%% Read parameters from SUMCON parameter file for simulink simulation % written by A. Shoda 2016.3.29 % modified by K. Okutomi 2016.6.20 %% Clear all clear all; % Clear workspace close all; % Close plot windows addpath('../../utility'); % Add path to utilities % addpath('sumconSaveFile'); %% Material parameters % Copied from SUMCON % Should be implemented i = 9 section % Young's modulus % Poisson ratio % Shear modulus % Volume density % Tensile strength % Quality factor matPara = { {184e9, 0.32, 184e9/2/(1+0.32), 8.0e3, 2.0e9, 1.0e3},; %Maraging Steel {200e9, 0.28, 200e9/2/(1+0.28), 7.8e3, 2.0e9, 1.0e4},; %C-70 Steel {411e9, 0.28, 411e9/2/(1+0.28),19.3e3, 2.0e9, 1.0e4},; %Tungsten {392e9, 0.23, 392e9/2/(1+0.28),3.98e3, 2.0e9, 0.5e4},; %Sapphire (300K) {127e9, 0.35, 127e9/2/(1+0.28),8.36e3, 2.0e9, 0.2e6},; %Copper Beryllium(300K) {398e9, 0.22, 398e9/2/(1+0.28),3.98e3, 2.0e9, 0.5e7},; %Sapphire (20K) {134e9, 0.35, 134e9/2/(1+0.28), 8,4e3, 2.0e9, 2.0e5},; %Copper Berylium (20K) {200e9, 0.32, 200e9/2/(1+0.28), 8.0e3, 2.0e9, 1.0e3} % Maraging Steel (20K) % {345e9, 0.30, 345e9/2/(1+0.30), 4.0e3, 2.0e9, 0.2e6},; %Sapphire % {157e9, 0.30, 157e9/2/(1+0.30), 7.6e3, 2.0e9, 1.0e3},; %Bolfur }; %% Read sumcon file sumconFileName = 'D:\KAGRA SVN\VIS\sumcon\save\TypeA\TypeA180429_20K.m'; susmodelname = 'TypeAtmp'; sumconSaveString = textread(sumconFileName,'%c'); sumconSaveString = transpose(sumconSaveString); %% Convert mathematica format to matlab format sumconSaveString = strrep(sumconSaveString,'"',''''); sumconSaveString = strrep(sumconSaveString,'True','true'); sumconSaveString = strrep(sumconSaveString,'False','false'); sumconSaveString = strrep(sumconSaveString,'*^','*10^'); %% Find parameters clear SumconSaveIndex; sumconParamIndex = regexp(sumconSaveString, 'save[$]\w*'); sumconParamIndex = horzcat(sumconParamIndex, min(strfind(sumconSaveString, 'calc$'))); sumconParamKey = regexp(sumconSaveString, 'save[$]\w*', 'match'); sumconParamKey = strrep(sumconParamKey, 'save$', ''); SumconSaveIndex = struct; for j = 1:length(sumconParamKey) SumconSaveIndex.(sumconParamKey{j}) = [sumconParamIndex(j)+5 sumconParamIndex(j+1)-1]; end %% sus model name sus = makesusstructure(susmodelname); %% Define body name tmp = SumconSaveIndex.bdn; tmp_param = sumconSaveString(tmp(1):tmp(2)); tmp_param = strcat(tmp_param,';'); eval(tmp_param); % bdn made % Load rigid body rigidbodyname = {}; for k = 1:length(bdn) if bdn{k}{1} == 0 rigidbodyname = horzcat(rigidbodyname, bdn{k}{2}); elseif bdn{k}{1} == 1 groundname = bdn{k}{2}; sus = addground(sus, groundname); fprintf('GND added \n'); end end Nbody = length(rigidbodyname); %% Body position %% Damper if isfield(SumconSaveIndex, 'damp') tmp = SumconSaveIndex.damp; tmp_param = sumconSaveString(tmp(1):tmp(2)); tmp_param = strcat(tmp_param,';'); eval(tmp_param); end %% Heat link %% Inverted Pendulum if isfield(SumconSaveIndex, 'IP') tmp = SumconSaveIndex.IP; tmp_param = sumconSaveString(tmp(1):tmp(2)); tmp_param = strcat(tmp_param,';'); eval(tmp_param); end %% Mass and MOI tmp = SumconSaveIndex.mass; tmp_param = sumconSaveString(tmp(1):tmp(2)); tmp_param = strcat(tmp_param,';'); eval(tmp_param); %mass for i = 1:Nbody % Mass of the bodies mbodyname = strcat('m',rigidbodyname(i)); % name of parameters bodymass = mass{1+i}{1}; eq = strcat(mbodyname,'=',num2str(bodymass),';'); eval(char(eq)); % MOI of the bodies moibodyname = strcat('moi',rigidbodyname(i)); % name of parameters bodymoi_x = cell2mat(mass{i+1}{2}{1}); bodymoi_y = cell2mat(mass{i+1}{2}{2}); bodymoi_z = cell2mat(mass{i+1}{2}{3}); bodymoi = [bodymoi_x; bodymoi_y; bodymoi_z]; bodymoi = circshift(bodymoi,1,2); % convert the dimension bodymoi = circshift(bodymoi,1,1); eq = strcat(moibodyname,'=',mat2str(bodymoi),';'); eval(char(eq)); sus = addrigidbody(sus,char(rigidbodyname(i)),bodymass,bodymoi); end %% Material information tmp = SumconSaveIndex.mat; tmp_param = sumconSaveString(tmp(1):tmp(2)); tmp_param = strcat(tmp_param,';'); % tmp_param = strrep(tmp_param,'mat','MatPara'); eval(tmp_param); % MatPara = {{},; % }; % %% shape %% Vertical spring if isfield(SumconSaveIndex, 'vspr') tmp = SumconSaveIndex.vspr; tmp_param = sumconSaveString(tmp(1):tmp(2)); tmp_param = strcat(tmp_param,';'); eval(tmp_param); end %% wire tmp = SumconSaveIndex.wire; tmp_param = sumconSaveString(tmp(1):tmp(2)); tmp_param = strcat(tmp_param,';'); eval(tmp_param); %% GAS Filter if isfield(SumconSaveIndex, 'vspr') GASinfo = cell([length(vspr),1]); for i = 1:length(vspr) % Load GAS position % Assume that GAS is at the upper body of the wire wireNum = vspr{i}{1}; N_ubody = wire{wireNum}{1}; N_lbody = wire{wireNum}{3}; if N_ubody == 1 ubody = groundname; else ubody = rigidbodyname(N_ubody-1); end lbody = rigidbodyname(N_lbody-1); % Name of wire wirename = strcat('w',ubody,'2',lbody); % Isolation saturation level due to CoP db = vspr{i}{6}; Bsp = 10^(db/20); eq = strcat('Bsp_',wirename,'=',num2str(Bsp),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Q of spring Qsp = vspr{i}{9}; eq = strcat('Qsp_',wirename,'=',num2str(vspr{i}{9}),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Resonant frequency of vertical spring question = strcat('GAS resonant frequency at',ubody,' > '); Fr = input(char(question)); eq = strcat('fsp_',wirename,'=',num2str(Fr),';'); eval(char(eq)); GASinfo{i} = {N_ubody,N_lbody,Bsp,Qsp,Fr}; end end %% wire2 tmp = SumconSaveIndex.wire2; tmp_param = sumconSaveString(tmp(1):tmp(2)); tmp_param = strcat(tmp_param,';'); eval(tmp_param); %% for i = 1:length(wire2) % Load connections (ubody = upper body, lbody = lower body) N_ubody = wire2{i}{2}; N_lbody = wire2{i}{3}; if N_ubody == 1 ubody = groundname; else ubody = rigidbodyname(N_ubody-1); end lbody = rigidbodyname(N_lbody-1); % Name of wire wirename = strcat('w',ubody,'2',lbody); % Number of wire n = wire2{i}{1}; eq = strcat('n_',wirename,'=',num2str(n),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Wire length [m] l = wire2{i}{6}{1}; eq = strcat('l_',wirename,'=',num2str(l),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Wire diameter [m] d = wire2{i}{6}{2}; eq = strcat('d_',wirename,'=',num2str(d),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Total load on wires [kg] m = wire2{i}{7}; % Load on each wire [N] m = m*wire2{i}{1}/9.8; % Total load on wires [kg] eq = strcat('m_',wirename,'=',num2str(m),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Material % 1; Young's modulus % 2; Poisson ratio % 3; Shear modulus % 4; Volume density % 5; Tensile strength % 6; Quality factor MaterialNum = wire2{i}{5}; E = matPara{MaterialNum}{1}; eq = strcat('E_',wirename,'=',num2str(E),';'); eval(char(eq)); G = matPara{MaterialNum}{3}; eq = strcat('G_',wirename,'=',num2str(G),';'); eval(char(eq)); T = matPara{MaterialNum}{5}; eq = strcat('T_',wirename,'=',num2str(T),';'); eval(char(eq)); Q = matPara{MaterialNum}{6}; eq = strcat('Q_',wirename,'=',num2str(Q),';'); eval(char(eq)); % wire