end end %======================================================= % Building system - matrix : %======================================================= %I3=diag(ones(1,Nc));I3(:,Nc)=[]; Dk=zeros(Ns,N); for m=1:N if cindex(m)==0 %real pole Dk(:,m)=1./(s-LAMBD(m,m)); elseif cindex(m)==1 %complex pole, 1st part Dk(:,m) =1./(s-LAMBD(m,m)) + 1./(s-LAMBD(m,m)'); Dk(:,m+1)=i./(s-LAMBD(m,m)) - i./(s-LAMBD(m,m)'); end end if VF.asymp==1 || VF.asymp==2 Dk(:,N+1)=1; elseif VF.asymp==3 Dk(:,N+1)=1; Dk(:,N+2)=s; end %Scaling for last row of LS-problem (pole identification) scale=0; for m=1:Nc if length(weight(1,:))==1 scale=scale+(norm(weight(:,1).*f(m,:).'))^2; else scale=scale+(norm(weight(:,m).*f(m,:).'))^2; end end scale=sqrt(scale)/Ns; if VF.use_sparse==1 %Filling in the block diagonal part of A : koko1=linspace(1,Ns,Ns).'; for n=1:Nc if common_weight==1 weig=weight; else weig=weight(:,n); end indblokki=(n-1)*Ns*(N+offs); %offset for hver "blokk" (2Ns*(N+offs)) indblokkj=(n-1)*(N+offs); dum1=Ns*(n-1); for m=1:N+offs Dkm=weig.*Dk(:,m); ind1=indblokki+(m-1)*Ns; II(ind1+1:ind1+Ns)=dum1+koko1; JJ(ind1+1:ind1+Ns)=indblokkj+m; SS(ind1+1:ind1+Ns)=Dkm; end %end %Filling in the right blocks (N+1 columns) : indblokkleft=Ns*Nc*(N+offs); %for n=1:Nc indblokki=(n-1)*Ns*(N+1); indblokkj=Nc*(N+offs); dum1=Ns*(n-1); for m=1:N+1 ind1=indblokki+(m-1)*Ns; ind11=ind1+indblokkleft; II(ind11+1:ind11+Ns)=dum1+koko1; JJ(ind11+1:ind11+Ns)=indblokkj+m; SS(ind11+1:ind11+Ns)=-weig.*Dk(:,m).*f(n,:).'; end end %Adding the last row (integral criterion for sigma): %!!scale=norm(f) %/Ns; ind = Ns*Nc*(N+offs) +Ns*Nc*(N+1); for mm=1:N+1 II(ind+mm)=Nc*Ns+1; JJ(ind+mm)=Nc*(N+offs)+mm; SS(ind+mm)=real(scale*sum(Dk(:,mm))); end %Right side: b=sparse(2*Nc*Ns+2,1); b(Nc*Ns+1)=Ns*scale; SSSS=sparse(II,JJ,SS,Ns*Nc+1,Nc*(N+offs)+N+1); SSSS=[real(SSSS); imag(SSSS)]; if VF.relax==1 for m=1:Nc*(N+offs)+N+1 Escale(m)=norm(SSSS(:,m),2); SSSS(:,m)=SSSS(:,m)./Escale(m); end if VF.use_normal==1 x=(SSSS.'*SSSS)\(SSSS.'*b); else x=SSSS\b; end if VF.relax==1 x=x./Escale.'; end else x=0; end %*****************October 20, 2005******************* if VF.relax==0 | abs(x(end))TOLhigh if VF.relax==0 Dnew=1; else if x(end)==0 Dnew=1; elseif abs(x(end))TOLhigh Dnew=sign(x(end))*TOLhigh end for col=1:length(SSSS(1,:)); SSSS(:,col)=SSSS(:,col).*Escale(col); %removing previous scaling end end ind=length(SSSS(:,1))/2; %index to additional row related to relaxation SSSS(ind,:)=[]; b=-Dnew*SSSS(:,end); %new right side SSSS(:,end)=[]; Escale(end)=[]; for col=1:length(SSSS(1,:)); Escale(col)=norm(SSSS(:,col),2); %Euclidian norm SSSS(:,col)=SSSS(:,col)./Escale(col); end if VF.use_normal==1 x=(SSSS.'*SSSS)\(SSSS.'*b); else x=SSSS\b; end x=x./Escale.'; x=[x;Dnew]; end %if abs(x(end))TOLhigh if VF.relax==0 Dnew=1; else if x(end)==0 Dnew=1; elseif abs(x(end))TOLhigh Dnew=sign(x(end))*TOLhigh end for col=1:length(A(1,:)); A(:,col)=A(:,col).*Escale(col); %removing previous scaling end end ind=length(A(:,1))/2; %index to additional row related to relaxation A(ind,:)=[]; b=-Dnew*A(:,end); %new right side A(:,end)=[]; Escale(end)=[]; for col=1:length(A(1,:)); Escale(col)=norm(A(:,col),2); %Euclidian norm A(:,col)=A(:,col)./Escale(col); end if VF.use_normal==1 x=(A.'*A)\(A.'*b); else x=A\b; end x=x./Escale.'; x=[x;Dnew]; end %if abs(x(end))abs(real(LAMBD(m,m))) ) %complex number? LAMBD(m+1,m)=-imag(LAMBD(m,m)); LAMBD(m,m+1)=imag(LAMBD(m,m)); LAMBD(m,m)=real(LAMBD(m,m));LAMBD(m+1,m+1)=LAMBD(m,m); B(m,1)=2; B(m+1,1)=0; koko=C(Nc+1,m); C(Nc+1,m)=real(koko); C(Nc+1,m+1)=imag(koko); m=m+1; end end end ZER=LAMBD-B*C(Nc+1,:)/D; roetter=eig(ZER).'; unstables=real(roetter)>0; if VF.kill==1 roetter(unstables)=[]; %Deleting unstable zeros (they become poles later...) elseif VF.kill==2 roetter(unstables)=roetter(unstables)-2*real(roetter(unstables)); %Forcing unstable poles to be stable... end roetter=sort(roetter); N=length(roetter); %============================================= %Sorterer polene s.a. de reelle kommer først: for n=1:N for m=n+1:N if imag(roetter(m))==0 && imag(roetter(n))~=0 trans=roetter(n); roetter(n)=roetter(m); roetter(m)=trans; end end end N1=0; for m=1:N if imag(roetter(m))==0, N1=m; end end if N1