** Description of SEIS_150510 ** Seismic data took at Y-end 1st line: freqeuncy 2nd line: NS w/o Amp w/o calibration. 3nd line: WE w/o Amp w/o calibration. 4nd line: Z w/o Amp w/o calibration. 5nd line: NS w/ Amp w/o calibration. 6nd line: WE w/ Amp w/o calibration. 7nd line: Z w/ Amp w/o calibration. The unit is count. The trillium calibration constant(C) is 750 V/(m/sec) Also, it has a pre-amp with the gain of 33 (Camp). Calibration Eq: (Disp) = (low data)*40/(2^16)/750/(2ƒÎf)/33. count->V C v->m Camp