position if n == 1 % Vertical position of upper SP from upper body CoM [m] h1 = wire2{i}{4}{1}; eq = strcat('h1_',wirename,'=',num2str(h1),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Vertical position of lower SP from lower body CoM [m] h2 = wire2{i}{4}{2}; eq = strcat('h2_',wirename,'=',num2str(h2),';'); eval(char(eq)); %GASinfo{i} = {N_ubody,N_lbody,Bsp,Qsp,Fr}; % Do you have GAS filter? GASproperty = 0; if isfield(SumconSaveIndex, 'vspr') for k = 1:length(GASinfo) if N_ubody == GASinfo{k}{1} && N_lbody == GASinfo{k}{2} GASproperty = k; break end end end %{N_ubody,N_lbody,ln,dn} % Do you have nailhead? if wire2{i}{6}{5} == 1 NeckProperty = 1; ln = wire2{i}{6}{3}; dn = wire2{i}{6}{4}; else NeckProperty = 0; end if GASproperty ~= 0 if NeckProperty == 1 fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); % Add suspension wires and springs sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-F1 n,... % number of wires {... % OPTION 'spring',... % add spring 'neck',... % wire with necks },... % char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2... % vertical position of lower SP ],... % [l,ln],... % length & neck length [d,dn],... % diameter & neck diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q,... % Q factor {'spring',... % SPRING GASinfo{GASproperty}{5},... % resonant frequency GASinfo{GASproperty}{3},... % saturation due to CoP GASinfo{GASproperty}{4}... % spring Q }... % ); else fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-MD n,... % number of wires {'spring' },... % OPTION char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2,... % vertical position of lower SP ],... % l,... % length & neck length d,... % diameter & neck diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q... % Q factor {'spring',... % SPRING GASinfo{GASproperty}{5},... % resonant frequency GASinfo{GASproperty}{3},... % saturation due to CoP GASinfo{GASproperty}{4}... % spring Q }... ); end else if NeckProperty == 1 fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); % Add suspension wires and springs sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-MD n,... % number of wires {'neck'},... % OPTION char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2,... % vertical position of lower SP ],... % [l,ln],... % length [d,dn],... % diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q... % Q factor ); else fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-MD n,... % number of wires {},... % OPTION char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2,... % vertical position of lower SP ],... % l,... % length d,... % diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q... % Q factor ); end end elseif n == 3 % Vertical position of upper SP from upper body CoM [m] h1 = wire2{i}{4}{1}; eq = strcat('h1_',wirename,'=',num2str(h1),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Vertical position of upper SP from upper body CoM [m] h2 = wire2{i}{4}{2}; eq = strcat('h2_',wirename,'=',num2str(h2),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Horizontal distance btw upper SP and upper body CoM [m] r1 = wire2{i}{4}{3}; eq = strcat('r1_',wirename,'=',num2str(r1),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Horizontal distance btw lower SP and lower body CoM [m] r2 = wire2{i}{4}{3}; eq = strcat('r2_',wirename,'=',num2str(r2),';'); %% Assume that the wires are pararell eval(char(eq)); % Do you have GAS filter? GASproperty = 0; for k = 