classdef NoiseModel < handle %NoiseModel holds a hierarchical collection of noises. % % Each component noise is a struct or object that defines fields 'f' % (frequency vector), 'asd' (amplitude spectral density data), and % 'name' (label used for plotting). Note that a NoiseModel itself can % act as a noise object -- so that NoiseModels can be composed of % other NoiseModels. This allows the class to represent a % hierarchical drill-down noise budget. properties modelNoises % cell array of noise terms that make up the NoiseModel referenceNoises % cell array of noises that can be plotted alongside the model getNoise % function handle that returns the NoiseModel's noise object noiseHooks % cell array of hook objects, providing extensibility for the NoiseModel's noise object (see also the Noise class) unit % label for the y axis in a noise budget plot title % title for a noise budget plot drilldownSkip % boolean that sets whether drilldown should process noises below this NoiseModel drilldownProlog % cell array of function handles, providing extensibility for drilldown end properties (Dependent) f % frequency vector asd % amplitude spectral density data name % label used for plotting sumNoise % quadrature sum of modelNoises end properties (Access = private) linked % boolean that records whether drilldown's link step has been performed already end methods function self = NoiseModel(modelNoises, varargin) %NoiseModel object constructor % % NoiseModel(modelNoises) sets the modelNoises property. % NoiseModel(modelNoises, referenceNoises) sets the referenceNoises property as well. % input sanity check if ~iscell(modelNoises) error('First argument to NoiseModel should be a 1xN cell array of noises'); end sz = size(modelNoises); if length(sz) ~= 2 || min(sz) > 1 error('First argument to NoiseModel should be a 1xN cell array of noises'); elseif sz(1) ~= 1 warning('First argument to NoiseModel should be a 1xN cell array of noises'); modelNoises = modelNoises'; end self.modelNoises = modelNoises; self.referenceNoises = {}; self.getNoise = @(self) self.sumNoise; self.noiseHooks = {}; self.unit = ''; self.title = ''; self.drilldownSkip = false; self.drilldownProlog = {}; self.linked = false; if numel(varargin) > 0 self.referenceNoises = varargin{1}; end if numel(varargin) > 1 self.getNoise = varargin{2}; end end % the following methods implement the properties sumNoise, f, asd, and name function sumNoise = get.sumNoise(self) sumNoise = incoherentSum(self.modelNoises); end function f = get.f(self) noise = self.getNoise(self); for n = 1:numel(self.noiseHooks) noise = self.noiseHooks{n}.hook(noise); end f = noise.f; end function asd = get.asd(self) noise = self.getNoise(self); for n = 1:numel(self.noiseHooks) noise = self.noiseHooks{n}.hook(noise); end asd = noise.asd; end function name = noise = self.getNoise(self); for n = 1:numel(self.noiseHooks) noise = self.noiseHooks{n}.hook(noise); end name =; end function sortModel(self, varargin) %sortModel sorts the modelNoises. % % sortModel() sorts using a default weight function. % sortModel(weightFunction) calls the specified weight % function handle as weightFunction(f, asd, asdSum) on each % noise, to determine its weight relative to the sumNoise. weightFunction = @(f, asd, asdSum) trapz(log10(f), (asd./asdSum).^2); if numel(varargin) > 0 weightFunction = varargin{1}; end weight = cellfun(@(noise) weightFunction(noise.f, noise.asd, self.sumNoise.asd), self.modelNoises); [~, sortNoises] = sort(weight, 'descend'); self.modelNoises = self.modelNoises(sortNoises); end function drilldown(self, action, varargin) %drilldown traverses the NoiseModel tree (breadth first), performing an action. % % drilldown(ACTION) specifies the action to be performed. % ACTION is a class constructor handle that is called for % each NoiseModel, passing the NoiseModel as an argument. % Then the NoiseModel's drilldownHooks are called on the % resulting object, and finally the 'process' method of the % object is invoked on the NoiseModel. % % The NoiseModel's property 'drilldownSkip' can be set to % control the traversal. persistent serialNumber if numel(varargin) > 0 serialNumber = varargin{1}; elseif isempty(serialNumber) serialNumber = 1; end queue = {self}; while ~isempty(queue) this = queue{1}; queue = queue(2:end); if ~this.drilldownSkip for n = 1:numel(this.modelNoises) if any(strcmp('drilldownSkip', properties(this.modelNoises{n}))) queue{end+1} = this.modelNoises{n}; %#ok if ~this.linked this.modelNoises{n}.noiseHooks{end+1} = LinkHook(['internal:' num2str(serialNumber + numel(queue))]); end end end end if ~this.linked this.title = ['\hypertarget{internal:' num2str(serialNumber) '}{' this.title '}']; end this.linked = true; serialNumber = serialNumber + 1; worker = feval(action, this); for n = 1:numel(this.drilldownProlog) worker = feval(this.drilldownProlog{n}, worker); end worker.process(this); end end end end