MX has 8 maximum end-points configured 263596 startup file interpreter thread tid=140115495319824 calling yyparse(4, 5) [Thu Dec 10 17:49:13 2015] ->4: #enable fckrs [Thu Dec 10 17:49:13 2015] ->4: set thread_stack_size=10240 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:13 2015] new threads will be created with the stack of size 10240K [Thu Dec 10 17:49:13 2015] ->4: #set cit_40m=1 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:13 2015] ->4: set dcu_status_check=1 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:13 2015] ->4: #set symm_gps_offset=-1 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:13 2015] ->4: #set symm_gps_offset=315964803 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:13 2015] ->4: #set controller_dcu=22 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set debug=0 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set log=2 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set zero_bad_data=0 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set master_config="/opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/target/fb/master" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] finished configuring data channels [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: configure channels begin end [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: #tpconfig "/opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/gds/param/testpoint.par" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set gps_leaps = 820108813 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set detector_name="KAMIOKA" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set detector_prefix="K1" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set detector_longitude=-90.7742403889 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set detector_latitude=30.5628943337 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set detector_elevation=.0 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set detector_azimuths=1.1,4.7123889804 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set detector_altitudes=1.0,2.0 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set detector_midpoints=2000.0, 2000.0 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] Frame file wiper cannot be enabled when gps_time_dirs==1 Write external script to clean up old frame files [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] frame wiper enabled [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: enable frame_wiper [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set num_dirs = 10 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set frames_per_dir=225 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set full_frames_per_file=1 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set full_frames_blocks_per_frame=32 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set frame_dir="/frames/full/data", "M-R-", ".gwf" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: scan frames [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] Frame file wiper cannot be enabled when gps_time_dirs==1 Write external script to clean up old frame files [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] trend frame wiper enabled [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: enable trend_frame_wiper [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set trend_num_dirs=10 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set trend_frames_per_dir=1440 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set trend_frame_dir= "/frames/trend/second/data", "M-T-", ".gwf" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set raw-minute-trend-dir="/frames/trend/minute_raw" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: #set nds-jobs-dir="/opt/fb" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set nds-jobs-dir="/opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/target/fb/jobs" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] Frame file wiper cannot be enabled when gps_time_dirs==1 Write external script to clean up old frame files [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] minute trend frame wiper enabled [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: enable minute-trend-frame-wiper [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set minute-trend-num-dirs=10 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set minute-trend-frames-per-dir=24 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: set minute-trend-frame-dir="/frames/trend/minute/data", "M-M-", ".gwf" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: #set minute-trend-frame-dir="/frames/trend/minute", "M-M-", ".gwf" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: scan minute-trend-frames [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: scan trend-frames [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: scan frames [Thu Dec 10 17:49:14 2015] ->4: start main 20 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] main started [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] ->4: start profiler [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] ->4: # comment out this block to stop saving data [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] ->4: #start fast-writer "" broadcast="" all [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] ->4: start fast-writer "" broadcast="" all [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] no_average=1 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] framexmit connected to started writer id: 540531152 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] producer started [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] ->4: start producer [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] ->4: start epics dcu [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] edcu started [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] ->4: start epics server "K1:DAQ-DC0_" "K1:DAQ-DC0_" [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] Epics server started EDCU has 5111 channels configured; first=0 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] epics server started [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] ->4: start listener 8087 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] ->4: start listener 8088 1 [Thu Dec 10 17:49:15 2015] ->4: sleep 60 [Thu Dec 10 17:50:15 2015] ->4: clear crc CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 17:50:37.995455263 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 17:50:37.996829859 errlog: 1 messages were discarded .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 17:51:21.617187146 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 17:51:24.322761695 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 18:20:22.996855368 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 18:21:09.314797395 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 23:53:48.388104933 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 23:54:11.913813216 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 23:56:15.242822523 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 23:57:14.530749677 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 23:59:18.179144867 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Thu Dec 10 2015 23:59:31.222492026 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:00:30.289303803 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:01:45.376918394 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:02:21.125145252 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:08:12.407250284 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:08:24.161032956 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:09:42.876584718 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:10:25.986783940 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:11:45.746513722 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:12:18.400365335 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:16:11.979849741 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:16:19.482660427 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:18:18.850787327 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Fri Dec 11 2015 00:18:19.842870401 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sat Dec 12 2015 01:01:27.282696445 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sat Dec 12 2015 01:01:36.375508295 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sat Dec 12 2015 01:01:36.378165035 errlog: 1 messages were discarded .