function matlab2tikz(varargin) %MATLAB2TIKZ Save figure in native LaTeX (TikZ/Pgfplots). % MATLAB2TIKZ() saves the current figure as LaTeX file. % MATLAB2TIKZ comes with several options that can be combined at will. % % MATLAB2TIKZ(FILENAME,...) or MATLAB2TIKZ('filename',FILENAME,...) % stores the LaTeX code in FILENAME. % % MATLAB2TIKZ('filehandle',FILEHANDLE,...) stores the LaTeX code in the file % referenced by FILEHANDLE. (default: []) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('figurehandle',FIGUREHANDLE,...) explicitly specifies the % handle of the figure that is to be stored. (default: gcf) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('colormap',DOUBLE,...) explicitly specifies the colormap to be % used. (default: current color map) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('strict',BOOL,...) tells MATLAB2TIKZ to adhere to MATLAB(R) % conventions wherever there is room for relaxation. (default: FALSE) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('showInfo',BOOL,...) turns informational output on or off. % (default: true) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('showWarning',BOOL,...) turns warnings on or off. % (default: true) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('imagesAsPng',BOOL,...) stores MATLAB(R) images as (lossless) % PNG files. This is more efficient than storing the image color data as TikZ % matrix. (default: true) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('relativePngPath',CHAR, ...) tells MATLAB2TIKZ to use the given % path to follow the PNG file. If LaTeX source and PNG file will reside in % the same directory, this can be set to '.'. (default: []) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('height',CHAR,...) sets the height of the image. This can be any % LaTeX-compatible length, e.g., '3in' or '5cm' or '0.5\textwidth'. % If unspecified, MATLAB2TIKZ tries to make a reasonable guess. % % MATLAB2TIKZ('width',CHAR,...) sets the width of the image. % If unspecified, MATLAB2TIKZ tries to make a reasonable guess. % % MATLAB2TIKZ('extraAxisOptions',CHAR or CELLCHAR,...) explicitly adds extra % options to the Pgfplots axis environment. (default: []) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('extraTikzpictureSettings',CHAR or CELLCHAR,...) % explicitly adds extra settings to the tikzpicture environment. (default: []) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('encoding',CHAR,...) sets the encoding of the output file. % % MATLAB2TIKZ('maxChunkLength',INT,...) sets maximum number of data points % per \addplot (default: 4000). % % MATLAB2TIKZ('parseStrings',BOOL,...) determines whether title, axes labels % and the like are parsed into LaTeX by MATLAB2TIKZ's parser. % If you want greater flexibility, set this to false and use straight LaTeX % for your labels. (default: true) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('parseStringsAsMath',BOOL,...) determines whether to use TeX's % math mode for more characters (such as operators and figures). % (default: false) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('showHiddenStrings',BOOL,...) determines whether to show strings % whose were deliberately hidden. This is usually unnecessary, but can come % in handy for unusual plot types (e.g., polar plots). % (default: false) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('interpretTickLabelsAsTex',BOOL,...) determines whether to % interpret tick labels as TeX. MATLAB(R) doesn't do that by default. % (default: false) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('tikzFileComment',CHAR,...) adds a custom comment to the header % of the output file. % % MATLAB2TIKZ('automaticLabels',BOOL,...) determines whether to automatically % add labels to plots (where applicable) which make it possible to refer % to them using \ref{...} (e.g., in the caption of a figure). % (default: false) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('standalone',BOOL,...) determines whether to produce % a standalone compilable LaTeX file. Setting this to true may be useful for % taking a peek at what the figure will look like. % (default: false) % % MATLAB2TIKZ('checkForUpdates',BOOL,...) determines whether to automatically % check for updates of matlab2tikz. % (default: true) % % Example % x = -pi:pi/10:pi; % y = tan(sin(x)) - sin(tan(x)); % plot(x,y,'--rs'); % matlab2tikz('myfile.tex'); % % Copyright (c) 2008--2013, Nico Schlömer % All rights reserved. % % Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without % modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are % met: % % * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright % notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. % * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright % notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in % the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution % % THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" % AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE % IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE % ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE % LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR % CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF % SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS % INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN % CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) % ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE % POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. % Note: % This program is originally based on Paul Wagenaars' Matfig2PGF which itself % uses pure PGF as output format , see % % % % In an attempt to simplify and extend things, the idea for matlab2tikz has % emerged. The goal is to provide the user with a clean interface between the % very handy figure creation in MATLAB and the powerful means that TikZ with % Pgfplots has to offer. % % ========================================================================= % Check if we are in MATLAB or Octave. m2t.env = getEnvironment(); warningMessage = ['\n',... '================================================================================\n\n', ... ' matlab2tikz is tested and developed on %s and\n', ... ' later versions of %s.\n', ... ' This script may still be able to handle your plots, but if you\n', ... ' hit a bug, please consider upgrading your environment first.\n', ... '\n', ... ' Every time you submit a bug report with a deprecated environment...\n', ... ' God kills a kitten.\n', ... '\n', ... '================================================================================']; envVersion = findEnvironmentVersion(m2t.env); if isempty(envVersion) warning('Could not determine environment version. Continuing and hoping for the best.'); else switch m2t.env case 'MATLAB' % Make sure we're running MATLAB >= 2008b. if isVersionBelow(m2t.env, envVersion, [7, 7]) warning('matlab2tikz:deprecatedEnvironment',... warningMessage, 'MATLAB 2008b', 'MATLAB'); end case 'Octave' % Make sure we're running Octave >= 3.4.0. if isVersionBelow(m2t.env, envVersion, [3, 4, 0]) warning('matlab2tikz:deprecatedEnvironment',... warningMessage, 'Octave 3.4.0', 'Octave'); end otherwise error('Unknown environment. Need MATLAB(R) or Octave.') end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m2t.cmdOpts = []; m2t.currentHandles = []; % For hgtransform groups. m2t.transform = []; = 'matlab2tikz'; m2t.version = '0.3.3'; = 'Nico Schlömer'; m2t.authorEmail = ''; m2t.years = '2008--2013'; = ''; m2t.tol = 1.0e-15; % global round-off tolerance; % used, for example, in equality test for doubles m2t.relativePngPath = []; % The following color RBG-values which will need to be defined. % 'extraRgbColorNames' contains their designated names, 'extraRgbColorSpecs' % their specifications. m2t.extraRgbColorSpecs = cell(0); m2t.extraRgbColorNames = cell(0); % the actual contents of the TikZ file go here m2t.content = struct('name', [], ... 'comment', [], ... 'options', {cell(0,2)}, ... 'content', {cell(0)}, ... 'children', {cell(0)} ... ); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % scan the options m2t.cmdOpts = matlab2tikzInputParser; m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addOptional(m2t.cmdOpts, ... 'filename', ... [], ... @(x) filenameValidation(x,m2t.cmdOpts)); % possibility to give a file handle as argument m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addOptional(m2t.cmdOpts, 'filehandle', [], @filehandleValidation); % explicitly specify which figure to use m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'figurehandle', get(0,'CurrentFigure'), @ishandle); m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'colormap', [], @isnumeric); % whether to strictly stick to the default MATLAB plot appearance: m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'strict', false, @islogical); % don't print warning messages m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'showInfo', true, @islogical); % don't print informational messages m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'showWarnings', true, @islogical); % Whether to save images in PNG format or to natively draw filled squares % using TikZ itself. % Default it PNG. m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'imagesAsPng', true, @islogical); m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'relativePngPath', [], @ischar); % width and height of the figure m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'height', [], @ischar); m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'width' , [], @ischar); % extra axis options m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'extraAxisOptions', {}, @isCellOrChar); % extra tikzpicture settings m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'extraTikzpictureSettings', {}, @isCellOrChar); % file encoding m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'encoding' , '', @ischar); % Maximum chunk length. % TeX parses files line by line with a buffer of size buf_size. If the % plot has too many data points, pdfTeX's buffer size may be exceeded. % As a work-around, the plot is split into several smaller plots, and this % function does the job. % % What is a "large" array? % TeX parser buffer is buf_size=200000 char on Mac TeXLive, let's say % 100000 to be on the safe side. % 1 point is represented by 25 characters (estimation): 2 coordinates (10 % char), 2 brackets, commma and white space, + 1 extra char. % That gives a magic arbitrary number of 4000 data points per array. m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'maxChunkLength', 4000, @isnumeric); % By default strings like axis labels are parsed to match the appearance of % strings as closely as possible to that generated by MATLAB. % If the user wants to have particular strings in the matlab2tikz output that % can't be generated in MATLAB, they can disable string parsing. In that case % all strings are piped literally to the LaTeX output. m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'parseStrings', true, @islogical); % In addition to regular string parsing, an additional stage can be enabled % which uses TeX's math mode for more characters like figures and operators. m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'parseStringsAsMath', false, @islogical); % Whether or not to show handles with HandleVisibility==false. m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'showHiddenStrings', false, @islogical); % As opposed to titles, axis labels and such, MATLAB(R) does not interpret tick % labels as TeX. matlab2tikz retains this behavior, but if it is desired to % interpret the tick labels as TeX, set this option to true. m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'interpretTickLabelsAsTex', false, @islogical); % Allow a string to be added to the header of the generated TikZ file. m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'tikzFileComment', '', @ischar); % Add support for automatic labels. m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'automaticLabels', false, @islogical); % Add support for standalone TeX files. m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'standalone', false, @islogical); % Automatic updater. m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.addParamValue(m2t.cmdOpts, 'checkForUpdates', true, @islogical); % Finally parse all the elements. m2t.cmdOpts = m2t.cmdOpts.parse(m2t.cmdOpts, varargin{:}); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % warn for deprecated options %deprecatedParameter(m2t,'mathmode','parseStrings','parseStringsAsMath'); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % inform users of potentially dangerous options if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.parseStringsAsMath userInfo(m2t, ['\n==========================================================================\n', ... 'You are using the parameter ''parseStringsAsMath''.\n', ... 'This may produce undesirable string output. For full control over output\n', ... 'strings please set the parameter ''parseStrings'' to false.\n', ... '==========================================================================']); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % add global elements if isempty(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.figurehandle) error('MATLAB figure not found.'); end m2t.currentHandles.gcf = m2t.cmdOpts.Results.figurehandle; if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.colormap m2t.currentHandles.colormap = m2t.cmdOpts.Results.colormap; else m2t.currentHandles.colormap = get(m2t.currentHandles.gcf, 'colormap'); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % handle output file handle/file name if ~isempty(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.filehandle) fid = m2t.cmdOpts.Results.filehandle; fileWasOpen = true; if ~isempty(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.filename) userWarning(m2t, ... ['File handle AND file name = ' m2t.cmdOpts.Results.filename ' for output given. File handle used, file name discarded.']) end else fileWasOpen = false; % set filename if ~isempty(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.filename) filename = m2t.cmdOpts.Results.filename; else filename = uiputfile({'*.tex'; '*.*'}, ... 'Save File'); end % open the file for writing if strcmp(m2t.env, 'MATLAB'); fid = fopen(filename, ... 'w', ... 'native', ... m2t.cmdOpts.Results.encoding ... ); elseif strcmp(m2t.env, 'Octave'); fid = fopen(filename, 'w'); else error('Unknown environment. Need MATLAB(R) or Octave.') end if fid == -1 error('matlab2tikz:fileOpenError', ... 'Unable to open file ''%s'' for writing.', ... filename); end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m2t.tikzFileName = fopen(fid); if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.automaticLabels m2t.automaticLabelIndex = 0; end % By default, reference the PNG (if required) from the TikZ file % as the file path of the TikZ file itself. This works if the MATLAB script % is executed in the same folder where the TeX file sits. if isempty(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.relativePngPath) m2t.relativePngPath = fileparts(m2t.tikzFileName); else m2t.relativePngPath = m2t.cmdOpts.Results.relativePngPath; end userInfo(m2t, ['(To disable info messages, pass [''showInfo'', false] to matlab2tikz.)\n', ... '(For all other options, type ''help matlab2tikz''.)\n']); userInfo(m2t, '\nThis is %s v%s.\n',, m2t.version) % Conditionally check for a new matlab2tikz version. if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.checkForUpdates updater(, ..., ... m2t.version, ... m2t.cmdOpts.Results.showInfo, ... m2t.env) end % print some version info to the screen versionInfo = ['The latest updates can be retrieved from\n' ,... ' %s\n' ,... 'where you can also make suggestions and rate %s.\n' ,... 'For usage instructions, bug reports, the latest' ,... 'development versions and more, see\n' ,... ',\n' ,... ',\n' ,... '\n' ]; userInfo(m2t, versionInfo,,; % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Save the figure as pgf to file -- here's where the work happens saveToFile(m2t, fid, fileWasOpen); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end % ========================================================================= % validates the optional argument 'filename' to not be another % keyword function l = filenameValidation(x, p) l = ischar(x) && ~any(strcmp(x,p.Parameters)); end % ========================================================================= % validates the optional argument 'filehandle' to be the handle of % an open file function l = filehandleValidation(x, p) %#ok l = isnumeric(x) && any(x==fopen('all')); end % ========================================================================= function l = isCellOrChar(x, p) %#ok l = iscell(x) || ischar(x); end % ========================================================================= function deprecatedParameter(m2t, oldParameter, varargin) if any(ismember(m2t.cmdOpts.Parameters, oldParameter)) switch numel(varargin) case 0 replacements = ''; case 1 replacements = ['''' varargin{1} '''']; otherwise replacements = deblank(sprintf('''%s'' and ',varargin{:})); replacements = regexprep(replacements,' and$',''); end if ~isempty(replacements) replacements = sprintf('From now on, please use %s to control the output.\n',replacements); end message = ['\n===============================================================================\n', ... 'You are using the deprecated parameter ''%s''.\n', ... '%s', ... '===============================================================================']; warning('matlab2tikz:deprecatedParameter', ... message, oldParameter, replacements); end end % ========================================================================= function m2t = saveToFile(m2t, fid, fileWasOpen) % Save the figure as TikZ to a file. % All other routines are called from here. % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % enter plot recursion -- % It is important to turn hidden handles on, as visible lines (such as the % axes in polar plots, for example), are otherwise hidden from their % parental handles (and can hence not be discovered by matlab2tikz). % With ShowHiddenHandles 'on', there is no escape. :) set(0, 'ShowHiddenHandles', 'on'); % get all axes handles fh = m2t.currentHandles.gcf; axesHandles = findobj(fh, 'type', 'axes'); tagKeyword = switchMatOct(m2t, 'Tag', 'tag'); if ~isempty(axesHandles) % Find all legend handles. This is MATLAB-only. legendHandleIdx = strcmp(get(axesHandles, tagKeyword), 'legend'); m2t.legendHandles = axesHandles(legendHandleIdx); % Remove all legend handles as they are treated separately. axesHandles = axesHandles(~legendHandleIdx); end colorbarKeyword = switchMatOct(m2t, 'Colorbar', 'colorbar'); if ~isempty(axesHandles) % Find all colorbar handles. This is MATLAB-only. cbarHandleIdx = strcmp(get(axesHandles, tagKeyword), colorbarKeyword); m2t.cbarHandles = axesHandles(cbarHandleIdx); % Remove all legend handles as they are treated separately. axesHandles = axesHandles(~cbarHandleIdx); else m2t.cbarHandles = []; end % Turn around the handles vector to make sure that plots that appeared % first also appear first in the vector. This has effects on the alignment % and the order in which the plots appear in the final TikZ file. % In fact, this is not really important but makes things more 'natural'. axesHandles = axesHandles(end:-1:1); % find alignments [relevantAxesHandles, alignmentOptions, IX] = alignSubPlots(m2t, axesHandles); m2t.axesContainers = {}; for ix = IX(:)' m2t = drawAxes(m2t, relevantAxesHandles(ix), alignmentOptions(ix)); end % Handle color bars. for cbar = m2t.cbarHandles m2t = handleColorbar(m2t, cbar); end % Add all axes containers to the file contents. for axesContainer = m2t.axesContainers m2t.content = addChildren(m2t.content, axesContainer); end set(0, 'ShowHiddenHandles', 'off'); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % actually print the stuff m2t.content.comment = sprintf(['This file was created by %s v%s.