classdef NoisePlotter < handle %NoisePlotter is a configurable plotting engine for NoiseModel % % It maintains structures figureProperties, axesProperties, etc. for % configuring the settings of each graphics object in the plot. The % plot can be further customized by applying prolog and epilog % functions. Individual model traces and the sum trace can be % selectively included or omitted. % % NoisePlotter objects are typically created using a PlotterFactory % object. properties prolog % cell array of function handles that are called before the plot is drawn epilog % cell array of function handles that are called after the plot is drawn handles % struct of graphics handles for each component of the plot figureProperties axesProperties linesProperties legendProperties titleProperties xlabelProperties ylabelProperties skipModelNoises % boolean array specifying whether to plot each model noise trace skipSumNoise % boolean specifying whether to plot the sum noise trace end methods function self = NoisePlotter(noiseModel) %NoisePlotter object constructor % % NoisePlotter(noiseModel) prepares to plot a NoiseModel. self.prolog = {@NoisePlotter.skipNegligibleNoises @NoisePlotter.setXLim @NoisePlotter.setYLim @NoisePlotter.setLinesProperties}; self.epilog = {}; self.handles = struct(); self.figureProperties = struct(); self.figureProperties.DefaultTextInterpreter = 'none'; self.axesProperties = struct(); self.axesProperties.Box = 'on'; self.axesProperties.XGrid = 'on'; self.axesProperties.YGrid = 'on'; self.axesProperties.XScale = 'log'; self.axesProperties.YScale = 'log'; % self.axesProperties.ColorOrder = distinguishable_colors(11); % The function above uses Image Processing Toolbox, so I skip this (Oct 23, 2014 by Yuta Michimura) self.axesProperties.LineStyleOrder = {'--', '-.', ':'}; self.axesProperties.NextPlot = 'add'; self.linesProperties = struct(); self.linesProperties.LineWidth = 2; self.legendProperties = struct('interpreter','none'); self.titleProperties = struct(); self.titleProperties.String = noiseModel.title; self.xlabelProperties = struct(); self.xlabelProperties.String = 'frequency [Hz]'; self.ylabelProperties = struct(); self.ylabelProperties.String = noiseModel.unit; self.skipModelNoises = false(size(noiseModel.modelNoises)); self.skipSumNoise = (numel(noiseModel.modelNoises) == 1); end function process(self, noiseModel) %process plots the NoiseModel for n = 1:numel(self.prolog) feval(self.prolog{n}, self, noiseModel); end plotArgs = self.noisefun(@(noise) {noise.f noise.asd},... noiseModel, 'UniformOutput', false); plotArgs = [plotArgs{:}]; legendArgs = self.noisefun(@(noise), noiseModel,... 'UniformOutput', false); self.buildPlot(plotArgs, legendArgs); for n = 1:numel(self.epilog) feval(self.epilog{n}, self, noiseModel); end end function output = noisefun(self, functionHandle, noiseModel, varargin) %noisefun is a cellfun implementation that respects the skipModelNoises property output = cellfun(functionHandle, noiseModel.referenceNoises, varargin{:}); if ~self.skipSumNoise output = [output cellfun(functionHandle, {noiseModel.sumNoise}, varargin{:})]; end if isempty(self.skipModelNoises) self.skipModelNoises = false(size(noiseModel.modelNoises)); end output = [output cellfun(functionHandle, noiseModel.modelNoises(~self.skipModelNoises), varargin{:})]; end function buildPlot(self, plotArgs, legendArgs) %buildPlot generates the plot components fg = figure(); self.handles.fg = fg; set(fg, self.figureProperties); ax = axes(); = ax; set(ax, self.axesProperties); if ~isempty(plotArgs) ln = plot(ax, plotArgs{:}); self.handles.ln = ln; if ~iscell(self.linesProperties) set(ln, self.linesProperties); else for n = 1:numel(ln) set(ln(n), self.linesProperties{n}); end end else warning('NoisePlotter:emptyplot', 'There are no noises available to plot'); self.handles.ln = []; end if ~isempty(legendArgs) lg = legend(ln, legendArgs{:}); self.handles.lg = lg; set(lg, self.legendProperties); else self.handles.lg = []; end ti = title(ax, ''); self.handles.ti = ti; set(ti, self.titleProperties); xl = xlabel(ax, ''); self.handles.xl = xl; set(xl, self.xlabelProperties); yl = ylabel(ax, ''); self.handles.yl = yl; set(yl, self.ylabelProperties); end end methods (Static) function skipNegligibleNoises(self, noiseModel) %skipNegligibleNoises is a prolog function that omits noises contributing less than 1% to the sum everywhere for n = 1:numel(noiseModel.modelNoises) if ~ismethod(noiseModel.modelNoises{n}, 'drilldown') && all(noiseModel.modelNoises{n}.asd < 0.01*noiseModel.sumNoise.asd) self.skipModelNoises(n) = true; end end end function setXLim(self, noiseModel) %setXLim is a prolog function that sets the x-axis limits to a sane default self.axesProperties.XLim = [min(noiseModel.f) max(noiseModel.f)]; end function setYLim(self, noiseModel) %setYLim is a prolog function that sets the y-axis limits to a sane default % Sanity check on the noises nonFinite = cellfun(@(noise) ~any(isfinite(noise.asd)), noiseModel.modelNoises); if any(nonFinite(~self.skipModelNoises)) warning('NoisePlotter:nonfinitenoises', 'Model noises whose ASD is nonfinite everywhere are being skipped'); self.skipModelNoises = self.skipModelNoises | nonFinite; end allZero = cellfun(@(noise) all(noise.asd==0), noiseModel.modelNoises); if any(allZero(~self.skipModelNoises)) warning('NoisePlotter:identicallyzeronoises', 'Model noises whose ASD is zero everywhere are being skipped'); self.skipModelNoises = self.skipModelNoises | allZero; end if sum(~self.skipModelNoises) == 0 return end function [maxNoise, minNoise] = maxminNoise(noise) asd = double(noise.asd); maxNoise = max(asd(isfinite(asd))); minNoise = min(asd(isfinite(asd))); end [modelMax, modelMin] = cellfun(@maxminNoise, noiseModel.modelNoises(~self.skipModelNoises)); sumData = noiseModel.sumNoise.asd; sumMax = max(sumData(isfinite(sumData))); sumMin = min(sumData(isfinite(sumData))); minY = min([min(modelMax) sumMin]); maxY = max([max(modelMin) sumMax]); self.axesProperties.YLim = [10^floor(log10(minY)) 10^ceil(log10(maxY))]; end function setLinesProperties(self, noiseModel) %setLinesProperties is a prolog function that styles the reference and sum traces countReferences = numel(noiseModel.referenceNoises); countSum = ~self.skipSumNoise; countLines = countReferences + countSum + sum(~self.skipModelNoises); if ~iscell(self.linesProperties) self.linesProperties = num2cell(repmat(self.linesProperties, countLines, 1)); end for n = 1:(countReferences+countSum) self.linesProperties{n}.LineStyle = '-'; end if ~self.skipSumNoise self.linesProperties{countReferences+countSum}.LineWidth = 4; end end end end