Source code for gtrace.optics.cavity

""" - A Cavity class and related functions for representing a Fabry-Perot cavity

#{{{ Import modules
import numpy as np
pi = np.pi
c = 299792458.0
sqrt = np.lib.scimath.sqrt
import gtrace.optics.gaussian as gauss
from enthought.traits.api import CFloat, HasTraits

#{{{ Class Cavity

[docs]class Cavity(HasTraits): """ A class to represent a Fabry-Perot cavity. *Attributes* **r1:** Input mirror reflectivity (amplitude) **r2:** End mirror reflectivity (amplitude) **rp1:** Input mirror reflectivity (power) **rp2:** End mirror reflectivity (power) **L:** Length **R1:** ROC of the input mirror (positive when concave to incident light, i.e. convex seen from inside the cavity) **R2:** ROC of the end mirror (positive when concave to incident light, i.e. concave seen from inside the cavity) **wl:** Wavelength """ r1 = CFloat(0.9) r2 = CFloat(0.99) rp1 = CFloat() rp2 = CFloat() tp1 = CFloat() tp2 = CFloat() t1 = CFloat() t2 = CFloat() L = CFloat(1.0) R1 = CFloat(-1.5) R2 = CFloat(1.5) g1 = CFloat() g2 = CFloat() wl=CFloat() def __init__(self, r1=0.9, r2=0.99, L=1.0, R1=-1.5, R2=1.5, wl=1064e-9, power=False): """ **r1:** Input mirror reflectivity **r2:** End mirror reflectivity **L:** Length **R1:** ROC of the input mirror (positive when concave to incident light, i.e. convex seen from inside the cavity) **R2:** ROC of the end mirror (positive when concave to incident light, i.e. concave seen from inside the cavity) **wl:** Wavelength **power:** If True, r1 and r2 are treated as power reflectivities. Otherwise, r1 and r2 are regarded as amplitude reflectivities. """ if power: self.r1 = np.sqrt(r1) self.r2 = np.sqrt(r2) else: self.r1 = r1 self.r2 = r2 self.L = L self.R1 = R1 self.R2 = R2 self.wl = wl #{{{ Trait change handlers def _R1_changed(self, old, new): self.g1 = 1 + self.L/new def _R2_changed(self, old, new): self.g2 = 1 - self.L/new def _L_changed(self, old, new): self.g1 = 1 + new/self.R1 self.g2 = 1 - new/self.R2 def _r1_changed(self, old, r1): self.rp1 = r1**2 self.tp1 = 1 - self.rp1 self.t1 = np.sqrt(self.tp1) def _r2_changed(self, old, r2): self.rp2 = r2**2 self.tp2 = 1 - self.rp2 self.t2 = np.sqrt(self.tp2) #}}}
[docs] def finesse(self): ''' Returns the finesse of the cavity. ''' return finesse(self.r1, self.r2)
[docs] def storageTime(self): ''' Storage time ''' return 2*self.L*self.finesse()/(2*pi*c)
[docs] def pole(self): ''' Cavity pole frequency [Hz] ''' return 1/(2*pi*self.storageTime())
[docs] def Nbounce(self): ''' Bounce number ''' return 2*self.finesse()/pi
[docs] def powerGain(self): ''' Ratio of the intra-cavity power to the input power. ''' return (self.t1/(1-self.r1*self.r2))**2
[docs] def FSR(self): ''' Returns the free spectral range of the cavity. ''' return c/(2*self.L)
[docs] def modeSpacing(self): ''' Return the transverse mode spacing of the cavity (commonly called gamma). It is a fractional number defined by gamma = (mode spacing frequency)/FSR. ''' return gauss.modeSpacing(self.g1, self.g2)
[docs] def waist(self, size=False): """ Return the q-parameter or the radius of the beam at the cavity waist. *Input arguments* **size:** (optional) if set to true, the first element of the returned tuple will be the waist size, rather than the q-parameter. *==Returned parameters ==* **(q0, d):** This function returns a tuple with two elements. The first element is the q-parameter of the cavity mode at the cavity waist. If size=True is given, it becomes the waist size (1/e^2 radius). The second element is the distance of the cavity waist from the input mirror. """ # q0 = 1j*np.sqrt(self.L)*np.sqrt(-(self.L+self.R1)*(self.L-self.R2)\ # *(self.L+self.R1-self.R2))\ # /(2*self.L+self.R1-self.R2) q0 = 1j*sqrt(-self.L*(self.L+self.R1)**2*(self.L-self.R2)*\ (self.L+self.R1-self.R2)/((-2*self.L-self.R1+self.R2)**2))\ /sqrt(self.L+self.R1) d = self.L*(self.L-self.R2)/(2*self.L+self.R1-self.R2) if size: return (gauss.q2w(q0, wl=self.wl), d) else: return (q0, d)
[docs] def spotSize(self): """ Returns the beam spot sizes on the input and end mirrors as a tuple (w1,w2). """ (q0,d) = self.waist() w1=gauss.q2w(q0-d, wl=self.wl) w2=gauss.q2w(q0+self.L-d, wl=self.wl) return (w1, w2)
[docs] def trans(self, f=0, d=0): """ Returns the amplitude transmissivity of the cavity. It assumes the cavity was locked to the incident light first. Then computes the amplitude transmissivity for the light with a frequency shift f from the original light with the cavity length changed by d from the initial state. *== Input arguments ==* **f:** Frequency shift of the light in Hz. **d:** Cavity length detuning in m. *== Returned parameter ==* The amplitude transmissivity of the cavity (a complex number). """ #One way phase change phi=2*pi*(self.L*f/c + d/self.wl + d*f/c) return self.t1 * self.t2 * np.exp(-1j*phi)/\ (1-self.r1*self.r2*np.exp(-2j*phi))
[docs] def refl(self, f=0, d=0): """ Returns the amplitude reflectivity of the cavity. It assumes the cavity was locked to the incident light first. Then computes the amplitude reflectivity for the light with a frequency shift f from the original light with the cavity length changed by d from the initial state. *== Input arguments ==* **f:** Frequency shift of the light in Hz. **d:** Cavity length detuning in m. *== Returned parameter ==* The amplitude reflectivity of the cavity (a complex number). """ #One way phase change phi=2*pi*(self.L*f/c + d/self.wl + d*f/c) return -self.r1+self.t1**2 * self.r2 *np.exp(-2j*phi)/\ (1-self.r1*self.r2*np.exp(-2j*phi))
[docs] def intra(self, f=0, d=0): """ Returns the intra cavity field amplitude. It assumes the cavity was locked to the incident light first. Then computes the intra-cavity field amplitude for the light with a frequency shift f from the original light with the cavity length changed by d from the initial state. *== Input arguments ==* **f:** Frequency shift of the light in Hz. **d:** Cavity length detuning in m. *== Returned parameter ==* The intra-cavity field amplitude at the input mirror surface (a complex number). """ #One way phase change phi=2*pi*((self.L+d)*f/c + d/self.wl) return self.t1/(1-self.r1*self.r2*np.exp(-2j*phi)) #}}} #{{{ Often used parameters
[docs]def finesse(r1, r2, power=False): ''' Returns the finesse of a cavity ''' if power: r1 = np.sqrt(r1) r2 = np.sqrt(r2) return pi*np.sqrt(r1*r2)/(1-r1*r2) #}}}