1:length(GASinfo) if N_ubody == GASinfo{k}{1} && N_lbody == GASinfo{k}{2} GASproperty = k; break end end %{N_ubody,N_lbody,ln,dn} % Do you have nailhead? if wire2{i}{6}{5} == 1 NeckProperty = 1; ln = wire2{i}{6}{3}; dn = wire2{i}{6}{4}; else NeckProperty = 0; end if GASproperty ~= 0 if NeckProperty == 1 fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-MD n,... % number of wires {'spring', 'neck'},... % OPTION char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2,... % vertical position of lower SP r1... % horizontal distance of upper SP from CoM ],... % [l,ln],... % length & neck length [d,dn],... % diameter & neck diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q,... % Q factor {'spring',... % SPRING GASinfo{GASproperty}{5},... % resonant frequency GASinfo{GASproperty}{3},... % saturation due to CoP GASinfo{GASproperty}{4}... % spring Q }... ); else fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-MD n,... % number of wires {'spring'},... % OPTION char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2,... % vertical position of lower SP r1... % horizontal distance of upper SP from CoM ],... % l,... % length d,... % diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q,... % Q factor {'spring',... % SPRING GASinfo{GASproperty}{5},... % resonant frequency GASinfo{GASproperty}{3},... % saturation due to CoP GASinfo{GASproperty}{4}... % spring Q }... ); end else if NeckProperty == 1 fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-MD n,... % number of wires {'neck'},... % OPTION char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2,... % vertical position of lower SP r1... % horizontal distance of upper SP from CoM ],... % [l,ln],... % length & neck length [d,dn],... % diameter & neck diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q... % Q factor ); else fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-MD n,... % number of wires {},... % OPTION char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2,... % vertical position of lower SP r1... % horizontal distance of upper SP from CoM ],... % l,... % length d,... % diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q... % Q factor ); end end elseif wire2{i}{1} == 4 % Vertical position of upper SP from upper body CoM [m] h1 = wire2{i}{4}{1}; eq = strcat('h1_',wirename,'=',num2str(h1),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Vertical position of upper SP from upper body CoM [m] h2 = wire2{i}{4}{2}; eq = strcat('h2_',wirename,'=',num2str(h2),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Transversal sepration of wires in upper SP w1 = wire2{i}{4}{3}; eq = strcat('w1_',wirename,'=',num2str(w1),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Transversal sepration of wires in upper SP w2 = wire2{i}{4}{3}; eq = strcat('w2_',wirename,'=',num2str(w2),';'); % Assume symmetry eval(char(eq)); % Longitudinal separation of wires in upper SP d1 = wire2{i}{4}{4}; eq = strcat('d1_',wirename,'=',num2str(d1),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Longitudinal separation of wires in upper SP d2 = wire2{i}{4}{4}; eq = strcat('d2_',wirename,'=',num2str(d2),';'); eval(char(eq)); %GASinfo{i} = {N_ubody,N_lbody,Bsp,Qsp,Fr}; % Do you have GAS filter? GASproperty = 0; for k = 1:length(GASinfo) if N_ubody == GASinfo{k}{1} && N_lbody == GASinfo{k}{2} GASproperty = k; break end end %{N_ubody,N_lbody,ln,dn} % Do you have nailhead? if wire2{i}{6}{5} == 1 NeckProperty = 1; ln = wire2{i}{6}{3}; dn = wire2{i}{6}{4}; else NeckProperty = 0; end if GASproperty ~= 0 if NeckProperty == 1 fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-MD n,... % number of wires {'spring', 'neck'},... % OPTION char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2,... % vertical position of lower SP w1,... % transversal position of upper SP d1,... % longitudinal position of upper SP ],... % [l,ln],... % length & neck length [d,dn],... % diameter & neck diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q... % Q factor {'spring',... % SPRING GASinfo{GASproperty}{5},... % resonant frequency GASinfo{GASproperty}{3},... % saturation due to CoP GASinfo{GASproperty}{4}... % spring Q }... ); else fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-MD n,... % number of wires {'spring'},... % OPTION char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2,... % vertical position of lower SP w1,... % transversal position of upper SP d1,... % longitudinal position of upper SP ],... % l,... % length & neck length d,... % diameter & neck diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q,... % Q factor {'spring',... % SPRING GASinfo{GASproperty}{5},... % resonant frequency GASinfo{GASproperty}{3},... % saturation due to CoP GASinfo{GASproperty}{4}... % spring Q }... ); end else if NeckProperty == 1 fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-MD n,... % number of wires {'neck'},... % OPTION char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2,... % vertical position of lower SP w1,... % transversal position of upper SP d1,... % longitudinal position of upper SP ],... % [l,ln],... % length & neck length [d,dn],... % diameter & neck diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q... % Q factor ); else fprintf('wire btw %s and %s , GAS = %f, Neck = %f \n', char(ubody), char(lbody), GASproperty, NeckProperty); sus = addsuswire(sus,... % F0-MD n,... % number of wires {},... % OPTION char(ubody),... % upper body char(lbody),... % lower body [... % GEOMETRIC PARAMETER h1,... % vertical position of upper SP h2,... % vertical position of lower SP w1,... % transversal position of upper SP d1,... % longitudinal position of upper SP ],... % l,... % length & neck length d,... % diameter & neck diameter m,... % total load E,... % Young's modulus G,... % shear modulus Q... % Q factor ); end end else warning('Sorry, I cannot add wire...'); return end end %% Add Damper if isfield(SumconSaveIndex, 'damp') for i = 1:length(damp) % Load damper position body1 = bdn{damp{i}{2}}(2); body2 = bdn{damp{i}{3}}(2); % Damping point on body1 pos1 = cell2mat(damp{i}{4}); pos1 = circshift(pos1,1,2); % convert the dimension pos1 = circshift(pos1,1,1); eq = strcat('pos_damp',body1,'=',mat2str(pos1),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Damping point on body2 pos2 = cell2mat(damp{i}{5}); pos2 = circshift(pos2,1,2); % convert the dimension pos2 = circshift(pos2,1,1); eq = strcat('pos_damp',body2,'=',mat2str(pos2),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Damping coefficient matrix % Assume No Cross Coupling T = damp{i}{6}{1}{1}; V = damp{i}{6}{2}{2}; L = damp{i}{6}{3}{3}; Roll = damp{i}{6}{4}{4}; Yaw = damp{i}{6}{5}{5}; Pitch = damp{i}{6}{6}{6}; mat = diag([L,T,V,Pitch,Roll,Yaw]); eq = strcat('mat_damp',body1,body2,'=',mat2str(mat),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Add damper sus = adddamper(sus,... % MD-F1 char(body1),... % body1 char(body2),... % body2 pos1,... % damping