\n', ... 'Copyright (c) %s, %s <%s>\n', ... 'All rights reserved.\n'], ..., m2t.version, ... m2t.years,, m2t.authorEmail); if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.showInfo % disable this info if showInfo=false m2t.content.comment = [m2t.content.comment, ... sprintf(['\n',... 'The latest updates can be retrieved from\n', ... ' %s\n', ... 'where you can also make suggestions and rate %s.\n'], ..., ) ... ]; end % Add custom comment. m2t.content.comment = [m2t.content.comment, ... sprintf('\n%s\n', m2t.cmdOpts.Results.tikzFileComment) ]; = 'tikzpicture'; % Add custom TikZ options if any given. if ~isempty(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraTikzpictureSettings) if ischar(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraTikzpictureSettings) m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraTikzpictureSettings = ... {m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraTikzpictureSettings}; end for k = 1:length(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraTikzpictureSettings) m2t.content.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.content.options, ... m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraTikzpictureSettings{k}, []); end end % Don't forget to define the colors. if ~isempty(m2t.extraRgbColorNames) m2t.content.colors = sprintf('\n%% defining custom colors\n'); for k = 1:length(m2t.extraRgbColorNames) m2t.content.colors = [m2t.content.colors, ... sprintf('\\definecolor{%s}{rgb}{%.15g,%.15g,%.15g}\n', ... m2t.extraRgbColorNames{k}', m2t.extraRgbColorSpecs{k})]; end m2t.content.colors = [m2t.content.colors sprintf('\n')]; end % Finally print it to the file, if ~isempty(m2t.content.comment) fprintf(fid, '%% %s\n', ... strrep(m2t.content.comment, sprintf('\n'), sprintf('\n%% '))); end if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.standalone fprintf(fid, ['\\documentclass[tikz]{standalone}\n', ... '\\usepackage{pgfplots}\n', ... '\\pgfplotsset{compat=newest}\n', ... '\\usepackage{amsmath}\n', ... '\\begin{document}\n']); end % printAll() handles the actual figure plotting. printAll(m2t.content, fid); if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.standalone fprintf(fid, '\n\\end{document}'); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % close the file if necessary if ~fileWasOpen fclose(fid); end end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, pgfEnvironments] = handleAllChildren(m2t, handle) % Draw all children of a graphics object (if they need to be drawn). children = get(handle, 'Children'); % prepare cell array of pgfEnvironments pgfEnvironments = cell(0); % It's important that we go from back to front here, as this is % how MATLAB does it, too. Significant for patch (contour) plots, % and the order of plotting the colored patches. for child = children(end:-1:1)' % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % First of all, check if 'child' is referenced in a legend. % If yes, some plot types may want to add stuff (e.g. 'forget plot'). % Add '\addlegendentry{...}' then after the plot. legendString = []; m2t.currentHandleHasLegend = false; % Check if current handle is referenced in a legend. switch m2t.env case 'MATLAB' if ~isempty(m2t.legendHandles) % Make sure that m2t.legendHandles is a row vector. for legendHandle = m2t.legendHandles(:)' ud = get(legendHandle, 'UserData'); % In Octave, the field name is 'handle'. Well, whatever. % fieldName = switchMatOct(m2t, 'handles', 'handle'); k = find(child == ud.handles); if isempty(k) % Lines of error bar plots are not referenced % directly in legends as an error bars plot contains % two "lines": the data and the deviations. Here, the % legends refer to the specgraph.errorbarseries % handle which is 'Parent' to the line handle. k = find(get(child,'Parent') == ud.handles); end if ~isempty(k) % Legend entry found. Add it to the plot. m2t.currentHandleHasLegend = true; interpreter = get(legendHandle, 'Interpreter'); legendString = ud.lstrings(k); end end end case 'Octave' % Octave associates legends with axes, not with (line) plot. % The variable m2t.gcaHasLegend is set in drawAxes(). m2t.currentHandleHasLegend = ~isempty(m2t.gcaAssociatedLegend); interpreter = get(m2t.gcaAssociatedLegend, 'interpreter'); if isfield(get(child), 'displayname') legendString = get(child, 'displayname'); end otherwise error('Unknown environment. Need MATLAB(R) or Octave.') end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - switch get(child, 'Type') % 'axes' environments are treated separately. case 'line' [m2t, str] = drawLine(m2t, child); case 'patch' [m2t, str] = drawPatch(m2t, child); case 'image' [m2t, str] = drawImage(m2t, child); case 'hggroup' [m2t, str] = drawHggroup(m2t, child); case 'hgtransform' % From % Matrix: 4-by-4 matrix % Transformation matrix applied to hgtransform object and its % children. The hgtransform object applies the transformation % matrix to all its children. % More information at m2t.transform = get(child, 'Matrix'); [m2t, str] = handleAllChildren(m2t, child); m2t.transform = []; case 'surface' [m2t, str] = drawSurface(m2t, child); case 'text' [m2t, str] = drawText(m2t, child); case 'rectangle' [m2t, str] = drawRectangle(m2t, child); case {'uitoolbar', 'uimenu', 'uicontextmenu', 'uitoggletool',... 'uitogglesplittool', 'uipushtool', 'hgjavacomponent'} % don't to anything for these handles and its children str = []; otherwise error('matlab2tikz:handleAllChildren', ... 'I don''t know how to handle this object: %s\n', ... get(child, 'Type')); end % Add legend after the plot data. % The test for ischar(str) && ~isempty(str) is a workaround for hggroups; % the output might not necessarily be a string, but a cellstr. if ischar(str) && ~isempty(str) ... && m2t.currentHandleHasLegend && ~isempty(legendString) c = prettyPrint(m2t, legendString, interpreter); % We also need a legend alignment option to make multiline % legend entries work. This is added by default in getLegendOpts(). str = [str, ... sprintf('\\addlegendentry{%s};\n\n', join(c, '\\'))]; %#ok end % append the environment pgfEnvironments{end+1} = str; end end % ========================================================================= function data = applyHgTransform(m2t, data) if ~isempty(m2t.transform) R = m2t.transform(1:3,1:3); t = m2t.transform(1:3,4); n = size(data, 1); data = data * R' ... + kron(ones(n,1), t'); end return end % ========================================================================= function m2t = drawAxes(m2t, handle, alignmentOptions) % Input arguments: % handle.................The axes environment handle. % alignmentOptions.......The alignment options as defined in the % function 'alignSubPlots()'. % This argument is optional. % Handle special cases. % MATLAB(R) uses 'Tag', Octave 'tag' for their tags. :/ tagKeyword = switchMatOct(m2t, 'Tag', 'tag'); colorbarKeyword = switchMatOct(m2t, 'Colorbar', 'colorbar'); switch get(handle, tagKeyword) case colorbarKeyword % Handle a colorbar separately. m2t = handleColorbar(m2t, handle); return case 'legend' % Don't handle the legend here, but further below in the 'axis' % environment. % In MATLAB, an axes environment and its corresponding legend are % children of the same figure (siblings), while in Pgfplots, the % \legend (or \addlegendentry) command must appear within the axis % environment. return otherwise % continue as usual end % Initialize empty enviroment. % Use a struct instead of a custom subclass of hgsetget (which would % facilitate writing clean code) as structs are more portable (old MATLAB(R) % versions, GNU Octave). m2t.axesContainers{end+1} = struct('handle', handle, ... 'name', [], ... 'comment', [], ... 'options', {cell(0,2)}, ... 'content', {cell(0)}, ... 'children', {cell(0)}, ... 'stackedBarsPresent', false, ... 'nonbarPlotsPresent', false ... ); % update gca m2t.currentHandles.gca = handle; % This is an ugly workaround for bar plots. % Bar plots need to have several values counted on a per-axes basis, e.g., % the number of bars. Setting m2t.barplotId to [] here makes sure those % values are recomputed in drawBarseries(). m2t.barplotId = []; % Octave: % Check if this axis environment is referenced by a legend. m2t.gcaAssociatedLegend = []; if strcmp(m2t.env, 'Octave') if ~isempty(m2t.legendHandles) % Make sure that m2t.legendHandles is a row vector. for lhandle = m2t.legendHandles(:)' ud = get(lhandle, 'UserData'); if any(handle == ud.handle) m2t.gcaAssociatedLegend = lhandle; break; end end end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % get the axes dimensions dim = getAxesDimensions(handle, ... m2t.cmdOpts.Results.width, ... m2t.cmdOpts.Results.height); % set the width if dim.x.unit(1)=='\' && dim.x.value==1.0 % only return \figurewidth instead of 1.0\figurewidth m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, 'width', dim.x.unit); else if strcmp(dim.x.unit, 'px') % TikZ doesn't know pixels. -- Convert to inches. dpi = get(0, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch'); dim.x.value = dim.x.value / dpi; dim.x.unit = 'in'; end m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, 'width', sprintf('%.15g%s', dim.x.value, dim.x.unit)); end if dim.y.unit(1)=='\' && dim.y.value==1.0 % only return \figureheight instead of 1.0\figureheight m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, 'height', dim.y.unit); else if strcmp(dim.y.unit, 'px') % TikZ doesn't know pixels. -- Convert to inches. dpi = get(0, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch'); dim.y.value = dim.y.value / dpi; dim.y.unit = 'in'; end m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, 'height', sprintf('%.15g%s', dim.y.value, dim.y.unit)); end % Add the physical dimension of one unit of length in the coordinate system. % This is used later on to translate lenghts to physical units where % necessary (e.g., in bar plots). m2t.unitlength.x.unit = dim.x.unit; xLim = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca, 'XLim'); m2t.unitlength.x.value = dim.x.value / (xLim(2)-xLim(1)); m2t.unitlength.y.unit = dim.y.unit; yLim = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca, 'YLim'); m2t.unitlength.y.value = dim.y.value / (yLim(2)-yLim(1)); for axis = 'xyz' m2t.([axis 'AxisReversed']) = ... strcmp(get(handle,[upper(axis),'Dir']), 'reverse'); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % In MATLAB, all plots are treated as 3D plots; it's just the view that % makes 2D plots appear like 2D. % Recurse into the children of this environment. Do this here to give the % contained plots the chance to set m2t.currentAxesContain3dData to true. m2t.currentAxesContain3dData = false; [m2t, childrenEnvs] = handleAllChildren(m2t, handle); m2t.axesContainers{end} = addChildren(m2t.axesContainers{end}, childrenEnvs); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if m2t.axesContainers{end}.stackedBarsPresent ... && m2t.axesContainers{end}.nonbarPlotsPresent userWarning(m2t, ['Pgfplots can''t deal with stacked bar plots', ... ' and non-bar plots in one axis environment.', ... ' The LaTeX file will probably not compile.']); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % The rest of this is handling axes options. % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Set view for 3D plots. if m2t.currentAxesContain3dData m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'view', sprintf('{%.15g}{%.15g}', get(handle, 'View'))); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % the following is general MATLAB behavior m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'scale only axis', []); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Get other axis options (ticks, axis color, label,...). % This is set here such that the axis orientation indicator in m2t is set % before -- if ~isVisible(handle) -- the handle's children are called. [m2t, hasXGrid] = getAxisOptions(m2t, handle, 'x'); [m2t, hasYGrid] = getAxisOptions(m2t, handle, 'y'); if m2t.currentAxesContain3dData [m2t, hasZGrid] = getAxisOptions(m2t, handle, 'z'); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if ~isVisible(handle) % Setting hide{x,y} axis also hides the axis labels in Pgfplots whereas % in MATLAB, they may still be visible. Well. m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'hide axis', []); end %if ~isVisible(handle) % % An invisible axes container *can* have visible children, so don't % % immediately bail out here. % children = get(handle, 'Children'); % for child = children(:)' % if isVisible(child) % % If the axes contain something that's visible, add an invisible % % axes pair. % m2t.axesContainers{end}.name = 'axis'; % m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = {m2t.axesContainers{end}.options{:}, ... % 'hide x axis', 'hide y axis'}; % m2t.axesContainers{end}.comment = getTag(handle); % break; % end % end % % recurse into the children of this environment % [m2t, childrenEnvs] = handleAllChildren(m2t, handle); % m2t.axesContainers{end} = addChildren(m2t.axesContainers{end}, childrenEnvs); % return %end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % This used to discriminate between semilog{x,y}axis, loglog, and axis. % Now, the log-scale is handled by the {x,y,z}mode argument, so just go for % axis. m2t.axesContainers{end}.name = 'axis'; % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % set alignment options if ~isempty(alignmentOptions.opts) m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = cat(1,m2t.axesContainers{end}.options,... alignmentOptions.opts); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % background color backgroundColor = get(handle, 'Color'); if ~strcmp(backgroundColor, 'none') [m2t, col] = getColor(m2t, handle, backgroundColor, 'patch'); if ~strcmp(col, 'white') m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'axis background/.style', sprintf('{fill=%s}', col)); end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % title title = get(get(handle, 'Title'), 'String'); if ~isempty(title) titleInterpreter = get(get(handle, 'Title'), 'Interpreter'); title = prettyPrint(m2t, title, titleInterpreter); if length(title) > 1 m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'title style', '{align=center}'); end title = join(title, '\\[1ex]'); m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'title', sprintf('{%s}', title)); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % axes locations boxOn = strcmp(get(handle, 'box'), 'on'); xloc = get(handle, 'XAxisLocation'); if boxOn if strcmp(xloc, 'bottom') % default; nothing added elseif strcmp(xloc, 'top') m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'axis x line*', 'top'); else error('matlab2tikz:drawAxes', ... sprintf('Illegal axis location ''%s''.', xloc)); end else % box off m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'axis x line*', xloc); end yloc = get(handle, 'YAxisLocation'); if boxOn if strcmp(yloc, 'left') % default; nothing added elseif strcmp(yloc, 'right') m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'axis y line*', 'right'); else error('matlab2tikz:drawAxes', ... sprintf('Illegal axis location ''%s''.', yloc)); end else % box off m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'axis y line*', yloc); end if m2t.currentAxesContain3dData % There's no such attribute as 'ZAxisLocation'. % Instead, the default seems to be 'left'. if ~boxOn m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'axis z line*', 'left'); end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % grid line style if hasXGrid || hasYGrid || (exist('hasZGrid','var') && hasZGrid) matlabGridLineStyle = get(handle, 'GridLineStyle'); % Take over the grid line style in any case when in strict mode. % If not, don't add anything in case of default line grid line style % and effectively take Pgfplots' default. defaultMatlabGridLineStyle = ':'; if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.strict ... || ~strcmp(matlabGridLineStyle,defaultMatlabGridLineStyle) gls = translateLineStyle(matlabGridLineStyle); axisGridOpts = {'grid style', sprintf('{%s}', gls)}; m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = cat(1, ... m2t.axesContainers{end}.options,... axisGridOpts); end else % When specifying 'axis on top', the axes stay above all graphs (which is % default MATLAB behavior), but so do the grids (which is not default % behavior). % To date (Dec 12, 2009) Pgfplots is not able to handle those things % separately. % See also % As a prelimary compromise, only pull this option if no grid is in use. if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.strict m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'axis on top', []); end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % See if there are any legends that need to be plotted. % Since the legends are at the same level as axes in the hierarchy, % we can't work out which relates to which using the tree % so we have to do it by looking for a plot inside which the legend sits. % This could be done better with a heuristic of finding % the nearest legend to a plot, which would cope with legends outside % plot boundaries. if strcmp(m2t.env, 'MATLAB') legendHandle = legend(handle); if ~isempty(legendHandle) [m2t, key, legendOpts] = getLegendOpts(m2t, legendHandle); m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... key, ... ['{', legendOpts, '}']); end else % TODO: How to uniquely connect a legend with a pair of axes in Octave? axisDims = pos2dims(get(handle,'Position')); %#ok % siblings of this handle: siblings = get(get(handle,'Parent'), 'Children'); % "siblings" always(?) is a column vector. Iterating over the column % with the for statement below wouldn't return the individual vector % elements but the same column vector, resulting in no legends exported. % So let's make sure "siblings" is a row vector by reshaping it: siblings = reshape(siblings, 1, []); for sibling = siblings if sibling && strcmp(get(sibling,'Type'), 'axes') && strcmp(get(sibling,'Tag'), 'legend') legDims = pos2dims(get(sibling, 'Position')); %#ok % TODO The following logic does not work for 3D plots. % => Commented out. % This creates problems though for stacked plots with legends. % if ( legDims.left > axisDims.left ... % && legDims.bottom > axisDims.bottom ... % && legDims.left + legDims.width < axisDims.left + axisDims.width ... % && legDims.bottom + legDims.height < axisDims.bottom + axisDims.height) [m2t, key, legendOpts] = getLegendOpts(m2t, sibling); m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... key, ... ['{', legendOpts, '}']); % end end end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % add manually given extra axis options if ~isempty(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraAxisOptions) if ischar(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraAxisOptions) m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraAxisOptions, []); elseif iscellstr(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraAxisOptions) for k = 1:length(m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraAxisOptions) m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... m2t.cmdOpts.Results.extraAxisOptions{k}, []); end else error('Illegal extraAxisOptions (need string or cell string).') end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - return end % ========================================================================= function m2t = handleColorbar(m2t, handle) if isempty(handle) return; end % Find the axes environment that this colorbar belongs to. parentAxesHandle = double(get(handle,'axes')); parentFound = false; for k = 1:length(m2t.axesContainers) if m2t.axesContainers{k}.handle == parentAxesHandle k0 = k; parentFound = true; break; end end if parentFound m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... matlab2pgfplotsColormap(m2t, m2t.currentHandles.colormap), []); % Append cell string. m2t.axesContainers{k0}.options = cat(1,... m2t.axesContainers{k0}.options, ... getColorbarOptions(m2t, handle)); else warning('Could not find parent axes for color bar. Skipping.'); end return; end % ========================================================================= function tag = getTag(handle) % if a tag is given, use it as comment tag = get(handle, 'tag'); if ~isempty(tag) tag = sprintf('Axis "%s"', tag); else tag = sprintf('Axis at [%.2g %.2f %.2g %.2g]', get(handle, 'position')); end end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, hasGrid] = getAxisOptions(m2t, handle, axis) % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if ~strcmpi(axis,'x') && ~strcmpi(axis,'y') && ~strcmpi(axis,'z') error('Illegal axis specifier ''%s''.', axis); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % axis colors color = get(handle, [upper(axis),'Color']); if (any(color)) % color not black [0,0,0] [m2t, col] = getColor(m2t, handle, color, 'patch'); if strcmp(get(handle, 'box'), 'on') % If the axes are arranged as a box, make sure that the individual % axes are drawn as four separate paths. This makes the alignment % at the box corners somewhat less nice, but allows for different % axis styles (e.g., colors). m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, 'separate axis lines', []); end m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... ['every outer ', axis, ' axis line/.append style'], ... ['{', col, '}']); m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... ['every ',axis,' tick label/.append style'], ... ['{font=\color{',col,'}}']); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % handle the orientation isAxisReversed = strcmp(get(handle,[upper(axis),'Dir']), 'reverse'); m2t.