function [ nb ] = nbGroupNoises(mdl, noises, sys) %NBGROUPNOISES Organizes the noises array returned by NBFROMSIMULINK % [ nb ] = NBGROUPNOISES(mdl, noises, sys) % % NBGROUPNOISES combines noises whose NbNoiseSource blocks share the same % grouping parameters ("Group", "Sub-group", etc.). It returns a % hierarchical NOISEMODEL object, whose title is set based on the % NbNoiseCal block's "DOF name" parameter, and whose Y-label is set based % on the "unit" parameter. % % See also: NBFROMSIMULINK, NOISEMODEL %% Validate the arguments if ~ischar(mdl) error('The model name is not a string'); elseif ~iscell(noises) error('The noises are not a cell array'); elseif ~isobject(sys) error('The sys object is not an object'); elseif size(sys, 2) ~= numel(noises) + 1 error('The noises and the sys object have mismatched dimensions') end %% Get the DOF and unit settings from the NbNoiseCal block load_system(mdl); nbNoiseCal = sys(2).InputName{:}; blkVars = get_param(nbNoiseCal, 'MaskWSVariables'); blkVars = containers.Map({blkVars.Name}, {blkVars.Value}); dof = blkVars('dof'); unit = blkVars('unit'); if ~ischar(dof) || ~ischar(unit) error(['Invalid NbNoiseCal block ' nbNoiseCal char(10) ... 'The DOF name (' get_param(nbNoiseCal, 'dof') ') ' ... 'and unit (' get_param(nbNoiseCal, 'unit') ' must be strings']); end disp(['NbNoiseCal block is ' nbNoiseCal ' (DOF ' ... blkVars('dof') ', unit ' blkVars('unit') ')']); %% Form groups and output a NoiseModel object % groupAtLevel is a (recursive) local function defined below group = groupAtLevel(noises(2:end), 1, unit); nb = NoiseModel(group); nb.title = [dof ' NoiseBudget']; nb.unit = unit; if ~isempty(noises{1}.asd) noises{1} = renamed(noises{1}, 'Measured'); nb.referenceNoises = noises(1); end end function [ groupedNoises ] = groupAtLevel(noises, level, unit) %% Limit the recursion depth groupVar = {'group', 'subgroup', 'subsubgroup', 'subsubsubgroup'}; if level > numel(groupVar) groupedNoises = noises; return; end %% Organize the noises in a hashtable (containers.Map object), indexed by group noisesByGroup = containers.Map(); for n = 1:numel(noises) noise = noises{n}; blkVars = get_param(, 'MaskWSVariables'); blkVars = containers.Map({blkVars.Name}, {blkVars.Value}); if blkVars('groupNest') >= level groupName = blkVars(groupVar{level}); if ~ischar(groupName) error(['Invalid NbNoiseSource block ' char(10) ... 'The ' groupVar{level} ' parameter (' ... get_param(, groupVar{level}) ') must be a string']); end else groupName =; end if isempty(groupName) groupName =; end if ~noisesByGroup.isKey(groupName) noisesByGroup(groupName) = {noise}; else noisesByGroup(groupName) = [noisesByGroup(groupName) {noise}]; end end %% Group the noises groupNames = noisesByGroup.keys(); groupedNoises = cell(size(groupNames)); disp([repmat(' ', 1, level - 1) 'Found ' num2str(numel(groupNames)) ' noise ' groupVar{level} 's:']); for n = 1:numel(groupNames) groupName = groupNames{n}; group = noisesByGroup(groupName); disp([repmat(' ', 1, level - 1) '* ' groupName]); if numel(group) == 1 group = group{1}; else group = groupAtLevel(group, level + 1, unit); group = NoiseModel(group); group.title = [groupName ' NoiseBudget']; group.unit = unit; end group = renamed(group, groupName); groupedNoises{n} = group; end end