startup file interpreter thread tid=140450591299856 calling yyparse(3, 4) [Tue Dec 8 02:28:12 2015] ->3: set thread_stack_size=204800 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:12 2015] new threads will be created with the stack of size 204800K [Tue Dec 8 02:28:12 2015] ->3: set dcu_status_check=5 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:12 2015] ->3: set debug=0 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:12 2015] ->3: set log=2 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:12 2015] ->3: set zero_bad_data=0 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:12 2015] ->3: set master_config="/opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/target/fb/master" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:12 2015] ->3: #set old_raw_minute_trend_dirs="/frame/trend/minute" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] finished configuring data channels ifo 0 dcu 0 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 1 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 2 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 3 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 4 size 34920 ifo 0 dcu 5 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 6 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 7 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 8 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 9 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 10 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 11 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 12 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 13 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 14 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 15 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 16 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 17 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 18 size 32768 Myrinet DCU 18 tp data size 524288 ifo 0 dcu 19 size 8192 Myrinet DCU 19 tp data size 262144 ifo 0 dcu 20 size 8192 Myrinet DCU 20 tp data size 262144 ifo 0 dcu 21 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 22 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 23 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 24 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 25 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 26 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 27 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 28 size 32768 Myrinet DCU 28 tp data size 524288 ifo 0 dcu 29 size 34944 Myrinet DCU 29 tp data size 262144 ifo 0 dcu 30 size 45056 Myrinet DCU 30 tp data size 262144 ifo 0 dcu 31 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 32 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 33 size 32768 Myrinet DCU 33 tp data size 524288 ifo 0 dcu 34 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 35 size 6144 Myrinet DCU 35 tp data size 262144 ifo 0 dcu 36 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 37 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 38 size 32768 Myrinet DCU 38 tp data size 524288 ifo 0 dcu 39 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 40 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 41 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 42 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 43 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 44 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 45 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 46 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 47 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 48 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 49 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 50 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 51 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 52 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 53 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 54 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 55 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 56 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 57 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 58 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 59 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 60 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 61 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 62 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 63 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 64 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 65 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 66 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 67 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 68 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 69 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 70 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 71 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 72 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 73 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 74 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 75 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 76 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 77 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 78 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 79 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 80 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 81 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 82 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 83 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 84 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 85 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 86 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 87 size 9728 Myrinet DCU 87 tp data size 262144 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: configure channels begin end Unable to find GDS node 34 system k1vismci in INI files Unable to find GDS node 36 system k1vismco in INI files Unable to find GDS node 89 system k1x15 in INI files [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: tpconfig "/opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/target/gds/param/testpoint.par" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set gps_leaps = 820108813 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set detector_name="KAMIOKA" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set detector_prefix="K1" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set detector_longitude=-90.7742403889 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set detector_latitude=30.5628943337 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set detector_elevation=.0 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set detector_azimuths=1.1,4.7123889804 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set detector_altitudes=1.0,2.0 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set detector_midpoints=2000.0, 2000.0 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set num_dirs = 10 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set frames_per_dir=225 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set full_frames_per_file=1 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set full_frames_blocks_per_frame=32 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set frame_dir="/frames/full", "K-K1_C-", ".gwf" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set