function [ nb ] = nbAcquireData(mdl, sys, nb, start, duration, varargin) %NBACQUIREDATA Updates a noise model with fresh data from NDS % % Syntax: % % [ nb ] = NBACQUIREDATA(mdl, sys, nb, start, duration) % [ nb ] = NBACQUIREDATA(..., 'PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...) % % Description: % % nbAcquireData(MDL, SYS, NB, START, DURATION) makes a list of DAQ % channels that are requested by NbNoiseSource and NbNoiseSink blocks in % MDL. It uses mDV to retrieve data for those channels, according to the % specified START time (GPS) and DURATION (in seconds). Then it computes % the ASDs, and calibrates them using transfer functions from the SYS % object (as returned by NBFROMSIMULINK). Finally, the NOISEMODEL object % NB (as returned by NBGROUPNOISES) is rebuilt to incorporate the newly % acquired data. % % nbAcquireData(..., 'PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...) allows the % following options to be defined: % % 'asdMethod' -- value should be a function name (string) or handle that % will be used to compute ASDs of the data. It will be called as % asdMethod(dataVector, samplesPerSec, freqVector), and it should return % an ASD interpolated to the requested freqVector. % % See also: NBFROMSIMULINK, NBGROUPNOISES, NOISEMODEL %% Parse the arguments % Validate required arguments if ~ischar(mdl) error('The model name is not a string'); elseif ~isobject(sys) error('The sys object is not an object'); elseif ~isprop(nb, 'modelNoises') error('The nb object is not a NoiseModel'); elseif ~(isreal(start) && start > 0) error('The start time is not a GPS time'); elseif ~(isreal(duration) && duration > 0) error('The duration is not a positive real number'); end % Parse parameter-value pairs in varargin parser = inputParser(); parser.addParamValue('asdMethod', @defaultAsd, @(x) ischar(x) || isa(x, 'function_handle')); parser.parse(varargin{:}); opt = parser.Results; %% Fetch data as requested by the NbNoiseSource blocks load_system(mdl); % findChans() is a local function defined below chanList = findChans(mdl, sys, nb); if isempty(chanList) return; % no channels requested, nothing to do end chanList = sort(unique(chanList)); % conn = nds2.connection(server, port); % buffers = conn.fetch(start, end, chanList); % The java NDS2 library needs more development before we can adopt it % and get live data support % see e.g. bug 68: % Fall back on good old mDV instead % Break the channel list into digestible pieces for the NDS server maxChans = 100; lastChanIdx = 0; data = []; while (numel(chanList) - lastChanIdx) > 0 chansToFetch = min(numel(chanList) - lastChanIdx, maxChans); disp(['Requesting ' num2str(duration) ' sec of data for ' num2str(chansToFetch) ... ' channels, starting at GPS time ' num2str(start)]); firstChanIdx = lastChanIdx + 1; lastChanIdx = lastChanIdx + chansToFetch; % for n = 1:chansToFetch % disp(chanList(firstChanIdx+n-1)); % get_data(chanList(firstChanIdx+n-1), 'raw', start, duration); % end data = [data cacheFunction(@get_data, chanList(firstChanIdx:lastChanIdx),... 'raw', start, duration)]; %#ok end %% Compute ASDs noisesByChan = containers.Map(); for n = 1:numel(data) if any(isnan(data(n).data)) error(['NaN value returned for channel ' data(n).name]); end asd = opt.asdMethod(double(data(n).data), data(n).rate, nb.f); noisesByChan(data(n).name) = asd; end % Validate the results for n = 1:numel(chanList) if ~isKey(noisesByChan, chanList{n}) error(['No data found for channel ' chanList{n}]); end end %% Plug the new ASDs into the NoiseModel % updateNoises() is a local function defined below nb = updateNoises(sys, nb, noisesByChan); end function [ asd ] = defaultAsd(data, Fs, freq) %DEFAULTASD is meant to be a simple, DTT-esque ASD estimator % Pick some reasonable resolution for the spectrum, in case the freq vector % has nonuniform spacing df = geomean(diff(freq)); df = min(df, min(freq(freq>0))); NFFT = 2^ceil(log2(Fs/df)); if NFFT > numel(data) error(['Not enough data: at least ' num2str(NFFT/Fs) ' seconds of data '... 