([axis 'AxisReversed']) = isAxisReversed; if isAxisReversed m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis, ' dir'], 'reverse'); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - isAxisLog = strcmp(get(handle,[upper(axis),'Scale']), 'log'); if isAxisLog m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis,'mode'], 'log'); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % get axis limits limits = get(handle, [upper(axis),'Lim']); m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis,'min'], sprintf('%.15g', limits(1))); m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis,'max'], sprintf('%.15g', limits(2))); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % get ticks along with the labels [ticks, tickLabels, hasMinorTicks] = getAxisTicks(m2t, handle, axis); % According to, % the number of minor ticks is automatically determined by MATLAB(R) to % fit the size of the axis. Until we know how to extract this number, use % a reasonable default. matlabDefaultNumMinorTicks = 3; if ~isempty(ticks) m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis,'tick'], sprintf('{%s}', ticks)); end if ~isempty(tickLabels) m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis,'ticklabels'], sprintf('{%s}', tickLabels)); end if hasMinorTicks m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis,'minorticks'], 'true'); if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.strict m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... sprintf('minor %s tick num', axis), ... sprintf('{%d}', matlabDefaultNumMinorTicks)); end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % get axis label axisLabel = get(get(handle, [upper(axis),'Label']), 'String'); if ~isempty(axisLabel) axisLabelInterpreter = ... get(get(handle, [upper(axis),'Label']), 'Interpreter'); label = prettyPrint(m2t, axisLabel, axisLabelInterpreter); if length(label) > 1 % If there's more than one cell item, the list % is displayed multi-row in MATLAB(R). % To replicate the same in Pgfplots, one can % use xlabel={first\\second\\third} only if the % alignment or the width of the "label box" % is defined. This is a restriction that comes with % TikZ nodes. m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis, 'label style'], '{align=center}'); end label = join(label,'\\[1ex]'); %if isVisible(handle) m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis, 'label'], sprintf('{%s}', label)); %else % m2t.axesContainers{end}.options{end+1} = ... % sprintf(['extra description/.code={\n', ... % '\\node[/pgfplots/every axis label,/pgfplots/every axis %s label]{%s};\n', ... % '}'], axis, label); %end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % get grids hasGrid = false; if strcmp(get(handle, [upper(axis),'Grid']), 'on'); m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis, 'majorgrids'], []); hasGrid = true; end if strcmp(get(handle, [upper(axis),'MinorGrid']), 'on'); m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis, 'minorgrids'], []); hasGrid = true; end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - return; end % ========================================================================= function bool = axisIsVisible(axisHandle) if ~isVisible(axisHandle) % An invisible axes container *can* have visible children, so don't % immediately bail out here. children = get(axisHandle, 'Children'); bool = false; for child = children(:)' if isVisible(child) bool = true; return; end end else bool = true; end end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawLine(m2t, handle, yDeviation) % Returns the code for drawing a regular line. % This is an extremely common operation and takes place in most of the % not too fancy plots. % % This function handles error bars, too. str = []; if ~isVisible(handle) return end % Don't allow lines is there's already stacked bars. % This could be somewhat controversial: Why not remove the stacked bars then? % Anyways, with stacked bar plots, lines are typically base lines and such, % so nothing of great interest. Throw those out for now. if m2t.axesContainers{end}.stackedBarsPresent return end % This is for a quirky workaround for stacked bar plots. m2t.axesContainers{end}.nonbarPlotsPresent = true; lineStyle = get(handle, 'LineStyle'); lineWidth = get(handle, 'LineWidth'); marker = get(handle, 'Marker'); % Get draw options. color = get(handle, 'Color'); [m2t, xcolor] = getColor(m2t, handle, color, 'patch'); lineOptions = getLineOptions(m2t, lineStyle, lineWidth); [m2t, markerOptions] = getMarkerOptions(m2t, handle); drawOptions = [{sprintf('color=%s', xcolor)}, ... % color lineOptions, ... markerOptions]; % Check for "special" lines, e.g.: if strcmp(get(handle, 'Tag'), 'zplane_unitcircle') % Draw unit circle and axes. % TODO Don't hardcode "10". opts = join(drawOptions, ','); str = [sprintf('\\draw[%s] (axis cs:0,0) circle[radius=1];\n', opts),... sprintf('\\draw[%s] (axis cs:-10,0)--(axis cs:10,0);\n', opts), ... sprintf('\\draw[%s] (axis cs:0,-10)--(axis cs:0,10);\n', opts)]; return end hasLines = ~strcmp(lineStyle,'none') && lineWidth>0.0; hasMarkers = ~strcmp(marker,'none'); if ~hasLines && ~hasMarkers return end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Plot the actual line data. % First put them all together in one multiarray. % This also implicitly makes sure that the lengths match. xData = get(handle, 'XData'); yData = get(handle, 'YData'); zData = get(handle, 'ZData'); % We would like to do % data = [xData(:), yData(:), zData(:)], % but Octave fails. Hence this isempty() construction. if isempty(zData) data = [xData(:), yData(:)]; else data = applyHgTransform(m2t, [xData(:), yData(:), zData(:)]); end % check if the *optional* argument 'yDeviation' was given if nargin > 2 data = [data, yDeviation(:)]; end % Check if any value is infinite/NaN. In that case, add appropriate option. if any(~isfinite(data(:))) m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, 'unbounded coords', 'jump'); end if ~isempty(zData) % Don't try to be smart in parametric 3d plots: Just plot all the data. str = [str, ... sprintf(['\\addplot3 [\n', join(drawOptions, ',\n'), ']\n']), ... sprintf('table[row sep=crcr] {\n'), ... sprintf('%.15g %.15g %.15g\\\\\n', data'), ... sprintf('};\n')]; m2t.currentAxesContain3dData = true; else xLim = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca, 'XLim'); yLim = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca, 'YLim'); % split the data into logical chunks dataCell = splitLine(m2t, hasLines, hasMarkers, data, xLim, yLim); % plot them for k = 1:length(dataCell) % If the line has a legend string, make sure to only include a legend % entry for the *last* occurence of the plot series. % Hence the condition k 1 && all(isfinite(data{1}(i-1,:))) newPoint = moveToBox(data{1}(i,:), data{1}(i-1,:), largeXLim, largeYLim); % Don't bother if the point is inf: % There's no intersection with the large box, so even the % connection between the two after they have been moved % won't be probably be visible. if all(isfinite(newPoint)) r{k} = [r{k}; newPoint]; end end if i < size(data{1},1) && all(isfinite(data{1}(i+1,:))) newPoint = moveToBox(data{1}(i,:), data{1}(i+1,:), largeXLim, largeYLim); % Don't bother if the point is inf: % There's no intersection with the large box, so even the % connection between the two after they have been moved % won't be probably be visible. if all(isfinite(newPoint)) r{k} = [r{k}; newPoint]; end end end % Insert all r{k}{:} at replaceIndices[k]. dataCellNew{end+1} = []; lastReplIndex = 0; for k = 1:m dataCellNew{end} = [dataCellNew{end}; ... data{1}(lastReplIndex+1:replaceIndices(k)-1,:);... r{k}]; lastReplIndex = replaceIndices(k); end dataCellNew{end} = [dataCellNew{end}; ... data{1}(lastReplIndex+1:end,:)]; end end % ========================================================================= function out = isInBox(data, xLim, yLim) out = data(:,1) > xLim(1) & data(:,1) < xLim(2) ... & data(:,2) > yLim(1) & data(:,2) < yLim(2); end % ========================================================================= function dataCellNew = splitByArraySize(m2t, dataCell) % TeX parses files line by line with a buffer of size buf_size. If the % plot has too many data points, pdfTeX's buffer size may be exceeded. % As a work-around, the plot is split into several smaller plots, and this % function does the job. % Unconditionally set this to true. This results in one extra point to be % plotted per chunk, which probably doesn't hurt too much. Anyways, % TODO Take hasLines as argument to splitByArraySize(). hasLines = true; dataCellNew = cell(0); for data = dataCell chunkStart = 1; len = size(data{1}, 1); while chunkStart <= len chunkEnd = min(chunkStart + m2t.cmdOpts.Results.maxChunkLength - 1, len); % Copy over the data to the new containers. dataCellNew{end+1} = data{1}(chunkStart:chunkEnd,:); % If the plot has lines, add an extra (overlap) point to the data % stream; otherwise the line between two data chunks would be broken. if hasLines && chunkEnd~=len dataCellNew{end} = [dataCellNew{end};... data{1}(chunkEnd+1,:)]; end chunkStart = chunkEnd + 1; end end end % ========================================================================= function xNew = moveToBox(x, xRef, xLim, yLim) % Takes a box defined by xLim, yLim, one point x and a reference point % xRef. % Returns the point xNew that sits on the line segment between x and xRef % *and* on the box. If several such points exist, take the closest one % to x. % Find out with which border the line x---xRef intersects, and determine % the smallest parameter alpha such that x + alpha*(xRef-x) % sits on the boundary. minAlpha = inf; % left boundary: lambda = crossLines(x, xRef, [xLim(1);yLim(1)], [xLim(1);yLim(2)]); if 0.0 < lambda(2) && lambda(2) < 1.0 && abs(minAlpha) > abs(lambda(1)) minAlpha = lambda(1); end % bottom boundary: lambda = crossLines(x, xRef, [xLim(1);yLim(1)], [xLim(2);yLim(1)]); if 0.0 < lambda(2) && lambda(2) < 1.0 && abs(minAlpha) > abs(lambda(1)) minAlpha = lambda(1); end % right boundary: lambda = crossLines(x, xRef, [xLim(2);yLim(1)], [xLim(2);yLim(2)]); if 0.0 < lambda(2) && lambda(2) < 1.0 && abs(minAlpha) > abs(lambda(1)) minAlpha = lambda(1); end % top boundary: lambda = crossLines(x, xRef, [xLim(1);yLim(2)], [xLim(2);yLim(2)]); if 0.0 < lambda(2) && lambda(2) < 1.0 && abs(minAlpha) > abs(lambda(1)) minAlpha = lambda(1); end % create the new point xNew = x + minAlpha*(xRef-x); end % ========================================================================= function out = segmentVisible(data, dataIsInBox, xLim, yLim) % Given a bounding box {x,y}Lim, loop through all pairs of subsequent nodes % in p and determine whether the line between the pair crosses the box. n = size(data, 1); out = false(n-1, 1); for k = 1:n-1 out(k) = (dataIsInBox(k) && all(isfinite(data(k+1,:)))) ... % one of the neighbors is inside the box || (dataIsInBox(k+1) && all(isfinite(data(k,:)))) ... % and the other is finite || segmentsIntersect(data(k,:), data(k+1,:), ... [xLim(1);yLim(1)], [xLim(1);yLim(2)]) ... % left border || segmentsIntersect(data(k,:), data(k+1,:), ... [xLim(1);yLim(1)], [xLim(2);yLim(1)]) ... % bottom border || segmentsIntersect(data(k,:), data(k+1,:), ... [xLim(2);yLim(1)], [xLim(2);yLim(2)]) ... % right border || segmentsIntersect(data(k,:), data(k+1,:), ... [xLim(1);yLim(2)], [xLim(2);yLim(2)]); % top border end end % ========================================================================= function out = segmentsIntersect(X1, X2, X3, X4) % Checks whether the segments X1--X2 and X3--X4 intersect. lambda = crossLines(X1, X2, X3, X4); out = all(lambda > 0.0) && all(lambda < 1.0); return end % ========================================================================= function lambda = crossLines(X1, X2, X3, X4) % Given four points X_k=(x_k,y_k), k\in{1,2,3,4}, and the two lines defined % by those, % % L1(lambda) = X1 + lambda (X2 - X1) % L2(lambda) = X3 + lambda (X4 - X3) % % returns the lambda for which they intersect (and Inf if they are parallel). % Technically, one needs to solve the 2x2 equation system % % x1 + lambda1 (x2-x1) = x3 + lambda2 (x4-x3) % y1 + lambda1 (y2-y1) = y3 + lambda2 (y4-y3) % % for lambda and mu. rhs = X3(:) - X1(:); % Divide by det even if it's 0: Infs are returned. % A = [X2-X1, -(X4-X3)]; detA = -(X2(1)-X1(1))*(X4(2)-X3(2)) + (X2(2)-X1(2))*(X4(1)-X3(1)); invA = [-(X4(2)-X3(2)), X4(1)-X3(1);... -(X2(2)-X1(2)), X2(1)-X1(1)] / detA; lambda = invA * rhs; end % ========================================================================= function lineOpts = getLineOptions(m2t, lineStyle, lineWidth) % Gathers the line options. lineOpts = cell(0); if ~strcmp(lineStyle, 'none') && (lineWidth > m2t.tol) lineOpts{end+1} = sprintf('%s', translateLineStyle(lineStyle)); end % Take over the line width in any case when in strict mode. If not, don't add % anything in case of default line width and effectively take Pgfplots' % default. % Also apply the line width if no actual line is there; the markers make use % of this, too. matlabDefaultLineWidth = 0.5; if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.strict ... || ~abs(lineWidth-matlabDefaultLineWidth) <= m2t.tol lineOpts{end+1} = sprintf('line width=%.1fpt', lineWidth); end end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, drawOptions] = getMarkerOptions(m2t, h) % Handles the marker properties of a line (or any other) plot. drawOptions = cell(0); marker = get(h, 'Marker'); if ~strcmp(marker, 'none') markerSize = get(h, 'MarkerSize'); lineStyle = get(h, 'LineStyle'); lineWidth = get(h, 'LineWidth'); [tikzMarkerSize, isDefault] = ... translateMarkerSize(m2t, marker, markerSize); % take over the marker size in any case when in strict mode; % if not, don't add anything in case of default marker size % and effectively take Pgfplots' default. if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.strict || ~isDefault drawOptions{end+1} = sprintf('mark size=%.1fpt', tikzMarkerSize); end markOptions = cell(0); % make sure that the markers get painted in solid (and not dashed) % if the 'lineStyle' is not solid (otherwise there is no problem) if ~strcmp(lineStyle, 'solid') markOptions{end+1} = 'solid'; end % print no lines if strcmp(lineStyle,'none') || lineWidth==0 drawOptions{end+1} = 'only marks'; end % get the marker color right markerFaceColor = get(h, 'markerfaceColor'); markerEdgeColor = get(h, 'markeredgeColor'); [tikzMarker, markOptions] = translateMarker(m2t, marker, ... markOptions, ~strcmp(markerFaceColor,'none')); if ~strcmp(markerFaceColor,'none') [m2t, xcolor] = getColor(m2t, h, markerFaceColor, 'patch'); markOptions{end+1} = sprintf('fill=%s', xcolor); end if ~strcmp(markerEdgeColor,'none') && ~strcmp(markerEdgeColor,'auto') [m2t, xcolor] = getColor(m2t, h, markerEdgeColor, 'patch'); markOptions{end+1} = sprintf('draw=%s', xcolor); end % add it all to drawOptions drawOptions{end+1} = sprintf('mark=%s', tikzMarker); if ~isempty(markOptions) mo = join(markOptions, ','); drawOptions{end+1} = ['mark options={', mo, '}']; end end end % ========================================================================= function [tikzMarkerSize, isDefault] = ... translateMarkerSize(m2t, matlabMarker, matlabMarkerSize) % The markersizes of Matlab and TikZ are related, but not equal. This % is because % % 1.) MATLAB uses the MarkerSize property to describe something like % the diameter of the mark, while TikZ refers to the 'radius', % 2.) MATLAB and TikZ take different measures (, e.g., the % edgelength of a square vs. the diagonal length of it). if(~ischar(matlabMarker)) error('matlab2tikz:translateMarkerSize', ... 'Variable matlabMarker is not a string.'); end if(~isnumeric(matlabMarkerSize)) error('matlab2tikz:translateMarkerSize', ... 'Variable matlabMarkerSize is not a numeral.'); end % 6pt is the default MATLAB marker size for all markers defaultMatlabMarkerSize = 6; isDefault = abs(matlabMarkerSize-defaultMatlabMarkerSize)'} % for triangles, matlab takes the height % and tikz the circumcircle radius; % the triangles are always equiangular tikzMarkerSize = matlabMarkerSize / 2 * (2/3); otherwise error('matlab2tikz:translateMarkerSize', ... 'Unknown matlabMarker ''%s''.', matlabMarker); end end % ========================================================================= function [tikzMarker, markOptions] = ... translateMarker(m2t, matlabMarker, markOptions, faceColorToggle) % This function is used for getMarkerOptions() as well as drawScatterPlot(). if(~ischar(matlabMarker)) error(['Function translateMarker:', ... 'Variable matlabMarker is not a string.']); end switch (matlabMarker) case 'none' tikzMarker = ''; case '+' tikzMarker = '+'; case 'o' if faceColorToggle tikzMarker = '*'; else tikzMarker = 'o'; end case '.' tikzMarker = '*'; case 'x' tikzMarker = 'x'; otherwise % the following markers are only available with PGF's % plotmarks library userInfo(m2t, '\nMake sure to load \\usetikzlibrary{plotmarks} in the preamble.