trend_num_dirs=10 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set trend_frames_per_dir=1440 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set trend_frame_dir= "/frames/trend/second", "K-K1_T-", ".gwf" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set raw-minute-trend-dir="/frames/trend/minute_raw" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set raw_minute_trend_saving_period=5 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: #set nds-jobs-dir="/jobs" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set nds-jobs-dir="/opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/target/fb/jobs" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set minute-trend-num-dirs=10 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set minute-trend-frames-per-dir=24 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: set minute-trend-frame-dir="/frames/trend/minute", "K-K1_M-", ".gwf" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:13 2015] ->3: start main 30 ifo 0 dcu 88 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 89 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 90 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 91 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 92 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 93 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 94 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 95 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 96 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 97 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 98 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 99 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 100 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 101 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 102 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 103 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 104 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 105 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 106 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 107 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 108 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 109 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 110 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 111 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 112 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 113 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 114 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 115 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 116 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 117 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 118 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 119 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 120 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 121 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 122 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 123 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 124 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 125 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 126 size 0 ifo 0 dcu 127 size 0 GDS server NODE=18 HOST=k1lsc DCUID=18 GDS server NODE=19 HOST=k1lsc DCUID=19 GDS server NODE=20 HOST=k1lsc DCUID=20 GDS server NODE=28 HOST=k1ioo DCUID=28 GDS server NODE=29 HOST=k1ioo DCUID=29 GDS server NODE=30 HOST=k1ioo DCUID=30 GDS server NODE=33 HOST=k1imc DCUID=33 GDS server NODE=35 HOST=k1imc DCUID=35 GDS server NODE=38 HOST=k1prm DCUID=38 GDS server NODE=87 HOST=k1prm DCUID=87 TP: node = 18, host = k1lsc, dup = 0, prog = 0x31002012, vers = 1 Initialized TP interface node=18, host=k1lsc TP: node = 19, host = k1lsc, dup = 0, prog = 0x31002013, vers = 1 Initialized TP interface node=19, host=k1lsc TP: node = 20, host = k1lsc, dup = 0, prog = 0x31002014, vers = 1 Initialized TP interface node=20, host=k1lsc TP: node = 28, host = k1ioo, dup = 0, prog = 0x3100201c, vers = 1 Initialized TP interface node=28, host=k1ioo TP: node = 29, host = k1ioo, dup = 0, prog = 0x3100201d, vers = 1 Initialized TP interface node=29, host=k1ioo TP: node = 30, host = k1ioo, dup = 0, prog = 0x3100201e, vers = 1 Initialized TP interface node=30, host=k1ioo TP: node = 33, host = k1imc, dup = 0, prog = 0x31002021, vers = 1 Initialized TP interface node=33, host=k1imc TP: node = 35, host = k1imc, dup = 0, prog = 0x31002023, vers = 1 Initialized TP interface node=35, host=k1imc TP: node = 38, host = k1prm, dup = 0, prog = 0x31002026, vers = 1 Initialized TP interface node=38, host=k1prm TP: node = 87, host = k1prm, dup = 0, prog = 0x31002057, vers = 1 Initialized TP interface node=87, host=k1prm Allocated move buffer size 4102802 bytes Myrinet testpoint 0 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff556f8 4451968 16384 Myrinet testpoint 1 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff596f8 4714112 16384 Myrinet testpoint 2 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff5d6f8 4976256 16384 Myrinet testpoint 3 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff616f8 5238400 16384 Myrinet testpoint 4 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff656f8 5500544 16384 Myrinet testpoint 5 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff696f8 5762688 16384 Myrinet testpoint 6 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff6d6f8 6024832 16384 Myrinet testpoint 7 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff716f8 6286976 16384 Myrinet testpoint 8 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff756f8 6549120 16384 Myrinet testpoint 9 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff796f8 6811264 16384 Myrinet testpoint 10 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff7d6f8 7073408 16384 Myrinet testpoint 11 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff816f8 7335552 16384 Myrinet testpoint 12 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff856f8 7597696 16384 Myrinet testpoint 13 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff896f8 7859840 16384 Myrinet testpoint 14 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff8d6f8 8121984 16384 Myrinet testpoint 15 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff916f8 8384128 16384 Myrinet testpoint 16 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff956f8 8646272 16384 Myrinet testpoint 17 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff996f8 8908416 16384 Myrinet testpoint 18 vmic_pv: 7fbcbff9d6f8 9170560 16384 Myrinet testpoint 19 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffa16f8 9432704 16384 Myrinet testpoint 20 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffa56f8 9694848 16384 Myrinet testpoint 21 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffa96f8 9956992 16384 Myrinet testpoint 22 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffad6f8 10219136 16384 Myrinet testpoint 23 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffb16f8 10481280 16384 Myrinet testpoint 24 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffb56f8 10743424 16384 Myrinet testpoint 25 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffb96f8 11005568 16384 Myrinet testpoint 26 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffbd6f8 11267712 16384 Myrinet testpoint 27 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffc16f8 11529856 16384 Myrinet testpoint 28 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffc56f8 11792000 16384 Myrinet testpoint 29 