% Tutorial for Noise Budget LiveParts % By Masayuki Nakano %% Add paths clear all close all findNbSVNroot; % find the root of Simulink NB addpath(genpath([NbSVNroot 'Common/Utils'])); addpath(genpath([NbSVNroot 'Dev/Utils/'])); %% % Get the parameters of liveparts (LiveFilter, LiveMatrix, LiveConstant) liveParts('LiveParts_tutorial',1144558290,10,logspace(1,3)); % Display result disp('Live Filter'); disp(k1imc_mcl_servo); disp('LiveMatrix') disp(k1imc_mcl_output_mtrx) disp('Live Constant') disp(Live_Constant); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % You can get great GUI to modify a Live Filter parameters if you click % the check box of 'Click to view/edit config' in the Block Parameters % window which open when you double click a Live Filter Box