\n'); switch (matlabMarker) case '*' tikzMarker = 'asterisk'; case {'s','square'} if faceColorToggle tikzMarker = 'square*'; else tikzMarker = 'square'; end case {'d','diamond'} if faceColorToggle tikzMarker = 'diamond*'; else tikzMarker = 'diamond'; end case '^' if faceColorToggle tikzMarker = 'triangle*'; else tikzMarker = 'triangle'; end case 'v' if faceColorToggle tikzMarker = 'triangle*'; else tikzMarker = 'triangle'; end markOptions = [markOptions, ',rotate=180']; case '<' if faceColorToggle tikzMarker = 'triangle*'; else tikzMarker = 'triangle'; end markOptions = [markOptions, ',rotate=90']; case '>' if faceColorToggle tikzMarker = 'triangle*'; else tikzMarker = 'triangle'; end markOptions = [markOptions, ',rotate=270']; case {'p','pentagram'} if faceColorToggle tikzMarker = 'star*'; else tikzMarker = 'star'; end case {'h','hexagram'} userWarning(m2t, 'MATLAB''s marker ''hexagram'' not available in TikZ. Replacing by ''star''.'); if faceColorToggle tikzMarker = 'star*'; else tikzMarker = 'star'; end otherwise error([' Function translateMarker:', ... ' Unknown matlabMarker ''',matlabMarker,'''.']); end end end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawPatch(m2t, handle) % Draws a 'patch' graphics object (as found in contourf plots, for % example). % str = []; if ~isVisible(handle) return end % This is for a quirky workaround for stacked bar plots. m2t.axesContainers{end}.nonbarPlotsPresent = true; % MATLAB's patch elements are matrices in which each column represents a % a distinct graphical object. Usually there is only one column, but % there may be more (-->hist plots, although they are now handled % within the barplot framework). xData = get(handle, 'XData'); yData = get(handle, 'YData'); zData = get(handle, 'ZData'); % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % gather the draw options drawOptions = cell(0); % fill color faceColor = get(handle, 'FaceColor'); if ~strcmp(faceColor, 'none') [m2t, xFaceColor] = getColor(m2t, handle, faceColor, 'patch'); drawOptions{end+1} = sprintf('fill=%s', xFaceColor); xFaceAlpha = get(handle, 'FaceAlpha'); if abs(xFaceAlpha-1.0) > m2t.tol drawOptions{end+1} = sprintf('opacity=%s', xFaceAlpha); end end % draw color edgeColor = get(handle, 'EdgeColor'); lineStyle = get(handle, 'LineStyle'); if strcmp(lineStyle, 'none') || strcmp(edgeColor, 'none') drawOptions{end+1} = 'draw=none'; else [m2t, xEdgeColor] = getColor(m2t, handle, edgeColor, 'patch'); if isempty(xEdgeColor) % getColor() wasn't able to return a color. This is because cdata % was an actual vector with different values in it, meaning that % the color changes along the edge. This is the case, for example, % with waterfall() plots. % An actual color maps is needed here. % drawOptions{end+1} = 'mesh'; % or surf m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... matlab2pgfplotsColormap(m2t, m2t.currentHandles.colormap), []); % Append upper and lower limit of the color mapping. clim = caxis; m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'point meta min', sprintf('%.15g', clim(1))); m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'point meta max', sprintf('%.15g', clim(2))); % Note: % Pgfplots can't currently use FaceColor and colormapped edge color % in one go. The option 'surf' makes sure that colormapped edge % colors are used. Face colors are not displayed. else % getColor() returned a reasonable color value. drawOptions{end+1} = sprintf('draw=%s', xEdgeColor); end end if ~m2t.currentHandleHasLegend % No legend entry found. Don't include plot in legend. drawOptions{end+1} = 'forget plot'; end drawOpts = join(drawOptions, ','); % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if any(~isfinite(xData(:))) || any(~isfinite(yData(:))) || any(~isfinite(zData(:))) m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'unbounded coords', 'jump'); end % n > 1 for certain patch plots, for example. n = size(xData, 2); if isempty(zData) % 2D patch. % Patches are drawn with the last column first. for j = n:-1:1 str = [str, ... sprintf(['\n\\addplot [', drawOpts, '] table[row sep=crcr]{\n']), ... sprintf('%.15g %.15g\\\\\n', [xData(:,j), yData(:,j)]'), ... '};']; % This path isn't necessarily closed, but Pgfplots % can deal with that. end else % ~isempty(zData) % 3D patch. % Patches are drawn with the last column first. for j = n:-1:1 data = applyHgTransform(m2t, [xData(:,j),yData(:,j),zData(:,j)]); str = [str, ... sprintf(['\n\\addplot3 [',drawOpts,'] table[row sep=crcr]{\n']), ... sprintf('%.15g %.15g %.15g\\\\\n', data'), ... sprintf('};\n')]; end m2t.currentAxesContain3dData = true; end str = [str, sprintf('\n')]; % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - return; end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawImage(m2t, handle) str = []; if ~isVisible(handle) return end % read x-, y-, and color-data xData = get(handle, 'XData'); yData = get(handle, 'YData'); cdata = get(handle, 'CData'); m = size(cdata, 1); n = size(cdata, 2); if ~strcmp(get(m2t.currentHandles.gca,'Visible'), 'off') % Flip the image over as the PNG gets written starting at (0,0) that is, % the top left corner. % MATLAB quirk: In case the axes are invisible, don't do this. cdata = cdata(m:-1:1,:,:); end if (m2t.cmdOpts.Results.imagesAsPng) if ~isfield(m2t, 'imageAsPngNo') m2t.imageAsPngNo = 1; else m2t.imageAsPngNo = m2t.imageAsPngNo + 1; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % draw a png image % Take the TikZ file base name and change the extension .png. [pathstr, name] = fileparts(m2t.tikzFileName); pngFileName = fullfile(pathstr, [name '-' num2str(m2t.imageAsPngNo) '.png']); pngReferencePath = fullfile(m2t.relativePngPath, [name '-' num2str(m2t.imageAsPngNo) '.png']); if strcmp(filesep, '\') % We're on a Windows system with the directory separator % character "\". It has to be changed into "/" for the TeX output pngReferencePath = strrep(pngReferencePath, filesep, '/'); end % Get color indices for indexed color images and truecolor values % otherwise. Don't use ismatrix(), c.f. % . if ndims(cdata) == 2 [m2t, colorData] = cdata2colorindex(m2t, cdata, handle); else colorData = cdata; end % flip the image if reverse if m2t.xAxisReversed colorData = colorData(:, n:-1:1, :); end if m2t.yAxisReversed colorData = colorData(m:-1:1, :, :); end % write the image imwriteWrapperPNG(colorData, m2t.currentHandles.colormap, pngFileName); % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % dimensions of a pixel in axes units if n==1 xLim = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca, 'XLim'); xw = xLim(2) - xLim(1); else xw = (xData(end)-xData(1)) / (n-1); end if m==1 yLim = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca, 'YLim'); yw = yLim(2) - yLim(1); else yw = (yData(end)-yData(1)) / (m-1); end opts = {sprintf('xmin=%.15g', xData(1) - xw/2), ... sprintf('xmax=%.15g', xData(end) + xw/2), ... sprintf('ymin=%.15g', yData(1) - yw/2), ... sprintf('ymax=%.15g', yData(end) + yw/2)}; str = [str, ... sprintf('\\addplot graphics [%s] {%s};\n', ... join(opts, ','), pngReferencePath)]; userInfo(m2t, ... ['\nA PNG file is stored at ''%s'' for which\n', ... 'the TikZ file contains a reference to ''%s''.\n', ... 'You may need to adapt this, depending on the relative\n', ... 'locations of the master TeX file and the included TikZ file.\n'], ... pngFileName, pngReferencePath); else % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % draw the thing % Generate uniformly distributed X, Y, although xData and yData may be non-uniform. % This is MATLAB(R) behaviour. switch length(xData) case 2 % only the limits given; common for generic image plots hX = 1; case m % specific x-data is given hX = (xData(end)-xData(1)) / (length(xData)-1); otherwise error('drawImage:arrayLengthMismatch', ... 'Array lengths not matching (%d = size(cdata,1) ~= length(xData) = %d).', m, length(xData)); end X = xData(1):hX:xData(end); switch length(yData) case 2 % only the limits given; common for generic image plots hY = 1; case n % specific y-data is given hY = (yData(end)-yData(1)) / (length(yData)-1); otherwise error('drawImage:arrayLengthMismatch', ... 'Array lengths not matching (%d = size(cdata,2) ~= length(yData) = %d).', n, length(yData)); end Y = yData(1):hY:yData(end); m = length(X); n = length(Y); [m2t xcolor] = getColor(m2t, handle, cdata, 'image'); % The following section takes pretty long to execute, although in principle it is % discouraged to use TikZ for those; LaTeX will take forever to compile. % Still, a bug has been filed on MathWorks to allow for one-line sprintf'ing with % (string+num) cells (Request ID: 1-9WHK4W). for i = 1:m for j = 1:n str = strcat(str, ... sprintf('\\fill [%s] (axis cs:%.15g,%.15g) rectangle (axis cs:%.15g,%.15g);\n', ... xcolor{i,j}, Y(j)-hY/2, X(i)-hX/2, Y(j)+hY/2, X(i)+hX/2 )); end end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ end % Make sure that the axes are still visible above the image. m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'axis on top', []); return; end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawHggroup(m2t, h) % Octave doesn't have the handle() function, so there's no way to % determine the nature of the plot anymore at this point. % Set to 'unknown' to force fallback handling. This produces something % for bar plots, for example. try cl = class(handle(h)); catch %#ok cl = 'unknown'; end switch(cl) case 'specgraph.barseries' % hist plots and friends [m2t, str] = drawBarseries(m2t, h); case 'specgraph.stemseries' % stem plots [m2t, str] = drawStemseries(m2t, h); case 'specgraph.stairseries' % stair plots [m2t, str] = drawStairSeries(m2t, h); case {'specgraph.areaseries'} % scatter plots [m2t,str] = drawAreaSeries(m2t, h); case {'specgraph.contourgroup', 'hggroup'} % handle all those the usual way [m2t, str] = handleAllChildren(m2t, h); case {'specgraph.quivergroup'} % quiver arrows [m2t, str] = drawQuiverGroup(m2t, h); case {'specgraph.errorbarseries'} % error bars [m2t,str] = drawErrorBars(m2t, h); case {'specgraph.scattergroup'} % scatter plots [m2t,str] = drawScatterPlot(m2t, h); case 'unknown' % Weird spurious class from Octave. [m2t, str] = handleAllChildren(m2t, h); otherwise userWarning(m2t, 'Don''t know class ''%s''. Default handling.', cl); [m2t, str] = handleAllChildren(m2t, h); end end % ========================================================================= function [m2t,env] = drawSurface(m2t, handle) str = []; [m2t, opts, plotType] = surfaceOpts(m2t, handle); dx = get(handle, 'XData'); dy = get(handle, 'YData'); dz = get(handle, 'ZData'); if any(~isfinite(dx(:))) || any(~isfinite(dy(:))) || any(~isfinite(dz(:))) m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'unbounded coords', 'jump'); end [numcols, numrows] = size(dz); % If dx or dy are given as vectors, convert them to the (wasteful) matrix % representation first. This makes sure we can treat the data with one % single sprintf() command below. if isvector(dx) dx = ones(numcols,1) * dx(:)'; end if isvector(dy) dy = dy(:) * ones(1,numrows); end % Add 'z buffer=sort' to the options to make sphere plot and the like not % overlap. There are different options here some of which may be more % advantagous in other situations; check out Pgfplots' manual here. % Since 'z buffer=sort' is computationally more expensive for LaTeX, try % to avoid it for the most default situations, e.g., when dx and dy are % rank-1-matrices. if any(~isnan(dx(1,:)) & dx(1,:) ~= dx(2,:)) ... || any(~isnan(dy(:,1)) & dy(:,1) ~= dy(:,2)) opts{end+1} = 'z buffer=sort'; end % Check if we need extra CData. colors = get(handle, 'CData'); if length(size(colors)) > 2 || any(any(isnan(colors))) % TODO Handle the case of RGB-specified colors. needsExplicitColors = false; else % Note: % Pgfplots actually does a better job than MATLAB in determining what % colors to use for the patches. The circular test case on %, for example % yields a symmetric setup in Pgfplots (and doesn't in MATLAB). needsExplicitColors = any(xor(isnan(dz), isnan(colors)) ... | (abs(colors - dz) > 1.0e-10)); end % Explicitly add 'header=false' to the list of table options to avoid % conflicts with NaNs; they may be interpreted as strings by Pgfplots. if needsExplicitColors %formatType = 'coordinates'; %formatString = '(%.15g, %.15g, %.15g) [%.15g]\n'; formatType = 'table[row sep=crcr,meta index=3,header=false]'; opts{end+1} = 'point meta=explicit'; formatString = '%.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g\\\\\n'; data = [applyHgTransform(m2t, [dx(:), dy(:), dz(:)]), colors(:)]; else %formatType = 'coordinates'; %formatString = '(%.15g, %.15g, %.15g)\n'; formatType = 'table[row sep=crcr,header=false]'; formatString = '%.15g %.15g %.15g\\\\\n'; data = applyHgTransform(m2t, [dx(:), dy(:), dz(:)]); end % Add mesh/rows= for specifying the row data instead of empty % lines in the data list below. This makes it possible to reduce the % data writing to one single sprintf() call. opts{end+1} = sprintf('mesh/rows=%d', numrows); opts = join(opts, ',\n'); str = [str, sprintf(['\n\\addplot3[%%\n%s,\n', opts ,']'], plotType)]; % TODO Check if surf plot is 'spectrogram' or 'surf' and run corresponding % algorithm. % Spectrograms need to have the grid removed, % m2t.axesContainers{end}.options{end+1} = 'grid=none'; % Here is where everything is put together. str = [str, ... sprintf('\n%s {\n', formatType), ... sprintf(formatString, data'), ... sprintf('};\n')]; env = str; % TODO: % - remove grids in spectrogram by either removing grid command % or adding: 'grid=none' from/in axis options % - handling of huge data amounts in LaTeX. if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.automaticLabels [m2t, label] = addLabel(m2t); str = [str, label]; %#ok end m2t.currentAxesContain3dData = true; return; end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawText(m2t, handle) % Adding text node anywhere in the axex environment. % Not that, in Pgfplots, long texts get cut off at the axes. This is % Different from the default MATLAB behavior. To fix this, one could % use /pgfplots/after end axis/.code. str = []; % There may be some text objects floating around a MATLAB figure which % are handled by other subfunctions (labels etc.) or don't need to be % handled at all. % The HandleVisibility says something about whether the text handle is % visible as a data structure or not. Typically, a handle is hidden % if the graphics aren't supposed to be altered, e.g., axis labels. % Most of those entities are captured by matlab2tikz one way or % another, but sometimes they are not. This is the case, for % example, with polar plots and the axis descriptions therein. if strcmp(get(handle, 'Visible'), 'off') ... || (strcmp(get(handle, 'HandleVisibility'), 'off') && ~m2t.cmdOpts.Results.showHiddenStrings) return; end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % get required properties color = get(handle, 'Color'); [m2t, tcolor] = getColor(m2t, handle, color, 'patch'); EdgeColor = get(handle, 'EdgeColor'); HorizontalAlignment = get(handle, 'HorizontalAlignment'); String = get(handle, 'String'); Interpreter = get(handle, 'Interpreter'); String = prettyPrint(m2t, String, Interpreter); % For now, don't handle multiline strings. String = String{1}; VerticalAlignment = get(handle, 'VerticalAlignment'); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % translate them to pgf style style = cell(0); switch VerticalAlignment case {'top', 'cap'} style{end+1} = 'below'; case {'baseline', 'bottom'} style{end+1} = 'above'; end switch HorizontalAlignment case 'left' style{end+1} = 'right'; case 'right' style{end+1} = 'left'; end % remove invisible border around \node to make the text align precisely style{end+1} = 'inner sep=0mm'; % Add rotation. rot = get(handle, 'Rotation'); if rot ~= 0.0 style{end+1} = sprintf('rotate=%.15g', rot); end % Don't try and mess around with the font sizes: MATLAB and LaTeX have % a very different approach for the two. % While MATLAB determines the font sizes in points (pt), the font size % in LaTeX is determined globally by the font in use and the environment % specs (What you mean is what you get). % MATLAB's default font size is 10pt which is way to small for usual % plots, but fits quite okay for annoated contours, for example. % It's a mess. % switch get(handle, 'FontSize') % case 10 % % This setting comes out quite okay for contour annotations. % style{end+1} = sprintf('font=\\tiny'); % case 12 % style{end+1} = sprintf('font=\\footnotesize'); % end style{end+1} = ['text=' tcolor]; if ~strcmp(EdgeColor, 'none') [m2t, ecolor] = getColor(m2t, handle, EdgeColor, 'patch'); style{end+1} = ['draw=', ecolor]; end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % plot the thing pos = get(handle, 'Position'); if length(pos) == 2 posString = sprintf('(axis cs:%.15g, %.15g)', pos); xlim = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca,'XLim'); ylim = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca,'YLim'); if pos(1) < xlim(1) || pos(1) > xlim(2) ... || pos(2) < ylim(1) || pos(2) > ylim(2) m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'clip', 'false'); end elseif length(pos) == 3 pos = applyHgTransform(m2t, pos); posString = sprintf('(axis cs:%.15g, %.15g, %.15g)', pos); xlim = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca,'XLim'); ylim = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca,'YLim'); zlim = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca,'ZLim'); if pos(1) < xlim(1) || pos(1) > xlim(2) ... || pos(2) < ylim(1) || pos(2) > ylim(2) ... || pos(3) < zlim(1) || pos(3) > zlim(2) m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'clip', 'false'); end else error('matlab2tikz:drawText', ... 