function driveIndex = makeOptickleDriveIndex(opt,drives) driveSplit = cell(length(drives),1); for jj = 1:numel(drives); drive = drives(jj); driveSplit{jj} = split('.',drive{1}); if numel(driveSplit{jj}) == 1 driveSplit{jj} = [driveSplit{jj} {1}]; end end driveIndex = cellfun(@(drive) getDriveNum(opt,drive{1},drive{2}),driveSplit); end function l = split(d,s) %L=SPLIT(S,D) splits a string S delimited by characters in D. Meant to % work roughly like the PERL split function (but without any % regular expression support). Internally uses STRTOK to do % the splitting. Returns a cell array of strings. % %Example: % >> split('_/', 'this_is___a_/_string/_//') % ans = % 'this' 'is' 'a' 'string' [] % %Written by Gerald Dalley (, 2004 l = {}; while (~isempty(s)) [t,s] = strtok(s,d); l = {l{:}, t}; end end