(* ::Package:: *) (************************************************************************) (* This file was generated automatically by the Mathematica front end. *) (* It contains Initialization cells from a Notebook file, which *) (* typically will have the same name as this file except ending in *) (* ".nb" instead of ".m". *) (* *) (* This file is intended to be loaded into the Mathematica kernel using *) (* the package loading commands Get or Needs. Doing so is equivalent *) (* to using the Evaluate Initialization Cells menu command in the front *) (* end. *) (* *) (* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. This entire file is regenerated *) (* automatically each time the parent Notebook file is saved in the *) (* Mathematica front end. Any changes you make to this file will be *) (* overwritten. *) (************************************************************************) kg=1.0;meter=1.0;rad=1.0;sec=1.0;Kervin=1.0;(*Basical Set*) cm=10^(-2)meter;mm=10^(-3)meter; km=10^(3)meter;(*Length*) gram=10^(-3)kg; mg=10^(-6)kg;(*Mass*) deg=(N[Pi]/180.)rad; mrad=10^(-3)rad;urad=10^(-6)rad;(*Angle*) Hz=1/sec;mHz=10^(-3)Hz; kHz=10^(3)Hz;(*Frequency*) Newton=kg*meter/sec^(-2);kN=10^(3)Newton;mN=10^(-3)Newton;(*Force*) Pa=Newton/meter^(2);MPa=10^(6)Pa;GPa=10^(9)Pa;(*Pressure*) J=Newton*meter;kJ=10^(3)J;(*Energy*) g=9.81 meter*sec^(-2); (*local gravity constant*) kB=1.3806503*10^(-23) J/Kervin;(*Boltzman constant*)