'Illegal text position specification.'); end str = sprintf('\\node[%s]\nat %s {%s};\n', ... join(style,', '), posString, String); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawRectangle(m2t, handle) str = []; % there may be some text objects floating around a Matlab figure which % are handled by other subfunctions (labels etc.) or don't need to be % handled at all if strcmp(get(handle, 'Visible'), 'off') ... || strcmp(get(handle, 'HandleVisibility'), 'off') return; end % TODO handle Curvature = [0.8 0.4] % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lineStyle = get(handle, 'LineStyle'); lineWidth = get(handle, 'LineWidth'); if (strcmp(lineStyle,'none') || lineWidth==0) return end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Get draw options. lineOptions = getLineOptions(m2t, lineStyle, lineWidth); colorOptions = cell(0); % fill color faceColor = get(handle, 'FaceColor'); if ~strcmp(faceColor, 'none') [m2t, xFaceColor] = getColor(m2t, handle, faceColor, 'patch'); colorOptions{end+1} = sprintf('fill=%s', xFaceColor); end % draw color edgeColor = get(handle, 'EdgeColor'); lineStyle = get(handle, 'LineStyle'); if strcmp(lineStyle, 'none') || strcmp(edgeColor, 'none') colorOptions{end+1} = 'draw=none'; else [m2t, xEdgeColor] = getColor(m2t, handle, edgeColor, 'patch'); colorOptions{end+1} = sprintf('draw=%s', xEdgeColor); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pos = pos2dims(get(handle, 'Position')); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - drawOptions = [lineOptions, colorOptions]; % plot the thing str = sprintf('\\draw[%s] (axis cs:%.15g, %.15g) rectangle (axis cs:%.15g, %.15g);\n', ... join(drawOptions,', '), pos.left, pos.bottom, pos.right, ... ); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end % ========================================================================= function [m2t,surfOptions,plotType] = surfaceOpts(m2t, handle) faceColor = get(handle, 'FaceColor'); edgeColor = get(handle, 'EdgeColor'); % Check for surf or mesh plot. Second argument in if-check corresponds to % default values for mesh plot in MATLAB. if strcmpi(faceColor, 'none') || ... (strcmpi(edgeColor, 'flat') && isequal(faceColor, [1 1 1])) plotType = 'mesh'; else plotType = 'surf'; end surfOptions = cell(0); % Set opacity if FaceAlpha < 1 in MATLAB faceAlpha = get(handle, 'FaceAlpha'); if isnumeric(faceAlpha) && faceAlpha ~= 1.0 surfOptions{end+1} = sprintf('opacity=%.15g', faceAlpha); end % Get color map. surfOptions{end+1} = matlab2pgfplotsColormap(m2t, m2t.currentHandles.colormap); % TODO Revisit this selection and create a bunch of test plots. if strcmpi(plotType, 'surf') % Set shader for surface plot. if strcmpi(edgeColor, 'none') && strcmpi(faceColor, 'flat') surfOptions{end+1} = 'shader=flat'; elseif isnumeric(edgeColor) && strcmpi(faceColor, 'flat') [m2t, xEdgeColor] = getColor(m2t, handle, edgeColor, 'patch'); % same as shader=flat,draw=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/faceted color} surfOptions{end+1} = 'shader=faceted'; surfOptions{end+1} = sprintf('draw=%s', xEdgeColor); elseif strcmpi(edgeColor, 'none') && strcmpi(faceColor, 'interp') surfOptions{end+1} = 'shader=interp'; else surfOptions{end+1} = 'shader=faceted interp'; end elseif strcmpi(plotType, 'mesh') surfOptions{end+1} = 'shader=flat'; else error('matlab2tikz:surfaceOpts', ... 'Illegal plot type ''%s''.', plotType); end return end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawScatterPlot(m2t, h) str = []; xData = get(h, 'XData'); yData = get(h, 'YData'); zData = get(h, 'ZData'); cData = get(h, 'CData'); matlabMarker = get(h, 'Marker'); markerFaceColor = get(h, 'MarkerFaceColor'); hasFaceColor = ~strcmp(markerFaceColor,'none'); [tikzMarker, markOptions] = translateMarker(m2t, matlabMarker, [], hasFaceColor); if length(cData) == 3 % No special treatment for the colors or markers are needed. % All markers have the same color. [m2t, xcolor] = getColor(m2t, h, cData, 'patch'); drawOptions = { 'only marks', ... ['mark=' tikzMarker], ... ['color=' xcolor] }; elseif size(cData,2) == 3 drawOptions = { 'only marks' ... % TODO Get this in order as soon as Pgfplots can do "scatter rgb". % 'scatter rgb' ... }; else markerOptions = { ['mark=', tikzMarker], ... sprintf('draw=mapped color') }; if hasFaceColor markerOptions{end+1} = 'fill=mapped color'; end drawOptions = { 'scatter', ... 'only marks', ... 'scatter src=explicit', ... ['scatter/use mapped color={', join(markerOptions,','), '}'] }; end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % plot the thing drawOpts = join(drawOptions, ','); if isempty(zData) env = 'addplot'; format = '(%.15g,%.15g)'; data = [xData(:), yData(:)]; else env = 'addplot3'; m2t.currentAxesContain3dData = true; format = '(%.15g,%.15g,%.15g)'; data = applyHgTransform(m2t, [xData(:),yData(:),zData(:)]); end if length(cData) == 3 % If size(cData,1)==1, then all the colors are the same and have % already been accounted for above. format = [format, '\n']; elseif size(cData,2) == 3 % Hm, can't deal with this? %[m2t, col] = rgb2colorliteral(m2t, cData(k,:)); %str = strcat(str, sprintf(' [%s]\n', col)); else format = [format, ' [%d]\n']; data = [data, cData(:)]; end % The actual printing. str = [str, ... sprintf('\\%s[%s] plot coordinates{\n', env, drawOpts), ... sprintf(format, data'), ... sprintf('};\n\n')]; % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawBarseries(m2t, h) % Takes care of plots like the ones produced by MATLAB's hist. % The main pillar is Pgfplots's '{x,y}bar' plot. % % TODO Get rid of code duplication with 'drawAxes'. % m2t.barplotId is set to [] in drawAxes(), so all of the values are computed % anew for subplots. if ~isfield(m2t, 'barplotId') || isempty(m2t.barplotId) % 'barplotId' provides a consecutively numbered ID for each % barseries plot. This allows for a proper handling of multiple bars. m2t.barplotId = []; m2t.barplotTotalNumber = []; m2t.barShifts = []; m2t.addedAxisOption = false; end str = []; % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % The bar plot implementation in Pgfplots lacks certain functionalities; % for example, it can't plot bar plots and non-bar plots in the same % axis (while MATLAB can). % The following checks if this is the case and cowardly bails out if so. % On top of that, the number of bar plots is counted. if isempty(m2t.barplotTotalNumber) m2t.barplotTotalNumber = 0; siblings = get(get(h, 'Parent'), 'Children'); for s = siblings(:)' % skip invisible objects if ~isVisible(s) continue; end if strcmpi(get(s, 'Type'), 'hggroup') cl = class(handle(s)); switch cl case 'specgraph.barseries' m2t.barplotTotalNumber = m2t.barplotTotalNumber + 1; case 'specgraph.errorbarseries' % TODO % Unfortunately, MATLAB(R) treats error bars and % corresponding bar plots as siblings of a common axes % object. For error bars to work with bar plots -- which % is trivially possible in Pgfplots -- one has to match % errorbar and bar objects (probably by their values). userWarning(m2t, 'Error bars discarded (to be implemented).'); otherwise error('matlab2tikz:drawBarseries', ... 'Unknown class''%s''.', cl); end end end end % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- xData = get(h, 'XData'); yData = get(h, 'YData'); % init drawOptions drawOptions = cell(0); barlayout = get(h, 'BarLayout'); isHoriz = strcmp(get(h, 'Horizontal'), 'on'); if (isHoriz) barType = 'xbar'; else barType = 'ybar'; end numBars = m2t.barplotTotalNumber; switch barlayout case 'grouped' % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % grouped plots % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % set ID if isempty(m2t.barplotId) m2t.barplotId = 1; else m2t.barplotId = m2t.barplotId + 1; end % % From /toolbox/matlab/specgraph/makebars.m % % plottype==0 means 'grouped' % if m==1 || plottype~=0, % groupWidth = 1.0; % else % groupWidth = min(groupWidth, m/(m+1.5)); % end % xx(:,3:4) = 1; % if plottype==0, % xx = (xx-0.5)*barwidth*groupwidth/m; % else % xx = (xx-0.5)*barwidth*groupwidth; % end % Maximum group with relative to the minumum distance between to % x-values. maxGroupWidth = 0.8; if numBars == 1 groupWidth = 1.0; else groupWidth = min(maxGroupWidth, numBars/(numBars+1.5)); end % --------------------------------------------------------------- % Calculate the width of each bar and the center point shift. % The following is taken from MATLAB (see makebars.m) without % the special handling for hist plots or other fancy options. % --------------------------------------------------------------- if isempty(m2t.barShifts) % Get the shifts of the bar centers. % In case of numBars==1, this returns 0, % In case of numBars==2, this returns [-1/4, 1/4], % In case of numBars==3, this returns [-1/3, 0, 1/3], % and so forth. % The bar width is assumed to be groupWidth/numBars. m2t.barShifts = ((1:numBars) - 0.5) * groupWidth / numBars ... - 0.5* groupWidth; end % --------------------------------------------------------------- % From % bar(...,width) sets the relative bar width and controls the % separation of bars within a group. The default width is 0.8, so if % you do not specify X, the bars within a group have a slight % separation. If width is 1, the bars within a group touch one % another. The value of width must be a scalar. barWidth = get(h, 'BarWidth') * groupWidth / numBars; % The minimum distance between two x-values. This is the scaling % factor for all other lengths about the bars. dx = min(diff(xData)); % MATLAB treats shift and width in normalized coordinate units, % whereas Pgfplots requires physical units (pt,cm,...); hence % have the units converted. if (isHoriz) physicalBarWidth = dx * barWidth * m2t.unitlength.y.value; physicalBarShift = dx * m2t.barShifts(m2t.barplotId) * m2t.unitlength.y.value; phyicalBarUnit = m2t.unitlength.y.unit; else physicalBarWidth = dx * barWidth * m2t.unitlength.x.value; physicalBarShift = dx * m2t.barShifts(m2t.barplotId) * m2t.unitlength.x.value; phyicalBarUnit = m2t.unitlength.x.unit; end drawOptions = {drawOptions{:}, ... barType, ... sprintf('bar width=%.15g%s', physicalBarWidth, phyicalBarUnit)}; if physicalBarShift ~= 0.0 drawOptions{end+1} = ... sprintf('bar shift=%.15g%s', physicalBarShift, phyicalBarUnit); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % end grouped plots % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - case 'stacked' % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Stacked plots -- % Add option 'ybar stacked' to the options of the surrounding % axis environment (and disallow anything else but stacked % plots). % Make sure this happens exactly *once*. if isempty(m2t.addedAxisOption) || ~m2t.addedAxisOption m2t.axesContainers{end}.stackedBarsPresent = true; bWFactor = get(h, 'BarWidth'); % Add 'ybar stacked' to the containing axes environment. m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [barType,' stacked'], []); m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... 'bar width', ... sprintf('%.15g%s', m2t.unitlength.x.value*bWFactor, m2t.unitlength.x.unit)); m2t.addedAxisOption = true; end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - otherwise error('matlab2tikz:drawBarseries', ... 'Don''t know how to handle BarLayout ''%s''.', barlayout); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % define edge color edgeColor = get(h, 'EdgeColor'); [m2t, xEdgeColor] = getColor(m2t, h, edgeColor, 'patch'); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % define face color; % quite oddly, this value is not coded in the handle itself, but in its % child patch. child = get(h, 'Children'); faceColor = get(child, 'FaceColor'); [m2t, xFaceColor] = getColor(m2t, h, faceColor, 'patch'); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % gather the draw options lineStyle = get(h, 'LineStyle'); drawOptions{end+1} = sprintf('fill=%s', xFaceColor); if strcmp(lineStyle, 'none') drawOptions{end+1} = 'draw=none'; else drawOptions{end+1} = sprintf('draw=%s', xEdgeColor); end drawOpts = join(drawOptions, ','); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Add 'area legend' to the options as otherwise the legend indicators % will just highlight the edges. m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, 'area legend', []); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % plot the thing str = [str, ... sprintf('\\addplot[%s] plot coordinates{\n', drawOpts)]; if isHoriz % If the bars are horizontal, the values x and y are exchanged. str = strcat(str, ... sprintf('(%.15g,%.15g)\n', [yData(:), xData(:)]')); else str = strcat(str, ... sprintf('(%.15g,%.15g)\n', [xData(:), yData(:)]')); end str = [str, sprintf('};\n\n')]; % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawStemseries(m2t, h) % Takes care of MATLAB's stem plots. % % TODO Get rid of code duplication with 'drawAxes'. str = []; lineStyle = get(h, 'LineStyle'); lineWidth = get(h, 'LineWidth'); marker = get(h, 'Marker'); if ((strcmp(lineStyle,'none') || lineWidth==0) ... && strcmp(marker,'none')) % nothing to plot! return end % = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = % deal with draw options % = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = color = get(h, 'Color'); [m2t, plotColor] = getColor(m2t, h, color, 'patch'); lineOptions = getLineOptions(m2t, lineStyle, lineWidth); [m2t, markerOptions] = getMarkerOptions(m2t, h); drawOptions = ['ycomb', ... sprintf('color=%s', plotColor), ... % color lineOptions, ... markerOptions]; % insert draw options drawOpts = join(drawOptions, ','); % = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % plot the thing xData = get(h, 'XData'); yData = get(h, 'YData'); str = [str, ... sprintf('\\addplot[%s] plot coordinates{', drawOpts), ... sprintf('(%.15g,%.15g)\n', [xData(:), yData(:)]'), ... sprintf('};\n\n')]; % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawStairSeries(m2t, h) % Takes care of MATLAB's stairs plots. % % TODO Get rid of code duplication with 'drawAxes'. str = []; lineStyle = get(h, 'LineStyle'); lineWidth = get(h, 'LineWidth'); marker = get(h, 'Marker'); if ( (strcmp(lineStyle,'none') || lineWidth==0) ... && strcmp(marker,'none')) return end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % deal with draw options % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - color = get(h, 'Color'); [m2t, plotColor] = getColor(m2t, h, color, 'patch'); lineOptions = getLineOptions(m2t, lineStyle, lineWidth); [m2t, markerOptions] = getMarkerOptions(m2t, h); drawOptions = ['const plot', ... sprintf('color=%s', plotColor), ... % color lineOptions, ... markerOptions]; % insert draw options drawOpts = join(drawOptions, ','); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % plot the thing xData = get(h, 'XData'); yData = get(h, 'YData'); str = [str, ... sprintf('\\addplot[%s] plot coordinates{\n', drawOpts), ... sprintf('(%.15g,%.15g)\n', [xData(:), yData(:)]'), ... sprintf('};\n\n')]; % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawAreaSeries(m2t, h) % Takes care of MATLAB's stem plots. % % TODO Get rid of code duplication with 'drawAxes'. str = []; if ~isfield(m2t, 'addedAreaOption') || isempty(m2t.addedAreaOption) || ~m2t.addedAreaOption % Add 'area style' to axes options. m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, 'area style', []); m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, 'stack plots', 'y'); m2t.addedAreaOption = true; end % Handle draw options. % define edge color drawOptions = {}; edgeColor = get(h, 'EdgeColor'); [m2t, xEdgeColor] = getColor(m2t, h, edgeColor, 'patch'); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % define face color; % quite oddly, this value is not coded in the handle itself, but in its % child patch. child = get(h, 'Children'); faceColor = get(child, 'FaceColor'); [m2t, xFaceColor] = getColor(m2t, h, faceColor, 'patch'); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % gather the draw options lineStyle = get(h, 'LineStyle'); drawOptions{end+1} = sprintf('fill=%s', xFaceColor); if strcmp(lineStyle, 'none') drawOptions{end+1} = 'draw=none'; else drawOptions{end+1} = sprintf('draw=%s', xEdgeColor); end drawOpts = join(drawOptions, ','); % plot the thing xData = get(h, 'XData'); yData = get(h, 'YData'); str = [str, ... sprintf('\\addplot[%s] plot coordinates{\n', drawOpts), ... sprintf('(%.15g,%.15g)\n', [xData(:), yData(:)]'), ... sprintf('}\n\\closedcycle;\n')]; % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawQuiverGroup(m2t, h) % Takes care of MATLAB's quiver plots. if ~isfield(m2t, 'quiverId') % used for arrow styles, in case there are more than one quiver fields m2t.quiverId = 0; else m2t.quiverId = m2t.quiverId + 1; end str = []; % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % One could get(h,'{X,Y,U,V}Data') in which the intended arrow lengths are stored. % MATLAB(R) however applies some quite sophisticated scaling here to avoid overlap % of arrows. % The actual length of the arrows is stored in c(1) of % % c = get(h,'Children'); % % 'XData' and 'YData' of c(1) will be of the form % % [arrow1point1, arrow1point2, NaN, arrow2point1, arrow2point2, NaN]. % c = get(h, 'Children'); xData = get(c(1), 'XData'); yData = get(c(1), 'YData'); step = 3; m = length(xData(1:step:end)); % number of arrows XY = zeros(4,m); XY(1,:) = xData(1:step:end); XY(2,:) = yData(1:step:end); XY(3,:) = xData(2:step:end); XY(4,:) = yData(2:step:end); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % gather the arrow options showArrowHead = get(h, 'ShowArrowHead'); lineStyle = get(h, 'LineStyle'); lineWidth = get(h, 'LineWidth'); if (strcmp(lineStyle,'none') || lineWidth==0) && ~showArrowHead return end arrowOpts = cell(0); if showArrowHead arrowOpts = [arrowOpts, '->']; else arrowOpts = [arrowOpts, '-']; end color = get(h, 'Color'); [m2t, arrowcolor] = getColor(m2t, h, color, 'patch'); arrowOpts = [arrowOpts, ... sprintf('color=%s', arrowcolor), ... % color getLineOptions(m2t, lineStyle, lineWidth), ... % line options ]; % define arrow style arrowOptions = join(arrowOpts, ','); % Append the arrow style to the TikZ options themselves. % TODO: Look into replacing this by something more 'local', % (see \pgfplotset{}). arrowStyle = ['arrow',num2str(m2t.quiverId), '/.style={',arrowOptions,'}']; m2t.content.options = addToOptions(m2t.content.options,... sprintf('arrow%d/.style', m2t.quiverId), ... ['{', arrowOptions, '}']); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % return the vector field code str = [str, ... sprintf(['\\addplot [arrow',num2str(m2t.quiverId), '] ', ... 'coordinates{(%.15g,%.15g) (%.15g,%.15g)};\n'],... XY)]; % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - return; end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, str] = drawErrorBars(m2t, h) % Takes care of MATLAB's error bar plots. % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % 'errorseries' plots have two line-plot children, one of which contains % the information about the center points; 'XData' and 'YData' components % are both of length n. % The other contains the information about the deviations (errors). % 'XData' and 'YData' are of length 9*n and contain redundant info which % is only needed by MATLAB itself to explicitly draw the error bars. c = get(h, 'Children'); % Find out which contains the data and which the deviations. n1 = length(get(c(1),'XData')); n2 = length(get(c(2),'XData')); if n2 == 9*n1 % n1 contains centerpoint info dataIdx = 1; errorIdx = 2; elseif n1 == 9*n2 % n2 contains centerpoint info dataIdx = 2; errorIdx = 1; else error('drawErrorBars:errorMatch', ... 'Sizes of and error data not matching (9*%d ~= %d and 9*%d ~= %d).', ... n1, n2, n2, n1); end % prepare error array (that is, gather the y-deviations) yValues = get(c(dataIdx) , 'YData'); yErrors = get(c(errorIdx), 'YData'); n = length(yValues); yDeviations = zeros(n, 1); for k = 1:n % upper deviation kk = 9*(k-1) + 1; upDev = abs(yValues(k) - yErrors(kk)); % lower deviation kk = 9*(k-1) + 2; loDev = abs(yValues(k) - yErrors(kk)); if abs(upDev-loDev) >= 1e-10 % don't use 'm2t.tol' here as is seems somewhat too strict error('drawErrorBars:uneqDeviations', ... 