addpath(genpath('../../Optickle')); addpath(genpath('eLIGOcfg')); addpath(genpath('iLCGTcfg')); addpath(genpath('lib_060504b')); addpath(genpath('pickleCode')); %Open used files % edit DARMcouplBudget12DATA.m % edit shotPropDATA.m % edit pickleEligo.m % edit paramEligo.m % edit paramPower.m % edit WFS1.m % edit analGouyAllCOOL.m % Configure LCGT % (Po, Rprm, Rpr2, Rpr3, Rsrm, Rsr2, Rsr3) par = paramPowerIlcgt(20, inf, -3.251, 27.36, inf, -3.251, 27.36); %par = paramPowerLCGT(82, 300.624, -3.251, 27.36, 300.624, -3.251, 27.36); par = paramIlcgt(par); %uses param_null for the estimate function opt = optIlcgt(par); %opt = probesEligo_01(opt, par); A and B 90dg apart opt = probeSensIlcgt(opt, par); setupIlcgt; pickle = pickleIlcgt(opt); % Frequency space nP = 1000; Ndof = pickle.param.Ndof; Nmirr = pickle.param.Nmirr; f = logspace(-1, 2.5, nP); %TO BE DONE EVERY TIME THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE PLANT [fDC, sigDC] = tickle(opt, [], []); fprintf('REFL A and B power is %g and %g\n', sigDC(nREFLA_DC), sigDC(nREFLB_DC)) fprintf('POP A and B power is %g and %g\n', sigDC(nPOPA_DC), sigDC(nPOPB_DC)) fprintf('POX A and B power is %g and %g\n', sigDC(nPOXA_DC), sigDC(nPOXB_DC)) fprintf('AS A and B power is %g and %g\n', sigDC(nASA_DC), sigDC(nASB_DC)) fprintf('OMCtr A and B power is %g and %g\n', sigDC(nOMCtA_DC), sigDC(nOMCtB_DC)) fprintf('OMCref A and B power is %g and %g\n', sigDC(nOMCrA_DC), sigDC(nOMCrB_DC)) fprintf('TRX power is %g\n', sigDC(nTRX_DC)) fprintf('TRY power is %g\n', sigDC(nTRY_DC)) fprintf('Intracavity power of arms is %g and %g\n', sigDC(nIX_DC), sigDC(nIY_DC)) fprintf('PRC power is %g\n', sigDC(nPRM_DC)) fprintf('SRC power is %g\n', sigDC(nSRM_DC)) %save DATA/tickle_LASTnewConfig fDC sigDC % Load old data instead of running tickle01 %[sigAC, mMech] = tickle01(opt, [], f); %save DATA/tickle01_LASTnewConfig sigAC mMech %save C:\Users\Agatsuma\Documents\MATLAB\Pickle_June2010\Pickle_Last\DATA/tickle01_Ilcgt_G90d0 sigAC mMech %save C:\Users\Agatsuma\Documents\MATLAB\Pickle_June2010\Pickle_Last\DATA/tickle01_Ilcgt_110226 sigAC mMech %load('tickle01_Ilcgt_G90d0'); %plotSensingMatrixASC_Ilcgt(opt, sigAC); % Useful constant values hP = opt.h; % Planck's constant e_charge = 1.60217646e-19; % Coulombs c_light = opt.c; l_lambda = opt.lambda; v_light = c_light / l_lambda;