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sat Dec 12 2015 01:02:16.541260797 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sat Dec 12 2015 01:02:17.570877918 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sat Dec 12 2015 01:02:21.410790812 .................................................................. mx_wait failed in rcvr eid=1, reqn=48; wait did not complete; status code is Remote endpoint is closed disconnected from the sender on endpoint 1 CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sat Dec 12 2015 01:05:37.353546222 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sat Dec 12 2015 01:05:52.351570606 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 15:55:08.898951710 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 15:55:09.383115117 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 15:55:20.454133040 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 15:56:08.226861962 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 15:56:09.250800231 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 15:58:52.876527282 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 15:59:19.378307370 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 15:59:31.016424495 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 16:06:17.104281219 .................................................................. Max retransmit retries reached (503) for message type (5): recv_large state (0x10100): recv_matched requeued: 503 (timeout=501000ms) dest: 0c:c4:7a:07:d7:59 (k1pr2:0) partner: peer_index=9, endpoint=1, seqnum=0xdae notifying: 1 match_mask: 0xffffffff_ffffffff match_val: 0x00000000_80000000 matched_val: 0x00000000_80000000 slength=263596, rlength=263596, accum_len=11180 seg: 0x7f6e04b09a78,263596 local_rdma_id: 79 remote_rdma_misc: c400 remote_rdma_id32: 0 rndv_state: 0 Was trying to contact 0c:c4:7a:07:d7:59 (k1pr2:0)/1 Aborted 1 send requests due to remote peer 0c:c4:7a:07:d7:59 (k1pr2:0) disconnected mx_wait failed in rcvr eid=1, reqn=78; wait did not complete; status code is Connectivity is broken between the source and the destination disconnected from the sender on endpoint 1 Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 16:08:07.970699597 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "No route to host" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 16:14:16.226698210 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "No route to host" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 16:14:39.314528749 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 18:32:44.775980970 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 18:35:15.106725621 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 18:37:25.297824635 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 18:37:31.323807359 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 18:40:09.381109722 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 18:40:16.419697441 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 19:04:01.997566060 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 19:04:06.413550363 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "No route to host" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 19:19:25.314662500 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "No route to host" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Sun Dec 13 2015 19:19:34.338670396 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 19:30:26.810726889 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 21:02:19.878530698 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 21:02:19.878675627 errlog: 1 messages were discarded .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 21:02:19.900889143 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 21:02:59.810865264 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" errlog: 1 messages were discarded Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 21:02:59.828452420 .................................................................. mx_wait failed in rcvr eid=1, reqn=60; wait did not complete; status code is Remote endpoint is closed disconnected from the sender on endpoint 1 Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "Connection reset by peer" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 21:03:19.138673279 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 21:35:07.757565197 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 21:35:07.851090027 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "No route to host" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 21:50:29.770557297 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "No route to host" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 21:50:30.898680237 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 23:49:23.127975557 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive" Context: "" Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 945 Current Time: Mon Dec 14 2015 23:49:23.129141058 errlog: 1 messages were discarded .................................................................. Max retransmit retries reached (503) for message type (5): recv_large state (0x10100): recv_matched requeued: 503 (timeout=501000ms) dest: 0c:c4:7a:04:eb:d3 (k1ioo:0) partner: peer_index=11, endpoint=1, seqnum=0x1102 notifying: 1 match_mask: 0xffffffff_ffffffff match_val: 0x00000000_80000000 matched_val: 0x00000000_80000000 slength=46508, rlength=263596, accum_len=11180 seg: 0x7f6e06ebbfe0,263596 local_rdma_id: 55 remote_rdma_misc: 1800 remote_rdma_id32: 0 rndv_state: 0 Was trying to contact 0c:c4:7a:04:eb:d3 (k1ioo:0)/1 Aborted 1 send requests due to remote peer 0c:c4:7a:04:eb:d3 (k1ioo:0) disconnected mx_wait failed in rcvr eid=1, reqn=220; wait did not complete; status code is Connectivity is broken between the source and the destination disconnected from the sender on endpoint 1 Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "No route to host" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Tue Dec 15 2015 00:04:45.538642755 .................................................................. Unexpected problem with CA circuit to server "" was "No route to host" - disconnecting CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Tue Dec 15 2015 00:04:47.650644863 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Tue Dec 15 2015 01:52:10.820170004 .................................................................. CA.Client.Exception............................................... Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect" Context: "" Source File: ../cac.cpp line 1214 Current Time: Wed Dec 16 2015 00:24:15.695547908 ..................................................................