'Upper and lower error deviations not equal (%.15g ~= %.15g). Pgfplots can''t deal with that yet. Using upper deviations.', upDev, loDev); end yDeviations(k) = upDev; end % Now, pull drawLine() with deviation information. [m2t, str] = drawLine(m2t, c(dataIdx), yDeviations); end % ============================================================================== function out = linearFunction(X, Y) % Return the linear function that goes through (X[1], Y[1]), (X[2], Y[2]). out = @(x) (Y(2,:)*(x-X(1)) + Y(1,:)*(X(2)-x)) / (X(2)-X(1)); return end % ============================================================================== function matlabColormap = pgfplots2matlabColormap(points, rgb, numColors) % Translates a Pgfplots colormap to a MATLAB color map. matlabColormap = zeros(numColors, 3); % Point indices between which to interpolate. I = [1, 2]; f = linearFunction(points(I), rgb(I,:)); for k = 1:numColors x = (k-1)/(numColors-1) * points(end); if x > points(I(2)) I = I + 1; f = linearFunction(points(I), rgb(I,:)); end matlabColormap(k,:) = f(x); end return end % ============================================================================== function pgfplotsColormap = matlab2pgfplotsColormap(m2t, matlabColormap) % Translates a MATLAB color map into a Pgfplots colormap. % First check if we could use a default Pgfplots color map. % Unfortunately, MATLAB and Pgfplots color maps will never exactly coincide % except to the most simple cases such as blackwhite. This is because of a % slight incompatibility of Pgfplots and MATLAB colormaps: % In MATLAB, indexing goes from 1 through 64, whereas in Pgfplots you can % specify any range, the default ones having something like % (0: red, 1: yellow, 2: blue). % To specify this exact color map in MATLAB, one would have to put 'red' at % 1, blue at 64, and yellow in the middle of the two, 32.5 that is. % Not really sure how MATLAB rounds here: 32, 33? Anyways, it will be % slightly off and hence not match the Pgfplots color map. % As a workaround, build the MATLAB-formatted colormaps of Pgfplots default % color maps, and check if matlabColormap is close to it. If yes, take it. % For now, comment out the color maps which haven't landed yet in Pgfplots. pgfmaps = { %struct('name', 'colormap/autumn', ... % 'points', [0,1], ... % 'values', [[1,0,0];[1,1,0]]), ... %struct('name', 'colormap/bled', ... % 'points', 0:6, ... % 'values', [[0,0,0];[43,43,0];[0,85,0];[0,128,128];[0,0,170];[213,0,213];[255,0,0]]/255), ... %struct('name', 'colormap/bright', ... % 'points', 0:7, ... % 'values', [[0,0,0];[78,3,100];[2,74,255];[255,21,181];[255,113,26];[147,213,114];[230,255,0];[255,255,255]]/255), ... %struct('name', 'colormap/bone', ... % 'points', [0,3,6,8], ... % 'values', [[0,0,0];[84,84,116];[167,199,199];[255,255,255]]/255), ... %struct('name', 'colormap/cold', ... % 'points', 0:3, ... % 'values', [[0,0,0];[0,0,1];[0,1,1];[1,1,1]]), ... %struct('name', 'colormap/copper', ... % 'points', [0,4,5], ... % 'values', [[0,0,0];[255,159,101];[255,199,127]]/255), ... %struct('name', 'colormap/copper2', ... % 'points', 0:4, ... % 'values', [[0,0,0];[68,62,63];[170,112,95];[207,194,138];[255,255,255]]/255), ... %struct('name', 'colormap/hsv', ... % 'points', 0:6, ... % 'values', [[1,0,0];[1,1,0];[0,1,0];[0,1,1];[0,0,1];[1,0,1];[1,0,0]]), ... struct('name', 'colormap/hot', ... 'points', 0:3, ... 'values', [[0,0,1];[1,1,0];[1,0.5,0];[1,0,0]]), ... % TODO check this struct('name', 'colormap/hot2', ... 'points', [0,3,6,8], ... 'values', [[0,0,0];[1,0,0];[1,1,0];[1,1,1]]), ... struct('name', 'colormap/jet', ... 'points', [0,1,3,5,7,8], ... 'values', [[0,0,128];[0,0,255];[0,255,255];[255,255,0];[255,0,0];[128,0,0]]/255), ... struct('name', 'colormap/blackwhite', ... 'points', [0,1], ... 'values', [[0,0,0];[1,1,1]]), ... struct('name', 'colormap/bluered', ... 'points', 0:5, ... 'values', [[0,0,180];[0,255,255];[100,255,0];[255,255,0];[255,0,0];[128,0,0]]/255), ... struct('name', 'colormap/cool', ... 'points', [0,1,2], ... 'values', [[255,255,255];[0,128,255];[255,0,255]]/255), ... struct('name', 'colormap/greenyellow', ... 'points', [0,1], ... 'values', [[0,128,0];[255,255,0]]/255), ... struct('name', 'colormap/redyellow', ... 'points', [0,1], ... 'values', [[255,0,0];[255,255,0]]/255), ... struct('name', 'colormap/violet', ... 'points', [0,1,2], ... 'values', [[25,25,122];[255,255,255];[238,140,238]]/255) ... }; % The tolerance is a subjective matter of course. % Some figures: % * The norm-distance between MATLAB's gray and bone is 6.8e-2. % * The norm-distance between MATLAB's jet and Pgfplots's jet is 2.8e-2. % * The norm-distance between MATLAB's hot and Pgfplots's hot2 is 2.1e-2. tol = 5.0e-2; for map = pgfmaps numColors = size(matlabColormap, 1); mmap = pgfplots2matlabColormap(map{1}.points, map{1}.values, numColors); alpha = norm(matlabColormap - mmap) / sqrt(numColors); if alpha < tol userInfo(m2t, 'Found %s to be a pretty good match for your color map (||diff||=%g).', ... map{1}.name, alpha); pgfplotsColormap = map{1}.name; return end end % Build a custom color map. % Loop over the data, stop at each spot where the linear % interpolation is interrupted, and set a color mark there. steps = [1, 2]; colors = [matlabColormap(1,:); matlabColormap(2,:)]; f = linearFunction(steps, colors); k = 3; m = size(matlabColormap, 1); while k <= m if norm(matlabColormap(k,:) - f(k)) > 1.0e-10 % Add the previous step to the color list steps(end) = k-1; colors(end,:) = matlabColormap(k-1,:); steps = [steps, k]; colors = [colors; matlabColormap(k,:)]; f = linearFunction(steps(end-1:end), colors(end-1:end,:)); end k = k+1; end steps(end) = m; colors(end,:) = matlabColormap(m,:); % Get it in Pgfplots-readable form. unit = 'pt'; colSpecs = {}; for k = 1:length(steps) x = steps(k)-1; sprintf('rgb(%d%s)=(%g, %g, %g)', x, unit, colors(k)); colSpecs{k} = sprintf('rgb(%d%s)=(%g,%g,%g)', x, unit, colors(k,:)); end pgfplotsColormap = sprintf('colormap={mymap}{[1%s] %s}', unit, join(colSpecs, '; ')); return end % ========================================================================= function axisOptions = getColorbarOptions(m2t, handle) % begin collecting axes options axisOptions = cell(0, 2); cbarOptions = {}; cbarStyleOptions = {}; % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % set position, ticks etc. of the colorbar loc = get(handle, 'Location'); % MATLAB(R)'s keywords are camel cased (e.g., 'NorthOutside'), in Octave % small cased ('northoutside'). Hence, use lower() for uniformity. switch lower(loc) case 'north' cbarOptions{end+1} = 'horizontal'; cbarStyleOptions = {cbarStyleOptions{:},... 'at={(0.5,0.97)}',... 'anchor=north', ... 'xticklabel pos=lower', ... 'width=0.97*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/parent axis width}'}; case 'south' cbarOptions{end+1} = 'horizontal'; cbarStyleOptions = {cbarStyleOptions{:},... 'at={(0.5,0.03)}',... 'anchor=south', ... 'xticklabel pos=upper', ... 'width=0.97*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/parent axis width}'}; case 'east' cbarOptions{end+1} = 'right'; cbarStyleOptions = {cbarStyleOptions{:},... 'at={(0.97,0.5)}',... 'anchor=east', ... 'xticklabel pos=left', ... 'width=0.97*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/parent axis width}'}; case 'west' cbarOptions{end+1} = 'left'; cbarStyleOptions = {cbarStyleOptions{:},... 'at={(0.03,0.5)}',... 'anchor=west', ... 'xticklabel pos=right', ... 'width=0.97*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/parent axis width}'}; case 'eastoutside' %cbarOptions{end+1} = 'right'; case 'westoutside' cbarOptions{end+1} = 'left'; case 'northoutside' % TODO move to top cbarOptions{end+1} = 'horizontal'; cbarStyleOptions = {cbarStyleOptions{:},... 'at={(0.5,1.03)}',... 'anchor=south', ... 'xticklabel pos=upper'}; case 'southoutside' cbarOptions{end+1} = 'horizontal'; otherwise error('getColorbarOptions: Unknown ''Location'' %s.', loc) end if strcmp(get(handle, 'YScale'), 'log') cbarStyleOptions{end+1} = 'ymode=log'; end % Get axis labels. for axis = 'xy' axisLabel = get(get(handle, [upper(axis),'Label']), 'String'); if ~isempty(axisLabel) axisLabelInterpreter = ... get(get(handle, [upper(axis),'Label']), 'Interpreter'); label = prettyPrint(m2t, axisLabel, axisLabelInterpreter); if length(label) > 1 % If there's more than one cell item, the list % is displayed multi-row in MATLAB(R). % To replicate the same in Pgfplots, one can % use xlabel={first\\second\\third} only if the % alignment or the width of the "label box" % is defined. This is a restriction that comes with % TikZ nodes. m2t.axesContainers{end}.options = ... addToOptions(m2t.axesContainers{end}.options, ... [axis, 'label style'], '{align=center}'); end label = join(label,'\\[1ex]'); cbarStyleOptions{end+1} = sprintf([axis,'label={%s}'], label); end end if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.strict % Sampled colors. numColors = size(m2t.currentHandles.colormap, 1); cbarOptions{end+1} = 'sampled'; cbarStyleOptions{end+1} = sprintf('samples=%d', numColors+1); end % Merge them together in axisOptions. if isempty(cbarOptions) axisOptions = addToOptions(axisOptions, 'colorbar', []); else if length(cbarOptions) > 1 userWarning(m2t, ... 'Pgfplots cannot deal with more than one colorbar option yet.'); end axisOptions = addToOptions(axisOptions, ... ['colorbar ', cbarOptions{1}], []); end if ~isempty(cbarStyleOptions) axisOptions = addToOptions(axisOptions, ... 'colorbar style', ... ['{', join(cbarStyleOptions, ','), '}']); end % Append upper and lower limit of the colorbar. % TODO Use caxis not only for color bars. clim = caxis; axisOptions = addToOptions(axisOptions, 'point meta min', sprintf('%.15g', clim(1))); axisOptions = addToOptions(axisOptions, 'point meta max', sprintf('%.15g', clim(2))); % do _not_ handle colorbar's children return end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, xcolor] = getColor(m2t, handle, color, mode) % Handles MATLAB colors and makes them available to TikZ. % This includes translation of the color value as well as explicit % definition of the color if it is not available in TikZ by default. % % The variable 'mode' essentially determines what format 'color' can % have. Possible values are (as strings) 'patch' and 'image'. % check if the color is straight given in rgb % -- notice that we need the extra NaN test with respect to the QUIRK % below if isreal(color) && length(color)==3 && ~any(isnan(color)) % everything alright: rgb color here [m2t, xcolor] = rgb2colorliteral(m2t, color); else % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - switch mode case 'patch' [m2t, xcolor] = patchcolor2xcolor(m2t, color, handle); case 'image' [m2t, colorindex] = cdata2colorindex(m2t, color, handle); [m2t, xcolor] = rgb2colorliteral(m2t, m2t.currentHandles.colormap(colorindex, :)); otherwise error(['matlab2tikz:getColor', ... 'Argument ''mode'' has illegal value ''%s''.'], ... mode); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, xcolor] = patchcolor2xcolor(m2t, color, patchhandle) % Transforms a color of the edge or the face of a patch to an xcolor literal. if ~ischar(color) error('patchcolor2xcolor:illegalInput', ... 'Input argument ''color'' not a string.'); end switch color case 'flat' % look for CData at different places cdata = get(patchhandle, 'CData'); if isempty(cdata) || ~isnumeric(cdata) c = get(patchhandle, 'Children'); cdata = get(c, 'CData'); end col1 = cdata(1,1); if all(isnan(cdata) | abs(cdata-col1)<1.0e-10) [m2t, colorindex] = cdata2colorindex(m2t, col1, patchhandle); [m2t, xcolor] = rgb2colorliteral(m2t, m2t.currentHandles.colormap(colorindex, :)); else % Don't return anything meaningful and count on the caller to % make soemthing of it. xcolor = []; end case 'auto' color = get(patchhandle, 'Color'); [m2t, xcolor] = rgb2colorliteral(m2t, color); case 'none' error(['matlab2tikz:anycolor2rgb', ... 'Color model ''none'' not allowed here. ', ... 'Make sure this case gets intercepted before.']); otherwise error(['matlab2tikz:anycolor2rgb', ... 'Don''t know how to handle the color model ''%s''.'], ... color); end return; end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, colorindex] = cdata2colorindex(m2t, cdata, imagehandle) % Transforms a color in CData format to an index in the color map. % Only does something if CDataMapping is 'scaled', really. if ~isnumeric(cdata) && ~islogical(cdata) error('matlab2tikz:cdata2colorindex', ... ['Don''t know how to handle cdata ''',cdata,'''.']); end axeshandle = m2t.currentHandles.gca; % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % For the following, see, for example, the MATLAB help page for 'image', % section 'Image CDataMapping'. switch get(imagehandle, 'CDataMapping') case 'scaled' % need to scale within clim % see MATLAB's manual page for caxis for details clim = get(axeshandle, 'clim'); m = size(m2t.currentHandles.colormap, 1); colorindex = zeros(size(cdata)); idx1 = cdata <= clim(1); idx2 = cdata >= clim(2); idx3 = ~idx1 & ~idx2; colorindex(idx1) = 1; colorindex(idx2) = m; colorindex(idx3) = fix((cdata(idx3)-clim(1)) / (clim(2)-clim(1)) *m) ... + 1; case 'direct' % direct index colorindex = cdata; otherwise error(['matlab2tikz:anycolor2rgb', ... 'Unknown CDataMapping ''%s''.'], ... cdatamapping); end % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, key, lOpts] = getLegendOpts(m2t, handle) % Need to check that there's nothing inside visible before we % abandon this legend -- an invisible property of the parent just % means the legend has no box. children = get(handle, 'Children'); if ~isVisible(handle) && ~any(isVisible(children)) return end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % handle legend location loc = get(handle, 'Location'); dist = 0.03; % distance to to axes in normalized coordinated anchor = []; % MATLAB(R)'s keywords are camel cased (e.g., 'NorthOutside'), in Octave % small cased ('northoutside'). Hence, use lower() for uniformity. switch lower(loc) case 'northeast' % don't anything in this (default) case case 'northwest' position = [dist, 1-dist]; anchor = 'north west'; case 'southwest' position = [dist, dist]; anchor = 'south west'; case 'southeast' position = [1-dist, dist]; anchor = 'south east'; case 'north' position = [0.5, 1-dist]; anchor = 'north'; case 'east' position = [1-dist, 0.5]; anchor = 'east'; case 'south' position = [0.5, dist]; anchor = 'south'; case 'west' position = [dist, 0.5]; anchor = 'west'; case 'northoutside' position = [0.5, 1+dist]; anchor = 'south'; case 'southoutside' position = [0.5, -dist]; anchor = 'north'; case 'eastoutside' position = [1+dist, 0.5]; anchor = 'west'; case 'westoutside' position = [-dist, 0.5]; anchor = 'east'; case 'northeastoutside' position = [1+dist, 1]; anchor = 'north west'; case 'northwestoutside' position = [-dist, 1]; anchor = 'north east'; case 'southeastoutside' position = [1+dist, 0]; anchor = 'south west'; case 'southwestoutside' position = [-dist, 0]; anchor = 'south east'; case 'none' % TODO handle position with pixels legendPos = get(handle, 'Position'); unit = get(handle, 'Units'); switch unit case 'normalized' position = legendPos(1:2); case 'pixels' % Calculate where the legend is located w.r.t. the axes. axesPos = get(m2t.currentHandles.gca, 'Position'); % By default, the axes position is given w.r.t. to the figure, % and so is the legend. position = (legendPos(1:2)-axesPos(1:2)) ./ axesPos(3:4); otherwise position = pos(1:2); userWarning(m2t, [' Unknown legend length unit ''', unit, '''' ... '. Handling like ''normalized''.']); end anchor = 'south west'; case {'best','bestoutside'} % TODO: Implement these. % The position could be determined by means of 'Position' and/or % 'OuterPosition' of the legend handle; in fact, this could be made % a general principle for all legend placements. userWarning(m2t, [sprintf(' Option ''%s'' not yet implemented.',loc), ... ' Choosing default.']); otherwise userWarning(m2t, [' Unknown legend location ''',loc,'''' ... '. Choosing default.']); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % handle alignment of legend text and pictograms textalign = []; pictalign = []; % Other than MATLAB, Octave allows to change the alignment of legend text and % pictograms using legend('left') and legend('right') if strcmp(m2t.env, 'Octave') textpos = get(handle, 'textposition'); switch lower(textpos) case 'left' % pictogram right of flush right text textalign = 'left'; pictalign = 'right'; case 'right' % pictogram left of flush left text (default) textalign = 'right'; pictalign = 'left'; otherwise userWarning(m2t, [' Unknown legend text position ''',textpos,'''' ... '. Choosing default.']); end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lStyle = cell(0); % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % append to legend options if ~isempty(anchor) lStyle = {lStyle{:}, ... sprintf('at={(%.15g,%.15g)}', position), ... sprintf('anchor=%s', anchor)}; end % handle orientation ori = get(handle, 'Orientation'); switch lower(ori) case 'horizontal' numLegendEntries = length(get(handle, 'String')); lStyle{end+1} = sprintf('legend columns=%d', numLegendEntries); case 'vertical' % Use default. otherwise userWarning(m2t, [' Unknown legend orientation ''',ori,'''' ... '. Choosing default (vertical).']); end % If the plot has 'legend boxoff', we have the 'not visible' % property, so turn off line and background fill. if (~isVisible(handle)) lStyle = {lStyle{:}, 'fill=none', 'draw=none'}; else % handle colors edgeColor = get(handle, 'EdgeColor'); if all(edgeColor == [1,1,1]) lStyle = {lStyle{:}, 'draw=none'}; else [m2t, col] = getColor(m2t, handle, edgeColor, 'patch'); lStyle = {lStyle{:}, sprintf('draw=%s', col)}; end fillColor = get(handle, 'Color'); if ~all(edgeColor == [1,1,1]) [m2t, col] = getColor(m2t, handle, fillColor, 'patch'); lStyle = {lStyle{:}, sprintf('fill=%s', col)}; end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % alignment of legend text and pictograms, if available if ~isempty(textalign) && ~isempty(pictalign) lStyle = {lStyle{:}, ... sprintf('nodes=%s', textalign), ... sprintf('legend plot pos=%s', pictalign)}; else % Make sure the entries are flush left (default MATLAB behavior). % This is also import for multiline legend entries: Without alignment % specification, the TeX document won't compile. %lStyle{end+1} = 'nodes=right'; lStyle{end+1} = 'legend cell align=left'; end if ~isempty(lStyle) key = 'legend style'; lOpts = join(lStyle,','); end return; end % ========================================================================= function [pgfTicks, pgfTickLabels, hasMinorTicks] = getAxisTicks(m2t, handle, axis) % Return axis tick marks Pgfplots style. Nice: Tick lengths and such % details are taken care of by Pgfplots. if ~strcmpi(axis,'x') && ~strcmpi(axis,'y') && ~strcmpi(axis,'z') error('Illegal axis specifier ''%s''.', axis); end keywordTickMode = [upper(axis), 'TickMode']; tickMode = get(handle, keywordTickMode); keywordTick = [upper(axis), 'Tick']; ticks = get(handle, keywordTick); if isempty(ticks) % If no ticks are present, we need to enforce this in any case. pgfTicks = '\empty'; else if strcmp(tickMode, 'auto') && ~m2t.cmdOpts.Results.strict % If the ticks are set automatically, and strict conversion is % not required, then let Pgfplots take care of the ticks. % In most cases, this looks a lot better anyway. pgfTicks = []; else % strcmp(tickMode,'manual') || m2t.cmdOpts.Results.strict pgfTicks = join(cellstr(num2str(ticks(:))), ', '); end end keywordTickLabelMode = [upper(axis), 'TickLabelMode']; tickLabelMode = get(handle, keywordTickLabelMode); keywordTickLabel = [upper(axis), 'TickLabel']; tickLabels = cellstr(get(handle, keywordTickLabel)); if strcmp(tickLabelMode, 'auto') && ~m2t.cmdOpts.Results.strict pgfTickLabels = []; else % strcmp(tickLabelMode,'manual') || m2t.cmdOpts.Results.strict keywordScale = [upper(axis), 'Scale']; isAxisLog = strcmp(get(handle,keywordScale), 'log'); [pgfTicks, pgfTickLabels] = ... matlabTicks2pgfplotsTicks(m2t, ticks, tickLabels, isAxisLog); end keywordMinorTick = [upper(axis), 'MinorTick']; hasMinorTicks = strcmp(get(handle, keywordMinorTick), 'on'); return; end % ========================================================================= function [pTicks, pTickLabels] = ... matlabTicks2pgfplotsTicks(m2t, ticks, tickLabels, isLogAxis) % Converts MATLAB style ticks and tick labels to pgfplots style % ticks and tick labels (if at all necessary). if isempty(ticks) pTicks = '\empty'; pTickLabels = []; return end % set ticks + labels pTicks = join(num2cell(ticks), ','); % if