%% preparation clear all rootpath = findNbFSSroot_addpath(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'))); %% % make containers for calculation Servo_0dB = containers.Map; Servo_FitParam = containers.Map; Servo_Sigma = containers.Map; Act = containers.Map; Act_Sigma = containers.Map; Suspension = containers.Map; Cav = containers.Map; Cav_Sigma = containers.Map; dt = containers.Map; dt_Sigma = containers.Map; c = 299792458; %% path addpath('Servo','Servo/data') addpath('Actuator','Actuator/data') addpath('Cavity','Cavity/data') addpath('Common') %% Analog Servo filters TTFSS_Elec = TTFSS_filters(1); CMS_Elec = CMS_filters(); FB = IOO_FB_list(); AA_AI = AA_AI_filters(); %% TTFSS servo fitting % 1. fitting datas % PZT path T0712_1G(P).CSV, EOM path T0712_2G(P).CSV % 2. fitting parameters % PZT path: overall gain(TTFSS_PZT_G), 10kHz/34kHz pole(TTFSS_PZT_10kHz/34kHz_pole) % EOM path: overall gain(TTFSS_EOM_G), 2kHz/1kHz/33kHz pole(TTFSS_PZT_2kHz/1kHz/33kHz_pole) % 3, other output param name: % FitParam('TTFSS_EOM_2kHz_pole') % Sigma('TTFSS_EOM_2kHz_pole') % FitParam('TTFSS_EOM_1kHz_pole') % Sigma('TTFSS_EOM_1kHz_pole') % FitParam('TTFSS_EOM_33kHz_pole') % Sigma('TTFSS_EOM_33kHz_pole') % FitParam('TTFSS_EOM_G') % Sigma('TTFSS_EOM_G') close all [TTFSS_Elec('FitStage_PZT'),TTFSS_Elec('FitStage_EOM'),Servo_0dB('TTFSS_PZT'),Servo_0dB('TTFSS_EOM'),Servo_0dB('TTFSS_SLOW')]... = Fit_TTFSS( TTFSS_Elec, AA_AI, Servo_FitParam, Servo_Sigma, 'Plot'); %% Common mode servo Fitting % Other output names % Servo_Sigma('CMS_AOM_4kHz_zero') % Servo_Sigma('CMS_AOM_400Hz_zero') % Servo_Sigma('CMS_AOM_40Hz_pole') % Servo_Sigma('CMS_AOM_100kHz_pole') close all [CMS_Elec('FitStage_AOM'),Servo_0dB('CMS_AOM'), Servo_0dB('CMS_SUS_analog'), Servo_0dB('CMS_SUS_digital'),... Servo_0dB('CMS_SUS_analog_susonly'),Servo_0dB('CMS_SUS_digital_susonly'),... Servo_0dB('CMS_SUS_analog_susonly_bst'),Servo_0dB('CMS_SUS_digital_susonly_bst')] =... Fit_CMS( AA_AI, CMS_Elec, FB, Servo_FitParam, Servo_Sigma, 'Plot' ); %% Estimate the actuator effieicency ofAOM % 1. fitting datas % P0727.txt % 2. measurement % klog 3172 % 3. fitting parameter % DC efficiency of AOM(Aaom) [Hz/V] % 4. output param: Act('Aaom'), Act_Sigma('Aaom') close all [Act('Aaom'), Act_Sigma('Aaom')] = Fit_Aaom('Plot'); %% Estimate the actuatior efficiency of PZT % Estimate a NPRO PZT actuator efficiency by ratio by a AOM actuator % efficiency % 1. fitting datas % T0831_1-3G(P).CSV,O0904_1-4G(P).CSV % 2.fitting parameters % DC efficiency of PZT(Apzt) [Hz/V] close all [Act('NPRO_PZT'), Act_Sigma('NPRO_PZT')] = Fit_Apzt( Servo_0dB, Act, Act_Sigma, 'Plot' ); %% optical gain of RefCav estimation % cavity pole % measured TF from REFCAV DC REFL to REFCAV DC TRANS with AM % see klog2837 % 2. fitting parameter % Cavity pole of refcav [Hz] % 3. otheroutput param names % Cav('Finnese_RefCav') % Cav('r_RefCav') % Cav('R_RefCav') % Cav('T_RefCav') % Cav('L_RefCav') [Cav('Cpole_RefCav'), Cav_Sigma('Cpole_RefCav')] = ... Fit_Cavpole_RefCav( Cav, Cav_Sigma, 'Plot' ); %% Fit Actuator response of AOM % lock with PZT only % FG: 0, CG: 0 % Actuate the laser frequency by AOM % measured a TF from AOM driver in to OUT1 % output param names % Act('AOM_pole') % Act_Sigma('AOM_pole') % Act(AOM) close all Act('AOM') = Fit_AOM_Response(Servo_0dB, Cav, Act, Act_Sigma, 'Plot'); %% Estimate the optical gain of RefCav and timedalay of PZT loop with OLG close all [Cav('Opgain_RefCav_0901'), Cav_Sigma('Opgain_RefCav_0901'), Cav('LPF_RefCav_0901'),... dt('NPRO_PZT'), dt_Sigma('NPRO_PZT')]... = Fit_Hrefcav_0901(TTFSS_Elec, Servo_0dB, Act, Cav,'Plot'); %% Estimate the actuator response of BEOM close all [Act('Aeom'), Act_Sigma('Aeom'), Act('BEOM')] = Fit_Aeom(Servo_0dB, Act, Act_Sigma, Cav, 'Plot'); %% Estimate the actuator response of NPRO temperature control close all % [Act('Atemp'), Act_Sigma('Atemp'), Act('TEMP_pole'), Act_Sigma('TEMP_pole'), dt('NPRO_TEMP'), dt_Sigma('NPRO_TEMP'), Act('NPRO_TEMP')]... % = Fit_Atemp(Servo_0dB, Act, Cav, 'Plot'); %% Estimation of the mixer poles and timedlay in FSS loop from Open loop TF close all [Cav('MixerPole_RefCav'), Cav_Sigma('MixerPole_RefCav'), dt('BEOM'),dt_Sigma('BEOM'), Cav('Mixer_RefCav')] ... = Fit_MixerPole(TTFSS_Elec, Servo_0dB, Cav, Act,'Plot'); TTFSS_Elec('mixer') = mnzpk([],-[Cav('MixerPole_RefCav') Cav('MixerPole_RefCav')],1); %% Estimate the cavity pole of IMC % 1.measurement % Lock the IMC and measured the transfer function from CMS SLOW OUT to % output of IQ demod. % 2.measurement data % T0901_41-50 % 3. otheroutput param names % Cav('Finnese_IMC') % Cav('r_IMC') % Cav('R_IMC') % Cav('T_IMC') % Cav('L_IMC') close all [Cav('Cpole_IMC'), Cav_Sigma('Cpole_IMC')] = Fit_Cavpole_IMC(Servo_0dB, Act, Cav, Cav_Sigma, 'Plot' ); %% Estimate the optical gain of IMC and timedalay of AOM loop with OLG close all [Cav('Opgain_IMC_0901'), Cav_Sigma('Opgain_IMC_0901'), Cav('LPF_IMC_0901'),... dt('AOM'), dt_Sigma('AOM')]... = Fit_Himc_0901(FB, Servo_0dB, Act, Cav, 'Plot'); %% MC suspensions actuator efficiency measurement % lock IMC with AOM and each MC suspension. The servo parameters are same % in each suspensions. % measured at fb:K1:IMC-MCL_SERVO. close all [Suspension('MCE'), Act('MCEsus')] = Fit_MCsus_Response(FB, Servo_0dB, Cav, Act, Act_Sigma,'Plot'); %% IMC optical gain estimation on 11/02 close all [Cav('Opgain_IMC_1102'), Cav_Sigma('Opgain_IMC_1102'), Cav('LPF_IMC_1102'),... dt('MCEsus'), dt_Sigma('MCEsus')]... = Fit_Himc_1102(FB, Servo_0dB, Act, Cav, 'Plot'); %% IMC optical gain estimation on 11/22 close all [Cav('Opgain_IMC_1122'), Cav_Sigma('Opgain_IMC_1122'), Cav('LPF_IMC_1122'),... dt('MCEsus'), dt_Sigma('MCEsus')]... = Fit_Himc_1122(FB,Servo_0dB, Act, Cav, 'Plot'); %% RefCav optical gain estimation on 11/22 close all [Cav('Opgain_RefCav_1122'), Cav_Sigma('Opgain_RefCav_1122'), Cav('LPF_RefCav_1122'),... ~, ~]... = Fit_Hrefcav_1122(TTFSS_Elec, Servo_0dB, Act, Cav,dt,'Plot'); %% RefCav optical gain estimation on 11/24 % close all [Cav('Opgain_RefCav_1124'), Cav_Sigma('Opgain_RefCav_1124'), Cav('LPF_RefCav_1124'),... ~, ~]... = Fit_Hrefcav_1124(TTFSS_Elec, Servo_0dB, Act, Cav,dt,'Plot'); %% IMC optical gain estimation on 11/24 close all [Cav('Opgain_IMC_1124'), Cav_Sigma('Opgain_IMC_1124'), Cav('LPF_IMC_1124'),~,~]... = Fit_Himc_1124(FB,Servo_0dB, Act, Cav, 'Plot'); %% IMC optical gain estimation on 11/30 close all [Cav('Opgain_IMC_1130'), Cav_Sigma('Opgain_IMC_1130'), Cav('LPF_IMC_1130'),... dt('MCEsus'), dt_Sigma('MCEsus')]... = Fit_Himc_1130(FB,Servo_0dB, Act, Cav, 'Plot'); %% Angle to length coupling of IMC mirrors set_suspensionA2L( Suspension, Act, Servo_0dB, Cav) %% Other parameters Act('NPRO_TEMP') = 0; dt('NPRO_TEMP') = 0; %% CARM Cav('T_ITM') = 0.004; Cav('L_ITM') = 45e-6; Cav('R_ITM') = 1-Cav('T_ITM')-Cav('L_ITM'); Cav('r_ITM') = sqrt(Cav('R_ITM')); Cav('T_ETM') = 7.5e-6; Cav('L_ETM') = 45e-6; Cav('R_ETM') = 1-Cav('T_ETM')-Cav('L_ETM'); Cav('r_ETM') = sqrt(Cav('R_ETM')); Cav('Finnese_CARM') = pi*sqrt(Cav('r_ITM')*Cav('r_ETM'))/(1-Cav('r_ITM')*Cav('r_ETM')); Cav('Cpole_CARM') = c/4/3e3/Cav('Finnese_CARM'); Cav('Opgain_CARM') = 7e-6; Cav('LPF_CARM') = mnzpk([],-[Cav('Cpole_CARM')],Cav('Opgain_CARM')); %% Save parameters save([rootpath filesep 'IOO_Parameter/IOO_params'],'Servo_0dB','Act','Cav','Suspension','Act_Sigma','Cav_Sigma','dt','dt_Sigma','TTFSS_Elec','CMS_Elec','AA_AI','FB')