% par = paramEligo(version); % by K.Agatsuma, 13Feb2011 % Using parameters are the following link % http://gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/LCGT/subgroup/ifo/MIF/OptParam function par = paramPowerIlcgt(P0, Rprm, Rpr2, Rpr3, Rsrm, Rsr2, Rsr3); % basic constants lambda = 1064e-9; % Can't we get inherit these somehow? c = 299792458; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Detector Geometry (distances in meters) % Lengths (check these with measured values and then remove this comment) lasy = 3.3293; % Schnupp Asy: lasy = lIX - lIY par.Length.lPRC = 73.24838; %PRCL: par.Length.lPRC = lPR + (lIX + lIY) / 2 %par.Length.lPRC = 57.655747; % New requirements by Stefan, 20 mm shorter than before par.Length.lSRC = 73.24838; par.Length.EX = 3000.0; % length [m] of the X arm par.Length.EY = 3000.0; % length [m] of the Y arm par.PR12 = 14.7609; % Distance between PRM and PR2 par.PR23 = 12.0667; % Distance between PR2 and PR3 par.PR3b = 14.7638; % Distance between PR3 and BS par.SR12 = 14.7609; % Distance between SRM and SR2 par.SR23 = 12.0667; % Distance between SR2 and SR3 par.SR3b = 14.7638; % Distance between SR3 and BS lmean = par.Length.lPRC - (par.PR12 + par.PR23 + par.PR3b); % (lIX + lIY) / 2 = 25 %lmean1 = par.Length.lSRC - (par.SR12 + par.SR23 + par.SR3b); % Optickle lenghts are defined between HR surfaces par.Length.IX = lmean + lasy / 2; % distance [m] from BS (HR) to IX (HR) par.Length.IY = lmean - lasy / 2; % distance [m] from BS (HR) to IY (HR) par.Length.lmean = lmean; %par.Length.lmean1 = lmean1; % Radius of Curvature [m] >>>>>>>>>>>>> par.IX.ROC = inf; % 1901.92 as an alternative par.IY.ROC = inf; par.EX.ROC = 7000; par.EY.ROC = 7000; par.BS.ROC = Inf; par.PRM.ROC = Rprm; % 300.624 par.PR2.ROC = Rpr2; % -3.251 par.PR3.ROC = Rpr3; % 27.36 par.SRM.ROC = Rsrm; % 300.624 par.SR2.ROC = Rsr2; % -3.251 par.SR3.ROC = Rsr3; % 27.36 par.IN1.ROC = Inf; par.IN2.ROC = Inf; % Microscopic length offsets >>>>>>>>>>>>> dETM = 0.5e-12; % DARM offset, for DC readout TO BE TUNED dTune = 0 * 1.0640e-006/720; % SRM position par.IX.pos = 0; par.IY.pos = 0; par.EX.pos = dETM / 2 ; par.EY.pos = -dETM / 2 ; par.BS.pos = 0 ; par.PRM.pos = 0 ; par.SRM.pos = lambda / 4 + dTune ; par.PR2.pos = 0; par.SR2.pos = 0; par.PR3.pos = 0; par.SR3.pos = 0; par.IN1.pos = 0; par.IN2.pos = 0; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Mirror Parameters % from 20101122_review_mirror % Arm cavity Finesse and imbalance Ltm = 40e-6; % Loss of the test masses (aiming for 400kW of arm) dLoss = 10e-6; % determines the contrast defect %Titm = 0.004; %aiming for Finesse 1550 (1 - Titm is Reflectivity for Power) %dTitm = Titm/50; % = Titmx - Titmy % HR Transmissivities of Arm cavity >>>>>>>>>>>>> %par.IX.T = (1 - 0.996)*(1-p.notperfect*p.ITMasym/2)-45*ppm; par.IX.T = (1 - 0.996) - Ltm; par.IY.T = (1 - 0.996) - Ltm; par.BS.T = 0.5; %par.EY.T = 55*ppm*(1+p.ETMasym/2)-45*ppm; par.EX.T = (1 - 0.999945) - Ltm; % nominal(1 - 0.999945) par.EY.T = (1 - 0.999945) - Ltm; % Recycling Mirror Transmissions >>>>>>>>>>>>> par.PRM.T = 1; % 1 - 0.90 - 45e-6 par.PR2.T = 50e-6; % Check this par.PR3.T = 500e-6; % Check this par.SRM.T = 1; % 0.1536 - 45e-6 par.SR2.T = 50e-6; % Check this par.SR3.T = 50e-6; % Check this par.IN1.T = 0; par.IN2.T = 100e-6; % for REFL % AR Surfaces (;maybe reflection) >>>>>>>>>>>>> par.IX.Rar = 50e-6; par.IY.Rar = 50e-6; % 3 Rar surfaces: 2 CP surf + ITM par.EX.Rar = 0; par.EY.Rar = 0; par.BS.Rar = 50e-6; par.PRM.Rar = 0; % high for REFL; 1000e-6 par.PR2.Rar = 0; par.PR3.Rar = 0; par.SRM.Rar = 0; % 50e-6 par.SR2.Rar = 0; par.SR3.Rar = 0; par.IN1.Rar = 0; par.IN2.Rar = 0; % HR Losses >>>>>>>>>>>>> par.IX.L = Ltm; par.IY.L = Ltm; par.EX.L = Ltm + dLoss/2; par.EY.L = Ltm - dLoss/2; par.BS.L = 100e-6; par.PRM.L = 0; % 45e-6 par.PR2.L = 100e-6; par.PR3.L = 100e-6; par.SRM.L = 0; % 45e-6 par.SR2.L = 100e-6; par.SR3.L = 100e-6; par.IN1.L = 100e-6; par.IN2.L = 100e-6; % mechanical parameters >>>>>>>>>>>>> par.w = 2 * pi * 0.7878; % resonance frequency mirror (rad/s) ;40cm suspension par.mass = 30; % mass mirror (kg) par.w_pit = 2 * pi * 0.6; % pitch mode resonance frequency % Mirror dimensions par.rTM = 0.25/2; % test-mass radius par.tTM = 0.15; % test-mass thickness par.iTM = (3 * par.rTM^2 + par.tTM^2) / 12; % TM moment / mass par.iI = par.mass * par.iTM; % moment of mirrors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Input Beam Parameters par.Pin = P0; % input power (W) f1 = 16.880962e+6; % first modulation frequency (f1 = (3 + 1/2) * c/(2 * par.Length.lPRC);) f2 = 45.015898e+6; % second modulation frequency %f3 = 56.269873e+6; % AM Nmod1 = 2; % first modulation order Nmod2 = 2; % second modulation order %Nmod3 = 1; % third modulation order % construct modulation vectors n1 = (-Nmod1:Nmod1)'; n2 = (-Nmod2:Nmod2)'; %n3 = (-Nmod3:Nmod3)'; %vFrf = unique([n1 * f1; n2 * f2; n3 * f3; f1+f2; f1-f2; -(f1+f2); -f1+f2]); vFrf = unique([n1 * f1; n2 * f2; f1+f2; f1-f2; -(f1+f2); -f1+f2]); % input amplitude is just carrier nCarrier = find(vFrf == 0, 1); vArf = zeros(size(vFrf)); vArf(nCarrier) = sqrt(par.Pin); par.Laser.vFrf = vFrf; par.Laser.vArf = vArf; par.Laser.Power = par.Pin; par.Laser.Wavelength = lambda; par.Mod.f1 = f1; par.Mod.f2 = f2; %par.Mod.f3 = f3; par.Mod.g1 = 0.1; % first modulation depth; effectively g = 0.15 if no MZ par.Mod.g2 = 0.1; % second modulation depth; effectively g = 0.05 if no MZ %par.Mod.g3 = 0.15; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%