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffc96f8 12054144 16384 Myrinet testpoint 30 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffcd6f8 12316288 16384 Myrinet testpoint 31 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffd16f8 12578432 16384 Myrinet testpoint 0 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffd56f8 12840576 4096 Myrinet testpoint 1 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffd66f8 12906112 4096 Myrinet testpoint 2 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffd76f8 12971648 4096 Myrinet testpoint 3 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffd86f8 13037184 4096 Myrinet testpoint 4 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffd96f8 13102720 4096 Myrinet testpoint 5 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffda6f8 13168256 4096 Myrinet testpoint 6 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffdb6f8 13233792 4096 Myrinet testpoint 7 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffdc6f8 13299328 4096 Myrinet testpoint 8 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffdd6f8 13364864 4096 Myrinet testpoint 9 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffde6f8 13430400 4096 Myrinet testpoint 10 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffdf6f8 13495936 4096 Myrinet testpoint 11 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffe06f8 13561472 4096 Myrinet testpoint 12 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffe16f8 13627008 4096 Myrinet testpoint 13 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffe26f8 13692544 4096 Myrinet testpoint 14 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffe36f8 13758080 4096 Myrinet testpoint 15 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffe46f8 13823616 4096 Myrinet testpoint 16 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffe56f8 13889152 4096 Myrinet testpoint 17 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffe66f8 13954688 4096 Myrinet testpoint 18 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffe76f8 14020224 4096 Myrinet testpoint 19 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffe86f8 14085760 4096 Myrinet testpoint 20 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffe96f8 14151296 4096 Myrinet testpoint 21 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffea6f8 14216832 4096 Myrinet testpoint 22 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffeb6f8 14282368 4096 Myrinet testpoint 23 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffec6f8 14347904 4096 Myrinet testpoint 24 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffed6f8 14413440 4096 Myrinet testpoint 25 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffee6f8 14478976 4096 Myrinet testpoint 26 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffef6f8 14544512 4096 Myrinet testpoint 27 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfff06f8 14610048 4096 Myrinet testpoint 28 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfff16f8 14675584 4096 Myrinet testpoint 29 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfff26f8 14741120 4096 Myrinet testpoint 30 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfff36f8 14806656 4096 Myrinet testpoint 31 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfff46f8 14872192 4096 Myrinet testpoint 32 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfff56f8 14937728 4096 Myrinet testpoint 33 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfff66f8 15003264 4096 Myrinet testpoint 34 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfff76f8 15068800 4096 Myrinet testpoint 35 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfff86f8 15134336 4096 Myrinet testpoint 36 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfff96f8 15199872 4096 Myrinet testpoint 37 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfffa6f8 15265408 4096 Myrinet testpoint 38 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfffb6f8 15330944 4096 Myrinet testpoint 39 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfffc6f8 15396480 4096 Myrinet testpoint 40 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfffd6f8 15462016 4096 Myrinet testpoint 41 vmic_pv: 7fbcbfffe6f8 15527552 4096 Myrinet testpoint 42 vmic_pv: 7fbcbffff6f8 15593088 4096 Myrinet testpoint 43 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00006f8 15658624 4096 Myrinet testpoint 44 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00016f8 15724160 4096 Myrinet testpoint 45 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00026f8 15789696 4096 Myrinet testpoint 46 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00036f8 15855232 4096 Myrinet testpoint 47 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00046f8 15920768 4096 Myrinet testpoint 48 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00056f8 15986304 4096 Myrinet testpoint 49 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00066f8 16051840 4096 Myrinet testpoint 50 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00076f8 16117376 4096 Myrinet testpoint 51 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00086f8 16182912 4096 Myrinet testpoint 52 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00096f8 16248448 4096 Myrinet testpoint 53 vmic_pv: 7fbcc000a6f8 16313984 4096 Myrinet testpoint 54 vmic_pv: 7fbcc000b6f8 16379520 4096 Myrinet testpoint 55 vmic_pv: 7fbcc000c6f8 16445056 4096 Myrinet testpoint 56 vmic_pv: 7fbcc000d6f8 16510592 4096 Myrinet testpoint 57 vmic_pv: 7fbcc000e6f8 16576128 4096 Myrinet testpoint 58 vmic_pv: 7fbcc000f6f8 16641664 4096 Myrinet testpoint 59 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00106f8 16707200 4096 Myrinet testpoint 60 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00116f8 16772736 4096 Myrinet testpoint 61 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00126f8 16838272 4096 Myrinet testpoint 62 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00136f8 16903808 4096 Myrinet testpoint 63 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00146f8 16969344 4096 Myrinet testpoint 0 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00156f8 17034880 4096 Myrinet testpoint 1 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00166f8 17100416 4096 Myrinet testpoint 2 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00176f8 17165952 4096 Myrinet testpoint 3 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00186f8 17231488 4096 Myrinet testpoint 4 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00196f8 17297024 4096 Myrinet testpoint 5 vmic_pv: 7fbcc001a6f8 17362560 4096 Myrinet testpoint 6 vmic_pv: 7fbcc001b6f8 17428096 4096 Myrinet testpoint 7 vmic_pv: 7fbcc001c6f8 17493632 4096 Myrinet testpoint 8 vmic_pv: 7fbcc001d6f8 17559168 4096 Myrinet testpoint 9 vmic_pv: 7fbcc001e6f8 17624704 4096 Myrinet testpoint 10 vmic_pv: 7fbcc001f6f8 17690240 4096 Myrinet testpoint 11 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00206f8 17755776 4096 Myrinet testpoint 12 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00216f8 17821312 4096 Myrinet testpoint 13 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00226f8 17886848 4096 Myrinet testpoint 14 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00236f8 17952384 4096 Myrinet testpoint 15 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00246f8 18017920 4096 Myrinet testpoint 16 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00256f8 18083456 4096 Myrinet testpoint 17 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00266f8 