(* ::Package:: *) (************************************************************************) (* This file was generated automatically by the Mathematica front end. *) (* It contains Initialization cells from a Notebook file, which *) (* typically will have the same name as this file except ending in *) (* ".nb" instead of ".m". *) (* *) (* This file is intended to be loaded into the Mathematica kernel using *) (* the package loading commands Get or Needs. Doing so is equivalent *) (* to using the Evaluate Initialization Cells menu command in the front *) (* end. *) (* *) (* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. This entire file is regenerated *) (* automatically each time the parent Notebook file is saved in the *) (* Mathematica front end. Any changes you make to this file will be *) (* overwritten. *) (************************************************************************) mod$OpenStatus:=( If[nb$status[[0]]=!=Symbol,NotebookClose[nb$status]]; nb$status= NotebookPut[Notebook[{},WindowSize->{500,300}, WindowMargins->{{Automatic,10},{Automatic,10}}, WindowTitle->"Status", Editable->False, Selectable->True, WindowFrame->"ModelessDialog", WindowFrameElements->{"CloseBox","ResizeArea","ZoomBox","MinimizeBox"}, WindowElements->{"VerticalScrollBar","HorizontalScrollBar"}, ShowCellBracket->False ]]; ); mod$OpenStatus::usage="Open a notebook to write status."; mod$CloseStatus:=( NotebookClose[nb$status]; Clear[nb$status]; ); mod$CloseStatus::usage="Close status window."; twodigits[i_]:=ToString[PaddedForm[IntegerPart[Abs[i]],2,NumberPadding->{"0","0"},NumberSigns->{"",""}]]; hhmmss[d_List]:=(twodigits[d[[4]]]<>":"<>twodigits[d[[5]]]<>":"<>twodigits[d[[6]]]); mod$WriteStatus[t_String] := If[ nb$status[[0]]=!=Symbol, statustime = DateList[]; SelectionMove[nb$status,After,Notebook]; SetOptions[nb$status,Editable->True]; NotebookWrite[ nb$status, Cell[hhmmss[statustime]<>" : "<>t,"Text"] ]; SetOptions[nb$status,Editable->False]; ]; mod$WriteStatus::usage="mod$WriteStatus[t] write down a message t on the status notebook with a time stamp"; mod$WriteError[t_String] := (Beep[]; If[ nb$status[[0]]=!=Symbol, statustime = DateList[]; SelectionMove[nb$status,After,Notebook]; SetOptions[nb$status,Editable->True]; NotebookWrite[ nb$status, Cell[hhmmss[statustime]<>" : "<>"[Error] "<>t,"Text",FontColor->Red] ]; SetOptions[nb$status,Editable->False]; ]; ); mod$WriteError::usage="mod$WriteError[t] makes beep and write down an error message t on the status notebook by red characters.";