%% ABOUT THIS FILE % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Type-A with Dummy Mass for KAGRA % Coded by K. Okutomi on 2016.07.21 % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% PRELIMINARY clear all; % Clear workspace close all; % Close plot windows addpath('../../utility'); % Add path to utilities addpath('controlmodel'); addpath('susmodel'); g = 9.81; %% IMPORT SUSPENSION MODEL matfile='TypeA_DP_160713mdl'; load([matfile,'.mat']); %% TUNING DAMPER % This part compensates the failure in converting the structural damping to % viscous damping. % sys1.a(15,15)=sys1.a(15,15)*280; % YF0 % sys1.a(16,16)=sys1.a(16,16)*100000; % velLMD % sys1.a(21,21)=sys1.a(21,21)*300000; % velYMD % sys1.a(27,27)=sys1.a(27,27)*300000; % velYSF1 %% %%%%% NO-CONTROL MODEL %%%%% %% IMPORT SERVO FILTERS addpath('parameter'); % Add path to servo TypeA_DP_paramNoCtrl160713; % NO CONTROL MODE rmpath ('parameter'); % Remove path to servo %% BF COUPRING MATRIX cMat_BF = [1 0 0 0 0 0;... % L 0 1 0 0 0 0;... % T 0 0 1 0 0 0;... % V 0 0 0 1 0 0;... % R 0 0 0 0 1 0;... % P 0 0 0 0 0 1]; % Y %% IMPORT SIMULINK MODEL Case.1 mdlfile='TypeA_DP_ctrl160721'; % typeA_DP ver.160713 st =linmod(mdlfile); invl =strrep(st.InputName, [mdlfile,'/'],''); outvl =strrep(st.OutputName,[mdlfile,'/'],''); sysc1 =ss(st.a,st.b,st.c,st.d,'inputname',invl,'outputname',outvl); %% IMPORT SIMULINK MODEL Case.2 cMat_BF(5,1) = 0.005; % L -> P coupling mdlfile='TypeA_DP_ctrl160721'; % typeA_DP ver.160713 st =linmod(mdlfile); invl =strrep(st.InputName, [mdlfile,'/'],''); outvl =strrep(st.OutputName,[mdlfile,'/'],''); sysc2 =ss(st.a,st.b,st.c,st.d,'inputname',invl,'outputname',outvl); %% IMPORT SIMULINK MODEL Case.3 cMat_BF(5,1) = 0.0137; % L -> P coupling mdlfile='TypeA_DP_ctrl160721'; % typeA_DP ver.160713 st =linmod(mdlfile); invl =strrep(st.InputName, [mdlfile,'/'],''); outvl =strrep(st.OutputName,[mdlfile,'/'],''); sysc3 =ss(st.a,st.b,st.c,st.d,'inputname',invl,'outputname',outvl); %% FREQUENCY freq =logspace(-2,1,1001); freq2=logspace(-3,1,1001); %% PLOT TRANSFER FUNCTION OF THE SUSPENSION MECHANICAL RESPONSE %% LBF -> PBF close all bodesusplotcmpopt4({sysc1,sysc2,sysc3},... 'injLBF','LVDT_PBF',... freq,... 'ylim',[1e-6,1e2],... 'title','Transfer Function from actLBF to PBF',... 'legend',{'0 mm: Center of mass','5 mm: Suspension point','13.7 mm: Bending point'},... 'unit1','N','unit2','rad'); saveas(gca, 'fig/tfTypeA_DP_couplingPBFactLBF_160721t','epsc')