function scb(block) %SCB Set current block. % SCB(BLOCK) redefines the current block returned by GCB to be BLOCK. % % See also GCB, GCS. % Downloaded from the Matlab File Exchange % try if ~strcmp('block',get_param(block,'Type')) error('SCB:arg','Argument is not of type ''block''') end catch error('SCB:obj','Invalid Simulink object name: %s',block) end % Split Argument to System and Block-Name. %[CurrentSystem,CurrentBlock] = fileparts(block); % fix for block names containing '/' --ccw CurrentSystem = get_param(block, 'Parent'); CurrentBlock = get_param(block, 'Name'); % Get the Stateflow Root object. root = sfroot; % Set the Current System to be the System of Block. root.set('CurrentSystem',CurrentSystem); % Deselect Block that is Current Block in this System. set_param(gcb,'Selected','off') % Set Current Block in this System to be Block. root.getCurrentSystem.set('CurrentBlock',CurrentBlock) % Turn Selection on. set_param(gcb,'Selected','on')