there's no specific labels, return empty if isempty(tickLabels) || (length(tickLabels)==1 && isempty(tickLabels{1})) pTickLabels = []; return end % sometimes tickLabels are cells, sometimes plain arrays % -- unify this to cells if ischar(tickLabels) tickLabels = strtrim(mat2cell(tickLabels, ... ones(size(tickLabels,1), 1), ... size(tickLabels, 2) ... ) ... ); end % What MATLAB does when there the number of ticks and tick labels do not % coincide is somewhat unclear. To fix bug %, % cut off the first entries in `ticks`. m = length(ticks); n = length(tickLabels); if n < m ticks = ticks(m-n+1:end); end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % Check if tickLabels are really necessary (and not already covered by % the tick values themselves). plotLabelsNecessary = false; k = find(ticks ~= 0.0, 1); % get an index with non-zero tick value if isLogAxis || isempty(k) % only a 0-tick scalingFactor = 1; else % When plotting axis, MATLAB might scale the axes by a factor of ten, % say 10^n, and plot a 'x 10^k' next to the respective axis. This is % common practice when the tick marks are really large or small % numbers. % Unfortunately, MATLAB doesn't contain the information about the % scaling anywhere in the plot, and at the same time the {x,y}TickLabels % are given as t*10^k, thus no longer corresponding to the actual % value t. % Try to find the scaling factor here. This is then used to check % whether or not explicit {x,y}TickLabels are really necessary. s = str2double(tickLabels{k}); scalingFactor = ticks(k)/s; % check if the factor is indeed a power of 10 S = log10(scalingFactor); if abs(round(S)-S) > m2t.tol scalingFactor = 1.0; end end for k = 1:min(length(ticks),length(tickLabels)) % Don't use str2num here as then, literal strings as 'pi' get % legally transformed into 3.14... and the need for an explicit % label will not be recognized. str2double returns a NaN for 'pi'. if isLogAxis s = 10^(str2double(tickLabels{k})); else s = str2double(tickLabels{k}); end if isnan(s) || abs(ticks(k)-s*scalingFactor) > m2t.tol plotLabelsNecessary = true; break; end end % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if plotLabelsNecessary % if the axis is logscaled, MATLAB does not store the labels, % but the exponents to 10 if isLogAxis for k = 1:length(tickLabels) if isnumeric(tickLabels{k}) str = num2str(tickLabels{k}); else str = tickLabels{k}; end tickLabels{k} = sprintf('$10^{%s}$', str); end end pTickLabels = join(tickLabels, ','); else pTickLabels = []; end end % ========================================================================= function tikzLineStyle = translateLineStyle(matlabLineStyle) if(~ischar(matlabLineStyle)) error([' Function translateLineStyle:', ... ' Variable matlabLineStyle is not a string.']); end switch (matlabLineStyle) case 'none' tikzLineStyle = ''; case '-' tikzLineStyle = 'solid'; case '--' tikzLineStyle = 'dashed'; case ':' tikzLineStyle = 'dotted'; case '-.' tikzLineStyle = 'dash pattern=on 1pt off 3pt on 3pt off 3pt'; otherwise error(['Function translateLineStyle:', ... 'Unknown matlabLineStyle ''',matlabLineStyle,'''.']); end end % ========================================================================= function [m2t, colorLiteral] = rgb2colorliteral(m2t, rgb) % Translates an rgb value to an xcolor literal -- if possible! % If not, it returns the empty string. % This allows for a cleaner output in cases where predefined colors are % being used. % % Take a look at xcolor.sty for the color definitions. % TODO Implement mixtures with colors other than 'black' such as red!50!green. xcolColorNames = {'red', 'green', 'blue', 'brown', ... 'lime', 'orange', 'pink', 'purple', ... 'teal', 'violet', 'black', 'darkgray', ... 'gray', 'lightgray', 'white'}; xcolColorSpecs = {[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1], [0.75,0.5,0.25], ... [0.75,1,0], [1,0.5,0], [1,0.75,0.75], [0.75,0,0.25], ... [0,0.5,0.5], [0.5,0,0.5], [0,0,0], [0.25,0.25,0.25], ... [0.5,0.5,0.5], [0.75,0.75,0.75], [1,1,1]}; % The colors 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', and 'olive' within xcolor.sty % are defined in the CMYK color space, with an approximation in RGB. % Unfortunately, the approximation is not very close (particularly for % cyan), so just redefine those colors. % 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'olive' % [0,1,1], [1,0,1], [1,1,0], [0.5,0.5,0] % Check 'rgb' against all xcolor literals and the already defined colors. colorNames = [xcolColorNames, m2t.extraRgbColorNames]; colorSpecs = [xcolColorSpecs, m2t.extraRgbColorSpecs]; numCols = length(colorSpecs); % Check if RGB is a multiple of a predefined color. for k = 1:numCols if colorSpecs{k}(1) ~= 0.0 alpha = rgb(1) / colorSpecs{k}(1); elseif colorSpecs{k}(2) ~= 0.0 alpha = rgb(2) / colorSpecs{k}(2); elseif colorSpecs{k}(3) ~= 0.0 alpha = rgb(3) / colorSpecs{k}(3); else % colorSpecs{k} = [0,0,0] alpha = 0.0; end if isequal(rgb, alpha * colorSpecs{k}) if alpha == 1.0 colorLiteral = colorNames{k}; return elseif alpha == 0.0 colorLiteral = 'black'; return elseif 0.0 < alpha && alpha < 1.0 && round(alpha*100) == alpha*100 % Not sure if that last condition is necessary. colorLiteral = [colorNames{k}, sprintf('!%g!black', alpha*100)]; return end end end % Color was not found in the default set. Need to define it. colorLiteral = sprintf('mycolor%d', length(m2t.extraRgbColorNames)+1); m2t.extraRgbColorNames{end+1} = colorLiteral; m2t.extraRgbColorSpecs{end+1} = rgb; end % ========================================================================= function newstr = join(cellstr, delimiter) % This function joins a cell of strings to a single string (with a % given delimiter inbetween two strings, if desired). % % Example of usage: % join(cellstr, ',') if ~iscellstr(cellstr) && ~isnumeric(cellstr{1}) % display value of cellstr as debug information disp(cellstr) error('Expected cellstr or numeric.'); end if isempty(cellstr) newstr = []; return end if isnumeric(cellstr{1}) newstr = sprintf('%.15g', cellstr{1}); else newstr = cellstr{1}; end for k = 2:length(cellstr) if isnumeric(cellstr{k}) str = sprintf('%.15g', cellstr{k}); else str = cellstr{k}; end newstr = [newstr, delimiter, str]; end end % ========================================================================= function dimension = getAxesDimensions(handle, ... widthString, heightString) % optional % Returns the physical dimension of the axes. [width, height, unit] = getNaturalAxesDimensions(handle); % get the natural width-height ration of the plot axesWidthHeightRatio = width / height; % check matlab2tikz arguments if ~isempty(widthString) width = extractValueUnit(widthString); end if ~isempty(heightString) height = extractValueUnit(heightString); end % prepare the output if ~isempty(widthString) && ~isempty(heightString) dimension.x.unit = width.unit; dimension.x.value = width.value; dimension.y.unit = height.unit; dimension.y.value = height.value; elseif ~isempty(widthString) dimension.x.unit = width.unit; dimension.x.value = width.value; dimension.y.unit = width.unit; dimension.y.value = width.value / axesWidthHeightRatio; elseif ~isempty(heightString) dimension.y.unit = height.unit; dimension.y.value = height.value; dimension.x.unit = height.unit; dimension.x.value = height.value * axesWidthHeightRatio; else % neither width nor height given dimension.x.unit = unit; dimension.x.value = width; dimension.y.unit = unit; dimension.y.value = height; end return; end % ========================================================================= function [width, height, unit] = getNaturalAxesDimensions(handle) daspectmode = get(handle, 'DataAspectRatioMode'); position = get(handle, 'Position'); units = get(handle, 'Units'); % Convert the MATLAB unit strings into TeX unit strings. switch units case 'pixels' units = 'px'; case 'centimeters' units = 'cm'; case 'inches' units = 'in'; case 'points' units = 'pt'; case 'characters' units = 'em'; end switch daspectmode case 'auto' % --------------------------------------------------------------------- % The plot will use the full size of the current figure., if strcmp(units, 'normalized') % The dpi is needed to associate the size on the screen (in pixels) % to the physical size of the plot. % Unfortunately, MATLAB doesn't seem to be able to always make a % good guess about the current DPI (a bug is filed for this on % dpi = get(0, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch'); unit = 'in'; figuresize = get(gcf, 'Position'); % This assumes that figuresize is always in units of dots (pixels). % Apparently, this isn't always the case, so we're going to need to % fix things here. width = position(3) * figuresize(3) / dpi; height = position(4) * figuresize(4) / dpi; else % assume that TikZ knows the unit (in, cm,...) unit = units; width = position(3); height = position(4); end % --------------------------------------------------------------------- case 'manual' % --------------------------------------------------------------------- % When daspect was manually set, stick to it. % This is achieved here by explicitly determining the x-axis size % and adjusting the y-axis size based on this length. if strcmp(units, 'normalized') % The dpi is needed to associate the size on the screen (in pixels) % to the physical size of the plot (on a pdf, for example). % Unfortunately, MATLAB doesn't seem to be able to always make a % good guess about the current DPI (a bug is filed for this on % dpi = get(0, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch'); unit = 'in'; figuresize = get(gcf, 'Position'); width = position(3) * figuresize(3) / dpi; else % assume that TikZ knows the unit unit = units; width = position(3); end % set y-axis length xLim = get (handle, 'XLim'); yLim = get (handle, 'YLim'); aspectRatio = get (handle, 'DataAspectRatio'); % = daspect % Actually, we'd have % % xlength = (xLim(2)-xLim(1)) / aspectRatio(1); % ylength = (yLim(2)-yLim(1)) / aspectRatio(2); % % but as xlength is scaled to a fixed 'dimension.x', 'dimension.y' % needs to be rescaled accordingly. height = width ... * aspectRatio(1) / aspectRatio(2) ... * (yLim(2)-yLim(1)) / (xLim(2)-xLim(1)); % --------------------------------------------------------------------- otherwise error('getAxesDimensions:illDaspectMode', ... 'Illegal DataAspectRatioMode ''%s''.', daspectmode); end end % ========================================================================= function out = extractValueUnit(str) % Decompose m2t.cmdOpts.Results.width into value and unit. % Regular expression to match '4.12cm', '\figurewidth', ... fp_regex = '[-+]?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[-+]?\d+)?'; pattern = strcat('(', fp_regex, ')?', '(\\?[a-z]+)'); [dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,t,dummy] = regexp(str, pattern, 'match'); %#ok if length(t)~=1 error('getAxesDimensions:illegalLength', ... 'The width string ''%s'' could not be decomposed into value-unit pair.', str); end if length(t{1}) == 1 out.value = 1.0; % such as in '1.0\figurewidth' out.unit = strtrim(t{1}{1}); elseif length(t{1}) == 2 && isempty(t{1}{1}) % MATLAB(R) does this: % length(t{1})==2 always, but the first field may be empty. out.value = 1.0; out.unit = strtrim(t{1}{2}); elseif length(t{1}) == 2 out.value = str2double(t{1}{1}); out.unit = strtrim(t{1}{2}); else error('getAxesDimensions:illegalLength', ... 'The width string ''%s'' could not be decomposed into value-unit pair.', str); end end % ========================================================================= function newstr = escapeCharacters(str) % Replaces the single characters % and \ by their escaped versions % %% and \\, respectively. newstr = str; newstr = strrep(newstr, '%' , '%%'); newstr = strrep(newstr, '\' , '\\'); end % ========================================================================= function out = isVisible(handles) % Determines whether an object is actually visible or not. % out = strcmp(get(handles,'Visible'), 'on'); % There's another handle property, 'HandleVisibility', which may or may not % determine the visibility of the object. Empirically, it seems to be 'off' % whenever we're dealing with an object that's not user-created, such as % automatic axis ticks, baselines in bar plots, axis lines for polar plots % and so forth. % For now, don't check 'HandleVisibility'. %% Don't use short-circuit logical operators here to keep the function working %% for multiple handle inputs. %out = ~(strcmp(get(handles,'Visible'), 'off') ... % |strcmp(get(handles, 'HandleVisibility'), 'off')); end % ========================================================================= function [relevantAxesHandles, alignmentOptions, plotOrder] =... alignSubPlots(m2t, axesHandles) % Returns the alignment options for all the axes enviroments. % The question whether two plots are aligned on the left, right, top, or % bottom is answered by looking at the 'Position' property of the % axes object. % % The second output argument 'ix' is the order in which the axes % environments need to be created. This is to make sure that plots % which act as a reference are processed first. % % The output vector 'alignmentOptions' contains: % - whether or not it is a reference (.isRef) % - axes name (.name), only set if .isRef is true % - the actual Pgfplots options (.opts) % % The routine tries to be smart in the sense that it will detect that in % a setup such as % % [AXES1 AXES2] % [AXES3 ] % % 'AXES1' will serve as a reference for AXES2 and AXES3. % It does so by first computing a 'dependency' graph, then traversing % the graph starting from a node (AXES) with maximal connections. % % TODO: % - diagonal connections 'a la % [AXES1 ] % [ AXES2] % % TODO: fix this function % TODO: look for unique IDs of the axes enviroments % which could be returned along with its properties relevantAxesHandles = []; for axesHandle = axesHandles(:)' % Only handle visible non-colorbar handles. if axisIsVisible(axesHandle) && ~strcmp(get(axesHandle,'Tag'), 'Colorbar') relevantAxesHandles(end+1) = axesHandle; end end numRelevantHandles = length(relevantAxesHandles); % initialize alignmentOptions alignmentOptions = struct(); for k = 1:numRelevantHandles alignmentOptions(k).opts = cell(0); end % return immediately if nothing is to be aligned if numRelevantHandles <= 1 plotOrder = 1; return end % Connectivity matrix of the graph. % Contains 0's where the axes environments are not aligned, and % positive integers where they are. The integer encodes how the axes % are aligned (top right:bottom left, and so on). C = zeros(numRelevantHandles, numRelevantHandles); % 'isRef' tells whether the respective plot acts as a position reference % for another plot. % TODO: preallocate this % Also, gather all the positions. axesPos = zeros(numRelevantHandles, 4); for k = 1:numRelevantHandles % `axesPos(i,:)` contains % (indices 1,3): the x-value of the left and the right axis, and % (indices 2,4): the y-value of the bottom and top axis, % of plot `i`. axesPos(k,:) = get(relevantAxesHandles(k), 'Position'); axesPos(k,3) = axesPos(k,1) + axesPos(k,3); axesPos(k,4) = axesPos(k,2) + axesPos(k,4); end % Loop over all figures to see if axes are aligned. % Look for exactly *one* alignment, even if there might be more. % % Among all the {x,y}-alignments choose the one with the closest % {y,x}-distance. This is important, for example, in situations where % there are 3 plots on top of each other: % We want no. 2 to align below no. 1, and no. 3 below no. 2 % (and not no. 1 again). % % There are nine alignments this algorithm can deal with: % % 3| |4 % __ _____________ __ % -2 | | 2 % | | % | 5 | % | | % | | % -1_ |_____________| 1_ % % -3| |-4 % % They are coded in numbers -4 through 5. The matrix C will contain the % corresponding code at position (i,j), if plot number i and j are % aligned in such a way. % If two plots happen to coincide at both left and right axes, for % example, only one relation is stored. % for i = 1:numRelevantHandles for j = i+1:numRelevantHandles if max(abs(axesPos(i,:)-axesPos(j,:))) < m2t.tol % twins C(i,j) = 5; C(j,i) = -5; elseif abs(axesPos(i,1)-axesPos(j,1)) < m2t.tol; % Left axes align. % Check if the axes are on top of each other. if axesPos(i,2) > axesPos(j,4) C(i,j) = -3; C(j,i) = 3; elseif axesPos(j,2) > axesPos(i,4) C(i,j) = 3; C(j,i) = -3; end elseif abs(axesPos(i,1)-axesPos(j,3)) < m2t.tol % left axis of 'i' aligns with right axis of 'j' if axesPos(i,2) > axesPos(j,4) C(i,j) = -3; C(j,i) = 4; elseif axesPos(j,2) > axesPos(i,4) C(i,j) = 3; C(j,i) = -4; end elseif abs(axesPos(i,3)-axesPos(j,1)) < m2t.tol % right axis of 'i' aligns with left axis of 'j' if axesPos(i,2) > axesPos(j,4) C(i,j) = -4; C(j,i) = 3; elseif axesPos(j,2) > axesPos(i,4) C(i,j) = 4; C(j,i) = -3; end elseif abs(axesPos(i,3)-axesPos(j,1)) < m2t.tol % right axes of 'i' and 'j' align if axesPos(i,2) > axesPos(j,4) C(i,j) = -4; C(j,i) = 4; elseif axesPos(j,2) > axesPos(i,4) C(i,j) = 4; C(j,i) = -4; end elseif abs(axesPos(i,2)-axesPos(j,2)) < m2t.tol % lower axes of 'i' and 'j' align if axesPos(i,1) > axesPos(j,3) C(i,j) = -1; C(j,i) = 1; elseif axesPos(j,1) > axesPos(i,3) C(i,j) = 1; C(j,i) = -1; end elseif abs(axesPos(i,2)-axesPos(j,4)) < m2t.tol % lower axis of 'i' aligns with upper axis of 'j' if axesPos(i,1) > axesPos(j,3) C(i,j) = -1; C(j,i) = 2; elseif axesPos(j,1) > axesPos(i,3) C(i,j) = 1; C(j,i) = -2; end elseif abs(axesPos(i,4)-axesPos(j,2)) < m2t.tol % upper axis of 'i' aligns with lower axis of 'j' if axesPos(i,1) > axesPos(j,3) C(i,j) = -2; C(j,i) = 1; elseif axesPos(j,1) > axesPos(i,3) C(i,j) = 2; C(j,i) = -1; end elseif abs(axesPos(i,4)-axesPos(j,4)) < m2t.tol % upper axes of 'i' and 'j' align if axesPos(i,1) > axesPos(j,3) C(i,j) = -2; C(j,i) = 2; elseif axesPos(j,1) > axesPos(i,3) C(i,j) = 2; C(j,i) = -2; end end end end % Now, the matrix C contains all alignment information. % If, for any node, there is more than one plot that aligns with it in the % same way (e.g., upper left), then pick exactly *one* of them. % Take the one that is closest to the correspondig plot. for i = 1:numRelevantHandles for j = 1:numRelevantHandles if C(i,j)==0 || abs(C(i,j))==5 % don't check for double zeros (aka "no relation"'s) or triplets, quadruplets,... continue end % find doubles, and count C(i,j) in doub = find(C(i,j:numRelevantHandles)==C(i,j)) ... + j-1; % to get the actual index if length(doub)>1 % Uh-oh, found doubles: % Pick the one with the minimal distance, delete the other % relations. switch C(i,j) case {1,2} % all plots sit right of 'i' dist = axesPos(doub,1) - axesPos(i,3); case {-1,-2} % all plots sit left of 'i' dist = axesPos(i,1) - axesPos(doub,3); case {3,4} % all plots sit above 'i' dist = axesPos(doub,2) - axesPos(i,4); case {-3,-4} % all plots sit below 'i' dist = axesPos(i,2) - axesPos(doub,4); otherwise error('alignSubPlots:illCode', ... 