18148992 4096 Myrinet testpoint 18 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00276f8 18214528 4096 Myrinet testpoint 19 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00286f8 18280064 4096 Myrinet testpoint 20 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00296f8 18345600 4096 Myrinet testpoint 21 vmic_pv: 7fbcc002a6f8 18411136 4096 Myrinet testpoint 22 vmic_pv: 7fbcc002b6f8 18476672 4096 Myrinet testpoint 23 vmic_pv: 7fbcc002c6f8 18542208 4096 Myrinet testpoint 24 vmic_pv: 7fbcc002d6f8 18607744 4096 Myrinet testpoint 25 vmic_pv: 7fbcc002e6f8 18673280 4096 Myrinet testpoint 26 vmic_pv: 7fbcc002f6f8 18738816 4096 Myrinet testpoint 27 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00306f8 18804352 4096 Myrinet testpoint 28 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00316f8 18869888 4096 Myrinet testpoint 29 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00326f8 18935424 4096 Myrinet testpoint 30 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00336f8 19000960 4096 Myrinet testpoint 31 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00346f8 19066496 4096 Myrinet testpoint 32 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00356f8 19132032 4096 Myrinet testpoint 33 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00366f8 19197568 4096 Myrinet testpoint 34 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00376f8 19263104 4096 Myrinet testpoint 35 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00386f8 19328640 4096 Myrinet testpoint 36 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00396f8 19394176 4096 Myrinet testpoint 37 vmic_pv: 7fbcc003a6f8 19459712 4096 Myrinet testpoint 38 vmic_pv: 7fbcc003b6f8 19525248 4096 Myrinet testpoint 39 vmic_pv: 7fbcc003c6f8 19590784 4096 Myrinet testpoint 40 vmic_pv: 7fbcc003d6f8 19656320 4096 Myrinet testpoint 41 vmic_pv: 7fbcc003e6f8 19721856 4096 Myrinet testpoint 42 vmic_pv: 7fbcc003f6f8 19787392 4096 Myrinet testpoint 43 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00406f8 19852928 4096 Myrinet testpoint 44 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00416f8 19918464 4096 Myrinet testpoint 45 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00426f8 19984000 4096 Myrinet testpoint 46 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00436f8 20049536 4096 Myrinet testpoint 47 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00446f8 20115072 4096 Myrinet testpoint 48 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00456f8 20180608 4096 Myrinet testpoint 49 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00466f8 20246144 4096 Myrinet testpoint 50 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00476f8 20311680 4096 Myrinet testpoint 51 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00486f8 20377216 4096 Myrinet testpoint 52 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00496f8 20442752 4096 Myrinet testpoint 53 vmic_pv: 7fbcc004a6f8 20508288 4096 Myrinet testpoint 54 vmic_pv: 7fbcc004b6f8 20573824 4096 Myrinet testpoint 55 vmic_pv: 7fbcc004c6f8 20639360 4096 Myrinet testpoint 56 vmic_pv: 7fbcc004d6f8 20704896 4096 Myrinet testpoint 57 vmic_pv: 7fbcc004e6f8 20770432 4096 Myrinet testpoint 58 vmic_pv: 7fbcc004f6f8 20835968 4096 Myrinet testpoint 59 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00506f8 20901504 4096 Myrinet testpoint 60 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00516f8 20967040 4096 Myrinet testpoint 61 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00526f8 21032576 4096 Myrinet testpoint 62 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00536f8 21098112 4096 Myrinet testpoint 63 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00546f8 21163648 4096 Myrinet testpoint 0 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00556f8 21229184 16384 Myrinet testpoint 1 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00596f8 21491328 16384 Myrinet testpoint 2 vmic_pv: 7fbcc005d6f8 21753472 16384 Myrinet testpoint 3 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00616f8 22015616 16384 Myrinet testpoint 4 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00656f8 22277760 16384 Myrinet testpoint 5 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00696f8 22539904 16384 Myrinet testpoint 6 vmic_pv: 7fbcc006d6f8 22802048 16384 Myrinet testpoint 7 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00716f8 23064192 16384 Myrinet testpoint 8 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00756f8 23326336 16384 Myrinet testpoint 9 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00796f8 23588480 16384 Myrinet testpoint 10 vmic_pv: 7fbcc007d6f8 23850624 16384 Myrinet testpoint 11 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00816f8 24112768 16384 Myrinet testpoint 12 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00856f8 24374912 16384 Myrinet testpoint 13 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00896f8 24637056 16384 Myrinet testpoint 14 vmic_pv: 7fbcc008d6f8 24899200 16384 Myrinet testpoint 15 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00916f8 25161344 16384 Myrinet testpoint 16 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00956f8 25423488 16384 Myrinet testpoint 17 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00996f8 25685632 16384 Myrinet testpoint 18 vmic_pv: 7fbcc009d6f8 25947776 16384 Myrinet testpoint 19 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00a16f8 26209920 16384 Myrinet testpoint 20 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00a56f8 26472064 16384 Myrinet testpoint 21 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00a96f8 26734208 16384 Myrinet testpoint 22 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00ad6f8 26996352 16384 Myrinet testpoint 23 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00b16f8 27258496 16384 Myrinet testpoint 24 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00b56f8 27520640 16384 Myrinet testpoint 25 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00b96f8 27782784 16384 Myrinet testpoint 26 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00bd6f8 28044928 16384 Myrinet testpoint 27 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00c16f8 28307072 16384 Myrinet testpoint 28 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00c56f8 28569216 16384 Myrinet testpoint 29 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00c96f8 28831360 16384 Myrinet testpoint 30 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00cd6f8 29093504 16384 Myrinet testpoint 31 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00d16f8 29355648 16384 Myrinet testpoint 0 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00d56f8 29617792 4096 Myrinet testpoint 1 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00d66f8 29683328 4096 Myrinet testpoint 2 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00d76f8 29748864 4096 Myrinet testpoint 3 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00d86f8 29814400 4096 Myrinet testpoint 4 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00d96f8 29879936 4096 Myrinet testpoint 5 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00da6f8 29945472 4096 Myrinet testpoint 6 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00db6f8 30011008 4096 Myrinet testpoint 7 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00dc6f8 30076544 4096 Myrinet testpoint 8 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00dd6f8 30142080 4096 Myrinet testpoint 9 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00de6f8 