MX has 8 maximum end-points configured 263596 startup file interpreter thread tid=calling yyparse(140294766622992 4, 5) [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] ->4: #enable fckrs [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] ->4: set thread_stack_size=10240 [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] new threads will be created with the stack of size 10240K [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] ->4: #set cit_40m=1 [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] ->4: set dcu_status_check=1 [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] ->4: #set symm_gps_offset=-1 [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] ->4: #set symm_gps_offset=315964803 [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] ->4: #set controller_dcu=22 [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] ->4: set debug=0 [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] ->4: set log=2 [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] ->4: set zero_bad_data=0 [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] ->4: set master_config="/opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/target/fb/master" [Thu Dec 10 17:33:13 2015] failed to open `' for reading: errno=2 Failed to parse config file