point at body1 pos2,... % damping point at body2 mat... % damping matrix ); end end %% Add IP if isfield(SumconSaveIndex, 'IP') IPlbody = {}; for i = 1:length(IP) N_ubody = IP{i}{1}; N_lbody = IP{i}{2}; if N_ubody == 1 ubody = groundname; else ubody = rigidbodyname(N_ubody-1); end lbody = rigidbodyname(N_lbody-1); IPlbody = horzcat(IPlbody, lbody); % ip name ipname = strcat('ip',ubody,'2',lbody); % total load [kg] m = IP{i}{10}; eq = strcat('m_',ipname,'=',num2str(m),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Length of legs [m] l = IP{i}{7}; eq = strcat('l_',ipname,'=',num2str(l),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Distance between leg and center [m] pos_x = IP{i}{3}{1}{1}; pos_y = IP{i}{3}{1}{2}; r = sqrt(pos_x^2 + pos_y^2); eq = strcat('r_',ipname,'=',num2str(r),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Saturation level due to CoP db = IP{i}{8}; B = 10^(db/20); eq = strcat('B_',ipname,'=',num2str(B),';'); eval(char(eq)); % Quality factor Q = IP{i}{5}{4}; eq = strcat('Q_',ipname,'=',num2str(Q),';'); % Quality facor of YAW eval(char(eq)); % Additional torsion stiffness [Nm/rad] kt = IP{i}{4}{4}; eq = strcat('kt_',ipname,'=',num2str(kt),';'); eval(char(eq)); f = input('IP resonant frequency [Hz] ? >' ); eq = strcat('f_',ipname,'=',num2str(f),';'); eval(char(eq)); %kt=80; % Add inverted pendulum sus = addinvpend(sus,... % GND-F0 char(ubody),... % base body char(lbody),... % supported body m,... % total load [kg] r,... % horizontal distance of leg from CoM [m] l,... % leg length [m] f,... % resonant frequency [Hz] Q,... % quality factor of flexure B,... % saturation level kt... % additional torsion tiffness [Nm/rad] ); end end %% Build suspension model sus = buildsusmodel(sus); % make state-space matrix %% Simulink model % input variables var_a_GND = {strcat('accL',groundname),strcat('accT',groundname),strcat('accV',groundname),strcat('accR',groundname),strcat('accP',groundname),strcat('accY',groundname)}; % GND acceleration invsim = [var_a_GND]; for body = rigidbodyname body = char(body); var = {strcat('actL',body),strcat('actT',body),strcat('actV',body),strcat('actR',body),strcat('actP',body),strcat('actY',body)}; invsim = [invsim, var]; end %% output variables var_d_GND = {strcat('L',groundname),strcat('T',groundname),strcat('V',groundname),strcat('R',groundname),strcat('P',groundname),strcat('Y',groundname)}; % GND acceleration var_v_GND = {strcat('velR',groundname),strcat('velP',groundname)}; % GND velocity outvsim = [var_d_GND]; outvsim = [outvsim, var_v_GND]; for body = rigidbodyname body = char(body); var_d = {strcat('L',body),strcat('T',body),strcat('V',body),strcat('R',body),strcat('P',body),strcat('Y',body)}; outvsim = [outvsim, var_d]; if isfield(SumconSaveIndex, 'IP') if cell2mat(strfind(IPlbody,body)) ~= zeros(size(IPlbody)) var_v = {strcat('velL',body),strcat('velT',body),strcat('velV',body),strcat('velR',body),strcat('velP',body),strcat('velY',body)}; outvsim = [outvsim, var_v]; end end end %% sys1=sus.ss; % ss model constructsimmodel(... % CONSTRUCT SIMUKINK BLOCK MODEL susmodelname,... % model name sys1,... % state-space model 'sys1',... % state-space model name invsim,... % input variables outvsim... % output variables ); % simulinkfile = strcat(susmodelname,'mdl'); save(simulinkfile,'sys1','sus'); % save sus model %% Passive Calculation %freq=logspace(-2,2,1001); %bodesusplot(sys1,'actLF0','LF0',freq); %% Eigen eiglist=makeeigenlist(sus);