30207616 4096 Myrinet testpoint 10 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00df6f8 30273152 4096 Myrinet testpoint 11 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00e06f8 30338688 4096 Myrinet testpoint 12 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00e16f8 30404224 4096 Myrinet testpoint 13 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00e26f8 30469760 4096 Myrinet testpoint 14 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00e36f8 30535296 4096 Myrinet testpoint 15 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00e46f8 30600832 4096 Myrinet testpoint 16 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00e56f8 30666368 4096 Myrinet testpoint 17 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00e66f8 30731904 4096 Myrinet testpoint 18 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00e76f8 30797440 4096 Myrinet testpoint 19 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00e86f8 30862976 4096 Myrinet testpoint 20 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00e96f8 30928512 4096 Myrinet testpoint 21 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00ea6f8 30994048 4096 Myrinet testpoint 22 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00eb6f8 31059584 4096 Myrinet testpoint 23 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00ec6f8 31125120 4096 Myrinet testpoint 24 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00ed6f8 31190656 4096 Myrinet testpoint 25 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00ee6f8 31256192 4096 Myrinet testpoint 26 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00ef6f8 31321728 4096 Myrinet testpoint 27 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00f06f8 31387264 4096 Myrinet testpoint 28 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00f16f8 31452800 4096 Myrinet testpoint 29 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00f26f8 31518336 4096 Myrinet testpoint 30 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00f36f8 31583872 4096 Myrinet testpoint 31 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00f46f8 31649408 4096 Myrinet testpoint 32 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00f56f8 31714944 4096 Myrinet testpoint 33 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00f66f8 31780480 4096 Myrinet testpoint 34 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00f76f8 31846016 4096 Myrinet testpoint 35 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00f86f8 31911552 4096 Myrinet testpoint 36 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00f96f8 31977088 4096 Myrinet testpoint 37 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00fa6f8 32042624 4096 Myrinet testpoint 38 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00fb6f8 32108160 4096 Myrinet testpoint 39 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00fc6f8 32173696 4096 Myrinet testpoint 40 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00fd6f8 32239232 4096 Myrinet testpoint 41 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00fe6f8 32304768 4096 Myrinet testpoint 42 vmic_pv: 7fbcc00ff6f8 32370304 4096 Myrinet testpoint 43 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01006f8 32435840 4096 Myrinet testpoint 44 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01016f8 32501376 4096 Myrinet testpoint 45 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01026f8 32566912 4096 Myrinet testpoint 46 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01036f8 32632448 4096 Myrinet testpoint 47 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01046f8 32697984 4096 Myrinet testpoint 48 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01056f8 32763520 4096 Myrinet testpoint 49 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01066f8 32829056 4096 Myrinet testpoint 50 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01076f8 32894592 4096 Myrinet testpoint 51 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01086f8 32960128 4096 Myrinet testpoint 52 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01096f8 33025664 4096 Myrinet testpoint 53 vmic_pv: 7fbcc010a6f8 33091200 4096 Myrinet testpoint 54 vmic_pv: 7fbcc010b6f8 33156736 4096 Myrinet testpoint 55 vmic_pv: 7fbcc010c6f8 33222272 4096 Myrinet testpoint 56 vmic_pv: 7fbcc010d6f8 33287808 4096 Myrinet testpoint 57 vmic_pv: 7fbcc010e6f8 33353344 4096 Myrinet testpoint 58 vmic_pv: 7fbcc010f6f8 33418880 4096 Myrinet testpoint 59 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01106f8 33484416 4096 Myrinet testpoint 60 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01116f8 33549952 4096 Myrinet testpoint 61 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01126f8 33615488 4096 Myrinet testpoint 62 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01136f8 33681024 4096 Myrinet testpoint 63 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01146f8 33746560 4096 Myrinet testpoint 0 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01156f8 33812096 4096 Myrinet testpoint 1 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01166f8 33877632 4096 Myrinet testpoint 2 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01176f8 33943168 4096 Myrinet testpoint 3 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01186f8 34008704 4096 Myrinet testpoint 4 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01196f8 34074240 4096 Myrinet testpoint 5 vmic_pv: 7fbcc011a6f8 34139776 4096 Myrinet testpoint 6 vmic_pv: 7fbcc011b6f8 34205312 4096 Myrinet testpoint 7 vmic_pv: 7fbcc011c6f8 34270848 4096 Myrinet testpoint 8 vmic_pv: 7fbcc011d6f8 34336384 4096 Myrinet testpoint 9 vmic_pv: 7fbcc011e6f8 34401920 4096 Myrinet testpoint 10 vmic_pv: 7fbcc011f6f8 34467456 4096 Myrinet testpoint 11 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01206f8 34532992 4096 Myrinet testpoint 12 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01216f8 34598528 4096 Myrinet testpoint 13 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01226f8 34664064 4096 Myrinet testpoint 14 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01236f8 34729600 4096 Myrinet testpoint 15 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01246f8 34795136 4096 Myrinet testpoint 16 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01256f8 34860672 4096 Myrinet testpoint 17 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01266f8 34926208 4096 Myrinet testpoint 18 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01276f8 34991744 4096 Myrinet testpoint 19 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01286f8 35057280 4096 Myrinet testpoint 20 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01296f8 35122816 4096 Myrinet testpoint 21 vmic_pv: 7fbcc012a6f8 35188352 4096 Myrinet testpoint 22 vmic_pv: 7fbcc012b6f8 35253888 4096 Myrinet testpoint 23 vmic_pv: 7fbcc012c6f8 35319424 4096 Myrinet testpoint 24 vmic_pv: 7fbcc012d6f8 35384960 4096 Myrinet testpoint 25 vmic_pv: 7fbcc012e6f8 35450496 4096 Myrinet testpoint 26 vmic_pv: 7fbcc012f6f8 35516032 4096 Myrinet testpoint 27 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01306f8 35581568 4096 Myrinet testpoint 28 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01316f8 35647104 4096 Myrinet testpoint 29 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01326f8 35712640 4096 Myrinet testpoint 30 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01336f8 35778176 4096 Myrinet testpoint 31 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01346f8 35843712 4096 Myrinet