%---------------------------------------------------------------- % function [x,y] = LCGT2c_Run3(noplot) % Matlab function to plot Finesse output data % Usage: % [x,y] = LCGT2c_Run3 : plots and returns the data % [x,y] = LCGT2c_Run3(1) : just returns the data % LCGT2c_Run3 : just plots the data % Created automatically Thu Dec 30 15:07:35 2010 % by Finesse 0.99.8 (3355), 21.01.2010 %---------------------------------------------------------------- function [x,y] = LCGT2c_Run3(noplot) data = load('LCGT2c_Run3.out'); [rows,cols]=size(data); x=data(:,1); y=data(:,2:cols); mytitle='LCGT2c\_Run3 Thu Dec 30 15:07:35 2010'; if (nargin==0) figure('name','LCGT2c_Run3'); plot(x, y(:,1)); legend(' n8'); set(gca, 'YScale', 'log'); ylabel('Abs '); set(gca, 'XLim', [1 10000]); set(gca, 'XScale', 'log'); xlabel('f [Hz] (sigLm1)'); grid on; title(mytitle); end switch nargout case {0} clear x y; case {2} otherwise error('wrong number of outputs'); end