terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): No FrAdcData structures with the name K1:VIS-PR3_TM_OSEMINF_H1_IN1_DQ.min terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): No FrAdcData structures with the name K1:VIS-PR3_TM_OSEMINF_H1_IN1_DQ [Thu Dec 3 20:41:26 2015] time=0 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 [Thu Dec 3 20:41:34 2015] time=0 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): No FrAdcData structures with the name K1:VIS-PR3_TM_OSEMINF_H1_IN1_DQ.min terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): No FrAdcData structures with the name K1:VIS-PR3_TM_OSEMINF_H1_IN1_DQ.min [Thu Dec 3 20:46:57 2015] time=0 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 [Thu Dec 3 20:53:31 2015] time=0 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 [Thu Dec 3 21:32:28 2015] time=0 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 [Thu Dec 3 21:41:31 2015] time=0 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): No FrAdcData structures with the name K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_RACK_IMC.min [Thu Dec 3 22:13:43 2015] time=1 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 [Thu Dec 3 22:15:33 2015] time=0 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 [Tue Dec 8 04:57:29 2015] time=2 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 [Tue Dec 8 05:08:53 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/3b/K1:FEC-18_CPU_METER' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:08:53 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/6b/K1:IOP-LSC0_ADC_DT_INMON' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:08:53 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/ef/K1:ISC-AS_PDA1_DC_INMON' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:08:53 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/e2/K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_FIELD_DR' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:08:53 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/f7/K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_RACK_IMC' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:09:28 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/3b/K1:FEC-18_CPU_METER' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:09:28 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/6b/K1:IOP-LSC0_ADC_DT_INMON' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:09:28 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/ef/K1:ISC-AS_PDA1_DC_INMON' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:09:28 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/e2/K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_FIELD_DR' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:09:28 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/f7/K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_RACK_IMC' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:09:52 2015] time=0 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 [Tue Dec 8 05:10:01 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/3b/K1:FEC-18_CPU_METER' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:10:01 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/6b/K1:IOP-LSC0_ADC_DT_INMON' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:10:01 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/ef/K1:ISC-AS_PDA1_DC_INMON' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:10:01 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/e2/K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_FIELD_DR' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:10:01 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/f7/K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_RACK_IMC' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:11:41 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/3b/K1:FEC-18_CPU_METER' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:11:41 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/6b/K1:IOP-LSC0_ADC_DT_INMON' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:11:41 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/ef/K1:ISC-AS_PDA1_DC_INMON' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:11:41 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/e2/K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_FIELD_DR' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:11:41 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/f7/K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_RACK_IMC' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:12:57 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/3b/K1:FEC-18_CPU_METER' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:12:57 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/6b/K1:IOP-LSC0_ADC_DT_INMON' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:12:57 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/ef/K1:ISC-AS_PDA1_DC_INMON' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:12:57 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/e2/K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_FIELD_DR' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:12:57 2015] Couldn't open raw minute trend file ` /frames/trend/minute_raw/f7/K1:PEM-TEMPERATURE_RACK_IMC' for reading; errno 2 [Tue Dec 8 05:50:30 2015] time=1 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 [Tue Dec 8 05:50:42 2015] time=0 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 [Tue Dec 8 05:50:50 2015] time=1 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 [Tue Dec 8 05:55:11 2015] time=0 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): No FrAdcData structures with the name K1:VIS-PR3_TM_OSEMINF_H1_INMON.min [Tue Dec 8 07:55:24 2015] time=0 read=0 updated=0 missing=0 failed=0