testpoint 32 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01356f8 35909248 4096 Myrinet testpoint 33 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01366f8 35974784 4096 Myrinet testpoint 34 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01376f8 36040320 4096 Myrinet testpoint 35 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01386f8 36105856 4096 Myrinet testpoint 36 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01396f8 36171392 4096 Myrinet testpoint 37 vmic_pv: 7fbcc013a6f8 36236928 4096 Myrinet testpoint 38 vmic_pv: 7fbcc013b6f8 36302464 4096 Myrinet testpoint 39 vmic_pv: 7fbcc013c6f8 36368000 4096 Myrinet testpoint 40 vmic_pv: 7fbcc013d6f8 36433536 4096 Myrinet testpoint 41 vmic_pv: 7fbcc013e6f8 36499072 4096 Myrinet testpoint 42 vmic_pv: 7fbcc013f6f8 36564608 4096 Myrinet testpoint 43 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01406f8 36630144 4096 Myrinet testpoint 44 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01416f8 36695680 4096 Myrinet testpoint 45 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01426f8 36761216 4096 Myrinet testpoint 46 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01436f8 36826752 4096 Myrinet testpoint 47 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01446f8 36892288 4096 Myrinet testpoint 48 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01456f8 36957824 4096 Myrinet testpoint 49 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01466f8 37023360 4096 Myrinet testpoint 50 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01476f8 37088896 4096 Myrinet testpoint 51 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01486f8 37154432 4096 Myrinet testpoint 52 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01496f8 37219968 4096 Myrinet testpoint 53 vmic_pv: 7fbcc014a6f8 37285504 4096 Myrinet testpoint 54 vmic_pv: 7fbcc014b6f8 37351040 4096 Myrinet testpoint 55 vmic_pv: 7fbcc014c6f8 37416576 4096 Myrinet testpoint 56 vmic_pv: 7fbcc014d6f8 37482112 4096 Myrinet testpoint 57 vmic_pv: 7fbcc014e6f8 37547648 4096 Myrinet testpoint 58 vmic_pv: 7fbcc014f6f8 37613184 4096 Myrinet testpoint 59 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01506f8 37678720 4096 Myrinet testpoint 60 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01516f8 37744256 4096 Myrinet testpoint 61 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01526f8 37809792 4096 Myrinet testpoint 62 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01536f8 37875328 4096 Myrinet testpoint 63 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01546f8 37940864 4096 Myrinet testpoint 0 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01556f8 38006400 16384 Myrinet testpoint 1 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01596f8 38268544 16384 Myrinet testpoint 2 vmic_pv: 7fbcc015d6f8 38530688 16384 Myrinet testpoint 3 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01616f8 38792832 16384 Myrinet testpoint 4 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01656f8 39054976 16384 Myrinet testpoint 5 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01696f8 39317120 16384 Myrinet testpoint 6 vmic_pv: 7fbcc016d6f8 39579264 16384 Myrinet testpoint 7 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01716f8 39841408 16384 Myrinet testpoint 8 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01756f8 40103552 16384 Myrinet testpoint 9 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01796f8 40365696 16384 Myrinet testpoint 10 vmic_pv: 7fbcc017d6f8 40627840 16384 Myrinet testpoint 11 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01816f8 40889984 16384 Myrinet testpoint 12 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01856f8 41152128 16384 Myrinet testpoint 13 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01896f8 41414272 16384 Myrinet testpoint 14 vmic_pv: 7fbcc018d6f8 41676416 16384 Myrinet testpoint 15 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01916f8 41938560 16384 Myrinet testpoint 16 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01956f8 42200704 16384 Myrinet testpoint 17 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01996f8 42462848 16384 Myrinet testpoint 18 vmic_pv: 7fbcc019d6f8 42724992 16384 Myrinet testpoint 19 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01a16f8 42987136 16384 Myrinet testpoint 20 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01a56f8 43249280 16384 Myrinet testpoint 21 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01a96f8 43511424 16384 Myrinet testpoint 22 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01ad6f8 43773568 16384 Myrinet testpoint 23 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01b16f8 44035712 16384 Myrinet testpoint 24 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01b56f8 44297856 16384 Myrinet testpoint 25 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01b96f8 44560000 16384 Myrinet testpoint 26 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01bd6f8 44822144 16384 Myrinet testpoint 27 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01c16f8 45084288 16384 Myrinet testpoint 28 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01c56f8 45346432 16384 Myrinet testpoint 29 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01c96f8 45608576 16384 Myrinet testpoint 30 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01cd6f8 45870720 16384 Myrinet testpoint 31 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01d16f8 46132864 16384 Myrinet testpoint 0 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01d56f8 46395008 4096 Myrinet testpoint 1 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01d66f8 46460544 4096 Myrinet testpoint 2 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01d76f8 46526080 4096 Myrinet testpoint 3 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01d86f8 46591616 4096 Myrinet testpoint 4 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01d96f8 46657152 4096 Myrinet testpoint 5 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01da6f8 46722688 4096 Myrinet testpoint 6 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01db6f8 46788224 4096 Myrinet testpoint 7 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01dc6f8 46853760 4096 Myrinet testpoint 8 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01dd6f8 46919296 4096 Myrinet testpoint 9 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01de6f8 46984832 4096 Myrinet testpoint 10 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01df6f8 47050368 4096 Myrinet testpoint 11 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01e06f8 47115904 4096 Myrinet testpoint 12 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01e16f8 47181440 4096 Myrinet testpoint 13 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01e26f8 47246976 4096 Myrinet testpoint 14 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01e36f8 47312512 4096 Myrinet testpoint 15 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01e46f8 47378048 4096 Myrinet testpoint 16 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01e56f8 47443584 4096 Myrinet testpoint 17 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01e66f8 47509120 4096 Myrinet testpoint 18 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01e76f8 47574656 4096 Myrinet testpoint 19 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01e86f8 47640192 4096 Myrinet testpoint 20 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01e96f8 47705728 4096 Myrinet testpoint 21 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01ea6f8 