'Illegal alignment code %d.', C(i,j)); end [dummy,idx] = min(dist); %#ok % 'idx' holds the index of the minimum. % If there is more than one, then % 'idx' has twins. min returns the one % with the lowest index. % delete the index from the 'remove list' doub(idx) = []; C(i,doub) = 0; C(doub,i) = 0; end end end % Alright. The matrix 'C' now contains exactly the alignment info that % we are looking for. %% Is each axes environment connected to at least one other? %noConn = find(~any(C,2)); %for nc = noConn(:)' % userWarning(m2t, ['The axes environment no. %d is not aligned with',... % ' any other axes environment and will be plotted',... % ' right in the middle.'], nc); %end % Now, actually go ahead and process the info to return Pgfplots alignment % options. % Sort the axes environments by the number of connections they have. % That means: start with the plot which has the most connections. [dummy, IX] = sort(sum(C~=0, 2), 'descend'); %#ok plotOrder = zeros(1,numRelevantHandles); plotNumber = 0; for ix = IX(:)' [plotOrder,plotNumber,alignmentOptions] = ... setOptionsRecursion(plotOrder, plotNumber, C, alignmentOptions, ix, []); end % Burkart, July 23, 2011: % Now let's rearrange the plot order. % Theoretically this should be harmful in that it would result in % subplots that refer to another named subplot to be drawn before the % named subplot itself is drawn. However, this reordering actually fixes % one such problem that only occurred in Octave with test case % subplot2x2b. Oddly enough the error only showed when certain other test % cases (including subplot2x2b itself) had been run beforehand and not if % subplot2x2b was the first / only test case to be run or if a harmless % test case like one_point preceded subplot2x2b. % The exact mechanism that led to this bug was not uncovered but a % differently ordered axesPos near the top of this function eventually % led to the wrong plotOrder and thus to a subplot referring to one that % came later in the TikZ output. % The reordering was tested against the test suite and didn't break any % of the test cases, neither on Octave nor on MATLAB. newPlotOrder = zeros(1,numRelevantHandles); for k = 1:numRelevantHandles newPlotOrder(plotOrder(k)) = k; end plotOrder = newPlotOrder; return end % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % sets the alignment options for a specific node % and passes on the its children % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function [plotOrder, plotNumber, alignmentOptions] = setOptionsRecursion(plotOrder, plotNumber, C, alignmentOptions, k, parent) % return immediately if is has been processed before if plotOrder(k) return end plotNumber = plotNumber + 1; % TODO not looking at twins is probably not the right thing to do % find the non-zero elements in the k-th row unprocessedFriends = find(C(k,:)~=0 & ~plotOrder); unprocessedChildren = unprocessedFriends(abs(C(k,unprocessedFriends))~=5); unprocessedTwins = unprocessedFriends(abs(C(k,unprocessedFriends))==5); if ~isempty(unprocessedChildren) % Are there unprocessed children? % Give these axes a name. alignmentOptions(k).opts = ... addToOptions(alignmentOptions(k).opts, 'name', sprintf('plot%d', k)); end if ~isempty(parent) % if a parent is given if (abs(C(parent,k))==5) % don't apply "at=" for younger twins else % See were this node sits with respect to its parent, % and adapt the option accordingly. anchor = cornerCode2pgfplotOption(C(k,parent)); refPos = cornerCode2pgfplotOption(C(parent,k)); % add the option alignmentOptions(k).opts = ... addToOptions(alignmentOptions(k).opts, 'at', sprintf('(plot%d.%s)', parent, refPos)); alignmentOptions(k).opts = ... addToOptions(alignmentOptions(k).opts, 'anchor', anchor); end end plotOrder(k) = plotNumber; % Recursively loop over all dependent 'child' axes; % first the twins, though, to make sure they appear consecutively % in the TikZ file. for ii = unprocessedTwins [plotOrder,plotNumber,alignmentOptions] = setOptionsRecursion(plotOrder, plotNumber, C, alignmentOptions, ii, k); end for ii = unprocessedChildren [plotOrder,plotNumber,alignmentOptions] = setOptionsRecursion(plotOrder, plotNumber, C, alignmentOptions, ii, k); end end % ========================================================================= % translates the corner code in a real option to Pgfplots function pgfOpt = cornerCode2pgfplotOption(code) switch code case 1 pgfOpt = 'right of south east'; case 2 pgfOpt = 'right of north east'; case 3 pgfOpt = 'above north west'; case 4 pgfOpt = 'above north east'; case -1 pgfOpt = 'left of south west'; case -2 pgfOpt = 'left of north west'; case -3 pgfOpt = 'below south west'; case -4 pgfOpt = 'below south east'; otherwise error('cornerCode2pgfplotOption:unknRelCode',... 'Illegal alignment code %d.', code); end end % ========================================================================= function refAxesId = getReferenceAxes(loc, colBarPos, axesHandlesPos) % if there is only one axes reference handle, it must be the parent if size(axesHandlesPos,1) == 1 refAxesId = 1; return; end % MATLAB(R)'s keywords are camel cased (e.g., 'NorthOutside'), in Octave % small cased ('northoutside'). Hence, use lower() for uniformity. switch lower(loc) case { 'north', 'south', 'east', 'west' } userWarning(m2t, 'Don''t know how to deal with inner colorbars yet.'); return; case {'northoutside'} % scan in 'axesHandlesPos' for the handle number that lies % directly below colBarHandle [m,refAxesId] = min(colBarPos(2) ... - axesHandlesPos(axesHandlesPos(:,4)colBarPos(4),2)... - colBarPos(4)); %#ok case {'eastoutside'} % scan in 'axesHandlesPos' for the handle number that lies % directly left of colBarHandle [m,refAxesId] = min(colBarPos(1) ... - axesHandlesPos(axesHandlesPos(:,3)colBarPos(3),1) ... - colBarPos(3) ); %#ok otherwise error('getReferenceAxes:illLocation', ... 'Illegal ''Location'' ''%s''.', loc ); end end % ========================================================================= function userInfo(m2t, message, varargin) % Display usage information. if ~m2t.cmdOpts.Results.showInfo return end mess = sprintf(message, varargin{:}); % Replace '\n' by '\n *** ' and print. mess = strrep(mess, sprintf('\n'), sprintf('\n *** ')); fprintf(' *** %s\n', mess); end % ========================================================================= function userWarning(m2t, message, varargin) % Drop-in replacement for warning(). if ~m2t.cmdOpts.Results.showWarnings return end warning('matlab2tikz:userWarning', message, varargin{:}); end % ========================================================================= function root = append(root, appendix) if isempty(appendix) return; end if ~ischar(appendix) error('Argument must be of class ''string''.'); end root.content{end+1} = appendix; return; end % ========================================================================= function parent = addChildren(parent, children) if isempty(children) return; end if iscell(children) for k = 1:length(children) parent = addChildren(parent, children{k}); end else if isempty(parent.children) parent.children = {children}; else parent.children = {parent.children{:} children}; end end return; end % ========================================================================= function printAll(env, fid) if isfield(env, 'colors') && ~isempty(env.colors) fprintf(fid, '%s', env.colors); end if isempty(env.options) fprintf(fid, '\\begin{%s}\n',; else fprintf(fid, '\\begin{%s}[%%\n%s\n]\n',, prettyprintOpts(env.options, sprintf(',\n'))); end for item = env.content fprintf(fid, '%s', char(item)); end for k = 1:length(env.children) if ischar(env.children{k}) fprintf(fid, escapeCharacters(env.children{k})); else fprintf(fid, '\n'); printAll(env.children{k}, fid); end end % End the tikzpicture environment with an empty comment and no newline % so no additional space is generated by the tikzpicture in TeX. % This is useful if something should immediately follow the picture, % e.g. another picture, with a separately defined spacing or without % any spacing at all between both pictures. if strcmp(, 'tikzpicture') fprintf(fid, '\\end{%s}%%',; else fprintf(fid, '\\end{%s}\n',; end end % ========================================================================= function imwriteWrapperPNG(colorData, cmap, fileName) % Write an indexed or a truecolor image % Don't use ismatrix(), cf. . if (ndims(colorData) == 2) % According to imwrite's documentation there is support for 1-bit, % 2-bit, 4-bit and 8-bit (i.e., 256 colors) indexed images only. % When having more colors, a truecolor image must be generated and % used instead. if size(cmap, 1) <= 256 imwrite(colorData, cmap, fileName, 'png'); else imwrite(ind2rgb(colorData, cmap), fileName, 'png'); end else imwrite(colorData, fileName, 'png'); end end % ========================================================================= function env = getEnvironment() % Check if we are in MATLAB or Octave. % 'ver' in MATLAB gives versioning information on all installed packages % separately, and there is no guarantee that MATLAB itself is listed first. % Hence, loop through the array and try to find 'MATLAB' or 'Octave'. % We could use ver('MATLAB') or ver('Octave'). if ~isempty(ver('MATLAB')) env = 'MATLAB'; elseif ~isempty(ver('Octave')) env = 'Octave'; else env = []; end end % ========================================================================= function versionString = findEnvironmentVersion(env) % Get version string for 'env' by iterating over all toolboxes. versionString = []; for versionDatum = ver if strcmp(versionDatum.Name, env) % found it: store and exit the loop versionString = versionDatum.Version; break end end end % ========================================================================= function isBelow = isVersionBelow(env, versionA, versionB) % Checks if version string or vector versionA is smaller than % version string or vector versionB. vA = versionArray(env, versionA); vB = versionArray(env, versionB); isBelow = false; for i = 1:min(length(vA), length(vB)) if vA(i) > vB(i) isBelow = false; break; elseif vA(i) < vB(i) isBelow = true; break end end end % ========================================================================= function arr = versionArray(env, str) % Converts a version string to an array. if ischar(str) % Translate version string from '' to [2, 62, 8, 1]. if strcmpi(env, 'MATLAB') split = regexp(str, '\.', 'split'); elseif strcmpi(env, 'Octave') split = strsplit(str, '.'); end arr = str2num(char(split)); %#ok else arr = str; end end % ========================================================================= function [retval] = switchMatOct(m2t, matlabValue, octaveValue) % Returns one of two provided values depending on whether matlab2tikz is % run on MATLAB or on Octave. switch m2t.env case 'MATLAB' retval = matlabValue; case 'Octave' retval = octaveValue; otherwise error('Unknown environment. Need MATLAB(R) or Octave.') end end % ========================================================================= function c = prettyPrint(m2t, strings, interpreter) % Some resources on how MATLAB handles rich (TeX) markup: % % % % % Multiline handling. % Make sure that the input string is really a cellstr that contains % only one-line strings. if ischar(strings) strings = cellstr(strings); elseif iscellstr(strings) cs = {}; for k = 1:length(strings) tmp = cellstr(strings{k}); cs = {cs{:}, tmp{:}}; end strings = cs; else error('matlab2tikz:prettyPrint', 'Data type not understood.'); end % Now loop over the strings and return them pretty-printed in c. c = {}; for k = 1:length(strings) % If the user set the matlab2tikz parameter 'parseStrings' to false, no % parsing of strings takes place, thus making the user 100% responsible. if ~m2t.cmdOpts.Results.parseStrings c = strings; return end % Make sure we have a valid interpreter set up if ~any(strcmpi(interpreter, {'latex', 'tex', 'none'})) userWarning(m2t, 'Don''t know interpreter ''%s''. Default handling.', interpreter); interpreter = 'tex'; end % The interpreter property of the text element defines how the string % is parsed switch lower(interpreter) case 'latex' % Basic subset of the LaTeX markup language % Replace $$...$$ with $...$ but otherwise leave untouched string = regexprep(strings{k}, '^\$\$(.*)\$\$$', '$$1$'); case 'tex' % Subset of plain TeX markup language % Parse string piece-wise in a separate function. string = parseTexString(m2t, strings{k}); case 'none' % Literal characters % Only make special characters TeX compatible string = strrep(strings{k}, '\', '\textbackslash{}'); % Note: '{' and '}' can't be converted to '\{' and '\}', % respectively, via strrep(...) as this would lead to % backslashes converted to '\textbackslash\{\}' because % the backslash was converted to '\textbackslash{}' in % the previous step. Using regular expressions with % negative look-behind makes sure any braces in 'string' % were not introduced by escaped backslashes. % Also keep in mind that escaping braces before backslashes % would not remedy the issue -- in that case 'string' would % contain backslashes introduced by brace escaping that are % not supposed to be printable characters. repl = switchMatOct(m2t, '\\{', '\{'); string = regexprep(string, '(?= sCmd(i) & bracesPos <= eCmd(i)) = []; end % Exclude braces that are preceded by an odd number of backslashes which % means the brace is escaped and thus to be printed, not a grouping brace expr = '(? $ \text {(non-}) } $<-end % ...or when the parsed string is empty parsed = regexprep(parsed, '^\$\$$', ''); end % ========================================================================= function string = parseTexSubstring(m2t, string) % Keep a copy of the original input string for potential warning messages % referring to the string as it was originally used in MATLAB/Octave and % not the current value of the variable 'string' halfway into the m2t % conversion. origstr = string; % Font families (italic, bold, etc.) get a trailing '{}' because in % MATLAB they may be followed by a letter which would produce an error % in (La)TeX. for i = {'it', 'bf', 'rm', 'sl'} string = strrep(string, ['\' i{:}], ['\' i{:} '{}']); end % The same holds true for special characters like \alpha % The list of MATLAB-supported TeX characters was taken from % named = {'alpha', 'angle', 'ast', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', ... 'epsilon', 'zeta', 'eta', 'theta', 'vartheta', 'iota', ... 'kappa', 'lambda', 'mu', 'nu', 'xi', 'pi', 'rho', ... 'sigma', 'varsigma', 'tau', 'equiv', 'Im', 'otimes', ... 'cap', 'int', 'rfloor', 'lfloor', 'perp', 'wedge', ... 'rceil', 'vee', 'langle', 'upsilon', 'phi', 'chi', ... 'psi', 'omega', 'Gamma', 'Delta', 'Theta', 'Lambda', ... 'Xi', 'Pi', 'Sigma', 'Upsilon', 'Phi', 'Psi', 'Omega', ... 'forall', 'exists', 'ni', 'cong', 'approx', 'Re', ... 'oplus', 'cup', 'subseteq', 'lceil', 'cdot', 'neg', ... 'times', 'surd', 'varpi', 'rangle', 'sim', 'leq', ... 'infty', 'clubsuit', 'diamondsuit', 'heartsuit', ... 'spadesuit', 'leftrightarrow', 'leftarrow', ... 'Leftarrow', 'uparrow', 'rightarrow', 'Rightarrow', ... 'downarrow', 'circ', 'pm', 'geq', 'propto', 'partial', ... 'bullet', 'div', 'neq', 'aleph', 'wp', 'oslash', ... 'supseteq', 'nabla', 'ldots', 'prime', '0', 'mid', ... 'copyright' }; for i = named string = strrep(string, ['\' i{:}], ['\' i{:} '{}']); % FIXME: Only append '{}' if there's an odd number of backslashes % in front of the items from 'named'. If it's an even % number instead, that means there's an escaped (printable) % backslash and some text like "alpha" after that. end % Some special characters' names are subsets of others, e.g. '\o' is % a subset of '\omega'. This would produce undesired double-escapes. % For example if '\o' was converted to '\o{}' after '\omega' has been % converted to '\omega{}' this would result in '\o{}mega{}' instead of % '\omega{}'. Had '\o' been converted to '\o{}' _before_ '\omega' is % converted then the result would be '\o{}mega' and thus also wrong. % To circumvent the problem all those special character names that are % subsets of others are now converted using a regular expression that % uses negative lookahead. The special handling of the backslash is % required for MATLAB/Octave compatibility. string = regexprep(string, '(\\)o(?!mega|times|plus|slash)', '$1o{}'); string = regexprep(string, '(\\)in(?!t|fty)', '$1in{}'); string = regexprep(string, '(\\)subset(?!eq)', '$1subset{}'); string = regexprep(string, '(\\)supset(?!eq)', '$1supset{}'); % Convert '\0{}' (TeX text mode) to '\emptyset{}' (TeX math mode) string = strrep(string, '\0{}', '\emptyset{}'); % Add skip to \fontsize % This is required for a successful LaTeX run on the output as in contrast % to MATLAB/Octave it requires the skip parameter (even if it's zero) string = regexprep(string, '(\\fontsize\{[^}]*\})', '$1{0}'); % Put '\o{}' inside \text{...} as it is a text mode symbol that does not % exist in math mode (and LaTeX gives a warning if you use it in math mode) string = strrep(string, '\o{}', '\text{\o{}}'); % Put everything that isn't a TeX command inside \text{...} expr = '(\\[a-zA-Z]+(\[[^\]]*\])?(\{[^}]*\}){1,2})'; % |( \cmd )( [...]? )( {...}{1,2} )| % ( subset $1 ) repl = switchMatOct(m2t, '}$1\\text{', '}$1\text{'); string = regexprep(string, expr, repl); % ...\alpha{}... -> ...}\alpha{}\text{... string = ['\text{' string '}']; % ...}\alpha{}\text{... -> \text{...}\alpha{}\text{...} % '_' has to be in math mode so long as it's not escaped as '\_' in which % case it remains as-is. Extra care has to be taken to make sure any % backslashes in front of the underscore are not themselves escaped and % thus printable backslashes. This is the case if there's an even number % of backslashes in a row. repl = switchMatOct(m2t, '$1}_\\text{', '$1}_\text{'); string = regexprep(string, '(? 'abc ef' % 'abc&\deltaef' -> 'abc ef' % 'abc&$ef' -> 'abc ef' % 'abcdef&' -> 'abcdef' % Don't remove closing brace after '&' as this would result in % unbalanced braces string = regexprep(string, '(? '..._\$\text{bc}'. % Note that the problem does not occur for the majority of special characters % like '\alpha' because they use math mode and therefore are never inside a % \text{...} block to begin with. This means that the number of special % characters affected by this issue is actually quite small: % $ # % & _ { } \o § ~ \ ^ expr = ['(_|\^)(\\text)\{([^}\\]|\\\$|\\#|\\%|\\&|\\_|\\\{|\\\}|', ... ... % (_/^)(\text) {(non-}\| \$ | \#| \%| \&| \_| \{ | \} | ... % ($1)( $2 ) ( $3 -> '\\o\{\}|\\S\{\}|\\textasciitilde\{\}|\\textbackslash\{\}|', ... ... % \o{} | \S{} | \textasciitilde{} | \textbackslash{} | ... % <- $3 -> '\\textasciicircum\{\})']; % \textasciicircum{} ) % <- $3 ) string = regexprep(string, expr, '$1$2{$3}$2{'); % Some further processing makes the output behave more like TeX math mode, % but only if the matlab2tikz parameter parseStringsAsMath=true. if m2t.cmdOpts.Results.parseStringsAsMath % Some characters should be in math mode: =-+/,.()<>0-9 expr = '(\\text)\{([^}=\-+/,.()<>0-9]*)([=\-+/,.()<>0-9]+)([^}]*)\}'; % \text {(any non-"x"/'}'char)( any "x" char )(non-}) } % ( $1 ) ( $2 )( $3 )( $4) while regexp(string, expr) % Iterating is necessary to catch all occurrences. See above. string = regexprep(string, expr, '$1{$2}$3$1{$4}'); end % \text{ } should be a math-mode space string = regexprep(string, '\\text\{(\s+)}', '$1'); % '<<' probably means 'much smaller than', i.e. '\ll' repl = switchMatOct(m2t, '$1\\ll{}$2', '$1\ll{}$2'); string = regexprep(string, '([^<])<<([^<])', repl); % Single letters are most likely variables and thus should be in math mode string = regexprep(string, '\\text\{([a-zA-Z])\}', '$1'); end % parseStringsAsMath % Clean up: remove empty \text{} string = strrep(string, '\text{}', ''); % \text{}\alpha{}\text{...} -> \alpha{}\text{...} % Clean up: convert '{}\' to '\' unless it's prefixed by a backslash which % means the opening brace is escaped and thus a printable character instead % of a grouping brace. string = regexprep(string, '(? \alpha\text{...} % Clean up: convert '{}}' to '}' unless it's prefixed by a backslash string = regexprep(string, '(?