function frdOut = optickleFrd01(opt,f,varargin) % creates a frd object from optickle object, for use in SimulinkNB % Syntax: optickleFrd(opt,f) % or optickleFrd(opt,f,sigAC) if sigAC is precomputed % % If not called from a FlexTf block, you must add a cell array of drive % names and probe names. Example: % optickleFrd(opt,f,{'W PM'},{'W REFL I'}); % or optickleFrd(opt,f,sigAC,{'W PM'},{'W REFL I'}); parseBlock = 0; needSigAC = 1; % see if we have a sigAC if nargin<3 || iscell(varargin{1}) % compute from optickle %[~,~,sigAC,~,~] = cacheFunction(@tickle,opt,[],f); if ~isempty(varargin) drives = varargin{1}; probes = varargin{2}; else parseBlock = 1; end else needSigAC = 0; sigAC = varargin{1}; if length(varargin)>1 drives = varargin{2}; probes = varargin{3}; else parseBlock = 1; end end % get the drives and probes from the simulink block if parseBlock % from h_Inports = find_system(gcbh,'FindAll','On','SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','Inport'); drives = get(h_Inports,'Name'); h_Outports = find_system(gcbh,'FindAll','On','SearchDepth',1,'BlockType','Outport'); probes = get(h_Outports,'Name'); end if isempty(drives) || isempty(probes) error('optickleFrd:missingdriveprobes','No probe or drive names provided, nor found in simulink block'); end % if there is only one drive or probe, put in single element cell array if ischar(drives) drives = {drives}; end if ischar(probes) probes = {probes}; end %============================ tickle01 version ======================== driveIndex = makeOptickleDriveIndex(opt,drives); probeIndex = cellfun(@(probe) getProbeNum(opt,probe),probes); if needSigAC % compute from optickle [sigAC,~] = cacheFunction(@tickle01,opt,[],f, driveIndex); else sigAC = sigAC(:,driveIndex,:); end frdOut = frd(sigAC(probeIndex,:,:),f,'Units','Hz'); %====================================================================== end