47771264 4096 Myrinet testpoint 22 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01eb6f8 47836800 4096 Myrinet testpoint 23 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01ec6f8 47902336 4096 Myrinet testpoint 24 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01ed6f8 47967872 4096 Myrinet testpoint 25 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01ee6f8 48033408 4096 Myrinet testpoint 26 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01ef6f8 48098944 4096 Myrinet testpoint 27 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01f06f8 48164480 4096 Myrinet testpoint 28 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01f16f8 48230016 4096 Myrinet testpoint 29 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01f26f8 48295552 4096 Myrinet testpoint 30 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01f36f8 48361088 4096 Myrinet testpoint 31 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01f46f8 48426624 4096 Myrinet testpoint 32 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01f56f8 48492160 4096 Myrinet testpoint 33 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01f66f8 48557696 4096 Myrinet testpoint 34 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01f76f8 48623232 4096 Myrinet testpoint 35 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01f86f8 48688768 4096 Myrinet testpoint 36 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01f96f8 48754304 4096 Myrinet testpoint 37 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01fa6f8 48819840 4096 Myrinet testpoint 38 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01fb6f8 48885376 4096 Myrinet testpoint 39 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01fc6f8 48950912 4096 Myrinet testpoint 40 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01fd6f8 49016448 4096 Myrinet testpoint 41 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01fe6f8 49081984 4096 Myrinet testpoint 42 vmic_pv: 7fbcc01ff6f8 49147520 4096 Myrinet testpoint 43 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02006f8 49213056 4096 Myrinet testpoint 44 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02016f8 49278592 4096 Myrinet testpoint 45 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02026f8 49344128 4096 Myrinet testpoint 46 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02036f8 49409664 4096 Myrinet testpoint 47 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02046f8 49475200 4096 Myrinet testpoint 48 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02056f8 49540736 4096 Myrinet testpoint 49 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02066f8 49606272 4096 Myrinet testpoint 50 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02076f8 49671808 4096 Myrinet testpoint 51 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02086f8 49737344 4096 Myrinet testpoint 52 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02096f8 49802880 4096 Myrinet testpoint 53 vmic_pv: 7fbcc020a6f8 49868416 4096 Myrinet testpoint 54 vmic_pv: 7fbcc020b6f8 49933952 4096 Myrinet testpoint 55 vmic_pv: 7fbcc020c6f8 49999488 4096 Myrinet testpoint 56 vmic_pv: 7fbcc020d6f8 50065024 4096 Myrinet testpoint 57 vmic_pv: 7fbcc020e6f8 50130560 4096 Myrinet testpoint 58 vmic_pv: 7fbcc020f6f8 50196096 4096 Myrinet testpoint 59 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02106f8 50261632 4096 Myrinet testpoint 60 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02116f8 50327168 4096 Myrinet testpoint 61 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02126f8 50392704 4096 Myrinet testpoint 62 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02136f8 50458240 4096 Myrinet testpoint 63 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02146f8 50523776 4096 Myrinet testpoint 0 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02156f8 50589312 16384 Myrinet testpoint 1 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02196f8 50851456 16384 Myrinet testpoint 2 vmic_pv: 7fbcc021d6f8 51113600 16384 Myrinet testpoint 3 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02216f8 51375744 16384 Myrinet testpoint 4 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02256f8 51637888 16384 Myrinet testpoint 5 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02296f8 51900032 16384 Myrinet testpoint 6 vmic_pv: 7fbcc022d6f8 52162176 16384 Myrinet testpoint 7 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02316f8 52424320 16384 Myrinet testpoint 8 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02356f8 52686464 16384 Myrinet testpoint 9 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02396f8 52948608 16384 Myrinet testpoint 10 vmic_pv: 7fbcc023d6f8 53210752 16384 Myrinet testpoint 11 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02416f8 53472896 16384 Myrinet testpoint 12 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02456f8 53735040 16384 Myrinet testpoint 13 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02496f8 53997184 16384 Myrinet testpoint 14 vmic_pv: 7fbcc024d6f8 54259328 16384 Myrinet testpoint 15 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02516f8 54521472 16384 Myrinet testpoint 16 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02556f8 54783616 16384 Myrinet testpoint 17 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02596f8 55045760 16384 Myrinet testpoint 18 vmic_pv: 7fbcc025d6f8 55307904 16384 Myrinet testpoint 19 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02616f8 55570048 16384 Myrinet testpoint 20 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02656f8 55832192 16384 Myrinet testpoint 21 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02696f8 56094336 16384 Myrinet testpoint 22 vmic_pv: 7fbcc026d6f8 56356480 16384 Myrinet testpoint 23 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02716f8 56618624 16384 Myrinet testpoint 24 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02756f8 56880768 16384 Myrinet testpoint 25 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02796f8 57142912 16384 Myrinet testpoint 26 vmic_pv: 7fbcc027d6f8 57405056 16384 Myrinet testpoint 27 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02816f8 57667200 16384 Myrinet testpoint 28 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02856f8 57929344 16384 Myrinet testpoint 29 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02896f8 58191488 16384 Myrinet testpoint 30 vmic_pv: 7fbcc028d6f8 58453632 16384 Myrinet testpoint 31 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02916f8 58715776 16384 Myrinet testpoint 0 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02956f8 58977920 4096 Myrinet testpoint 1 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02966f8 59043456 4096 Myrinet testpoint 2 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02976f8 59108992 4096 Myrinet testpoint 3 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02986f8 59174528 4096 Myrinet testpoint 4 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02996f8 59240064 4096 Myrinet testpoint 5 vmic_pv: 7fbcc029a6f8 59305600 4096 Myrinet testpoint 6 vmic_pv: 7fbcc029b6f8 59371136 4096 Myrinet testpoint 7 vmic_pv: 7fbcc029c6f8 59436672 4096 Myrinet testpoint 8 vmic_pv: 7fbcc029d6f8 59502208 4096 Myrinet testpoint 9 vmic_pv: 7fbcc029e6f8 59567744 4096 Myrinet testpoint 10 vmic_pv: 7fbcc029f6f8 59633280 4096 Myrinet testpoint 11 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02a06f8 59698816 4096 Myrinet testpoint 12 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02a16f8 