'are needed to match the frequency vector''s resolution, but only '... num2str(numel(data)/Fs) ' seconds of data were requested']); end [psd, f] = pwelch(data, hann(NFFT), NFFT/2, NFFT, Fs); asd = interp1(f, sqrt(psd), freq, 'nearest', 0); end function [ chanList ] = findChans(mdl, sys, nb, varargin) %FINDCHANS recursively lists the DAQ channels that have been requested by a model %% Initial setup if isempty(varargin) % Check for sink's channel only the first time through this function chanList = {}; nbNoiseSink = sys(2).OutputName{:}; chan = getBlockChan(nbNoiseSink); if ~isempty(chan) disp(['NbNoiseSink ' nbNoiseSink ' requested DAQ channel ' chan]); chanList = {chan}; end else chanList = varargin{1}; end %% Recursively check for noise sources that request a DAQ channel for n = 1:numel(nb.modelNoises) noise = nb.modelNoises{n}; if isprop(noise, 'modelNoises') chanList = findChans(mdl, sys, noise, chanList); else if isprop(noise, 'noiseData') nbNoiseSource =; else nbNoiseSource =; end chan = getBlockChan(nbNoiseSource); if ~isempty(chan) disp(['NbNoiseSource ' nbNoiseSource ' requested DAQ channel ' chan]); if ~any(strcmp(chan, chanList)) chanList = [chanList {chan}]; %#ok end end end end end function [ nb ] = updateNoises(sys, nb, noisesByChan) %UPDATENOISES calibrates the newly acquired noises and places them in the NoiseModel object %% Initial setup (for noise sink) nbNoiseSink = sys(2).OutputName{:}; chan = getBlockChan(nbNoiseSink); if ~isempty(chan) disp(['Updating sink ' nbNoiseSink]); noiseTf = (1-sys(1))/sys(2); noiseAsd = noisesByChan(chan) .* abs(squeeze(freqresp(noiseTf, 2*pi*nb.f)))'; foundSinkNoise = false; for n = 1:length(nb.referenceNoises) noise = nb.referenceNoises{n}; if isprop(noise, 'noiseData') && strcmp(, nbNoiseSink) foundSinkNoise = true; noise.noiseData.asd = noiseAsd; nb.referenceNoises{n} = noise; break; end end if ~foundSinkNoise = nbNoiseSink; noise.f = nb.f; noise.asd = noiseAsd; noise = renamed(noise, 'Measured'); nb.referenceNoises = [nb.referenceNoises {noise}]; end end %% Recursively update noise sources nb = updateNoises_n(sys, nb, noisesByChan); end function [ nb ] = updateNoises_n(sys, nb, noisesByChan) %UPDATENOISES_N is the recursive step for updateNoises() cal = 1/sys(2); for n = 1:numel(nb.modelNoises) noise = nb.modelNoises{n}; if isprop(noise, 'modelNoises') noise = updateNoises_n(sys, noise, noisesByChan); else if isprop(noise, 'noiseData') nbNoiseSource =; else nbNoiseSource =; end chan = getBlockChan(nbNoiseSource); if ~isempty(chan) disp(['Updating source ' nbNoiseSource]); noiseTf = sys(strcmp(nbNoiseSource, sys.InputName)); noiseAsd = noisesByChan(chan) .* abs(squeeze(freqresp(noiseTf*cal, 2*pi*nb.f)))'; if isprop(noise, 'noiseData') noise.noiseData.asd = noiseAsd; else noise.asd = noiseAsd; end end end nb.modelNoises{n} = noise; end end function [ chan ] = getBlockChan(blk) chan = ''; tag = get_param(blk, 'Tag'); blkVars = get_param(blk, 'MaskWSVariables'); blkVars = containers.Map({blkVars.Name}, {blkVars.Value}); if ~ischar(blkVars('chan')) error(['Invalid ' tag ' block ' blk char(10) ... 'The DAQ channel (' get_param(blk, 'chan') ') must be a string']); end if ~isempty(blkVars('chan')) chan = blkVars('chan'); end end