function varargout = cacheFunction(varargin) % cacheFunction(functionHandle,arg1,arg2,...) % cacheFunction will evaluate the functionHandle with the arguments that % follow it, and will store the output in a global variable % (functionCache), the output will be reused if the same function is called % with the same input arguments. cacheSize = 100; global functionCache; if isempty(functionCache) functionCache = {}; end funchandle = varargin{1}; for n = 1:size(functionCache, 1) cachedVarargin = functionCache{n, 1}; cachedVarargout = functionCache{n, 2}; if numel(cachedVarargin) ~= nargin || numel(cachedVarargout) ~= max(nargout,1) continue; elseif ~all(cellfun(@isequaln, cachedVarargin, varargin)) continue; end disp(['Reusing results of ' func2str(funchandle) ' from a previous run (cached in the global variable ''functionCache'')']); varargout = cachedVarargout; % reorder cache to reflect the recent use of this item idx = [1:n-1 n+1:size(functionCache, 1) n]; functionCache = functionCache(idx, :); return; end % this trick for wrapping a varargin/varargout function comes from: % [varargout{1:nargout}] = funchandle(varargin{2:end}); functionCache{end+1, 1} = varargin; functionCache{end, 2} = varargout; functionCache = functionCache(max(end-cacheSize+1, 1):end, :); end