59764352 4096 Myrinet testpoint 13 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02a26f8 59829888 4096 Myrinet testpoint 14 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02a36f8 59895424 4096 Myrinet testpoint 15 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02a46f8 59960960 4096 Myrinet testpoint 16 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02a56f8 60026496 4096 Myrinet testpoint 17 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02a66f8 60092032 4096 Myrinet testpoint 18 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02a76f8 60157568 4096 Myrinet testpoint 19 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02a86f8 60223104 4096 Myrinet testpoint 20 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02a96f8 60288640 4096 Myrinet testpoint 21 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02aa6f8 60354176 4096 Myrinet testpoint 22 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02ab6f8 60419712 4096 Myrinet testpoint 23 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02ac6f8 60485248 4096 Myrinet testpoint 24 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02ad6f8 60550784 4096 Myrinet testpoint 25 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02ae6f8 60616320 4096 Myrinet testpoint 26 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02af6f8 60681856 4096 Myrinet testpoint 27 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02b06f8 60747392 4096 Myrinet testpoint 28 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02b16f8 60812928 4096 Myrinet testpoint 29 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02b26f8 60878464 4096 Myrinet testpoint 30 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02b36f8 60944000 4096 Myrinet testpoint 31 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02b46f8 61009536 4096 Myrinet testpoint 32 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02b56f8 61075072 4096 Myrinet testpoint 33 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02b66f8 61140608 4096 Myrinet testpoint 34 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02b76f8 61206144 4096 Myrinet testpoint 35 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02b86f8 61271680 4096 Myrinet testpoint 36 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02b96f8 61337216 4096 Myrinet testpoint 37 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02ba6f8 61402752 4096 Myrinet testpoint 38 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02bb6f8 61468288 4096 Myrinet testpoint 39 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02bc6f8 61533824 4096 Myrinet testpoint 40 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02bd6f8 61599360 4096 Myrinet testpoint 41 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02be6f8 61664896 4096 Myrinet testpoint 42 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02bf6f8 61730432 4096 Myrinet testpoint 43 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02c06f8 61795968 4096 Myrinet testpoint 44 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02c16f8 61861504 4096 Myrinet testpoint 45 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02c26f8 61927040 4096 Myrinet testpoint 46 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02c36f8 61992576 4096 Myrinet testpoint 47 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02c46f8 62058112 4096 Myrinet testpoint 48 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02c56f8 62123648 4096 Myrinet testpoint 49 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02c66f8 62189184 4096 Myrinet testpoint 50 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02c76f8 62254720 4096 Myrinet testpoint 51 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02c86f8 62320256 4096 Myrinet testpoint 52 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02c96f8 62385792 4096 Myrinet testpoint 53 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02ca6f8 62451328 4096 Myrinet testpoint 54 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02cb6f8 62516864 4096 Myrinet testpoint 55 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02cc6f8 62582400 4096 Myrinet testpoint 56 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02cd6f8 62647936 4096 Myrinet testpoint 57 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02ce6f8 62713472 4096 Myrinet testpoint 58 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02cf6f8 62779008 4096 Myrinet testpoint 59 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02d06f8 62844544 4096 Myrinet testpoint 60 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02d16f8 62910080 4096 Myrinet testpoint 61 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02d26f8 62975616 4096 Myrinet testpoint 62 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02d36f8 63041152 4096 Myrinet testpoint 63 vmic_pv: 7fbcc02d46f8 63106688 4096 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] main started [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] ->3: start profiler [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] ->3: # comment out this block to stop saving data [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] ->3: start trender [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] trender started [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] producer started [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] ->3: start producer [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] ->3: #start epics dcu [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] ->3: start epics server "K1:DAQ-NDS0_" "K1:DAQ-NDS0_" [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] epics server started [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] ->3: start listener 8087 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] Epics server started [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] ->3: start listener 8088 1 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:22 2015] ->3: sleep 60 [Tue Dec 8 02:28:24 2015] Minute trender made GPS time correction; gps=1133605720; gps%60=40 Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1EDCU_REM_STATUS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1EDCU_REM_CRC_CPS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1EDCU_REM_CRC_SUM Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1IOPLSC0_STATUS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1IOPLSC0_CRC_CPS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1IOPLSC0_CRC_SUM Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1ISC_STATUS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1ISC_CRC_CPS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1ISC_CRC_SUM Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1VISTST_STATUS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1VISTST_CRC_CPS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1VISTST_CRC_SUM Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1IOPIOO0_STATUS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1IOPIOO0_CRC_CPS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1IOPIOO0_CRC_SUM Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1MCL_STATUS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1MCL_CRC_CPS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1MCL_CRC_SUM Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1PSL_STATUS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1PSL_CRC_CPS Creating K1:DAQ-NDS0_K1PSL_CRC_SUM Creating 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