function determineDemodPhase(doplot, resultDir, p) % Determine the optimal demodulation phase %% Default options try doplot; catch doplot = 0; end try resultDir; catch resultDir = 0; end %% Units constants nm=1e-9; pm=1e-12; %% Construct a model [opt,n,l, pr] = modelLCGT(p); %% ************** Find Optimal Demodulation Phases ************* f=p.ftickle; % Tickle Frequency dpPhaseCell={}; % Tickle [fDC, sigDC, sigAC]=tickle(opt,[],f); %% ASPO_1I for DARM [p.dpASPO1, signal, offset] = optimalDemodPhase({sigDC,sigAC},pr.ASPO_1I, pr.ASPO_1Q, ... getDriveNumbers(opt,{'ETMX','ETMY'}),[1,-1],'I','signal','max'); dpPhaseCell=[dpPhaseCell, ['p.dpASPO1 = ',num2str(p.dpASPO1)]]; %% REFL_2I for CARM [p.dpREFL2, signal, offset] = optimalDemodPhase({sigDC,sigAC},pr.REFL_2I, pr.REFL_2Q, ... getDriveNumbers(opt,{'ETMX','ETMY'}),[1,1],'I','signal','max'); dpPhaseCell=[dpPhaseCell, ['p.dpREFL2 = ',num2str(p.dpREFL2)]]; %% REFL_1Q for MICH (Minimize CARM) [p.dpREFL1, signal, offset] = optimalDemodPhase({sigDC,sigAC},pr.REFL_1I, pr.REFL_1Q, ... getDriveNumbers(opt,{'ETMX','ETMY'}),[1,1], ... 'Q','signal','min'); dpPhaseCell=[dpPhaseCell, ['p.dpREFL1 = ',num2str(p.dpREFL1)]]; %% POP1Q for MICH (minimizing CARM) [p.dpPOP1, signal, offset] = optimalDemodPhase({sigDC,sigAC},pr.POP_1I, pr.POP_1Q, ... getDriveNumbers(opt,{'ETMX','ETMY'}),[1,1], ... 'Q','signal','min'); dpPhaseCell=[dpPhaseCell, ['p.dpPOP1 = ',num2str(p.dpPOP1)]]; %% POP2I for PRC [p.dpPOP2, signal, offset] = optimalDemodPhase({sigDC,sigAC},pr.POP_2I, pr.POP_2Q, ... getDriveNumbers(opt,{'PRM'}),[1], ... 'I','signal','max'); dpPhaseCell=[dpPhaseCell, ['p.dpPOP2 = ',num2str(p.dpPOP2)]]; %% REFL_2DI for PRC [p.dpREFL2Dp, signalP, offsetP] = optimalDemodPhase({sigDC,sigAC},pr.REFL_2DpI, pr.REFL_2DpQ, ... getDriveNumbers(opt,{'PRM'}),[1],'I','signal','max'); [p.dpREFL2Dm, signalM, offsetM] = optimalDemodPhase({sigDC,sigAC},pr.REFL_2DmI, pr.REFL_2DmQ, ... getDriveNumbers(opt,{'PRM'}),[1],'I','signal','max'); dpPhaseCell=[dpPhaseCell, ['p.dpREFL2Dp = ',num2str(p.dpREFL2Dp)]]; dpPhaseCell=[dpPhaseCell, ['p.dpREFL2Dm = ',num2str(p.dpREFL2Dm)]]; %% REFL_1DQ for MICH [p.dpREFL1Dp, signalP, offsetP] = optimalDemodPhase({sigDC,sigAC},pr.REFL_1DpI, pr.REFL_1DpQ, ... getDriveNumbers(opt,{'ETMX','ETMY','ITMX','ITMY'}),[1,-1,-1,1],'Q','signal','max'); [p.dpREFL1Dm, signalM, offsetM] = optimalDemodPhase({sigDC,sigAC},pr.REFL_1DmI, pr.REFL_1DmQ, ... getDriveNumbers(opt,{'ETMX','ETMY','ITMX','ITMY'}),[1,-1,-1,1],'Q','signal','max'); dpPhaseCell=[dpPhaseCell, ['p.dpREFL1Dp = ',num2str(p.dpREFL1Dp)]]; dpPhaseCell=[dpPhaseCell, ['p.dpREFL1Dm = ',num2str(p.dpREFL1Dm)]]; %% Write results in a file fname='/home/aso/exp/LCGT/ISC/CoreModel/Optickle/LCGT-aso/demodPhaseLCGT.m'; fid=fopen(fname,'w'); for ii=1:length(dpPhaseCell) fprintf(fid,'%s;\n',dpPhaseCell{ii}); end fclose(fid); if resultDir fname=[resultDir, '/demodPhases.txt']; fid=fopen(fname,'w'); for ii=1:length(dpPhaseCell) fprintf(fid,'%s;\n',dpPhaseCell{ii}); end fclose(fid); end %% Tickle with new demod phases if doplot [opt,n,l, pr] = modelLCGT(p); [fDC, sigDC, sigAC]=tickle(opt,[],f); end %% Drive names and driving matrix if doplot driveNames = {'ETMX','ETMY','ITMX','ITMY','PRM','SRM'}; cDrvNames = {'DARM','CARM','MICH','PRC','SRC'}; mDrv = [1,-1,0,0,0,0; %DARM 1,1,0,0,0,0; %CARM 1,-1,-1,1,0,0;%MICH 0,0,0,0,1,0; %PRC 0,0,0,0,0,1]; %SRC end %% Sensing matrix for ASPO1 if doplot close all probeNames = {'ASPO_1I', 'ASPO_1Q'}; cPrbNames = {'ASPO_1I', 'ASPO_1Q'}; mPrb = [1,0; 0,1]; h1=figure(1); plotSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Sensing Matrix for ASPO_1','FontSize',16); h2=figure(2); plotVectorSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames) title('Vector Sensing Matrix for ASPO_1','FontSize',16); if resultDir print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrix_ASPO1.pdf']); print(h2, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrixVector_ASPO1.pdf']); end end %% Sensing matrix for REFL2 if doplot close all probeNames = {'REFL_2I', 'REFL_2Q'}; cPrbNames = {'REFL_2I', 'REFL_2Q'}; mPrb = [1,0; 0,1]; h1=figure(1); plotSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Sensing Matrix for REFL_2','FontSize',16); h2=figure(2); plotVectorSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames) title('Vector Sensing Matrix for REFL_2','FontSize',16); if resultDir print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrix_REFL2.pdf']); print(h2, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrixVector_REFL2.pdf']); end end %% Sensing Matrix for REFL_1 if doplot close all probeNames = {'REFL_1I', 'REFL_1Q'}; cPrbNames = {'REFL_1I', 'REFL_1Q'}; mPrb = [1,0; 0,1]; h1=figure(1); plotSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Sensing Matrix for REFL_1','FontSize',16); h2=figure(2); plotVectorSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Vector Sensing Matrix for REFL_1','FontSize',16); if resultDir print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrix_REFL1.pdf']); print(h2, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrixVector_REFL1.pdf']); end end %% Sensing Matrix for POP1 if doplot close all probeNames = {'POP_1I', 'POP_1Q'}; cPrbNames = {'POP_1I', 'POP_1Q'}; mPrb = [1,0; 0,1]; h1=figure(1); plotSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Sensing Matrix for POP_1','FontSize',16); h2=figure(2); plotVectorSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Vector Sensing Matrix for POP_1','FontSize',16); if resultDir print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrix_POP1.pdf']); print(h2, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrixVector_POP1.pdf']); end end %% Sensing Matrix for POP2 if doplot close all probeNames = {'POP_2I', 'POP_2Q'}; cPrbNames = {'POP_2I', 'POP_2Q'}; mPrb = [1,0; 0,1]; h1=figure(1); plotSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Sensing Matrix for POP_2','FontSize',16); h2=figure(2); plotVectorSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Vector Sensing Matrix for POP_2','FontSize',16); if resultDir print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrix_POP2.pdf']); print(h2, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrixVector_POP2.pdf']); end end %% Sensing matrix for REFL_2D if doplot close all probeNames = {'REFL_2DpI', 'REFL_2DpQ','REFL_2DmI', 'REFL_2DmQ'}; cPrbNames = {'REFL_2DpI', 'REFL_2DpQ','REFL_2DmI', 'REFL_2DmQ'}; mPrb = [1,0,0,0; 0,1,0,0; 0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,1]; h1=figure(1); plotSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Sensing Matrix for REFL_2D','FontSize',16); h2=figure(2); plotVectorSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Vector Sensing Matrix for REFL_2D','FontSize',16); if resultDir print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrix_REFL2D.pdf']); print(h2, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrixVector_REFL2D.pdf']); end end %% Sensing matrix for REFL_1D if doplot close all probeNames = {'REFL_1DpI', 'REFL_1DpQ','REFL_1DmI', 'REFL_1DmQ'}; cPrbNames = {'REFL_1DpI', 'REFL_1DpQ','REFL_1DmI', 'REFL_1DmQ'}; mPrb = [1,0,0,0; 0,1,0,0; 0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,1]; h1=figure(1); plotSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Sensing Matrix for REFL_1D','FontSize',16); h2=figure(2); plotVectorSensingMatrix(opt, sigAC, probeNames, mPrb, cPrbNames, driveNames, ... mDrv, cDrvNames); title('Vector Sensing Matrix for REFL_1D','FontSize',16); if resultDir print(h1, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrix_REFL1D.pdf']); print(h2, '-dpdf', [resultDir, 'SensingMatrixVector_REFL1D.pdf']); end end close all